955 resultados para camera trapping


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Obtaining automatic 3D profile of objects is one of the most important issues in computer vision. With this information, a large number of applications become feasible: from visual inspection of industrial parts to 3D reconstruction of the environment for mobile robots. In order to achieve 3D data, range finders can be used. Coded structured light approach is one of the most widely used techniques to retrieve 3D information of an unknown surface. An overview of the existing techniques as well as a new classification of patterns for structured light sensors is presented. This kind of systems belong to the group of active triangulation method, which are based on projecting a light pattern and imaging the illuminated scene from one or more points of view. Since the patterns are coded, correspondences between points of the image(s) and points of the projected pattern can be easily found. Once correspondences are found, a classical triangulation strategy between camera(s) and projector device leads to the reconstruction of the surface. Advantages and constraints of the different patterns are discussed


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This paper presents the implementation details of a coded structured light system for rapid shape acquisition of unknown surfaces. Such techniques are based on the projection of patterns onto a measuring surface and grabbing images of every projection with a camera. Analyzing the pattern deformations that appear in the images, 3D information of the surface can be calculated. The implemented technique projects a unique pattern so that it can be used to measure moving surfaces. The structure of the pattern is a grid where the color of the slits are selected using a De Bruijn sequence. Moreover, since both axis of the pattern are coded, the cross points of the grid have two codewords (which permits to reconstruct them very precisely), while pixels belonging to horizontal and vertical slits have also a codeword. Different sets of colors are used for horizontal and vertical slits, so the resulting pattern is invariant to rotation. Therefore, the alignment constraint between camera and projector considered by a lot of authors is not necessary


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Adult triatomines occasionally fly into artificially lit premises in Amazonia. This can result in Trypanosoma cruzi transmission to humans either by direct contact or via foodstuff contamination, but the frequency of such behaviour has not been quantified. To address this issue, a light-trap was set 45 m above ground in primary rainforest near Manaus, state of Amazonas, Brazil and operated monthly for three consecutive nights over the course of one year (432 trap-hours). The most commonly caught reduviids were triatomines, including 38 Panstrongylus geniculatus, nine Panstrongylus lignarius, three Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus, five Rhodnius robustus, two Rhodnius pictipes, one Rhodnius amazonicus and 17 Eratyrus mucronatus. Males were collected more frequently than females. The only month without any catches was May. Attraction of most of the known local T. cruzi vectors to artificial light sources is common and year-round in the Amazon rainforest, implying that they may often invade premises built near forest edges and thus become involved in disease transmission. Consequently, effective Chagas disease prevention in Amazonia will require integrating entomological surveillance with the currently used epidemiological surveillance.


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The use of attractants and larvicides in oviposition traps is of practical interest for the surveillance and control of urban mosquitoes. In addition to increasing the safety of the traps, this combination is essential for an attract-and-kill control strategy based on trapping mosquito eggs. The combination of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) and grass infusion (GI) vs. GI alone were tested for their ability to attract in paired BR-OVT traps in the backyards of 10 houses in Recife, Brazil, for a period of 45 days. Results show that females prefer to oviposit in traps containing Bti (363 compared with 251 egg rafts over 45 days). Results from a one-year trial on the efficacy of BR-OVT traps loaded with GI and Bti as a sampling tool to monitor temporal fluctuations in the population densities of Culex quinquefasciatus in an urban environment are also reported. From December 2006-January 2007, one trap per home was installed and maintained for 348 consecutive days in 134-151 houses located in three urban blocks. Throughout the one-year field trial a total of 43,151 Culex egg rafts were collected in the traps. The data show that BR-OVT loaded with GI and Bti is sensitive enough to demonstrate continuous reproductive activity of Cux. quinquefasciatus in the study area throughout the year and to monitor temporal fluctuations in population density.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In bladder cancer, conventional white light endoscopic examination of the bladder does not provide adequate information about the presence of "flat" urothelial lesions such as carcinoma in situ. In the present investigation, we examine a new technique for the photodetection of such lesions by the imaging of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) fluorescence following topical application of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Several hours after bladder instillation of an aqueous solution of ALA in 34 patients, a Krypton ion laser or a filtered Xenon arc-lamp was used to excite PpIX fluorescence. Tissue samples for histological analysis were taken while observing the bladder wall either by means of a video camera, or by direct endoscopic observation. RESULTS: A good correlation was found between the PpIX fluorescence and the histopathological diagnosis. On a total of 215 biopsies, 143 in fluorescent and 72 in nonfluorescent areas, all visible tumors on white light cytoscopy appeared in a bright red fluorescence with the photodetection technique. In addition, this method permitted to discover 47 unsuspected carcinomatous lesions on white light observation, among which 40% were carcinoma in situ. CONCLUSION: PpIX fluorescence induced by instillation into the bladder of 5-ALA is an efficient method of mapping the mucosa in bladder carcinoma.


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A serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii was conducted on 766 domestic and peridomestic rodents from 46 trapping sites throughout the city of Niamey, Niger. A low seroprevalence was found over the whole town with only 1.96% of the rodents found seropositive. However, differences between species were important, ranging from less than 2% in truly commensal Mastomys natalensis, Rattus rattus and Mus musculus, while garden-associated Arvicanthis niloticus displayed 9.1% of seropositive individuals. This is in line with previous studies on tropical rodents - that we reviewed here - which altogether show that Toxoplasma seroprevalence in rodent is highly variable, depending on many factors such as locality and/or species. Moreover, although we were not able to decipher statistically between habitat or species effect, such a contrast between Nile grass rats and the other rodent species points towards a potentially important role of environmental toxoplasmic infection. This would deserve to be further scrutinised since intra-city irrigated cultures are extending in Niamey, thus potentially increasing Toxoplasma circulation in this yet semi-arid region. As far as we are aware of, our study is one of the rare surveys of its kind performed in Sub-Saharan Africa and the first one ever conducted in the Sahel.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of QRP, an open source proof-of-concept authentication system that uses a two-factorauthentication by combining a password and a camera-equipped mobile phone, acting as an authentication token. QRP is extremely secure asall the sensitive information stored and transmitted is encrypted, but it isalso an easy to use and cost-efficient solution. QRP is portable and can be used securely in untrusted computers. Finally, QRP is able to successfully authenticate even when the phone is offline.


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This study aimed to analyse changes in the spatial distribution of Lutzomyia longipalpis in Posadas, an urban area located in northeastern Argentina. Data were obtained during the summer of 2007 and 2009 through two entomological surveys of peridomiciles distributed around the city. The abundance distribution pattern for 2009 was computed and compared with the previous pattern obtained in 2007, when the first human visceral leishmaniasis cases were reported in the city. Vector abundance was also examined in relation to micro and macrohabitat characteristics. In 2007 and 2009, Lu. longipalpis was distributed among 41.5% and 31% of the households in the study area, respectively. In both years, the abundance rates at most of the trapping sites were below 30 Lu. longipalpis per trap per night; however, for areas exhibiting 30-60 Lu. longipalpis and more than 60 Lu. longipalpis, the areas increased in both size and number from 2007-2009. Lu. longipalpis was more abundant in areas with a higher tree and bush cover (a macrohabitat characteristic) and in peridomiciles with accumulated unused material (a microhabitat characteristic). These results will help to prioritise and focus control efforts by defining which peridomiciles display a potentially high abundance of Lu. longipalpis.


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Desenvolupament d'una aplicació pensada per ser accedida en forma d'aplicatiu web que permeti gestionar gravacions de llarga durada d'imatges i so provinents d'una càmera, fent servir el còdec h.264 per al vídeo i emmagatzemant-lo en un contenidor mp4.


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Hoover Pugedo light traps were modified for use with green and blue-light-emitting diodes to trap phlebotomine sandflies in northeastern Brazil. A total of 2,267 specimens belonging to eight genera and 15 species were sampled. The predominant species were Nyssomyia whitmani(34.41%) and Micropygomyia echinatopharynx(17.25%).The green LED trap prevailed over the blue and control lights; however, no statistically significant difference could be detected among the three light sources. Even without statistical significance, we suggest using LEDs as an attractant for the capture of sandflies because of several advantages over the conventional method with incandescent lamps.


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The Saharan shrew Crocidura tarfayaensis Vesmanis and Vesmanis, 1980, has a limited disribution along the Atlantic coast of Sahara, south of Agadir (Morocco) through Western Sahara into Mauritania and is only known from few captures and some owl pellets. Here we report field data from the successful trapping of five specimens of C. tarfayaensis in the Guelmim region. The habitat was characterized by sand dunes along a river, with dense shrubberies of Tamarix sp., the huge grass Erianthus ravennae (Poaceae) and flat bushes of Atriplex glauca var. ifniensis (Chenopodiaceae). Morphological discrimination with C. whitakeri were examined. The chromosomes of C. tarfayaensis revealed a karyotype of 2n = 36, similar to that of the Canary shrew C. canariensis and the Sicilian shrew C. sicula. In conclusion, C. tarfayaensis seems to be a descendant of the presumed continental ancestor of the two island species.


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Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) may be cured by injecting liquid embolic agents such as Onyx. Reflux, however, can sometimes be difficult to control and may jeopardize a complete embolization. The pressure cooker technique (PCT) was designed to create an anti-reflux plug by trapping the detachable part of an Onyx-compatible microcatheter with coils and glue in order to obtain wedge-flow conditions, thereby enabling a better understanding of macrofistulous AVMs and a more comprehensive, forceful and controlled Onyx embolization. The PCT might enlarge the range of AVMs amenable to endovascular cure. Three illustrative cases are presented.


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Mosaics have been commonly used as visual maps for undersea exploration and navigation. The position and orientation of an underwater vehicle can be calculated by integrating the apparent motion of the images which form the mosaic. A feature-based mosaicking method is proposed in this paper. The creation of the mosaic is accomplished in four stages: feature selection and matching, detection of points describing the dominant motion, homography computation and mosaic construction. In this work we demonstrate that the use of color and textures as discriminative properties of the image can improve, to a large extent, the accuracy of the constructed mosaic. The system is able to provide 3D metric information concerning the vehicle motion using the knowledge of the intrinsic parameters of the camera while integrating the measurements of an ultrasonic sensor. The experimental results of real images have been tested on the GARBI underwater vehicle


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Realistic rendering animation is known to be an expensive processing task when physically-based global illumination methods are used in order to improve illumination details. This paper presents an acceleration technique to compute animations in radiosity environments. The technique is based on an interpolated approach that exploits temporal coherence in radiosity. A fast global Monte Carlo pre-processing step is introduced to the whole computation of the animated sequence to select important frames. These are fully computed and used as a base for the interpolation of all the sequence. The approach is completely view-independent. Once the illumination is computed, it can be visualized by any animated camera. Results present significant high speed-ups showing that the technique could be an interesting alternative to deterministic methods for computing non-interactive radiosity animations for moderately complex scenarios


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Dans cette recherche, je me suis intéressée à la genèse des rapports sociaux construisant un collectif, dans l'articulation être nommé et se nommer. En Uruguay, pays construit sur un imaginaire social dit "sans indiens", mon travail a consisté à essayer de comprendre les conditions historiques, sociales et politiques d'émergence de collectifs de personnes réclamant l'appartenance à une identité autochtone précise, l'identité charrùa. J'ai démontré qu'il s'agit d'un processus en cours, individuel et collectif, qui a des temporalités diverses, qui a néanmoins émergé depuis une vingtaine d'années, dans le contexte de la post-dictature et celui géopolitique de l'autochtonie, dans une articulation local/global. L'analyse dévoile que l'identité charrùa est l'enjeu du rapport social qui est la lutte politique contre l'exclusion. Cette identité accompagne l'état-nation depuis sa fondation. Figure duelle, cette identité contient les traces des violences internes dans un continuum de mémoires fragmentées et entrelacées. Elle est aussi promesse de devenir en tant que modèle identitaire parvenu à l'autonomie et conservant le « sens du collectif ». Anthropologue engagée, me situant dans une perspective décoloniale, j'ai proposé aux personnes avec qui j'ai effectué cette recherche, d'élaborer une ethnographie collaborative, la caméra et les films se situant au coeur du terrain, compris comme espace relationnel de construction d'une connaissance partagée. -- My research is based on the genesis of social relations which build up a collective, structured on being named and be named. My work in Uruguay, country built on a social construct called "without Indians", was to try to understand the historical, social and political conditions of emerging collectives. These claim the belonging of a precise indigenous identity, the charrua identity. I showed that the current process, which is individual and collective, with different temporalities, emerged twenty years ago, in the post-dictatorship context as well as the geopolitical context of indigeneity, in a local/global structure. The analysis reveals that the charrua identity is the stake of the social relation which is political fight against exclusion. This identity accompanies the nation state since its foundation. Dategory dual, this identity keeps the traces of the internal in the continuum of the fragmented and intertwined memories. This is also the becoming promise of an identity model, which reaches autonomy and keeps the "sense of collective". As an involved anthropologist, I worked from a decolonization point of view. I suggested that the people who went through the research with me, should work out a collaborative ethnography, the video camera and the movies being set in the middle of the fieldwork. This one is conceived as a relational space of construction of a shared knowledge.