966 resultados para cylindrical aquarium
Avaliaram-se as exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia em juvenis de acará-bandeira (Pterophyllum scalare). Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, com três níveis de proteína bruta (26, 30 e 34%), dois de energia digestível (3.100 e 3.300 kcal/kg de ração) e três repetições. Juvenis com peso médio de 2,33 ± 0,26 g foram distribuídos em aquários contendo 25 litros de água, temperatura controlada (26 ± 1ºC) e filtro biológico, na densidade de estocagem de seis animais por aquário. Os peixes foram alimentados à vontade às 9, 14 e 16h30. Na análise do desempenho produtivo, foram avaliados o peso final, o comprimento final, o ganho de peso, o consumo de ração, a conversão alimentar, a taxa de crescimento específico, a taxa de eficiência protéica e o fator de condição. As dietas contendo 26% PB proporcionaram maiores valores para taxa de eficiência protéica apenas em relação às dietas contendo 34% PB. As exigências nutricionais de proteína e energia em juvenis de acará-bandeira podem ser atendidas com dietas contendo 26% PB e 3.100 kcal ED/kg.
An analytical method is proposed to study the attitude stability of a triaxial spacecraft moving in a circular Keplerian orbit in the geomagnetic field. The method is developed based on the electrodynamics effect of the influence of the Lorentz force acting on the charged spacecraft's surface. We assume that the rigid spacecraft is equipped with an electrostatic charged protective shield, having an intrinsic magnetic moment. The main elements of this shield are an electrostatic charged cylindrical screen surrounding the protected volume of the spacecraft. The rotational motion of the spacecraft about its centre of mass due to torques from gravitational force, as well Lorentz and magnetic forces is investigated. The equilibrium positions of the spacecraft in the orbital coordinate system are obtained. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability of the spacecraft's equilibrium positions are constructed using Lyapunov's direct method. The numerical results have shown that the Lorentz force has a significant influence on the stability of the equilibrium positions, which can affect the attitude stabilization of the spacecraft. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The experiment was carried out at Sao Manuel Experimental Farm, Agronomy College, São Paulo State University, Brazil, in a Dark-Red Latosol (loamy sand) to verify oat (Avena strigosa Schreber) rooting patterns under different plant populations (1,5 x 10(6) and 2.5 x 106 plants/ha) and row spacings (0.20 and 0.30 m.). Soil and roots were sampled 81 days after planting, at bloom stage. Cylindrical cores with 2.6 cm diameter were taken from soil depths of 0-10, 10-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm. At the same time, plant canopies where also sampled to determine the dry weight. Soil analysis showed P to be concentrated in the upper 10 cm whereas the bases were uniform in the profile. There was a high root concentration in the 0-10 cm layer (9.9 to 13.0 cm/cm3 under the row and 10.0 to 11.5 cm/cm2 in the inter-row), which was not related to chemical characteristics of the soil. There was no effect of plant population or row spacing on oat root distribution or growth in the soil profile.
The chemical modulation of agonistic behavior and conspecific recognition were tested in juveniles of the fish Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). After a 7-day isolation period, the fish were grouped (four individuals per aquarium) for 7 days. Then fish of alpha and beta ranks (previously matched for similar size) were paired in a neutral territory for analysis of their agonistic interaction. Pairs composed of alpha and beta fish were established with either fish from the same group (familiar) or from two different groups (unfamiliar). The pairs were tested in contiguous compartments, either with water exchange between the compartments or in the absence of water exchange. In each condition the fish were separated by a transparent glass partition. Twelve pairs were tested in each experimental condition. Fish behavior was videotaped and the following variables were analyzed: (a) frequency of and time spent in agonistic patterns, (b) latency to start fighting, and (c) duration of swimming. Water exchange between compartments decreased agonistic interactions. This effect, however, was more pronounced in pairs of fish coming from the same group (in this case, subordinate fish spent less time in confrontations than dominant ones). We conclude that chemical communication decreases aggression in this species by (1) inducing an alarm reaction and (2) increasing conspecific recognition (thus stabilizing the dominance hierarchy). (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.
Statement of problem. The success of metal-ceramic restorations is influenced by the compatibility between base metal alloys and porcelains. Although porcelain manufacturers recommend their own metal systems as the most compatible for fabricating metal-ceramic prostheses, a number of alloys have been used.Purpose. This study evaluated the shear bond strength between a porcelain system and 4 alternative alloys.Material and methods. Two Ni-Cr alloys: 4 ALL and Wiron 99, and 2 Co-Cr alloys: IPS d.SIGN 20 and Argeloy NP were selected for this study. The porcelain (IPS d.Sign porcelain system) portion of the cylindrical inetal-ceramic specimens was 4 mm thick and 4 mm high; the metal portion was machined to 4 x 4 mm, with a base that was 5 nun thick and 1 mm high. Forty-four specimens were prepared (n=11). Ten specimens from each group were subjected to a shear load oil a universal testing machine using a 1 min/min crosshead speed. One specimen from each group was observed with a scanning electron microscope. Stress at failure (MPa) was determined. The data were analyzed with a 1-way analysis of variance (alpha=.05).Results. The groups, all including IPS d.Sign porcelain, presented the following mean bond strengths (+/-SD) in MPa: 4 ALL, 54.0 +/- 20.0; Wiron, 63.0 +/- 13.5; IPS d.SIGN 20, 71.7 +/- 19.2; Argeloy NP, 55.2 +/- 13.5. No significant differences were found among the shear bond strength values for the metal-ceramic specimens tested.Conclusion. None of the base metal alloys studied demonstrated superior bond strength to the porcelain tested.
Newly discovered benthic fossils and specimens illustrated in the paleontological literature indicate that drilling predators (or parasites) were present in the Permian. New field data from southern Brazil document the first drill holes ever reported for Permian bivalve mollusks. In addition, a literature review revealed drill holes in shells of articulate brachiopods from Russia, Greece, and West Texas. Holes range in size from 0.1 to 5.8 mm and are typically round, cylindrical, singular penetrations perpendicular to the valve surface. Incomplete, healed, and multiple holes are absent. Drilling frequency, a proxy for predation intensity, is very low: less than 1 percent (this estimate may be seriously affected by taphonomic and monographic biases). Literature data suggest that frequency of drilled specimens varied significantly among higher brachiopod taxa. The geography and stratigraphy of drilled specimens indicate that drilling organisms were worldwide in their occurrence and continuously present in marine ecosystems throughout the Permian. This report is consistent with other recent studies indicating that although drillers were continuously present throughout the Phanerozoic, drilling intensity was lower in the Late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic.
Dense SnO2 ceramics were obtained by doping with ZnO concentrations varies from 0.5 to 5.0 mel. The obtained powder was isostaticaly pressed to 210MPa in cylindrical shape and sintered from ambient to 1.500 degrees C using constant heating rate of 10 degrees C/min. Densities above 97% were obtained depending on the ZnO doping concentration. A maximum density was reached with the addition of 2 mol%. It can be concluded from shrinkage data and the observed microstructure obtained by SEM that the solid solution limit for ZnO in SnO2 is about 1.0 mol%. Above this concentration the formation of a second ceramic phase is observed.
The effect of different anatomic shapes and materials of posts in the stress distribution on an endodontically treated incisor was evaluated in this work. This study compared three post shapes (tapered, cylindrical and two-stage cylindrical) made of three different materials (stainless steel, titanium and carbon fibre on Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate (Bis-GMA) matrix). Two-dimensional stress analysis was performed using the Finite Element Method. A static load of 100N was applied at 45degrees inclination with respect to the incisor's edge. The stress concentrations did not significantly affect the region adjacent to the alveolar bone crest at the palatine portion of the tooth, regardless of the post shape or material. However, stress concentrations on the post/dentin interface on the palatine side of the tooth root presented significant variations for different post shapes and materials. Post shapes had relatively small impact on the stress concentrations while post materials introduced higher variations on them. Stainless steel posts presented the highest level of stress concentration, followed by titanium and carbon/Bis-GMA posts.
The pressure field in a high-power klystron amplifier is investigated to scale the ionic vacuum pump used to maintain the ultra high-vacuum in the device in order to increase its life-time. The investigation is conducted using an 1.3 GHz, 100 A - 240 keV high-power klystron with five reentrant coaxial cavities, assembled in a cylindrical drift tube 1.2 m long. The diffusion equation is solved to the regime molecular flow to obtain the pressure profile along the axis of the klystron drift tube. The model, solved by both analytical and numerical procedures, is able to determine the pressure values in steady-state case. This work considers the specific conductance and all important gas sources, as in the degassing of the drift tube and cavities walls, cathode, and collector. For the drift tube degassing rate equals to q(deg) = 2x10(-12) (-)mbar.L.s(-1) cm(-2) (degassing rate per unit area), to cavities q(cavity) = 3x10(-13) mbar.L.s(-1)cm(-2), to the cathode q(cathode) = 6x10(-9)_mbar.L.s(-1) and to the collector q(collector) = 6x10(-9) mbar.L.s(-1), it was found that a 10 L.s(-1) ionic vacuum pump connected in the output waveguide wall is suitable. In this case, the pressure obtained in the cathode is p(cathode) = 6.3x10(-9) mbar, in the collector p(collector) = 2.7x10(-9) mbar, and in the output waveguide p = 2.1x10(-9) mbar. Although only the steady-state case is analyzed, some aspects that may be relevant in a transient situation, for instance, when the beam hits the drift tube walls, producing a gas burst, is also commented.
A parallel technique, for a distributed memory machine, based on domain decomposition for solving the Navier-Stokes equations in cartesian and cylindrical coordinates in two dimensions with free surfaces is described. It is based on the code by Tome and McKee (J. Comp. Phys. 110 (1994) 171-186) and Tome (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 1993) which in turn is based on the SMAC method by Amsden and Harlow (Report LA-4370, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, 1971), which solves the Navier-Stokes equations in three steps: the momentum and Poisson equations and particle movement, These equations are discretized by explicit and 5-point finite differences. The parallelization is performed by splitting the computation domain into vertical panels and assigning each of these panels to a processor. All the computation can then be performed using nearest neighbour communication. Test runs comparing the performance of the parallel with the serial code, and a discussion of the load balancing question are presented. PVM is used for communication between processes. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of ascorbic acid deficiency was determined in Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887, fish (pacu) under laboratory conditions. A total of 120 fish with an average body weight of 8.64 +/- 1.62 g and measuring 6.15 +/- 0.33 cm in length at the beginning of the experiment were fed diets containing 0, 50, 100 or 200 mg palmitate-coated ascorbic acid/kg dry ration for a period of 24 weeks with measurements every 4 weeks. The experiment was conducted in 20 fiber-cement aquaria of 81-liter capacity. Each aquarium was supplied with dechlorinated water at a flow rate of 1 l/min. Water temperature was measured daily and pH, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity and water conductivity were determined weekly. A fully randomized experimental design was utilized, with 5 replicates of each treatment and 6 fish per aquarium. Ascorbic acid-supplemented fish presented significantly increased growth when compared to unsupplemented fish. Furthermore, unsupplemented fish presented a higher incidence of hyperplasia, hypertrophy and dysplasia of the bone cartilage of gill filaments. The gill lamellae of unsupplemented fish had twisted cartilage and an inflammatory infiltrate at the ends. Anorexia and increased handling stress were also observed in fish fed the unsupplemented diet. The present study suggests that 50 mg ascorbic acid/kg dry ration is sufficient to improve development of pacu fingerlings but the optimum level under aquarium conditions, determined by regression analysis, is 139 mg ascorbic acid/kg dry ration.
Eighteen collections of red-coloured Audouinella from Central Mexico and southeastern Brazil detected three species. The most common species, A. eugenea, is characterized by macroscopic thalli, the erect system consisting of filaments with cylindrical cells, undifferentiated into proximal and distal parts, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). Spermatangia. and possible propagules were observed in some Mexican populations. This is the third Audouinella species observed to have gametangia and the first member of the Acrochaetiales with putative propagules. The second species, from Central Mexico, was characterized by the following features: macroscopic thalli, the erect system differentiated into proximal parts with cylindrical cells, unbranched or rarely branched, and distal parts with barrel-shaped cells, abundantly branched to form dense fascicles, with alternate or dichotomous branching, some at right-angles to the axis, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). The morphologically distinct proximal and distal portions of the erect system, the latter forming dense fascicles, was a consistent character so far unknown in Audouinella; thus, we propose a new species, A. huastecana sp. nov. The third species is a microscopic epiphyte, A. meiospora, with a well-developed prostrate system composed of creeping and loosely aggregated filaments, and a short homogeneous erect system (less than or equal to 15 cells) of filaments with cylindrical or barrel-shaped cells and small monosporangia (less than or equal to 13.0 mum long). A. eugenea and A. meiospora are characterized for the first time from the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, respectively, both occurring mostly in areas of tropical or subtropical rainforests. A. meiospora is reported from new macroalgal hosts. A. eugenea and A. huastecana tended to occur in warm, alkaline waters with a high ion content that were moderate to fast flowing, whereas A. meiospora was not associated with particular habitats.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ageing in distilled water on the hardness and compressive strength of a direct composite resin Z100, a feldspatic porcelain (Noritake) and three indirect composites (Artglass, Solidex and Targis). For the Vickers hardness tests, five disk-shaped specimens (2 x 4 mm) of each material were prepared according to the manufacturers' instructions. The hardness tests were conducted using a Vickers diamond indentor. Compressive strength measurements were recorded on cylindrical specimens with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 12 mm. The compression tests were carried out with a constant cross-head speed of 0.5 mm min(-1) on a mechanical test machine. For each material, 10 specimens were tested after 7 days of dry storage at 37 +/- 1 degreesC and 10 specimens were tested after water storage at 37 +/- 1 degreesC for 180 days. Noritake porcelain specimens showed higher hardness values than the composites. Among the composite materials, Z100 promoted the highest VHN values, regardless of the ageing periods. The results showed that Solidex and Z100 had the highest compressive strength values. Ageing in water reduced the hardness for all composites, but had no long-term effect on the compressive strength.
Statement of problem. There are few studies on titanium casting shrinkage, and phosphate-bonded investments for titanium casting have not produced appropriate marginal fit.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the thermal shrinkage of titanium and the setting and thermal expansion of 3 phosphate-bonded investments.Material and methods. The thermal shrinkage between the melting temperature and room temperature was calculated using a titanium thermal expansion coefficient. The thermal and setting expansion were measured for 3 phosphate bonded investments: Rematitan Plus (RP) specific for titanium, Rema Exakt (RE), and Castorit Super C (CA), using different special liquid concentrations (100%, 75%, and 50%). Setting expansion was measured for cylindrical specimens 50 mm long x 8 mm in diameter with a transducer. The heating and cooling curves were obtained with a dilatometer (DIL 402 PC). The total expansion curve was drawn using software, and temperatures to obtain expansion equivalent to titanium casting shrinkage were determined (n=5). In addition, the total expansion of the control group (RP at 430 degrees C) was measured, as well as the temperatures at which the other groups achieved equivalent total expansion (n=5). Data were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey HSD test (alpha=.05).Results. Titanium casting shrinkage was estimated as 1.55%. RP did not achieve this expansion. RE achieved expansion of 1.55% only with a special liquid concentration of 100% at 594 degrees C. CA with all special liquid concentrations attained this expansion (351 degrees C to 572 degrees C). Total expansion of the control group was 0.86%, and the other groups reached that expansion within the range of 70 degrees C to 360 degrees C.Conclusions. Only RE and CA demonstrated sufficient expansion to compensate for titanium casting shrinkage. All groups reached total expansion equivalent to that of the control group at significantly lower temperatures.
We propose general three-dimensional potentials in rotational and cylindrical parabolic coordinates which are generated by direct products of the SO(2, 1) dynamical group. Then we construct their Green functions algebraically and find their spectra. Particular cases of these potentials which appear in the literature are also briefly discussed.