905 resultados para complete spinal cord injury


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The purposes of the study reported here were to evaluate the signalment and clinical presentation in 50 dogs with degenerative myelopathy, to evaluate whether mean survival time was significantly affected by various means of physiotherapy performed in 22 dogs, and to determine whether neurologic status, anatomic localization, or age at onset had an influence on survival time in dogs that received physiotherapy. We found a significant (P < .05) breed predisposition for the German Shepherd Dog, Kuvasz, Hovawart, and Bernese Mountain Dog. Mean age at diagnosis was 9.1 years, and both sexes were affected equally. The anatomic localization of the lesion was spinal cord segment T3-L3 in 56% (n = 28) and L3-S3 in 44% (n = 22) of the dogs. Animals that received intensive (n = 9) physiotherapy had longer (P < .05) survival time (mean 255 days), compared with that for animals with moderate (n = 6; mean 130 days) or no (n = 7; mean 55 days) physiotherapy. In addition, our results indicate that affected dogs which received physiotherapy remained ambulatory longer than did animals that did not receive physical treatment.


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Numerous cases of acute-onset progressive ataxia, hindlimb paresis and paralysis of unknown aetiology occurred during 1993 to 2003 in cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) within the European Endangered Species Programme (eep). This study describes the immunohistochemical investigation of a possible viral aetiology of the "cheetah myelopathy". Antibodies to feline herpesvirus type 1, canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus and Borna disease virus were applied to formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded brain and spinal cord sections from 25 affected cheetahs aged between three-and-a-half months and 13 years. Using the avidin-biotin complex technique, none of the antibodies gave positive immunosignals in either the brain or the spinal cord tissue.


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A 4-month-old female Holstein Friesian calf was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Berne, Switzerland for evaluation of ataxia, weakness, apathy and stunted growth. Clinical examination revealed generalized ataxia, propioceptive deficits, decreased menace response and sensibility. Postmortem examination did not reveal macroscopic changes of major organs. Histologically, the brain and the spinal cord lesions were characterized by polymicrocavitation, preferentially affecting the white matter fibers at the junction of grey and white matter and by the presence of Alzheimer type II cells. The liver revealed lesions consistent with a congenital portosystemic shunt, characterized by increased numbers of arteriolar profiles and hypoplasia to absence of portal veins. The pathological investigations along with the animal history and clinical signs indicated a hepatic encephalomyelopathy due to a congenital portosystemic shunt.


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OBJECTIVES: Sensory hypersensitivity, central hyperexcitability [lowered nociceptive flexion reflex (NFR) thresholds], and psychologic distress are features of chronic whiplash. However, relationships between these substrates are not clear. This study tested the hypothesis that psychologic distress and catastrophization are correlated with sensory hypersensitivity and NFR responses in chronic whiplash. METHODS: Pressure and thermal pain thresholds (mean values across 3 body sites), NFR threshold, and pain at threshold Visual Analog Scale were measured in 30 participants with chronic whiplash and 30 asymptomatic controls. Pain and disability levels Neck Disability Index, psychologic distress (GHQ-28), and catastrophization (PCS) were also measured in the whiplash group. RESULTS: Whiplash injured participants demonstrated lowered pain thresholds to pressure and cold (P<0.05); lowered NFR thresholds (P=0.003), and demonstrated above threshold levels of psychologic distress (GHQ-28) and levels of catastrophization comparable with other musculoskeletal conditions. There were no group differences for heat pain thresholds or pain at NFR threshold. In the whiplash group, PCS scores correlated moderately with cold pain threshold (r=0.51, P=0.01). In contrast, there were no significant correlations between GHQ-28 scores and pain threshold measures or between psychologic factors and NFR responses in whiplash participants. There were no significant correlations between psychologic factors and pain thresholds or NFR responses in controls. DISCUSSION: We have demonstrated that psychologic factors have some association with sensory hypersensitivity (cold pain threshold measures) in chronic whiplash but do not seem to influence spinal cord excitability. This suggests that psychologic disorders are important, but not the only, determinants of central hypersensitivity in whiplash patients.


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STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective 9-year survey. OBJECTIVES: Clinical presentation of acute myelitis syndromes is variable, and neuroimaging and laboratory findings are not specific enough to establish the diagnosis with certainty. We evaluated the spectrum clinical features and paraclinical findings encountered during diagnostic workup and aiding the diagnosis. SETTING: Department of Neurology, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland. MATERIAL: Charts and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 63 patients discharged with the diagnosis of acute transverse myelitis. RESULTS: The diagnosis was supported by abnormal MRI and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) findings in 52 patients (82.5%) and suspected in the remaining either because of a spinal cord MRI lesion suggestive of myelitis (n=5), or abnormal CSF findings (n=4), or electrophysiological evidence of a spinal cord dysfunction (n=2). Clinical impairment was mild (ASIA D) in the majority. All patients had sensory disturbances, whereas motor deficit and autonomic dysfunction were less frequent. Neurological levels were mainly located in cervical or thoracic dermatomes. Spinal cord lesions were visualized by MRI in 90.4% of the patients and distributed either in the cervical or thoracic cord, or both. Multiple lesions were present in more than half of the patients, and lateral, centromedullary and posterior locations were most common. A high percentage of multiple sclerosis (MS)-typical brain lesions and CSF findings suggested a substantial number of MS-related myelitis in our cohort. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic workup of acute myelitis discloses a broad spectrum of CSF or MRI findings, and may be associated with diagnostic uncertainty due to lack of specific CSF or MRI features, or pathological findings.


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A method for quantifying nociceptive withdrawal reflex receptive fields in human volunteers and patients is described. The reflex receptive field (RRF) for a specific muscle denotes the cutaneous area from which a muscle contraction can be evoked by a nociceptive stimulus. The method is based on random stimulations presented in a blinded sequence to 10 stimulation sites. The sensitivity map is derived by interpolating the reflex responses evoked from the 10 sites. A set of features describing the size and location of the RRF is presented based on statistical analysis of the sensitivity map within every subject. The features include RRF area, volume, peak location and center of gravity. The method was applied to 30 healthy volunteers. Electrical stimuli were applied to the sole of the foot evoking reflexes in the ankle flexor tibialis anterior. The RRF area covered a fraction of 0.57+/-0.06 (S.E.M.) of the foot and was located on the medial, distal part of the sole of the foot. An intramuscular injection into flexor digitorum brevis of capsaicin was performed in one spinal cord injured subject to attempt modulation of the reflex receptive field. The RRF area, RRF volume and location of the peak reflex response appear to be the most sensitive measures for detecting modulation of spinal nociceptive processing. This new method has important potential applications for exploring aspects of central plasticity in volunteers and patients. It may be utilized as a new diagnostic tool for central hypersensitivity and quantification of therapeutic interventions.


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Research on rehabilitation showed that appropriate and repetitive mechanical movements can help spinal cord injured individuals to restore their functional standing and walking. The objective of this paper was to achieve appropriate and repetitive joint movements and approximately normal gait through the PGO by replicating normal walking, and to minimize the energy consumption for both patients and the device. A model based experimental investigative approach is presented in this dissertation. First, a human model was created in Ideas and human walking was simulated in Adams. The main feature of this model was the foot ground contact model, which had distributed contact points along the foot and varied viscoelasticity. The model was validated by comparison of simulated results of normal walking and measured ones from the literature. It was used to simulate current PGO walking to investigate the real causes of poor function of the current PGO, even though it had joint movements close to normal walking. The direct cause was one leg moving at a time, which resulted in short step length and no clearance after toe off. It can not be solved by simply adding power on both hip joints. In order to find a better answer, a PGO mechanism model was used to investigate different walking mechanisms by locking or releasing some joints. A trade-off between energy consumption, control complexity and standing position was found. Finally a foot release PGO virtual model was created and simulated and only foot release mechanism was developed into a prototype. Both the release mechanism and the design of foot release were validated through the experiment by adding the foot release on the current PGO. This demonstrated an advancement in improving functional aspects of the current PGO even without a whole physical model of foot release PGO for comparison.


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There is increasing interest in the search for therapeutic options for diseases and injuries of the central nervous system (CNS), for which currently no effective treatment strategies are available. Replacement of damaged cells and restoration of function can be accomplished by transplantation of cells derived from different sources, such as human foetal tissue, genetically modified cell lines, embryonic or somatic stem cells. Preclinical and clinical trials have shown promising results in neurodegenerative disorders, like Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, but also ischaemic stroke, intracerebral haemorrhage, demyelinating disorders, epilepsy and traumatic lesions of the brain and spinal cord. Other studies have focused on finding new ways to activate and direct endogenous repair mechanisms in the CNS, eg, by exposure to specific neuronal growth factors or by inactivating inhibitory molecules. Neuroprotective drugs may offer an additional tool for improving neuronal survival in acute or chronic CNS diseases. Importantly however, a number of scientific issues need to be addressed in order to permit the introduction of these experimental techniques in the wider clinical setting.


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Creatine kinase catalyses the reversible transphosphorylation of creatine by ATP. In the cell, creatine kinase isoenzymes are specifically localized at strategic sites of ATP consumption to efficiently regenerate ATP in situ via phosphocreatine or at sites of ATP generation to build-up a phosphocreatine pool. Accordingly, the creatine kinase/phosphocreatine system plays a key role in cellular energy buffering and energy transport, particularly in cells with high and fluctuating energy requirements like neurons. Creatine kinases are expressed in the adult and developing human brain and spinal cord, suggesting that the creatine kinase/phosphocreatine system plays a significant role in the central nervous system. Functional impairment of this system leads to a deterioration in energy metabolism, which is phenotypic for many neurodegenerative and age-related diseases. Exogenous creatine supplementation has been shown to reduce neuronal cell loss in experimental paradigms of acute and chronic neurological diseases. In line with these findings, first clinical trials have shown beneficial effects of therapeutic creatine supplementation. Furthermore, creatine was reported to promote differentiation of neuronal precursor cells that might be of importance for improving neuronal cell replacement strategies. Based on these observations there is growing interest on the effects and functions of this compound in the central nervous system. This review gives a short excursion into the basics of the creatine kinase/phosphocreatine system and aims at summarizing findings and concepts on the role of creatine kinase and creatine in the central nervous system with special emphasis on pathological conditions and the positive effects of creatine supplementation.


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Interleukin-6 (IL-6) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). It exerts its cellular effects by a membrane-bound IL-6 receptor (IL-6R), or, alternatively, by forming a complex with the soluble IL-6R (sIL-6R), a process named IL-6 transsignalling. Here we investigate the role of IL-6 transsignalling in myelin basic protein (MBP)-induced EAE in the Lewis rat. In vivo blockade of IL-6 transsignalling by the injection of a specifically designed gp130-Fc fusion protein significantly delayed the onset of adoptively transferred EAE in comparison to control rats injected with PBS or isotype IgG. Histological evaluation on day 3 after immunization revealed reduced numbers of T cells and macrophages in the lumbar spinal cord of gp130-Fc treated rats. At the same time, blockade of IL-6 transsignalling resulted in a reduced expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 on spinal cord microvessels while experiments in cell culture failed to show a direct effect on the regulation of endothelial adhesion molecules. In experiments including active EAE and T cell culture, inhibition of IL-6 transsignalling mildly increased T cell proliferation, but did not change severity of active MBP-EAE or regulate Th1/Th17 responses. We conclude that IL-6 transsignalling may play a role in autoimmune inflammation of the CNS mainly by regulating early expression of adhesion molecules, possibly via cellular networks at the blood-brain barrier.


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Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) has become a well known disorder in the medical community in Switzerland within the last ten years, particularly since the official introduction of dopaminergic drugs as first line treatment. However, even today, in some patients a correct diagnosis is delayed, preventing specific therapy and prolonging discomfort or even painful symptoms over years. It is important to recognise the syndrome of restless legs, and it is essential to search systematically for treatable causes and to treat separately frequent comorbidities such as depression or polyneuropathy. It is important to understand the impact of this progressive disease on the personal and professional life of the patient. In addition, therapy resistance and severe side effects, particularly augmentation and fibrosis, can be minimised by understanding important details of treatment and by an optimal follow up of such patients. Research on the genetic basis of RLS, on purported pathogenetic mechanisms in the dopaminergic and other neurotransmittor systems, on iron metabolism in the brain and spinal cord, and the socioeconomic burden of the disease, are urgently needed.


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The human spinal column is a complex structure composed of 24 individual vertebrae plus the sacrum. The principal functions of the spine are to protect the spinal cord, to provide mobility to the trunk and to transfer loads from the head and trunk to the pelvis. By nature of a natural sagittal curvature and the relatively flexible intervertebral discs interposed between semi-rigid vertebrae, the spinal column is a compliant structure which can filter out shock and vibrations before they reach the brain. The intrinsic, passive stability of the spine is provided by the discs and surrounding ligamentous structures, and supplemented by the actions of the spinal muscles. The seven intervertebral ligaments which span each pair of adjacent vertebrae and the two synovial joints on each vertebra (facets or zygapophyseal joints) allow controlled, fully three-dimensional motion.


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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a highly specialized structural and functional component of the central nervous system that separates the circulating blood from the brain and spinal cord parenchyma. Brain endothelial cells (BECs) that primarily constitute the BBB are tightly interconnected by multiprotein complexes, the adherens junctions and the tight junctions, thereby creating a highly restrictive cellular barrier. Lipid-enriched membrane microdomain compartmentalization is an inherent property of BECs and allows for the apicobasal polarity of brain endothelium, temporal and spatial coordination of cell signaling events, and actin remodeling. In this manuscript, we review the role of membrane microdomains, in particular lipid rafts, in the BBB under physiological conditions and during leukocyte transmigration/diapedesis. Furthermore, we propose a classification of endothelial membrane microdomains based on their function, or at least on the function ascribed to the molecules included in such heterogeneous rafts: (1) rafts associated with interendothelial junctions and adhesion of BECs to basal lamina (scaffolding rafts); (2) rafts involved in immune cell adhesion and migration across brain endothelium (adhesion rafts); (3) rafts associated with transendothelial transport of nutrients and ions (transporter rafts).


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A 10-year-old Domestic Shorthair cat was admitted for chronic ambulatory paraparesis and a spinal malformation. The clinical examination revealed paraparesis accentuated on the left side. Thoracolumbar radiographs revealed a spinal malformation with a narrowed intervertebral space between L1 and L2, and a dorsal fusion at the level of L2-L3 with a common dorsal process. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an intervertebral disk herniation with a ventral compression of the spinal cord at the level of L1/2. A standard vertebral lateral corpectomy with a foraminotomy was performed with a good outcome.


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Abstract—Regeneration in the adult mammalian spinal cord is limited due to intrinsic properties of mature neurons and a hostile environment, mainly provided by central nervous system myelin and reactive astrocytes. Recent results indicate that propriospinal connections are a promising target for intervention to improve functional recovery. To study this functional regeneration in vitro we developed a model consisting of two organotypic spinal cord slices placed adjacently on multi-electrode arrays. The electrodes allow us to record the spontaneously occurring neuronal activity, which is often organized in network bursts. Within a few days in vitro (DIV), these bursts become synchronized between the two slices due to the formation of axonal connections. We cut them with a scalpel at different time points in vitro and record the neuronal activity 3 weeks later. The functional recovery ability was assessed by calculating the percentage of synchronized bursts between the two slices. We found that cultures lesioned at a young age (7–9 DIV) retained the high regeneration ability of embryonic tissue. However, cultures lesioned at older ages (>19 DIV) displayed a distinct reduction of synchronized activity. This reduction was not accompanied by an inability for axons to cross the lesion site. We show that functional regeneration in these old cultures can be improved by increasing the intracellular cAMP level with Rolipram or by placing a young slice next to an old one directly after the lesion. We conclude that co-cultures of two spinal cord slices are an appropriate model to study functional regeneration of intraspinal connections.