900 resultados para armaduras de compressão


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A espécie amazônica Paricá (Schizolobium amazonicum Herb) apresenta rápidos incrementos em altura e diâmetro em poucos anos de cultivo e desenvolve uma madeira com pequena quantidade de nós e defeitos, característica fundamental na sua utilização para fins estruturais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as propriedades de resistência e rigidez de peças da madeira Paricá em dimensões estruturais, de acordo com a norma ABNT NBR 7190: 2011, bem como realizar a classificação visual das peças para determinação de defeitos como: nós, inclinação de fibras, empenamentos, rachas e fendas. Conclui-se que a madeira de Paricá é classificada como classe C 20 das dicotiledôneas e possui baixa densidade, boa resistência à compressão paralela, grande potencial de utilização na construção civil quando comparada com outras espécies e, em relação à classificação visual, poucos nós, grã direita e poucos empenamentos e distorções.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aims to evaluate the corrosion resistance of Ti-30Ta alloy when subjected to different strain rates. Samples of the alloy Ti-30Ta were obtained from the melting of pure elements in the arc furnace in inert atmosphere (argon gas). Then, the samples were subjected to a thermal treatment and to cold worked to obtain bars. After forging, the samples were machined in accordance with ASTME9-09 standard for carried out compression tests. To microstructural characterization, samples were sectioned longitudinal and transversally and embedded in resin. After, the wet sanding and polishing were performed, followed by a chemical attack, in order to study the microstructure under an optical microscope. Microhardness was measured on the samples that were subjected to microstructural characterization by using microhardness tester. Phases were evaluated by x-rays diffraction. Corrosion tests were carried out to evaluate the influence of deformation on the corrosion resistance. Results show that microstructure was not influenced by deformation


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This work is part of several research related to the plan of design and construction of a sustainable house. The previous researches focused on sustainable materials and it have shown that ceramic material are more interesting to improve the thermal comfort and the reduction of fees and prices of the house, making possible to construct popular home, mainly clay bricks, that have high thermal inertia and low costs, besides the fact that it is easy to find the raw materials in nature and process them. However, a major issue in using clay bricks is that it uses too many energy to be processed during the sintering (burning), a crucial part of the process that assures mechanical resistance. Alternative materials are being proposed by the researchers, as the clay bricks without the sintering mixed with Portland cement, assuring the proper resistance to the brick. Raw materials of cement, however, also need to be thermally processed in rotary kilns, in a process called clinckerization. This research was proposed for comparing the energy used by the two types of bricks and other objectives, in order to determinate which one uses less thermal energy. The intention was to compare the energy used during the sintering of regular clay bricks and the unfired bricks with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% of Portland cement. The paper also investigated and compared the use of electrical and thermal energy of all the bricks to identify how important were the thermal stages (sintering or clinkerization) relatively to the total energy spent. At last, a resumed analysis was performed to identify the possible health damages of the many life cycles of the bricks. The conclusion was that unfired bricks with less than 40% of cement use less thermal energy to be processed. In addition, their carbon dioxides emissions were less dangerous to ... (Complete abastract click electronic access below)


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In this work, we discuss the procedures adopted for the design of built-up columns (laced and battened columns). Built-up columns are widely used in steel construction generally when the compression forces are relatively low and the column buckling lengths are large. They are commonly used in industrial buildings, for example, as posts for cladding, or as columns supporting a crane girder. Unlike columns with full section, in the case of built-up columns, it is necessary to evaluate the shear stiffness. In fact, the shear strength leads to a significant reduction of the critical load. In the context of this work, the components of the columns (chords, diagonals, posts, etc.) are formed by cold-formed members. In order to systematize and rationalize the verification of the built-up columns, this work aim to develop a computer program based on the standards NBR 14762, NBR 6355 and Eurocode 3, basically the considerations of the part EN 1993-1-1


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There are regulations that establish conditions and enable the design of armor columns. The NBR 6118 features statements relating to the transverse reinforcement as spacing, reinforcement diameters provision in structural elements and others. However, the norm in force does not provide an explicit methodology for the design of stirrups in different situations. We do not propose even a calculation model for this equipment and provides normative considerations for maximum or minimum values of spacings and armor in diameter. It is noteworthy that the classical references also do not provide a calculation routine sizing of transverse reinforcement and only makes the checks as the normative conditions for the given data. Based on this assumption and the problems that may occur in sizing error, both for spacing and for the proposal of the stirrup diameter, this study demonstrates that armor calculation method already established in the literature and then through an intuitive tool and available develops a spreadsheet based on this calculation routine. It takes as reference the one developed by Emil Moersch (1902) and the calculation model proposed by BUFFONI E SILVA (2006). Finally the paper presents a rational design of shear reinforcement and confronts these values with some numerical examples to show its truth


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To analyze the shear forces on the vertebral body L4 when submitted to a compression force by means of transmission photoelasticity. Methods: Twelve photoelastic models were divided into three groups, with four models per group, according to the positioning of the sagittal section vertebrae L4-L5 (sections A, B and C). The simulation was performed using a 15N compression force, and the fringe orders were evaluated in the vertebral body L4 by the Tardy compensation method. Results: Photoelastic analysis showed, in general, a homogeneous distribution in the vertebral bodies. The shear forces were higher in section C than B, and higher in B than A. Conclusion: The posterior area of L4, mainly in section C, showed higher shear concentrations, corresponding to a more susceptible area for bone fracture and spondylolisthesis. Economic and Decision Analyses Development of an Economic or Decision Model. Level I


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Objective: To evaluate the prognostic value of absent thumb pain sensation in newborns and young infants with birth brachial plexopathy. Methods: We evaluated 131 patients with birth brachial plexopathy with less than two months of age. Pain sensation was evoked by thumb nail bed compression to evaluate sensory fibers of the upper trunk (C6). The patients were followed-up monthly. Patients with less than antigravity elbow flexion at six months of age were considered to have a poor outcome. Results: Thirty patients had absent thumb pain sensation, from which 26 showed a poor outcome. Sensitivity of the test was 65% and specificity was 96%. Conclusion: Evaluation of thumb pain sensation should be included in the clinical assessment of infants with birth brachial plexopathy.


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In this study rice husk ash (RHA) and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA), two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL) and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method) and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.


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Foram investigados os efeitos do gradiente de textura e da posição do estímulo teste com relação à linha do horizonte na percepção de tamanho relativo. Pelo método das escadas duplas, cinquenta voluntários ajustaram o tamanho de uma barra apresentada acima, abaixo ou no nível do horizonte para que fosse percebida do mesmo tamanho que uma barra apresentada no campo visual inferior. Os estímulos foram apresentados por 100ms sobre cinco fundos de tela. O gradiente de perspectiva contribuiu mais para a superestimação de tamanho relativo que o gradiente de compressão. Os tamanhos dos objetos que interceptavam a linha do horizonte foram superestimados. O sistema visual mostrou-se bastante eficaz em extrair informações de profundidade da perspectiva, fazendo-o mesmo em apresentações muito breves.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar as tensões geradas no corpo vertebral L4 quando submetida à força de compressão, utilizando a técnica da fotoelasticidade de transmissão. MÉTODOS: Doze modelos fotoelásticos foram utilizados e divididos em três grupos, sendo cada grupo formado por quatro modelos, de acordo com a localização do corte sagital nas vértebras L4-L5 (cortes A, B e C). A simulação foi realizada utilizando uma força compressão de 15 N e as ordens de franjas foram avaliadas no corpo vertebral L4 utilizando o método de compensação de Tardy. RESULTADOS: A análise fotoelástica mostrou que em geral, as tensões se distribuíram de forma homogênea nos corpos vertebrais. As tensões no corte C foram maiores que no B, que por sua vez foram maiores que no corte A. CONCLUSÃO: A região posterior do corpo vertebral L4, principalmente no corte C, apresentou maiores concentrações de tensões, sendo assim, é a área mais susceptível à fratura vertebral e à espondilolistese. Análises econômicas e de decisão. Desenvolvimento de modelo econômico ou de decisão, Nível de evidência I.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação precoce do laser terapêutico e do ultrassom no processo de regeneração de uma lesão experimental em ratos. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se 24 ratos. Dezoito foram submetidos ao procedimento cirúrgico de lesão do nervo ciático por compressão, através de uma pinça hemostática acima da fossa poplítea. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos com seis animais em cada. Grupo controle normal. GI: controle lesado sem intervenção terapêutica. GII: intervenção terapêutica do laser ArGaAl. GIII: intervenção terapêutica do ultrassom Pulsado. Iniciamos as intervenções terapêuticas 24 horas após a lesão, com aplicações diárias, por um período de quatorze dias consecutivos. RESULTADOS: Ao avaliar a perimetria dos músculos da coxa direita obteve-se os seguintes valores médios de diminuição (mm), para cada grupo GI: 0,45; GII: 0,42; GIII: 0,40. Quanto ao tempo de deslocamento tanto o GII e GIII apresentaram diferença significativa, quando comparados ao GI. Na avaliação final do IFC o GII sobressaiu ao GIII. Quanto a cicatrização observou-se grande melhora no GII e GIII. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados evidenciaram que a recuperação nervosa foi maior com a aplicação do laser. Nível de evidência II, Estudos terapêuticos - Investigação dos resultados do tratamento