947 resultados para chois modal


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This paper presents small-signal stability studies of a multimachine power system, considering Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOM)and discussed control modes of the STATCOM. The Power Sensitivity Model(PSM)is used to represent the electric power system. The study is based on modal analysis and time domain simulations. The results obtained allow concluding that the STATCOM improves the stabilization in the electric power system. © 2011 IEEE.


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Resumen Este documento sintetiza las exposiciones presentadas en el Seminario 'Competencia y complementación de los modos carretero y ferroviario en el transporte de cargas', el cual fue celebrado en la sede de la CEPAL los días 6 y 7 de noviembre de 2001.  A través del desarrollo de este seminario, se intentó determinar el estado actual de los modos ferroviario y carretero en América Latina, con respecto a las condiciones de mercado que deben enfrentar y la conveniencia de optar por un modo u otro en el transporte de mercancías. Se abarcaron temas relacionados con el comercio internacional, del cual el transporte depende directamente, y el rol del Estado en la creación de condiciones óptimas para el desarrollo del transporte combinado y multimodal.  Otros materias presentes también en esta reunión fueron, el impacto ambiental del transporte, la regulación y reglamentación que lo afecta y las necesidades de infraestructura necesarias para propiciar el desarrollo de servicios de transporte eficientes y confiables. Como resultado de las exposiciones y debates generados, a partir de tres mesas redondas que fueron celebradas, se enunciaron conclusiones y recomendaciones a tener en cuenta en el futuro.  En este sentido se concluyó la imperiosa necesidad, de que los Gobiernos definan políticas claras para guiar y propiciar la complementación e integración de ambos modos de transporte, que redunden en beneficios tanto para las empresas, como para la comunidad en general.  Claramente cada modo de transporte presenta ventajas, según el tipo de cargas a ser transportadas. Por otra parte existen una serie de distorciones, que impiden aprovechar estas ventajas de manera armónica y racional, generando pérdidas para todos los agentes participantes de esta actividad económica, como así también a la sociedad en general. Por lo tanto, es fundamental el lograr la corrección de dichas distorciones y es en este punto que el Estado debe desempeñar un rol principal a través de la regulación y reglamentación del sector.  En esta reunión se presentaron las siguientes ponencias 'la optimización de la partición modal en la época del concesionamiento de las carreteras y de los ferrocarriles'; 'evolución de la competencia y complementación entre el transporte carretero ferroviario en Argentina'; 'el impacto ambiental del transporte carretero y ferroviario de cargas'; 'el transporte combinado ferroviario carretero en el Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de Norteamérica (NAFTA)'; 'necesidades de integración modal del transporte de cargas: el caso chileno'; 'la política brasileña referente a la integración modal en el transporte de cargas'; 'necesidades de integración modal del transporte de cargas: el caso de Centroamérica' y 'la demanda de transporte de las empresas multinacionales radicadas en América Latina: variables determinantes de la elección modal. El caso de la II Región - Chile'.


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Results are reported from a search for physics beyond the standard model in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7TeV, focusing on the signature with a single, isolated, high-transverse-momentum lepton (electron or muon), energetic jets, and large missing transverse momentum. The data sample comprises an integrated luminosity of 36 pb-1, recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The search is motivated by models of new physics, including supersymmetry. The observed event yields are consistent with standard model backgrounds predicted using control samples obtained from the data. The characteristics of the event sample are consistent with those expected for the production of tt̄ and W+jets events. The results are interpreted in terms of limits on the parameter space for the constrained minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model.


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This paper describes a computational model based on lumped elements for the mutual coupling between phases in three-phase transmission lines without the explicit use of modal transformation matrices. The self and mutual parameters and the coupling between phases are modeled using modal transformation techniques. The modal representation is developed from the intrinsic consideration of the modal transformation matrix and the resulting system of time-domain differential equations is described as state equations. Thus, a detailed profile of the currents and the voltages through the line can be easily calculated using numerical or analytical integration methods. However, the original contribution of the article is the proposal of a time-domain model without the successive phase/mode transformations and a practical implementation based on conventional electrical circuits, without the use of electromagnetic theory to model the coupling between phases. © 2011 IEEE.


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The phases of a transmission line are tightly coupled due to mutual impedances and admittances of the line. One way to accomplish the calculations of currents and voltages in multi-phase lines consists in representing them in modal domain, where its n coupled phases are represented by their n propagation modes. The separation line in their modes of propagation is through the use of a modal transformation matrix whose columns are eigenvectors associated with the parameters of the line. Usually, this matrix is achieved through numerical methods which do not allow the achievement of an analytical model for line developed directly in the phases domain. This work will show an analytical model for phase currents and voltages of the line and results it will be applied to a hypothetical two-phase. It will be shown results obtained with that will be compared to results obtained using a classical model. © 2012 IEEE.


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A transmission line digital model is developed direct in the phase and time domains. The successive modal transformations considered in the three-phase representation are simplified and then the proposed model can be easily applied to several operation condition based only on the previous knowing of the line parameters, without a thorough theoretical knowledge of modal analysis. The proposed model is also developed based on lumped elements, providing a complete current and voltage profile at any point of the transmission system. This model makes possible the modeling of non-linear power devices and electromagnetic phenomena along the transmission line using simple electric circuit components, representing a great advantage when compared to several models based on distributed parameters and inverse transforms. In addition, an efficient integration method is proposed to solve the system of differential equations resulted from the line modeling by lumped elements, thereby making possible simulations of transient and steady state using a wide and constant integration step. © 2012 IEEE.


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In this paper, an exact series solution for the vibration analysis of circular cylindrical shells with arbitrary boundary conditions is obtained, using the elastic equations based on Flügge's theory. Each of the three displacements is represented by a Fourier series and auxiliary functions and sought in a strong form by letting the solution exactly satisfy both the governing differential equations and the boundary conditions on a point-wise basis. Since the series solution has to be truncated for numerical implementation, the term exactly satisfying should be understood as a satisfaction with arbitrary precision. One of the important advantages of this approach is that it can be universally applied to shells with a variety of different boundary conditions, without the need of making any corresponding modifications to the solution algorithms and implementation procedures as typically required in other techniques. Furthermore, the current method can be easily used to deal with more complicated boundary conditions such as point supports, partial supports, and non-uniform elastic restraints. Numerical examples are presented regarding the modal parameters of shells with various boundary conditions. The capacity and reliability of this solution method are demonstrated through these examples. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The phases of a transmission line are tightly coupled due to mutual impedances and admittances of the line. One way to accomplish the calculations of currents and voltages in multi phase lines consists in representing them in modal domain, where its n coupled phases are represented by their n propagation modes. The separation line in their modes of propagation is through the use of a modal transformation matrix whose columns are eigenvectors associated with the parameters of the line. Usually, this matrix is achieved through numerical methods which do not allow the achievement of an analytical model for line developed directly in the phases domain. This work will show an analytical model for phase currents and voltages of the line and results it will be applied to a hypothetical two-phase. It will be shown results obtained with that will be compared to results obtained using a classical model © 2003-2012 IEEE.


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This paper describes a computational model based on lumped elements for the mutual coupling between phases in transmission lines without the explicit use of modal transformation matrices. The self and mutual parameters and the coupling between phases are modeled using modal transformation techniques. The modal representation is developed from the intrinsic consideration of the modal transformation matrix and the resulting system of time-domain differential equations is described as state equations. Thus, a detailed profile ofthe currents and the voltages through the line can be easily calculated using numerical or analytical integration methods. However, the original contribution of the article is the proposal of a time-domain model without the successive phase/mode transformations and a practical implementation based on conventional electrical circuits, without the use of electromagnetic theory to model the coupling between phases. © 2003-2012 IEEE.


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This article shows a transmission line model developed directly in the phase domain. The proposed model is based on the relationships between the phase currents and voltages at both the sending and receiving ends of a single-phase line. These relationships, established using an ABCD matrix, were extended to multi-phase lines. The proposed model was validated by using it to represent a transmission line during short-and open-circuit tests. The results obtained with the proposed model were compared with results obtained with a classical model based on modal decomposition. These comparisons show that proposed model was correctly developed. © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Delayed feedback (DF) control is a well-established technique to suppress single frequency vibration of a non-minimum phase system. Modal control is also a well-established technique to control multiple vibration modes of a minimum phase system. In this paper these techniques are combined to simultaneously suppress multiple vibration modes of a non-minimum phase system involving a small time delay. The control approach is called delayed resonant feedback (DRF) where each modal controller consists of a modal filter to extract the target mode signal from the vibration response, and a phase compensator to account for the phase delay of the mode. The methodology is first discussed using a single mode system. A multi-mode system is then studied and experimental results are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the control approach for two modes of a beam. It is shown that the system behaves as if each mode under control has a dynamic vibration absorber attached to it, even though the actuator and the sensor are not collocated and there is a time delay in the control system. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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This paper presents a novel time domain approach for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems based on Electromechanical Impedance (EMI) principle and Principal Component Coefficients (PCC), also known as loadings. Differently of typical applications of EMI applied to SHM, which are based on computing the Frequency Response Function (FRF), in this work the procedure is based on the EMI principle but all analysis is conducted directly in time-domain. For this, the PCC are computed from the time response of PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) transducers bonded to the monitored structure, which act as actuator and sensor at the same time. The procedure is carried out exciting the PZT transducers using a wide band chirp signal and getting their time responses. The PCC are obtained in both healthy and damaged conditions and used to compute statistics indexes. Tests were carried out on an aircraft aluminum plate and the results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method making it an excellent approach for SHM applications. Finally, the results using EMI signals in both frequency and time responses are obtained and compared. © The Society for Experimental Mechanics 2014.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)