891 resultados para academic programming
This guide gives advice on the best ways to find and select the most useful, reliable and relevant information to support and argument in your essay.
This guide introduces you to the various reading styles that will help you get through your research most effectively. It gives tips on how to skim read, and also how to read critically.
This guide explains why referencing in essays is so important, and provides clear examples of exactly how to reference a wide variety of sources from books to YouTube clips
This guide covers how to structure your essay and develop an argument. It also gives advice on suitable academic writing styles, and how to go about the all important editing of your work.
This guide gives advice on how to plan, deliver and reflect upon an academic presentation.
PowerPoint slides for talk on Academic Integrity. Examples are taken from the Medical Literature. Reference is made to the University's Academic Integrity Statement. A quiz using Zappers is included in the presentation.
Reference list for our resource set.
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Resource Set
Reminder of ECS academic integrity tutorial, scenarios for small group discussion on 1) academic integrity 2) integrity in the workplace. Students are invited to draw parallels between these two aspects.
An overview of programming and software development.
Proyecto de investigación realizado en plataforma web con programación HTML5. Esta investigación es la reconstrucción de 7 años de actividades (2003-2010) generadas en un centro cultural ubicado en la calle 32 con carrera 13 en la ciudad de Bogotá. Este proyecto contiene textos periodísticos, académicos, entrevistas, archivos de audio y fotografías. Además de reconstruir la historia de lo ocurrido en este edificio, la investigación estudia las relaciones entre colectivos artísticos, políticos y juveniles en el contexto social bogotano.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.