942 resultados para analytic torsion
The topic of cardiorespiratory interactions is of extreme importance to the practicing intensivist. It also has a reputation for being intellectually challenging, due in part to the enormous volume of relevant, at times contradictory literature. Another source of difficulty is the need to simultaneously consider the interrelated functioning of several organ systems (not necessarily limited to the heart and lung), in other words, to adopt a systemic (as opposed to analytic) point of view. We believe that the proper understanding of a few simple physiological concepts is of great help in organizing knowledge in this field. The first part of this review will be devoted to demonstrating this point. The second part, to be published in a coming issue of Intensive Care Medicine, will apply these concepts to clinical situations. We hope that this text will be of some use, especially to intensivists in training, to demystify a field that many find intimidating.
New methodologies for the analysis of volatile compoundsusing needle traps. Applications to breath, atmospheric andwater analysis. A new preconcentration technique has been developed for the analysis of volatile compounds based on the use of needle traps. These traps are based on stainless steel needles filled with one or more adsorbents, which allows the preconcentration of the anilities inside the trap by passing a gas flow through the needle. The parameters affecting the sorption/desorption process have been assessed (e.g. needle and liner dimensions, injector temperature, split less time, memory effects, and stability inside the needle). For liquid samples, four different sampling methodologies were studied, including passive and active sampling methods. The best results, considering the simplicity and sensitivity, are obtained by sampling the headspace volume using various cycles of a small and fix volume. Once the best conditions of analysis have been found, the method has been validated for gas and liquid samples. The results obtained show that needle traps are a good analytical methodology for the analysis of breath, environmental and liquid samples
Following a scheme of Levin we describe the values that functions in Fock spaces take on lattices of critical density in terms of both the size of the values and a cancelation condition that involves discrete versions of the Cauchy and Beurling-Ahlfors transforms.
We study the families of periodic orbits of the spatial isosceles 3-body problem (for small enough values of the mass lying on the symmetry axis) coming via the analytic continuation method from periodic orbits of the circular Sitnikov problem. Using the first integral of the angular momentum, we reduce the dimension of the phase space of the problem by two units. Since periodic orbits of the reduced isosceles problem generate invariant two-dimensional tori of the nonreduced problem, the analytic continuation of periodic orbits of the (reduced) circular Sitnikov problem at this level becomes the continuation of invariant two-dimensional tori from the circular Sitnikov problem to the nonreduced isosceles problem, each one filled with periodic or quasi-periodic orbits. These tori are not KAM tori but just isotropic, since we are dealing with a three-degrees-of-freedom system. The continuation of periodic orbits is done in two different ways, the first going directly from the reduced circular Sitnikov problem to the reduced isosceles problem, and the second one using two steps: first we continue the periodic orbits from the reduced circular Sitnikov problem to the reduced elliptic Sitnikov problem, and then we continue those periodic orbits of the reduced elliptic Sitnikov problem to the reduced isosceles problem. The continuation in one or two steps produces different results. This work is merely analytic and uses the variational equations in order to apply Poincar´e’s continuation method.
We prove the existence of infinitely many symmetric periodic orbits for a regularized rhomboidal five-body problem with four small masses placed at the vertices of a rhombus centered in the fifth mass. The main tool for proving the existence of such periodic orbits is the analytic continuation method of Poincaré together with the symmetries of the problem. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Background: This paper aimed to use the Delphi technique to develop a consensus framework for a multinational, workplace walking intervention. Methods: Ideas were gathered and ranked from eight recognized and emerging experts in the fields of physical activity and health, from universities in Australia, Canada, England, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, and Spain. Members of the panel were asked to consider the key characteristics of a successful campus walking intervention. Consensus was reached by an inductive, content analytic approach, conducted through an anonymous, three-round, e-mail process. Results: The resulting framework consisted of three interlinking themes defined as “design, implementation, and evaluation.” Top-ranked subitems in these themes included the need to generate research capacity (design), to respond to group needs through different walking approaches (implementation), and to undertake physical activity assessment (evaluation). Themes were set within an underpinning domain, referred to as the “institution” and sites are currently engaging with subitems in this domain, to provide sustainable interventions that reflect the practicalities of local contexts and needs. Conclusions: Findings provide a unique framework for designing, implementing, and evaluating walking projects in universities and highlight the value of adopting the Delphi technique for planning international, multisite health initiatives.
1. Few examples of habitat-modelling studies of rare and endangered species exist in the literature, although from a conservation perspective predicting their distribution would prove particularly useful. Paucity of data and lack of valid absences are the probable reasons for this shortcoming. Analytic solutions to accommodate the lack of absence include the ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA) and the use of generalized linear models (GLM) with simulated pseudo-absences. 2. In this study we tested a new approach to generating pseudo-absences, based on a preliminary ENFA habitat suitability (HS) map, for the endangered species Eryngium alpinum. This method of generating pseudo-absences was compared with two others: (i) use of a GLM with pseudo-absences generated totally at random, and (ii) use of an ENFA only. 3. The influence of two different spatial resolutions (i.e. grain) was also assessed for tackling the dilemma of quality (grain) vs. quantity (number of occurrences). Each combination of the three above-mentioned methods with the two grains generated a distinct HS map. 4. Four evaluation measures were used for comparing these HS maps: total deviance explained, best kappa, Gini coefficient and minimal predicted area (MPA). The last is a new evaluation criterion proposed in this study. 5. Results showed that (i) GLM models using ENFA-weighted pseudo-absence provide better results, except for the MPA value, and that (ii) quality (spatial resolution and locational accuracy) of the data appears to be more important than quantity (number of occurrences). Furthermore, the proposed MPA value is suggested as a useful measure of model evaluation when used to complement classical statistical measures. 6. Synthesis and applications. We suggest that the use of ENFA-weighted pseudo-absence is a possible way to enhance the quality of GLM-based potential distribution maps and that data quality (i.e. spatial resolution) prevails over quantity (i.e. number of data). Increased accuracy of potential distribution maps could help to define better suitable areas for species protection and reintroduction.
English summary: Artificial property arrangements and enforcement - the analytic doctrine evaluated (s. 910)
Few topics in transportation are of greater significance, now and in the future, than making today’s roads safe for those who use them. This study aims to assist the formulation of policy by examining the empirical evidence currently available on the ability of several forms of communication efforts and activities to increase knowledge about and affect attitudes and behavior toward highway safety practices. The objective of this effort is to provide a comparative synthesis of what works and what does not in highway safety campaigns across a large number of topical areas that have a mass media component. This was accomplished by conducting an extensive literature review to determine the current state of knowledge concerning what works and what has significant potential for wide use in future highway safety campaigns. An analytic framework for investigating highway safety campaigns was created. The framework includes (1) the types of media components, (2) the types of collaborations, (3) the context in which the campaign is intended to have impact, (4) the structure or procedural steps into which campaigns are organized, (5) the principles for what works in a campaign, and (6) the desired impact of a campaign on its target audience. The report reveals 25 characteristics of successful communication campaigns, strategies that stand a chance of achieving changes in knowledge, attitude, and behavior. The actual impact of mass communication remains unproven because of a perceived lag in the development of adequate evaluation techniques. Education by itself has not generally resulted in significant changes in the behaviors targeted, but education of the public and advocacy groups has often helped enact necessary legislation, transmit knowledge about the provisions and penalties of laws in ways that increase their deterrent effect, and generate public support for law enforcement programs. Even in such cases, however, when enforcement is inconsistent, public compliance frequently decreases with time. Approaches to traffic safety that emphasize the need for long-term individual- and community-based measures are found to be especially crucial for addressing complex problems like drinking and driving that are determined by a myriad of lifestyle and psychosocial factors.
We presented an integrated hierarchical model of psychopathology that more accurately captures empirical patterns of comorbidity between clinical syndromes and personality disorders.In order to verify the structural validity of the model proposed, this study aimed to analyze the convergence between the Restructured Clinical (RC) scales and Personality scales (PSY-5) of the MMPI-2-RF and the Clinical Syndrome and Personality Disorder scales of the MCMI-III.The MMPI-2-RF and MCMI-III were administered to a clinical sample of 377 outpatients (167 men and 210 women).The structural hypothesiswas assessed by using a Confirmatory Factor Analytic design with four common superordinate factors. An independent-cluster-basis solution was proposed based on maximum likelihood estimation and the application of several fit indices.The fit of the proposed model can be considered as good and more so if we take into account its complexity.
OBJECTIVE: We examined the analytic validity of reported family history of hypertension and diabetes among siblings in the Seychelles. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Four hundred four siblings from 73 families with at least two hypertensive persons were identified through a national hypertension register. Two gold standards were used prospectively. Sensitivity was the proportion of respondents who indicated the presence of disease in a sibling, given that the sibling reported to be affected (personal history gold standard) or was clinically affected (clinical status gold standard). Specificity was the proportion of respondents who reported an unaffected sibling, given that the sibling reported to be unaffected or was clinically unaffected. Respondents gave information on the disease status in their siblings in approximately two-thirds of instances. RESULTS: When sibling history could be obtained (n=348 for hypertension, n=404 for diabetes), the sensitivity and the specificity of the sibling history were, respectively, 90 and 55% for hypertension, and 61 and 98% for diabetes, using clinical status and, respectively, 89 and 78% for hypertension, and 53 and 98% for diabetes, using personal history. CONCLUSION: The sibling history, when available, is a useful screening test to detect hypertension, but it is less useful to detect diabetes.
Acute testicular pain is frequent in urology. If torsion of the spermatic cord and orchiepididymitis are usual, varicocele thrombosis is an unusual clinical entity we reported.
Tässä työssä on käytetty VTT:n ja Fortumin kehittämääAPROS simulaatio-ohjelmistoa vesi-ilma -täytteisen paineakun käyttäytymisen tutkimiseen. Tavoitteena oli tarkastella APROSin paineakkumallin käyttäytymistä alhaisessa lämpötilassa käyttäen 6-yhtälömallia sekä rakentaa vaihtoehtoiseksi laskentamenetelmäksi kaksi analyyttistä laskentamallia korvaamaan APROSin sisäinen laskenta. Kyseiset analyyttiset mallit ovat isentrooppinen ja isoterminen ja ne on rakennettu kokonaan käyttäen APROSin omia moduuleja. Työ sisältää APROSin version 5.06 sekä työn aikana kehitetyn kehitysversion vertailut eri alkulämpötiloista alkaneissa paisunnoissa, vertailun Pactelin purkaus¬kokeesta saadulla massavirralla sekä osion, jossa analyyttiset mallit on yhdistetty kokonaiseen Pactelin APROS-malliin. Myös purkauksen kulkeutumista primääripiirissä on tarkasteltu. Simulaatiot vahvistavat, että versiolla 5.06 on vaikeuksia paineen laskennassa, kun paisunnan alkulämpötila on alle 30 ºC. Kehitysversiossa painekäyttäytyminen on selvästi parantunut, mutta versio kärsii ongelmista, jotka liittyvät kaasun lämpötilan painumiseen APROSin sisäisten rajoitusten alapuolelleja tätä kautta ongelmiin materiaali¬ominaisuuksien ennustamisessa. Tämän johdosta APROSin kehitysversio päätyy erilaisiin tuloksiin myös tilanteissa, joissa alkuperäinen 5.06 ei kärsi alhaisen lämpötilan ongelmista. Analyyttisistä malleista isentrooppinen malli päätyy antamaan säännönmukaisesti muita malleja ja versioita alempia paineita. Isoterminen malli sen sijaan näyttää päätyvän version 5.06 kanssa melko samankaltaisiin tuloksiin. On kuitenkin muistettava, että kummatkin analyyttiset mallit olettavat kaasun olevan kuivaa ja jättävät massasiirron faasien välillä kokonaan huomiotta.
Diplomityössä tehdään jatkokehitystä KCI Konecranes yrityksen siltanosturin laskentaohjelmaan. Ohjelman tärkeimmät jatkokehityskohteet kartoitettiin käyttäjäkyselyn avulla ja niistä valittiin toivotuimmat, sekä diplomityön lujuusopilliseen aihepiiriin parhaiten soveltuvat. Työhön valitut kaksi aihetta ovat koteloprofiilin kaksiosaisen uuman lujuuslaskennan selvittäminen ja siltanosturin kahdeksanpyöräisenpäätykannattajan elementtimallin suunnittelu. Diplomityössä selvitetään jatkokehityskohteisiin liittyvä teoria, mutta varsinainen ohjelmointi jätetään työn ulkopuolelle. Kaksiosaisella uumalla varustetussa koteloprofiilissa nostovaunun kulkukiskon alla olevan uuman yläosa tehdään paksummaksi, jotta uuma kestäisi nostovaunun pyöräkuormasta aiheutuvan paikallisen jännityksen, eliniin sanotun rusennusjännityksen. Rusennusjännityksen määrittäminen uumalevyissä on kaksiosaisen uuman lujuuslaskennan tärkein tehtävä. Rusennuksen aiheuttamankalvojännityksen ja jännityskeskittymien määrittämiseen erilaisissa konstruktioissa etsittiin sopivimmat menetelmät kirjallisuudesta ja standardeista. Kalvojännitys voidaan määrittää luotettavasti käyttäen joko 45 asteen sääntöä tai standardin mukaista menetelmää ja jännityskonsentraatioiden suuruus saadaan kertomallakalvojännitys jännityskonsentraatiokertoimilla. Menetelmien toimivuus verifioitiin tekemällä kymmeniä uuman elementtimalleja erilaisin dimensioin ja reunaehdoin ja vertaamalla elementtimallien tuloksia käsin laskettuihin. Käsin lasketut jännitykset saatiin vastaamaan tarkasti elementtimallien tuloksia. Kaksiosaisen uuman lommahdus- ja väsymislaskentaa tutkittiin alustavasti. Kahdeksanpyöräisiä päätykannattajia käytetään suurissa siltanostureissa pienentämään pyöräkuormia ja radan rusennusjännityksiä. Kahdeksanpyöräiselle siltanosturin päätykannattajalle suunniteltiin elementtimallit molempiin rakenteesta käytettyihin konstruktioihin: nivelöityyn ja jäykkäkehäiseen malliin. Elementtimallien rakentamisessa hyödynnettiin jo olemassa olevia malleja, jolloin niiden lisääminen ohjelmakoodiin nopeutuu ja ne ovat varmasti yhteensopivia muiden laskentamoduuleiden kanssa. Elementtimallien värähtelyanalyysin reunaehtoja tarkasteltiin. Värähtelyanalyysin reunaehtoihin ei tutkimuksen perusteella tarvitse tehdä muutoksia, mutta staattisen analyysin reunaehdot kaipaavat vielä lisätutkimusta.
Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää transitoreitin valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät sekä Suomen reitin kilpailutekijät verrattuna Baltian maiden, Saksan-Puolan ja Venäjän omiensatamien reitteihin. Lisäksi tavoitteena on testata analyyttista hierarkiaprosessia (AHP) transitoreitin valintaan. Työssä hyödynnetään Suomessa, Venäjällä ja Baltian maissa logistiikkayritysten, ministeriöiden ja viranomaisten kanssa tehtyjä asiantuntijahaastatteluja. Lisäksi suurimmille autotoimialan yrityksille toteutetaan kysely transitoreitin valintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Työssä muodostetaan hierarkia reitin valintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Lisäksi lasketaan analyyttisen hierarkiaprosessin mukaiset painotukset reitin valintaan vaikuttaville tekijöille ja eri reittien kilpailukykyerään autotoimialan vastaajan tapauksessa.