1000 resultados para allgemeines Bildungswesen, Familie
Occupations of higher education institutions such as public relations offices, research liaison offices etc. are increasing. A study related to research liaison officers was conducted in Germany to identify activity profiles and qualifications. Results show no standardised education or training, but only learning by doing. From the viewpoint of professionalisation theories a reasonable professionalisation can only be achieved through an organisation of the various occupations in the field of med-level university management as a whole. Proposals for professionalisation were made, such as more systematic education and improved integration into the organisation of HEIs. Staff development is needed as well as more jobs.
Our focus is the question as to how communication in school and instruction can be organized in an open-ended yet methodical fashion. Accordingly we proceed from the thesis that teaching methodology must be in accordance with the methodology od everyday activities so that school instruction can build on the structure of reflexive communication. We therefore adopt ethnomethodology as a theory of everyday activities in order to establish a repertoire of teaching methodologies. Taking an ethnomethodological perspective we analyze two examples of pupil aggression from the aspect of the reflexivity of accounts and develop suggestions for openended teaching methodologies.
The planning and organization of audio-visual instruction media are placed within a communication theoretical reference frame which begins where audio-visual media cease to function for daily instruction. Media-bound disorders however, are only seen as the surface conflict between opposing communication paradigms. The decisive task of the teacher is to remove audio-visual media from a communication context which is contradictory to instruction. This is successful when the objectification performance of audio-visual media is used to serve the subjective process of cognition. As order to support the teacher in this complex task of planning, a taxonomy is presented which operationalizes the essential problems when using media.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie das bundesgesetzlich vorgegebene Leitziel beruflicher Handlungskompetenz in länderspezifischen Curricula für die Krankenpflegeausbildung in Form von Lernzielen konkretisiert wird. Dabei wird von der Annahme ausgegangen, dass mit dieser Zieldimension eine curriculare Schwerpunktverlagerung von der Auswahl und Legitimation der Lehrinhalte fort und hin zur Explikation von Lernergebnissen einhergeht, die als Outcomes der Ausbildung an zukünftigen beruflichen Handlungssituationen orientiert sind. Die Zielformulierungen in den krankenpflegeausbildungsrelevanten Lehrplänen der Länder Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachen und Brandenburg werden mittels einer Dokumentenanalyse sowohl auf die intendierten kognitiven Anforderungen als auch auf die Intention vollständigen beruflichen Handelns hin untersucht. Im Anschluss an die Interpretation der drei Einzelanalysen erfolgt eine vergleichende Bewertung und Diskussion der Ergebnisse.