991 resultados para active constrained layer
In the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, flooded rice fields using Patos Lagoon as the source of water for irrigation are subject to be damaged by salinity, since this source is bound to the sea on its southern end. The sensitivity of rice is variable during plant development, being higher in the seedling and reproductive periods. However, there is not enough information about the behavior of plants under salt stress during the course of its development, especially in the vegetative stage. This study evaluated the effect of different levels of salinity of irrigation water on the salinity of soil solution over time and on some plant attributes, during the vegetative stage of rice. The study was conducted in a greenhouse, where seeds of the variety IRGA 424 were sown in pots and irrigated with water with electrical conductivity (ECi) levels of: 0.3, 0.75, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1; from the tillering initiation (V4) until the panicle initiation (PI). The evaluations made were the electrical conductiviy of soil solution (ECe), the dry biomass of plants and stems, tillering, height and the transpiration of plants. The ECe increased with the ECi over time, and was determined by water transpiration flux in pots. The ECe values at the end of the experiment were high and, in most cases, higher than the critical values for flooded rice. The growth attributes of rice were negatively affected from ECi of 2.0 dS m-1 and ECe of 4.0 dS m-1.
Recent publications have demonstrated that the protease caspase-1 is responsible for the processing of pro-interleukin 18 (IL-18) into the active form. Studies on cell lines and murine macrophages have shown that the bacterial invasion factor SipB activates caspase-1, triggering cell death. Thus, we investigated the role of SipB in the activation and release of IL-18 in human alveolar macrophages (AM), which are the first line of defense against inhaled pathogens. Under steady-state conditions, AM are a more important source of IL-18 than are dendritic cells (DC) and monocytes. Cytokine production by AM and DC was compared after both types of cells had been infected with a virulent strain of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and an isogenic sipB mutant, which were used as an infection model. Infection with virulent Salmonella led to marked cell death with features of apoptosis while both intracellular activation and release of IL-18 were demonstrated. In contrast, the sipB mutant did not induce such cell death or the release of active IL-18. The specific caspase-1 inhibitor Ac-YVAD-CMK blocked the early IL-18 release in AM infected with the virulent strain. However, the type of Salmonella infection did not differentially regulate IL-18 gene expression. We concluded that the bacterial virulence factor SipB plays an essential posttranslational role in the intracellular activation of IL-18 and the release of the cytokine in human AM.
The removal of the litter layer in Portuguese pine forests would reduce fire hazard, but on the other hand this practice would influence the thermal regime of the soil, hence affecting soil biological activity, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics. Temperature profiles of a sandy soil (Haplic Podzol) under a pine forest were measured with thermocouples at depths to 16 cm, with and without litter layer. The litter layer acted as a thermal insulator, reducing the amplitude of the periodic temperature variation in the mineral soil underneath and increasing damping depths, particularly at low soil water contents. At the mineral soil surface the reduction of amplitudes was about 2.5 ºC in the annual cycle and 5 to 6.7 ºC in the daily cycle, depending on the soil water content. When soil was both cold and wet, mean daily soil temperatures were higher (about 1 - 1.5 ºC) under the litter layer. Improved soil thermal conditions under the litter layer recommend its retention as a forest management practice to follow in general.
The problem of freeze-out (FO) in relativistic heavy-ion reactions is addressed. We develop and analyze an idealized one-dimensional model of FO in a finite layer, based on the covariant FO probability. The resulting post FO phase-space distributions are discussed for different FO probabilities and layer thicknesses.
One of the expected benefits of no-tillage systems is a higher rate of soil C sequestration. However, higher C retention in soil is not always apparent when no-tillage is applied, due e.g., to substantial differences in soil type and initial C content. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of no-tillage management to increase the stock of total organic C in soils of the Pampas region in Argentina. Forty crop fields under no-tillage and conventional tillage systems and seven undisturbed soils were sampled. Total organic C, total N, their fractions and stratification ratios and the C storage capacity of the soils under different managements were assessed in samples to a depth of 30 cm, in three layers (0-5, 5-15 and 15-30 cm). The differences between the C pools of the undisturbed and cultivated soils were significant (p < 0.05) and most pronounced in the top (0-5 cm) soil layer, with more active C near the soil surface (undisturbed > no-tillage > conventional tillage). Based on the stratification ratio of the labile C pool (0-5/5-15 cm), the untilled were separated from conventionally tilled areas. Much of the variation in potentially mineralizable C was explained by this active C fraction (R² = 0.61) and by total organic C (R² = 0.67). No-till soils did not accumulate more organic C than conventionally tilled soils in the 0-30 cm layer, but there was substantial stratification of total and active C pools at no till sites. If the C stratification ratio is really an indicator of soil quality, then the C storage potential of no-tillage would be greater than in conventional tillage, at least in the surface layers. Particulate organic C and potentially mineralizable C may be useful to evaluate variations in topsoil organic matter.
A pacemaker, regularly emitting chemical waves, is created out of noise when an excitable photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium, strictly unable to autonomously initiate autowaves, is forced with a spatiotemporal patterned random illumination. These experimental observations are also reproduced numerically by using a set of reaction-diffusion equations for an activator-inhibitor model, and further analytically interpreted in terms of genuine coupling effects arising from parametric fluctuations. Within the same framework we also address situations of noise-sustained propagation in subexcitable media.
BACKGROUND: Bone graft substitute such as calcium sulfate are frequently used as carrier material for local antimicrobial therapy in orthopedic surgery. This study aimed to assess the systemic absorption and disposition of tobramycin in patients treated with a tobramycin-laden bone graft substitute (Osteoset® T). METHODS: Nine blood samples were taken from 12 patients over 10 days after Osteoset® T surgical implantation. Tobramycin concentration was measured by fluorescence polarization. Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using NONMEM to assess the average value and variability (CV) of pharmacokinetic parameters. Bioavailability (F) was assessed by equating clearance (CL) with creatinine clearance (Cockcroft CLCr). Based on the final model, simulations with various doses and renal function levels were performed. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01938417). RESULTS: The patients were 52 +/- 20 years old, their mean body weight was 73 +/- 17 kg and their mean CLCr was 119 +/- 55 mL/min. Either 10 g or 20 g Osteoset® T with 4% tobramycin sulfate was implanted in various sites. Concentration profiles remained low and consistent with absorption rate-limited first-order release, while showing important variability. With CL equated to CLCr, mean absorption rate constant (ka) was 0.06 h-1, F was 63% or 32% (CV 74%) for 10 and 20 g Osteoset® T respectively, and volume of distribution (V) was 16.6 L (CV 89%). Simulations predicted sustained high, potentially toxic concentrations with 10 g, 30 g and 50 g Osteoset® T for CLCr values below 10, 20 and 30 mL/min, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Osteoset® T does not raise toxicity concerns in subjects without significant renal failure. The risk/benefit ratio might turn unfavorable in case of severe renal failure, even after standard dose implantation.
The adult mammalian forebrain contains neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs) that generate neurons throughout life. As in other somatic stem cell systems, NSCs are proposed to be predominantly quiescent and proliferate only sporadically to produce more committed progeny. However, quiescence has recently been shown not to be an essential criterion for stem cells. It is not known whether NSCs show differences in molecular dependence based on their proliferation state. The subventricular zone (SVZ) of the adult mouse brain has a remarkable capacity for repair by activation of NSCs. The molecular interplay controlling adult NSCs during neurogenesis or regeneration is not clear but resolving these interactions is critical in order to understand brain homeostasis and repair. Using conditional genetics and fate mapping, we show that Notch signaling is essential for neurogenesis in the SVZ. By mosaic analysis, we uncovered a surprising difference in Notch dependence between active neurogenic and regenerative NSCs. While both active and regenerative NSCs depend upon canonical Notch signaling, Notch1-deletion results in a selective loss of active NSCs (aNSCs). In sharp contrast, quiescent NSCs (qNSCs) remain after Notch1 ablation until induced during regeneration or aging, whereupon they become Notch1-dependent and fail to fully reinstate neurogenesis. Our results suggest that Notch1 is a key component of the adult SVZ niche, promoting maintenance of aNSCs, and that this function is compensated in qNSCs. Therefore, we confirm the importance of Notch signaling for maintaining NSCs and neurogenesis in the adult SVZ and reveal that NSCs display a selective reliance on Notch1 that may be dictated by mitotic state.
We extend the HamiltonJacobi formulation to constrained dynamical systems. The discussion covers both the case of first-class constraints alone and that of first- and second-class constraints combined. The HamiltonDirac equations are recovered as characteristic of the system of partial differential equations satisfied by the HamiltonJacobi function.
The equivalence between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism is studied for constraint systems. A procedure to construct the Lagrangian constraints from the Hamiltonian constraints is given. Those Hamiltonian constraints that are first class with respect to the Hamiltonian constraints produce Lagrangian constraints that are FL-projectable.
We generalize the analogous of Lee Hwa Chungs theorem to the case of presymplectic manifolds. As an application, we study the canonical transformations of a canonical system (M, S, O). The role of Dirac brackets as a test of canonicity is clarified.
We extend the HamiltonJacobi formulation to constrained dynamical systems. The discussion covers both the case of first-class constraints alone and that of first- and second-class constraints combined. The HamiltonDirac equations are recovered as characteristic of the system of partial differential equations satisfied by the HamiltonJacobi function.
Bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are responsible for both lifelong daily maintenance of all blood cells and for repair after cell loss. Until recently the cellular mechanisms by which HSCs accomplish these two very different tasks remained an open question. Biological evidence has now been found for the existence of two related mouse HSC populations. First, a dormant HSC (d-HSC) population which harbors the highest self-renewal potential of all blood cells but is only induced into active self-renewal in response to hematopoietic stress. And second, an active HSC (a-HSC) subset that by and large produces the progenitors and mature cells required for maintenance of day-to-day hematopoiesis. Here we present computational analyses further supporting the d-HSC concept through extensive modeling of experimental DNA label-retaining cell (LRC) data. Our conclusion that the presence of a slowly dividing subpopulation of HSCs is the most likely explanation (amongst the various possible causes including stochastic cellular variation) of the observed long term Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) retention, is confirmed by the deterministic and stochastic models presented here. Moreover, modeling both HSC BrdU uptake and dilution in three stages and careful treatment of the BrdU detection sensitivity permitted improved estimates of HSC turnover rates. This analysis predicts that d-HSCs cycle about once every 149-193 days and a-HSCs about once every 28-36 days. We further predict that, using LRC assays, a 75%-92.5% purification of d-HSCs can be achieved after 59-130 days of chase. Interestingly, the d-HSC proportion is now estimated to be around 30-45% of total HSCs - more than twice that of our previous estimate.
The presence of compacted layers in soils can induce subprocesses (e.g., discontinuity of water flow) and induces soil erosion and rill development. This study assesses how rill erosion in Oxisols is affected by a plow pan. The study shows that changes in hydraulic properties occur when the topsoil is eroded because the compacted layer lies close below the surface. The hydraulic properties that induce sediment transport and rill formation (i.e., hydraulic thresholds at which these processes occur) are not the same. Because of the resistance of the compacted layer, the hydraulic conditions leading to rill incision on the soil surface differed from the conditions inducing rill deepening. The Reynolds number was the best hydraulic predictor for both processes. The formed rills were shallow and could easily be removed by tillage between crops. However, during rill development, large amounts of soil and contaminants could also be transferred.