848 resultados para cascaded electroabsorption modulators


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Heterosynaptic plasticity has received considerable attention as a means to induce and maintain cell-wide, as opposed to synapse-specific, learning-related modifications. Modulatory neurotransmitters are thought to provide the attentional and motivational state for memory formation. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of most of these modulators on synaptic plasticity and learning remain unclear. A well established system for the study of heterosynaptic plasticity is the Aplysia sensorimotor synapse, which is subject regulation by at least two neuromodulators, serotonin (5-HT) and FMRFa. ^ 5-HT engages multiple second messenger cascades to induce short- and long-term facilitation (STF and LTF, respectively) of synaptic transmission. One mechanism proposed to be involved in STF is mobilization of synaptic vesicles from a storage pool to a releasable pool. To investigate this hypothesis, we examined the involvement of the protein synapsin, a central element in the regulation of the storage pool of vesicles in nerve terminals, in STF. 5-HT induced phosphorylation of synapsin and modified its subcellular distribution via PKA and p42/44 MAPK. Electrophysiological experiments and computer simulations suggested that synapsin can support heterosynaptic plasticity by regulating vesicle mobilization. ^ FMRFa induce short- and long-term synaptic depression in Aplysia . Long-term depression (LTD) correlates with morphological changes, the mechanisms of which remain elusive. LTD is also transcription- and translation-dependent, but little is known about the genes expressed and their regulation. We investigated the role of protein degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system and the regulation of one of its components, ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (ap-uch), in LTD. LTD was sensitive to inhibition of the proteasome and was associated with upregulation of ap-uch mRNA and protein. This upregulation appeared to be mediated by the transcription factor CREB2, which is generally regarded as a transcription repressor. These results suggest that proteasome-mediated protein degradation is engaged in LTD and that CREB2 may act as a transcription activator under certain conditions. ^ These and additional studies on the interaction of the 5-HT and FMRFa-activated pathways suggest that different neuromodulators, by activating several and sometimes overlapping signaling cascades, can exercise bidirectional control on synaptic gain and information processing.^


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In the endometrium, hormonal effects on epithelial cells are often elicited through stromal hormone receptors via unknown paracrine mechanisms. Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that Wnts participate in stromal-epithelial cell communication and thus mediate hormone action. Characterization of specific Wnt signaling components in the endometrium was performed using cellular localization studies and evaluating hormone effects in a rat model. Wnt7a was expressed in the luminal epithelium, whereas the extracellular Wnt modulator, SFRP4, was localized to the endometrial stroma. SFRP4 expression is significantly decreased in endometrial carcinoma and aberrant Wnt7a signaling has been shown to cause uterine defects and contribute to the onset of disease. The specific Fzds and SFRPs that bind Wnt7a and the particular signal transduction pathway each Wnt7a-Fzd pair activates have not been identified. Additionally, the function of Wnt7a and SFRP4 in the endometrium has not been addressed. A survey of all Wnt signaling proteins expressed in the endometrium was conducted and Fzd5 and Fzd10 were identified as two receptors capable of transducing the Wnt7a signal. Biologically active recombinant Wnt7a and SFRP4 proteins were purified for quantitative biochemical studies. In Ishikawa cells, Wnt7a binding to Fzd5 activated β-catenin/canonical Wnt signaling and increased cellular proliferation. Wnt7a signaling mediated by Fzd10 induced a non-canonical/JNK-responsive pathway. SFRP4 suppressed Wnt7a action in both an autocrine and paracrine manner. Treatment with SFRP4 protein and overexpression of SFRP4 inhibited endometrial cancer cell growth and induced apoptosis in vitro. A split-eGFP complementation assay was developed to visually detect Wnt7a-Fzd interactions and subsequent pathway activation in cells. By employing a unique ELISA-based protein-protein binding technique, it was demonstrated that Wnt7a binds to SFRP4 and Fzd5 with equal nanomolar affinity. The development of these novel biological tools could lead to a better understanding of Wnt-protein interactions and the identification of new modulators of Wnt signaling. This study supports a mechanism by which the nature of the Wnt7a signal in the endometrium is dependent upon the Fzd repertoire of the cell and can be regulated by SFRP4. The potential tumor suppressor function of SFRP4 suggests it may serve as a therapeutic target for endometrial carcinoma. ^


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The degradation of proteins by the ubiquitin proteasome system is essential for cellular homeostasis in the heart. An important regulator of metabolic homeostasis is AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). During nutrient deprivation, AMPK is activated and intracellular proteolysis is enhanced through the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Whether AMPK plays a role in protein degradation through the UPS in the heart is not known. Here I present data in support of the hypothesis that AMPK transcriptionally regulates key players in the UPS, which, under extreme conditions can be detrimental to the heart. The ubiquitin ligases MAFbx /Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, key regulators of protein degradation, and AMPK activity are increased during nutrient deprivation. Pharmacologic and genetic activation of AMPK is sufficient for the induction of MAFbx/Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in cardiomyocytes and in the heart in vivo. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the molecular mechanism by which AMPK regulates MuRF1 expression is through the transcription factor myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), which is involved in stress response and cardiomyocyte remodeling. MuRF1 is required for AMPK-mediated protein degradation through the UPS in cardiomyocytes. Consequently, the absence of MuRF1 during chronic fasting preserves cardiac function, possibly by limiting degradation of critical metabolic enzymes. Furthermore, during cardiac hypertrophy, chronic activation of AMPK also leads to cardiac dysfunction, possibly through enhanced protein degradation and metabolic dysregulation. Collectively, my findings demonstrate that AMPK regulates expression of ubiquitin ligases which are required for UPS-mediated protein degradation in the heart. Based on these results, I propose that specific metabolic signals may serve as modulators of intracellular protein degradation in the heart.


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The degradation of proteins by the ubiquitin proteasome system is essential for cellular homeostasis in the heart. An important regulator of metabolic homeostasis is AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). During nutrient deprivation, AMPK is activated and intracellular proteolysis is enhanced through the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Whether AMPK plays a role in protein degradation through the UPS in the heart is not known. Here I present data in support of the hypothesis that AMPK transcriptionally regulates key players in the UPS, which, under extreme conditions can be detrimental to the heart. The ubiquitin ligases MAFbx /Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, key regulators of protein degradation, and AMPK activity are increased during nutrient deprivation. Pharmacologic and genetic activation of AMPK is sufficient for the induction of MAFbx/Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in cardiomyocytes and in the heart in vivo. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the molecular mechanism by which AMPK regulates MuRF1 expression is through the transcription factor myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2), which is involved in stress response and cardiomyocyte remodeling. MuRF1 is required for AMPK-mediated protein degradation through the UPS in cardiomyocytes. Consequently, the absence of MuRF1 during chronic fasting preserves cardiac function, possibly by limiting degradation of critical metabolic enzymes. Furthermore, during cardiac hypertrophy, chronic activation of AMPK also leads to cardiac dysfunction, possibly through enhanced protein degradation and metabolic dysregulation. Collectively, my findings demonstrate that AMPK regulates expression of ubiquitin ligases which are required for UPS-mediated protein degradation in the heart. Based on these results, I propose that specific metabolic signals may serve as modulators of intracellular protein degradation in the heart.


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Ras proteins serve as crucial signaling modulators in cell proliferation through their ability to hydrolyze GTP and exist in a GTP “on” state and GTP “off” state. There are three different human Ras isoforms: H-ras, N-ras and K-ras (4A and 4B). Although their sequence identity is very high at the catalytic domain, these isoforms differ in their ability to activate different effectors and hence different signaling pathways. Much of the previous work on this topic has attributed this difference to the hyper variable region of Ras proteins, which contains most of the sequence variance among the isoforms and encodes specificity for differential distribution in the membrane. However, we hypothesize that sequence variation on lobe II of Ras catalytic domain alters dynamics and leads to differential preference for different effectors or modulators. In this work, we used all atom molecular dynamics to analyze the dynamics in the catalytic domain of H-ras and K-ras. We have also analyzed the dynamics of a transforming mutant of H-ras and K-ras and further studied the dynamics of an effectorselective mutant of H-ras. Collectively we have determined that wild type K-ras is more dynamic than H-ras and that the structure of the effector binding loop more closely resembles that of the T35S Raf-selective mutant, possibly giving us a new view and insight into the v mode of effector specificity. Furthermore we have determined that specific mutations at the same location perturb the conformational equilibrium differently in H-ras and K-ras and that an enhanced oncogenic potential may arise from different structural perturbations for each point mutation of a specific isoform.


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Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved process that functions to maintain homeostasis and provides energy during nutrient deprivation and environmental stresses for the survival of cells by delivering cytoplasmic contents to the lysosomes for recycling and energy generation. Dysregulation of this process has been linked to human diseases including immune disorders, neurodegenerative muscular diseases and cancer. Autophagy is a double edged sword in that it has both pro-survival and pro-death roles in cancer cells. Its cancer suppressive roles include the clearance of damaged organelles, which could otherwise lead to inflammation and therefore promote tumorigenesis. In its pro-survival role, autophagy allows cancer cells to overcome cytotoxic stresses generated the cancer environment or cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and evade cell death. A better understanding of how drugs that perturb autophagy affect cancer cell signaling is of critical importance toimprove the cancer treatment arsenal. In order to gain insights in the relationship between autophagy and drug treatments, we conducted a high-throughput drug screen to identify autophagy modulators. Our high-throughput screen utilized image based fluorescent microscopy for single cell analysis to identify chemical perturbants of the autophagic process. Phenothiazines emerged as the largest family of drugs that alter the autophagic process by increasing LC3-II punctae levels in different cancer cell lines. In addition, we observed multiple biological effects in cancer cells treated with phenothiazines. Those antitumorigenic effects include decreased cell migration, cell viability, and ATP production along with abortive autophagy. Our studies highlight the potential role of phenothiazines as agents for combinational therapy with other chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of different cancers.


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El núcleo septal lateral forma parte de estructuras subcorticales del cerebro. La destrucción de dicho núcleo genera lo que se conoce como síndrome de furia septal. En este trabajo demostramos que el agonista GABAérgico muscimol, en dosis no sedativas, indujo una “inhibición del miedo" en ratas macho de la cepa Sprague- Dawley, asociada a un aumento de respuestas agresivas a objetos habitualmente neutros. Estos resultados, sumados al hecho de que el núcleo septal lateral participa en diversas entidades psiquiátricas, hace que sea interesante aportar al conocimiento de su función apelando a moduladores que se sabe están presentes en el en dicha estructura del sistema nervioso central.


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Few studies exist reporting on long-term exposure of crustaceans to hypercapnia. We exposed juvenile South African rock lobsters, Jasus lalandii, to hypercapnic conditions of pH 7.3 for 28 weeks and subsequently analysed changes in the extracellular fluid (haemolymph). Results revealed, for the first time, adjustments in the haemolymph of a palinurid crustacean during chronic hypercapnic exposure: 1) acid-base balance was adjusted and sustained by increased bicarbonate and 2) quantity and oxygen binding properties of haemocyanin changed. Compared with lobsters kept under normocapnic conditions (pH 8.0), during prolonged hypercapnia, juvenile lobsters increased bicarbonate buffering of haemolymph. This is necessary to provide optimum pH conditions for oxygen binding of haemocyanin and functioning of respiration in the presence of a strong Bohr Effect. Furthermore, modification of the intrinsic structure of the haemocyanin molecule, and not the presence of molecular modulators, seems to improve oxygen affinity under conditions of elevated pCO2.


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This paper analyzes the noise and gain measurement of microwave differential amplifiers using two passive baluns. A general model of the baluns is considered, including potential losses and phase/amplitude unbalances. This analysis allows de-embedding the actual gain and noise performance of the isolated amplifier by using single-ended measurements of the cascaded system and baluns. Finally, measured results from two amplifier prototypes are used to validate the theoretical principles.


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This paper analyses the noise and gain measurement of microwave differential amplifiers using two passive baluns. A model of the baluns that includes potential losses and unbalances has been considered. This analysis allows to de-embed the actual performance of the differential device from the single-ended measurements of the two-port cascaded system and the baluns. The method has been validated with measured results from a fully-differential amplifier prototype.


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This paper analyses the noise and gain measurement of microwave differential amplifiers using two passive baluns. A model of the baluns that includes potential losses and unbalances has been considered. This analysis allows de-embedding actual performance of the differential device from the single-ended measurements of the two-port cascaded system and the baluns. The method has been validated with measured results from a fully-differential amplifier prototype.


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El impacto negativo que tienen los virus en las plantas hace que estos puedan ejercer un papel ecológico como moduladores de la dinámica espacio-temporal de las poblaciones de sus huéspedes. Entender cuáles son los mecanismos genéticos y los factores ambientales que determinan tanto la epidemiología como la estructura genética de las poblaciones de virus puede resultar de gran ayuda para la comprensión del papel ecológico de las infecciones virales. Sin embargo, existen pocos trabajos experimentales que hayan abordado esta cuestión. En esta tesis, se analiza el efecto de la heterogeneidad del paisaje sobre la incidencia de los virus y la estructura genética de sus poblaciones. Asimismo, se explora como dichos factores ambientales influyen en la importancia relativa que los principales mecanismos de generación de variabilidad genética (mutación, recombinación y migración) tienen en la evolución de los virus. Para ello se ha usado como sistema los begomovirus que infectan poblaciones de chiltepín (Capsicum annuum var. aviculare (Dierbach) D´Arcy & Eshbaugh) en México. Se analizó la incidencia de diferentes virus en poblaciones de chiltepín distribuidas a lo largo de seis provincias biogeográficas, representando el área de distribución de la especie en México, y localizadas en hábitats con diferente grado de intervención humana: poblaciones sin intervención humana (silvestres); poblaciones toleradas (lindes y pastizales), y poblaciones manejadas por el hombre (monocultivos y huertos familiares). Entre los virus analizados, los begomovirus mostraron la mayor incidencia, detectándose en todas las poblaciones y años de muestreo. Las únicas dos especies de begomovirus que se encontraron infectando al chiltepín fueron: el virus del mosaico dorado del chile (Pepper golden mosaic virus, PepGMV) y el virus huasteco del amarilleo de venas del chile (Pepper huasteco yellow vein virus, PHYVV). Por ello, todos los análisis realizados en esta tesis se centran en estas dos especies de virus. La incidencia de PepGMV y PHYVV, tanto en infecciones simples como mixtas, aumento cuanto mayor fue el nivel de intervención humana en las poblaciones de chiltepín, lo que a su vez se asoció con una menor biodiversidad y una mayor densidad de plantas. Además, la incidencia de infecciones mixtas, altamente relacionada con la presencia de síntomas, fue también mayor en las poblaciones cultivadas. La incidencia de estos dos virus también varió en función de la población de chiltepín y de la provincia biogeográfica. Por tanto, estos resultados apoyan una de las hipótesis XVI clásicas de la Patología Vegetal según la cual la simplificación de los ecosistemas naturales debida a la intervención humana conduce a un mayor riesgo de enfermedad de las plantas, e ilustran sobre la importancia de la heterogeneidad del paisaje a diferentes escalas en la determinación de patrones epidemiológicos. La heterogeneidad del paisaje no solo afectó a la epidemiología de PepGMV y PHYVV, sino también a la estructura genética de sus poblaciones. En ambos virus, el nivel de diferenciación genética mayor fue la población, probablemente asociado a la capacidad de migración de su vector Bemisia tabaci; y en segundo lugar la provincia biogeográfica, lo que podría estar relacionado con el papel del ser humano como agente dispersor de PepGMV y PHYVV. La estima de las tasas de sustitución nucleotídica de las poblaciones de PepGMV y PHYVV mostró una rápida dinámica evolutiva. Los árboles filogenéticos de ambos virus presentaron una topología en estrella, lo que sugiere una expansión reciente en las poblaciones de chiltepín. La reconstrucción de los patrones de migración de ambos virus indicó que ésta expansión parece haberse producido desde la zona central de México siguiendo un patrón radial, y en los últimos 30 años. Es importante tener en cuenta que el patrón espacial de la diversidad genética de las poblaciones de PepGMV y PHYVV es similar al descrito previamente para el chiltepín lo que podría dar lugar a la congruencia de las genealogías del huésped y la de los virus. Dicha congruencia se encontró cuando se tuvieron en cuenta únicamente las poblaciones de hábitats silvestres y tolerados, lo que probablemente se debe a una codivergencia en el espacio pero no en el tiempo, dado que la evolución de virus y huésped han ocurrido a escalas temporales muy diferentes. Finalmente, el análisis de la frecuencia de recombinación en PepGMV y PHYVV indicó que esta juega un papel importante en la evolución de ambos virus, dependiendo su importancia del nivel de intervención humana de la población de chiltepín. Este factor afectó también a la intensidad de la selección a la que se ven sometidos los genomas de PepGMV y PHYVV. Los resultados de esta tesis ponen de manifiesto la importancia que la reducción de la biodiversidad asociada al nivel de intervención humana de las poblaciones de plantas y la heterogeneidad del paisaje tiene en la emergencia de nuevas enfermedades virales. Por tanto, es necesario considerar estos factores ambientales a la hora de comprender la epidemiologia y la evolución de los virus de plantas.XVII SUMMARY Plant viruses play a key role as modulators of the spatio-temporal dynamics of their host populations, due to their negative impact in plant fitness. Knowledge on the genetic and environmental factors that determine the epidemiology and the genetic structure of virus populations may help to understand the ecological role of viral infections. However, few experimental works have addressed this issue. This thesis analyses the effect of landscape heterogeneity in the prevalence of viruses and the genetic structure of their populations. Also, how these environmental factors influence the relative importance of the main mechanisms for generating genetic variability (mutation, recombination and migration) during virus evolution is explored. To do so, the begomoviruses infecting chiltepin (Capsicum annuum var. aviculare (Dierbach) D'Arcy & Eshbaugh) populations in Mexico were used. Incidence of different viruses in chiltepin populations of six biogeographical provinces representing the species distribution in Mexico was determined. Populations belonged to different habitats according to the level of human management: populations with no human intervention (Wild); populations naturally dispersed and tolerated in managed habitats (let-standing), and human managed populations (cultivated). Among the analyzed viruses, the begomoviruses showed the highest prevalence, being detected in all populations and sampling years. Only two begomovirus species infected chiltepin: Pepper golden mosaic virus, PepGMV and Pepper huasteco yellow vein virus, PHYVV. Therefore, all the analyses presented in this thesis are focused in these two viruses. The prevalence of PepGMV and PHYVV, in single and mixed infections, increased with higher levels of human management of the host population, which was associated with decreased biodiversity and increased plant density. Furthermore, cultivated populations showed higher prevalence of mixed infections and symptomatic plants. The prevalence of the two viruses also varied depending on the chiltepin population and on the biogeographical province. Therefore, these results support a classical hypothesis of Plant Pathology stating that simplification of natural ecosystems due to human management leads to an increased disease risk, and illustrate on the importance of landscape heterogeneity in determining epidemiological patterns. Landscape heterogeneity not only affected the epidemiology of PepGMV and PHYVV, but also the genetic structure of their populations. Both viruses had the highest level of genetic differentiation at the population scale, probably associated with the XVIII migration patterns of its vector Bemisia tabaci, and a second level at the biogeographical province scale, which could be related to the role of humans as dispersal agents of PepGMV and PHYVV. The estimates of nucleotide substitution rates of the virus populations indicated rapid evolutionary dynamics. Accordingly, phylogenetic trees of both viruses showed a star topology, suggesting a recent diversification in the chiltepin populations. Reconstruction of PepGMV and PHYVV migration patterns indicated that they expanded from central Mexico following a radial pattern during the last 30 years. Importantly, the spatial genetic structures of the virus populations were similar to that described previously for the chiltepin, which may result in the congruence of the host and virus genealogies. Such congruence was found only in wild and let-standing populations. This is probably due to a co-divergence in space but not in time, given the different evolutionary time scales of the host and virus populations. Finally, the frequency of recombination detected in the PepGMV and PHYVV populations indicated that this mechanism plays an important role in the evolution of both viruses at the intra-specific scale. The level of human management had a minor effect on the frequency of recombination, but influenced the strength of negative selective pressures in the viral genomes. The results of this thesis highlight the importance of decreased biodiversity in plant populations associated with the level of human management and of landscape heterogeneity on the emergence of new viral diseases. Therefore it is necessary to consider these environmental factors in order to fully understand the epidemiology and evolution of plant viruses.


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One major problem of concurrent multi-path transfer (CMT) scheme in multi-homed mobile networks is that the utilization of different paths with diverse delays may cause packet reordering among packets of the same ?ow. In the case of TCP-like, the reordering exacerbates the problem by bringing more timeouts and unnecessary retransmissions, which eventually degrades the throughput of connections considerably. To address this issue, we ?rst propose an Out-of-order Scheduling for In-order Arriving (OSIA), which exploits the sending time discrepancy to preserve the in-order packet arrival. Then, we formulate the optimal traf?c scheduling as a constrained optimization problem and derive its closedform solution by our proposed progressive water-?lling solution. We also present an implementation to enforce the optimal scheduling scheme using cascaded leaky buckets with multiple faucets, which provides simple guidelines on maximizing the utilization of aggregate bandwidth while decreasing the probability of triggering 3 dupACKs. Compared with previous work, the proposed scheme has lower computation complexity and can also provide the possibility for dynamic network adaptability and ?ner-grain load balancing. Simulation results show that our scheme signi?cantly alleviates reordering and enhances transmission performance.


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El origen del proyecto se encuentra en la mejora de un inversor trifásico sinusoidal comercial sobre la base del estudio de las técnicas de excitación óptimas para los IGBTs que lo componen en su etapa de potencia. En las primeras fases de planteamiento del proyecto se propone una idea mucho más ambiciosa, la realización de un nuevo convertidor de emergencia, destinado al sector ferroviario, para dar servicio de climatización. Este convertidor está formado por la asociación en cascada de un bloque DC/DC elevador y un bloque inversor DC/AC trifásico controlado mediante PWM con modulación sinusoidal. Se pretendía así dar solución a las siguientes problemáticas detectadas en los convertidores comercializados hasta el momento: un bloque elevador excesivamente sobredimensionado, subsistemas de control independientes para los dos bloques que configuran el convertidor, adicionalmente, la tarjeta driver se rediseña con cada cambio de especificaciones por parte de un nuevo cliente y finalmente, las comunicaciones tanto de diagnosis como de mantenimiento necesitaban una importante actualización. Inicialmente, se ha realizado un estudio teórico de los bloques elevador e inversor para poder realizar el diseño y dimensionamiento de sus componentes tanto semiconductores como electromagnéticos. Una vez completada la parte de potencia, se estudia el control que se realiza mediante medidas directas y simulación tanto de la estrategia de control del elevador como del inversor. Así se obtiene una información completa de la funcionalidad de las tarjetas existentes. Se desea realizar el diseño de una única tarjeta controladora y una única tarjeta de drivers para ambos bloques. Por problemas ajenos, en el transcurso de este proyecto se cancela su realización comercial, con lo que se decide al menos crear la placa de control y poder gobernar un convertidor ya existente, sustituyendo la tarjeta de control del bloque elevador. Para poder fabricar la placa de control se divide en dos tarjetas que irán conectadas en modo sándwich. En una tarjeta está el microcontrolador y en otra está todo el interface necesario para operar con el sistema: entradas y salidas digitales, entradas y salidas analógicas, comunicación CAN, y un pequeño DC/DC comercial que proporciona alimentación al prototipo. Se realiza un pequeño programa funcional para poder manejar el convertidor, el cual con una tensión de 110V DC, proporciona a la salida una tensión de 380V AC. Como ya se ha expuesto, debido a la cancelación del proyecto industrial no se profundiza más en su mejora y se decide proponerlo para su evaluación en su fase actual. ABSTRACT. The beginning of the project is found in the improvement of a commercial sine wave three phase inverter which is based in a study about optimal excitation techniques to IGBTs which compose in the power stage. In the early phases of project it is proposed a much more ambitious idea, the fact of a new emergency converter, proposed for the rail sector to work in an air condition unit. This converter is formed by an association of a block cascaded DC/DC booster and a block DC/AC inverter three-phase controlled by a sine wave modulation PWM. The purposed was to give a solution to following problems detected in commercial converters nowadays: an excessively oversized block boost, independent control subsystems for two blocks that configure the converter. In addition, driver board is redesigned with each specifications change demand it a new customer, and finally, the communications, diagnostic and maintenance that needed a important upgrade. Initially, it has been performed a theoretical study of boost and the inverter blocks to be able to perform the component’s design and the size (semiconductor and electromagnetic fields). Once finished power study, it is analysed the control performed using direct measures and simulation of boost control strategy and inverter. With this it is obtained complete information about existing cards functionality. The project is looking for the design of just one controller card and one drivers´ card for both blocks. By unrelated problems, during the course of this project a commercial realization. So at least its decided to create control board to be able to existing converter, replacing boost block’s control board. To be able to manufacture control board it is divided in two cards connected in sandwiching mode. In a card is microcontroller and in another is all needed interface to operate with the system: digital inputs and outputs, analogical inputs and outputs, CAN communication, and a small DC / DC business that provide power supply to the prototype. It is performed a small functional program to handle the converter, which with an input voltage 110V DC provides an output voltage 380V AC. As already has been exposed, due to industrial project cancellation it is decided no to continue with all improvements and directly to evaluate it in the current phase.


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In this paper we propose to employ an instability that occurs in bistable devices as a control signal at the reception stage to generate the clock signal. One of the adopted configurations is composed of two semiconductor optical amplifiers arranged in a cascaded structure. This configuration has an output equivalent to that obtained from Self-Electrooptic Effect Devices (SEEDs), and it can implement the main Boolean functions of two binary inputs. These outputs, obtained from the addition of two binary signals, show a short spike in the transition from "1" to "2" in the internal processing. A similar result is obtained for a simple semiconductor amplifier with bistable behavior. The paper will show how these structures may help recover clock signals in any optical transmission system