857 resultados para city planners
Recently, researchers have introduced the notion of super-peers to improve signaling efficiency as well as lookup performance of peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. In a separate development, recent works on applications of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) have seen several proposals on utilizing mobile fleets such as city buses to deploy a mobile backbone infrastructure for communication and Internet access in a metropolitan environment. This paper further explores the possibility of deploying P2P applications such as content sharing and distributed computing, over this mobile backbone infrastructure. Specifically, we study how city buses may be deployed as a mobile system of super-peers. We discuss the main motivations behind our proposal, and outline in detail the design of a super-peer based structured P2P system using a fleet of city buses.
Proposta didàctica que se situa entre els llenguatges del còmic i del cinema per a promoure la reflexió sobre la cerca de noves formes de narrar. El fil conductor és Sin City i es proposen, també, 10 activitats per als alumnes
In their second year, our undergraduate web scientists undertake a group project module (WEBS2002, led by Jonathon Hare & co-taught by Su White) in which they get to apply what they learnt in the first year to a practical web-science problem, and also learn about team-working. For the project this semester, the students were provided with a large dataset of geolocated images and associated metadata collected from the Flickr website. Using this data, they were tasked with exploring what this data could tell us about New York City. In this seminar the two groups will present the outcomes of their work. Team Alpha (Wil Muskett, Mark Cole & Jiwanjot Guron) will present their work on "An exploration of deprivation in NYC through Flickr". This work aims to explore whether social deprivation can be predicted geo-spatially through the analysis of social media by exploring correlations within the Flickr data against official statistics including poverty indices and crime rates. Team Bravo (Edward Baker, Callum Rooke & Rachel Whalley) will present their work on "Determining the Impact of the Flickr Relaunch on Usage and User Behaviour in New York City". This work explores the effect of the Flickr site relaunch in 2013 and looks at how user demographics and the types of content created by the users changed with the relaunch.
El primer número de la colección de Pipo se dirige a los niños entre 2 y 7 años. Contiene quince juegos relacionados con palabras y números, sumas y restas, letras y vocales, las horas, y actividades musicales. dición realizada con apoyo de la Conselleria d'Educació, Cultura i Esports del Govern Balear.
The Staphylococcus spp. they can cause a wide range of infections systemic and located in community and hospital patients. Its high pathogenicity and growing resistance to multiple antimicrobials including methicillin, causes high morbiditymortality rates, causing a high epidemiological impact. Objective: to determine the phenotypic profile of resistance to different antimicrobials in strains of the genus Staphylococcus spp. Materials and methods: collected 75 strains and determined them susceptibility to different antibiotics by the Kirby-Bauer method. The production of betalactamasecheck using the nitrocefin test. (Resistance to Methicillin in S. aureus was conductedusing Mueller Hinton with 4% NaCl and oxacillin 6 μg/mL). Inducible clindamycin resistance tamizo by D-Test test. Results: they were isolated by 38% of staphylococcus coagulase negative (SNA) and 62% of S. aureus. 53% were penicillin resistant staphylococci: S. aureus with 58% and 42% SNA. 47% of the strains showed resistance to methicillin: S. aureus with 61% and SNA with 39%. A strain of S. aureus showed inducible resistance to clindamycin (1.33%). Coagulase negative staphylococci were isolated mostly from blood samples (31%), blood (29%), tip of catheter (5%) and came mostly from neonatal ICU (25%), medical (21%) and surgery (16%).Conclusions: S. aureus and SNA were isolated with greater frequency in blood and wounds from surgery and neonatal ICU. The predominant resistance phenotypes were penicillin and oxacillin.
A descriptive, case series intervention study was performed to identify changes in physical qualities, aerobic power, flexibility, strength and body composition amongst 20 elderly subjects belonging to the “Club Nueva Vida” in Tunja City, during the second period of 2005. A PRE and POST assessment of their physical qualities was applied after a 16 week physical exercise program.Results showed an increase in the average of the static muscle streneth from 0.27 to 0.30 Newtons. Standard deviation diminished in 0.1. The dynamic strength measure by the push up test improved in 10% a 35% improved in 10% a 35% improved their. Cardiovascular capability until to high levels of 80% there were not significant changes in the body weight between measures taken before and after the program application. The results obtained with the sit and reach test did not show statistically significant differences. Hower in other flexibility tests the results changed from bad ranges to middle and good ones. The enrolled population was stable during the development of the exercise program. This study concludes that elderly adults acquire changes in their physical quality features after exercise intervention. Physical exercise programs in elderly adults must involve strength activities for upper limbs, trunk and aerobic power activities. The “Beliefs Health Model” is a adherence to reach compliance and maintenance in physical exercise.
Knowledge management has been one of the topics of greatest interest in the field of organizational studies in recent years. The objective of this research is to analyze the adoptionof knowledge management practices and their relation to human resource policies. The study was carried out in companies operating in the city of Monteria from a quantitative analysis.
The current housing problems in the city of Buenos Aires revolves around two phenomena, the precariousness and the evictions, in a context that is conceived like housing emergency. In response to this situation, some institutional organisms and certain social organizations with territorial roots in the south of the city, began to take forward actions of resilience opposing to the massive evictions, which take place as consequence of the real-estate pressure, and were concerning to the hotels, pensions, tenancies, and usurped houses of this zone of the city. It will be analyzed the actions of resilience displayed by them in their individual and collective dimensions and their relation to housing policies.
The modern citieshave been born of the processes of industrialization, urbanization, which have been characterized by violence, resulting in social inequality, spatial segregation, the struggle for survival, the authoritarianism of the government and the establishment of exclusive orders genre, which has prevented the enjoyment of the rights differential. In order to understand these complexities and transform power relations that develop and reproduce it, this article analyzes the main theoretical contributions and methodological approaches that feminist and gender studies have been conducted on the city, urban space and the right to city, which are valuable contributions to the definition of the right to the city of women as a collective right to universal construction
The document refers to the San Francisco river canalization and subsequent construction of the Avenida Jiménez de Quesada. Understanding that the project was ascribed to the modernizing policy of the time, the investigation identifies the different stages in the canalization process, and shows its relations with the spatial structure of the city and the local conditions that developed on the river surroundings. The financing of the project through the “property increase duty” permits an illustration of the progress of canalization and construction of the Jiménez Avenue process, providing a less technical and more social meaning to the sequence in which the project executed. Consequently, the document approaches the shaping dynamics of Bogotá´s spatial structure at the beginning of the XX century.
In Metropolitan Area of Mexico City, most of urban displacements happen through semi formal public transportation: small and medium capacity vehicles operated by small private enterprises, through a concession scheme. This kind of public transportation has been playing a major role in the Mexican capital. On one hand, it has been one of the conditions for urbanization to be possible. On the other hand, despite its uncountable deficiencies, public transportation has allowed for a long time the whole population to be able to move within this huge metropolis. However, that important function with regards to integration has now reached its limits in the most recent suburbs of the city, where a new mode of urbanization is taking place, based on massive production of very big social housing gated settlements. Public transportation tends to constitute here a factor of exclusion and households meet with important difficulties for their daily mobility.
La ciudad y los procesos que ésta desencadena en su entorno territorial han variado, de acuerdo con el momento histórico y contexto geográfico donde ocurrió, está ocurriendo o sucederá, por lo tanto, lo primero y lo segundo, son tan cambiantes, como lo son los elementos constitutivos de ese espacio ocupado, apropiado y gobernado.Son pocos los asuntos sobre los cuales coinciden las distintas comunidades académicas y disciplinas que se encargan del estudio de los procesos urbanos, como urbanistas, arquitectos, geógrafos, sociólogos, politólogos, ingenieros o planificadores; por ejemplo, con relación a la definición de lo urbano o lo qué podemos entender por ciudad; tal vez hay mayor acuerdo por lo que no es, como se constata con los espacios dedicados, exclusiva o principalmente a las actividades productivas agropecuarias. De la misma manera, sobre lo que se considera como espacio público, ya que algunos le dan un énfasis estructural y físico, como uno de los elementos rígidos que constituyen el espacio ocupado, mientras que otros, además de lo físico, rescatan de él referentes históricos, culturales y simbólicos.En la actualidad viene ganando audiencia la postura que combina lo físico y material de la ciudad y el espacio público, con lo inmaterial y simbólico de los mismos, lo que le confiere un nuevo sentido. De este tipo de convergencias, surge el escenario que contribuye a construir el ciudadano que requiere y demanda la ciudad.De acuerdo con lo anterior, el análisis que aquí se presenta se aborda a partir de tres aspectos relevantes: en primer lugar, se reiteran algunos de los caminos andados, para esbozar algunas de las nuevas perspectivas sobre la ciudad y el espacio público, tal como se sugiere en el título del artículo; en segundo lugar, relacionar aspectos históricos, conceptuales y aplicados sobre la ciudad y de esta con el espacio público, con base en el caso de Bogotá y finalmente plantear algunos de los desafíos que surgen de esta interacción, a partir de algunas reflexiones que buscan vincular esta temática con las ciencias sociales y en particular con la ciencia política.-----The city and the processes triggered by the city in its territorial environment have changed, according to the historical moment and the geographical context in which it happened, is happening, or will happen; therefore, the former and the latter are as changing as the elements of that occupied, appropriated, and governed space.There are very few subjects on which there is an agreement among the different academic communities and disciplines that study urban processes, such as town planners, architects, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, engineers, or planners. For example, regarding the definition of the urban matters or what we may understand as a city, a greater agreement may be found on what it is not, as shown with spaces exclusively or mainly dedicated to the productive agricultural/livestock activities. Likewise, regarding what is deemed as public space, because some people stress the structural and physical aspect as one of the rigid elements that comprise the occupied space, while others rescue, in addition to the physical, the historical, cultural, and symbolic references.The position that considers the physical and material city and public space combined with their immaterial and symbolic aspects has been gaining terrain lately, providing them with a whole new sense. From these convergences arises the scenario that contributes to the building of the citizenship required and demanded by the city.According to the foregoing, the analysis presented here is addressed from three relevant aspects: First, reiterating some of the already treated topics to outline some new perspectives on the city and the public space, as suggested in the title of this article; second, relating historical, conceptual, and applied aspects of the city and such aspects of the city related to the public space, based on the case of Bogotá; and finally, formulating some challenges arising form this interaction, based on certain thoughts that seek to link this topic with the Social Sciences and, in particular, with the Political Sciences.
This thesis theoretically studies the relationship between the informal sector (both in the labor and the housing market) and the city structure.
Colección de textos que explora la emoción, las tensiones y las injusticias de la vida urbana. Una variedad de pasajes, extractos de novelas, artículos periodísticos, poemas y cuentos, conforman cada una de las cinco secciones temáticas. La colección incluye escritos, entre otros, de William Blake, Bill Bryson, Charles Dickens, Robert Harris, Beverley Naidoo, Jon McGregor, Jeanette Winterson. Hay notas sobre los autores.
El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a propuestas didácticas.- Resumen tomado parcialmente de la publicación