851 resultados para critics
Criticism of one's group (e.g. nation, gender, or organization) is typically received in a less defensive way when it stems from another ingroup member than when it stems from an outsider (the intergroup sensitivity effect). We present two experiments demonstrating that this effect is driven not by group membership per se, but by the extent to which critics are perceived to be psychologically invested in the group they are criticizing. In Experiment 1 (N = 117), Australian participants were exposed to criticisms of their country from either other Australians (ingroup critics) or non-Australians (outgroup critics). Furthermore, the ingroup critics were described as having either strong or weak attachment to their Australian identity. Ingroup critics were only received more positively than outgroup critics when they appeared to have a psychological investment in the group. In Experiment 2 (N = 96) we show how outgroup critics (Asian-Australians) can overcome defensiveness among Anglo-Australians by locating themselves within a shared, superordinate identity (Australian). Implications for communication within and between groups are discussed.
Research in individualist cultures has shown that group members are more likely to agree with criticisms of their group when the criticisms are made by another ingroup member as opposed to an outgroup member (the intergroup sensitivity effect). However, evaluations of ingroup critics are often harsher when they take their comments to an outgroup audience. In light of research on facework and tolerance for dissent, it seems important to test whether these effects are generalizable to a collectivist culture. Indonesian Muslims (N = 191) received a criticism of their religion stemming either from another Muslim or a Christian, and published in either a Muslim or a Christian newspaper. Participants agreed with the comments more when they were made by an ingroup as opposed to an outgroup member. Furthermore, consistent with previous research in Australia, the effects of audience on agreement were moderated by levels of group identification. Results are discussed in relation to theory about the functional role internal critics can play in group life.
At the 2005 World Summit, the world's leaders committed themselves to the "responsibility to protect", recognizing both that all states have a responsibility to protect their citizens from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity and that the UN should help states to discharge this responsibility using either peaceful means or enforcement action. This declaration ostensibly marks an important milestone in the relationship between sovereignty and human rights but its critics argue that it will make little difference in practice to the world's most threatened people. The purpose of this article is to ask how consensus was reached on the responsibility to protect, given continuing hostility to humanitarian intervention expressed by many (if not most) of the world's states and whether the consensus will contribute to avoiding future Kosovos (cases where the Security Council is deadlocked in the face of a humanitarian crises) and future Rwandas (cases where states lack the political will to intervene). It suggests that four key factors contributed to the consensus: pressure from proponents of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, its adoption by Kofi Annan and the UN's High Level Panel, an emerging consensus in the African Union, and the American position. Whilst these four factors contributed to consensus, each altered the meaning of the responsibility to protect in important ways, creating a doctrine that many states can sign up to but that does little to prevent future Kosovos and Rwandas and may actually inhibit attempts to build a consensus around intervention in future cases.
In the context of a hostile funding environment, universities are increasingly asked to justify their output in narrowly defined economic terms, and this can be difficult in Humanities or Arts faculties where productivity is rarely reducible to a simple financial indicator. This can lead to a number of immediate consequences that I have no need to rehearse here, but can also result in some interesting tensions within the academic community itself. First is that which has become known as the ‘Science Wars’: the increasingly acrimonious exchanges between scientists and scientific academics and cultural critics or theorists about who has the right to describe the world. Much has already been said—and much remains to be said—about this issue, but it is not my intention to discuss it here. Rather, I will look at a second area of contestation: the incorporation of scientific theory into literary or cultural criticism. Much of this work comes from a genuine commitment to interdisciplinarity, and an appreciation of insights that a fresh perspective can bring to a familiar object. However, some can be seen as cynical attempts to lend literary studies the sort of empirical legitimacy of the sciences. In particular, I want to look at a number of critics who have applied information theory to the literary work. In this paper, I will examine several instances of this sort of criticism, and then, through an analysis of a novel by American author Richard Powers, Three Farmers on Their Way to a Dance, show how this sort of criticism merely reduces the meaningful analysis of a complex literary text.
Economic philosophy is not often taught, and is not necessarily easily taught. It involves enquiry into implicit assumptions within orthodox economics and within alternatives to it. It seeks to highlight why it is that some critics object that neoclassical economics is too atomistic, hedonistic, and rationalistic, or why others lament that there is much hidden metaphysics in Friedman and his Chicago School colleagues. It addresses the issue of whether - in a reversal of the view that economics is the imperialistic social science - significant philosophical assumptions have been silently but inescapably imported into orthodox economics. This paper seeks to facilitate the presentation of such material with illustrations selected from social economics, development economics, and critiques of utilitarianism.
A Dissertação busca compreender e julgar criticamente a hermenêutica teológica de Paul Tillich, a partir do estudo de sua interpretação simbólica da doutrina cristã clássica do pecado, em sua forma protestante-agostiniana. O trabalho se desenvolve em três etapas: primeiramente é apresentada a teoria do símbolo religioso de Paul Tillich. Em seguida, a sua interpretação da doutrina do pecado, presente no complexo de símbolos míticos e conceptuais que foram reunidos sob o nome simbólica da Queda . Na terceira e última parte, a partir de uma avaliação da prática hermenêutica de Tillich seguida de uma discussão com seus críticos, especialmente William Alston e Reinhold Niebuhr, e de um diálogo especial com Paul Ricoeur, o autor conclui: tanto a teoria do símbolo de Tillich como o seu enfoque hermenêutico, que vai principalmente da analítica existencial ao símbolo, necessitam de aperfeiçoamento; e a teoria simbólica de Ricoeur, associada à sua proposta indutiva de reflexão hermenêutica fornece uma importante contribuição. Ao mesmo tempo, o sucesso de Tillich na interpretação da simbólica da Queda parece refutar a tese de Ricoeur de que uma abordagem que parte da ontologia para o símbolo é inadequada por princípio. Conclui-se, portanto, que a abordagem de Tillich é válida, mas que precisa ser complementada; é necessário pensaruma hermenêutica de mão dupla , que dê igual voz aos símbolos religiosos e à ontologia existencial.(AU)
Este trabalho tem por objeto central páginas e suplementos literários. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que buscou localizar, identificar e caracterizar páginas e suplementos literários, inseridos em jornais paulistanos de grande circulação e prestígio, no período entre 1920 e 1964. Os jornais escolhidos para este estudo foram: Correio Paulistano, O Estado de S. Paulo, Diário Popular, A Gazeta, Folha da Noite, Folha da Manhã, Folha da Tarde, Diário de S. Paulo e Última Hora. Por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa, percebemos que os espaços para as artes e espetáculos, nos jornais analisados, se davam de diversas maneiras, e não apenas em páginas e suplementos literários, como a publicação de seções diárias de artes e espetáculos, cadernos de cultura, páginas sem títulos , rodapés de crítica literária, romances-folhetins, entre outros. Também verificamos que a prática de inserir suplementos literários, nos jornais paulistanos, iniciou-se no fim da década de 1920, com a publicação do Supplemento Dominical do Diário de S. Paulo. No entanto, foi no pós-1945 que a inclusão de páginas e suplementos literários, nos jornais da capital paulista, passou a ocorrer com maior freqüência. Localizados páginas e suplementos literários, analisamos a seção Resenha Bibliográfica do Suplemento Literário de O Estado de S. Paulo, com o objetivo de entender como estes veículos atuavam, enquanto divulgadores do mercado editorial.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a crítica cinematográfica durante o período chamado de Retomada do cinema nacional. Foram escolhidos os maiores veículos de circulação da região Sudeste do País, os jornais O Globo (Rio de Janeiro), Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S.Paulo (São Paulo) e a revista Veja para fazer uma análise de conteúdo das críticas das seis maiores bilheterias da Retomada para, em seguida, conferir a recepção das mesmas pelos diretores desses filmes, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A intenção é analisar quais conflitos permeiam a relação entre os críticos de cinema e os cineastas, a fim de contribuir para o melhor entendimento do trabalho de dois elementos dos mais importantes da área de cinema. O confronto do material da análise com as entrevistas confirmou a hipótese da existência de conflitos de valores e opiniões entre os dois lados e permitiu identificar pré-julgamentos, simpatias e antipatias, análises emotivas e não-fundamentadas de alguns críticos e cineastas, mas também opiniões e valores fundamentados de outros, demonstrando uma rica diversidade que não se encaixa em uma única definição.(AU)
Através de pesquisa qualitativa, com estudo de caso descritivo sobre a Casa de Cinema de Porto Alegre, o objetivo do projeto é analisar se o cinema produzido no Rio Grande do Sul desenvolve características próprias ou regionais e observar se a identidade regional gaúcha é retratada nas produções cinematográficas. A Casa de Cinema de Porto Alegre é uma das maiores empresas produtoras e distribuidoras de cinema do Rio Grande do Sul. Situada na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS, a Casa de Cinema foi criada em dezembro de 1987 por um grupo de cineastas gaúchos. Estes trabalhavam em cinema desde o início dos anos 80, e ainda atuam no mercado cinematográfico brasileiro. Para esta análise, optou-se por um recorte na filmografia entre 1981 a 2001, por ser este, segundo críticos, pesquisadores e diretores de cinema do Rio Grande do Sul, um período de adaptações e transformações dentro do cinema gaúcho.(AU)
Tendo como referencial o sociólogo Luiz Pereira, e levando em consideração as relevantes críticas à visão weberiana sobre a burocracia feitas principalmente por Maurício Tragtenberg, esta dissertação almejou, através de uma pesquisa empírica, mostrar que a construção da identidade profissional do professor sofre influência direta de sua visão ideológica. Partindo de uma análise crítica da visão weberiana de burocracia, o presente trabalho busca traçar o perfil ideológico do professor da rede pública. Para tanto, este trabalho baseia-se em uma pesquisa abrangendo entrevistas, análise de documentos e observações do cotidiano de uma escola pública estadual escolhida como fonte de pesquisa. Pretendeu-se abordar a questão da filiação ideológica dos professores da rede pública, analisando em dois níveis: o da filiação ideológica a uma classe social (a classe média) e o da filiação ideológica a uma categoria social ligada ao Estado (a burocracia estatal). Levou-se, portanto, em consideração a hipótese de uma filiação ideológica dos professores a ambos os grupos, já que, à parte a alta burocracia (filiada ideologicamente às classes dominantes), a maioria do corpo burocrático (média e baixa burocracia) tende a adotar a perspectiva ideológica da classe média.(AU)
Neural networks are usually curved statistical models. They do not have finite dimensional sufficient statistics, so on-line learning on the model itself inevitably loses information. In this paper we propose a new scheme for training curved models, inspired by the ideas of ancillary statistics and adaptive critics. At each point estimate an auxiliary flat model (exponential family) is built to locally accommodate both the usual statistic (tangent to the model) and an ancillary statistic (normal to the model). The auxiliary model plays a role in determining credit assignment analogous to that played by an adaptive critic in solving temporal problems. The method is illustrated with the Cauchy model and the algorithm is proved to be asymptotically efficient.
El éxodo del Mariel, 25 años después: Aunque el público y la crítica de EE UU no fueron muy receptivos con la obra literaria de los marielitos, esa situación no frenó sus ambiciones. The Mariel boatlift, 25 years later: Although the public and critics of the U.S. were not very receptive to the literary work of Mariel, that situation did not stop his ambitions.
The thesis offers a comparative interdisciplinary approach to the examination of the intellectual debates about the relationship between individual and society in the GDR under Honecker. It shows that there was not only a continuum of debate between the academic disciplines, but also from the radical critics of the GDR leadership such as Robert Havemann, Rudolf Bahro and Stefan Heym through the social scientists, literary critics and legal theorists working in the academic institutions to theorists close to the GDR leadership. It also shows that the official line and policy of the ruling party itself on the question of the individual and society was not static over the period, but changed in response to internal and external pressures. Over the period 1971 - 1989 greater emphasis was placed by many intellectuals on the individual, his needs and interests. It was increasingly recognised that conflicts could exist between the individual and society in GDR socialism. Whereas the radical critics argued that these conflicts were due to features of GDR society, such as the hierarchical system of labour functions and bureaucracy, and extrapolated from this a general conflict between the political leadership and population, orthodox critics argued that conflicts existed between a specific individual and society and were largely due to external and historical factors. The internal critics also pointed to the social phenomena which were detrimental to the individual's development in the GDR, but they put forward less radical solutions. With the exception of a few radical young writers, all theorists studied in this thesis gave precedence to social interests over individual interests and so did not advocate a return to `individualistic' positions. The continuity of sometimes quite controversial discussions in the GDR academic journals and the flexibility of the official line and policy suggests that it is inappropriate to refer to GDR society under Honecker simply as totalitarian, although it did have some totalitarian features. What the thesis demonstrates is the existence of `Teiloffentlichkeiten' in which critical discussion is conducted even as the official, orthodox line is given out for public consumption in the high-circulation media.
A key feature of ‘TESOL Quarterly’, a leading journal in the world of TESOL/applied linguistics, is its ‘Forum’ section which invites ‘responses and rebuttals’ from readers to any of its articles. These ‘responses or rebuttals’ form the focus of this research. In the interchanges between readers reacting to earlier research articles in TESOL Quarterly and authors responding to the said reaction I – examine the texts for evidence of genre-driven structure, whether shared between both ‘reaction’ and ‘response’ sections, or peculiar to each section, and attempt to determine the precise nature of the intended communicative purpose in particular and the implications for academic debate in general. The intended contribution of this thesis is to provide an analysis of how authors of research articles and their critics pursue their efforts beyond the research article which precipitated these exchanges in order to be recognized by their discourse community as, in the terminology of Swales (1981:51), ‘Primary Knowers’. Awareness of any principled generic process identified in this thesis may be of significance to practitioners in the applied linguistics community in their quest to establish academic reputation and in their pursuit of professional development. These findings may also be of use in triggering productive community discussion as a result of the questions they raise concerning the present nature of academic debate. Looking beyond the construction and status of the texts themselves, I inquire into the kind of ideational and social organization such exchanges keep in place and examine an alternative view of interaction. This study breaks new ground in two major ways. To the best of my knowledge, it is the first exploration of a bipartite, intertextual structure laying claim to genre status. Secondly, in its recourse to the comments of the writers’ themselves rather than relying exclusively on the evidence of their texts, as is the case with most studies of genre, this thesis offers an expanded opportunity to discuss perhaps the most interesting aspects of genre analysis – the light it throws on social ends and the role of genre in determining the nature of current academic debate as it here emerges.
Since the early days of cinema the creation of artificial life with its various implications has been a popular topic on screen. Amongst the large number of films that deal with the theme of androids Bryan Forbes’ "The Stepford Wives" (1975) is noticeable for its focus on questions of gender and the relationship between the sexes. The film is set in a contemporary small suburban town where frustrated husbands have found a special way of dealing with their emancipated wives by replacing them with docile life-like robots. Mixing elements of the thriller and horror genres with farce and comedy "The Stepford Wives" was the first American mainstream film to deal explicitly with Women’s Lib. Unlike Ira Levin in his much more ambivalent novel that the film was based on, Forbes and his actors deliberately set out to make a feminist satire, and according to some critics succeeded in producing an important document of second wave feminism which soon acquired cult status. However, it also provoked a number of negative reactions from feminists who were very uncomfortable with a film in which men get away with murdering the female population of an entire town. A closer inspection reveals that the satirical element of the film is indeed not prominent and frequently counteracted, at times facilitating a misogynist rather than a feminist interpretation. This is mainly due to the ending of the film which implies the murderous elimination of the female protagonist. Unlike all other cinematic and literary works that feature androids "The Stepford Wives" shows the successful creation of artificial life which does not backfire. In addition, the film which clearly categorises itself as a thriller and horror movie, and specifically alludes to the tradition of threatened yet strong female characters in these genres, at the same time defies this convention in favour of a seemingly misogynist ending. Thus the way in which "The Stepford Wives" refuses to comply with the traditions of both the android theme and the horror genre, involuntarily serves to undermine its intention as a feminist social satire.