999 resultados para Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900 Crítica e interpretação Teses


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Em sua vasta trajetria intelectual que atravessa os mltiplos campos tericos das cincias humanas Michael Lwy destacou-se pela capacidade de estabelecer um dilogo profcuo entre tradies diversas do pensamento social. Partindo desta constatao, o objetivo deste artigo a apresentao e sistematizao de alguns aspectos decisivos da trajetria terica e intelectual de Michael Lwy, com nfase especial: 1) na importncia da sua formao intelectual, ainda no Brasil (no final da dcada de 1950), para a constituio de uma leitura no-dogmtica do marxismo; e 2) sua incorporao da dialtica no diagnstico weberiano da modernidade. O artigo argumenta que essa interpretação aberta do marxismo permitiu-lhe reinterpretar autores do passado como Marx e Weber a partir das condies de possibilidade do cenrio histrico e intelectual contemporneo. Esta disposio para enfrentar os desafios do presente sem abandonar as perspectivas do passado comprova a importncia da obra de Lwy para as cincias sociais e, mais especificamente, para o marxismo contemporneo.


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A proposta do presente livro oferecer ao leitor uma descrio fonolgica das qualidades voclicas vigentes na primeira fase (perodo trovadoresco) do portugus arcaico a partir da anlise das rimas e da grafia das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X, o Sbio, Rei de Leo e Castela, elaboradas na segunda metade do sculo XIII.


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This research aims to analyze, based on the theories of French semiotics (or greimasian), the development of the critical text by Barbara Heliodora and drama criticism, a very popular genre in journalism and therefore of great relevance for scholars in the area. The corpus of this research will analyze nine texts by the author, giving priority to her early career (texts from 1957, 1958 and 1962) and her most recent texts (two from 2007 and one from 2010). The choice for greimasian Semiotics is justified because it is a methodology that provides all the necessary elements for interpretation of textual content and its relationship both in the business of the theater and journalism


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This proposal offers a possibility of approximation of mathematical knowledge at the prospect of Critical Education defended by researchers such as Ole Skovsmose and Paulo Freire. Using storytelling as a methodological resource is intended to develop an activity that allows students to think critically about real-life situations that have democratic questions as ground. The research is part of the branch of mathematics concerned with the education goals of teaching mathematics in basic education. We discuss the relevance of an educational process that enables the development of a democratic competence in the first years of primary education by showing students that their classroom can and should be seen as a community, where everyone has rights and duties. The interpretation and understanding of real situations can be something very complex and uninteresting for students of that age, looking for an attractive feature such as storytelling, which is based on the tendency of Reading and Writing in Mathematics, proposed by Nacarato and Lopes; Cardoso and Fonseca. Adopting a phenomenological attitude in the research seeks to understand if the storytelling can contribute to the formation of the critical student. Assuming this perspective has developed a didactic sequence from the story 'o que os olhos no vem' from writer Ruth Rocha. The student's writing, favored by the proposed sequence, subsidizes the understanding of their thinking and acting on the democratic situations


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article seeks to historically contextualize Kracauers aesthetic-political position regarding this successful literary genre among German writers in the early 1930s: the novel report. It is inevitable the reference to the Berlin journal, Die Linkskurve, and to Lukcss critiques developed in the period when he resumes aesthetic questions on the novel as a literary genre in a Marxist interpretation and outlines his thesis on critical realism. Kracauer wrote a critique about the film Kuhle Wampe, directed by S. Dudow with a script by B. Brecht and E. Ottwald and music by H. Eisler, which engendered a discussion full of misunderstandings, but extremely interesting, between E. Bloch and Kracauer and between Kracauer and Brecht. Finally, I comment the journal project Krise und Kritik, which failed with the rise of Hitler.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The work and the trajectory of literary critic and journalist Austrian-Brazilian Otto Maria Carpeaux (1900-1978) are studied from the relationship between literary criticism and the diffusion field in Brazil. Between the decades of 1940-1970, Carpeaux has played a prominent role in the formation process of the reader and reading in Brazil, as evidenced by his intense activity as a critic and essayist. Will also be developed reflections on the place occupied by Carpeaux in the field of criticism in Brazil. Two hypotheses are developed: a) Carpeaux`s work was affected by a lack of legitimacy of his contemporaries in the decades of 1940-1950, as can be seen, for example, in peripheral treating conferred on him by the field of diffusion and consecration instances we can read, the editorial market. b) Carpeaux such as an Alvaro Lins`s heir in the Correio da Manha, also inherited a criticism model that lost prestige in the light of the New Criticism growing influence occurred in the country, which shifts the critical role from the newspaper to the university.


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Tornou-se lugar comum, sobretudo em correntes ligadas aos movimentos sociais mais amplos e s questes ambientais, a crítica ao reducionismo da cincia clssica, dinmica de trabalho individualizado, desconexo e falta de integrao com os problemas reais. Como resultado, cresce o nmero de formadores de opinio em favor de uma cincia mais integrada aos problemas reais e de um conhecimento como processo coletivo. O Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq) desenvolveu um Diretrio dos Grupos de Pesquisa existentes no Brasil, alguns destes grupos possuem modelo de rede. Com o cenrio apresentado, a reflexo sobre a importncia de avaliar o potencial destes grupos foi incentivada para influenciar a formulao e a implantao de polticas pblicas ambientais. Foi possvel identificar fatores chave para o fortalecimento da influncia nas polticas pblicas, destacando-se dentre estes, avanos em abordagens interdisciplinares. Porm, os grupos possuem dificuldades na utilizao de ferramentas de comunicao mais eficientes para o trabalho em rede e para atingir os tomadores de decises; no acesso a fundos e nos critrios para integrar os grupos estudados.


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Este artculo es una de las ponencias presentadas en el Primer Coloquio Internacional sobre Arte Latinoamericano, Gestin Cultural y Medios de Comunicacin, realizado entre los das 31 de julio y 2 de agosto del 2003, en la Facultad de Artes y Diseo, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


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Con el fin de conocer las ltimas interpretaciones acerca de nuestro pasado regional, los videos de la serie "Mendoza, crnica de nuestra identidad", pretenden llevar adelante la tarea constante de construir y reconstruir una identidad que se mantenga abierta a los valores del pasado, pero tambin a la inevitable reformulacin crítica de los mismos principios. La propuesta es generar un proceso de actualizacin y perfeccionamiento en el campo de la historia regional. En el documental LAS CONSTITUCIONES PROVINCIALES, se describe el largo camino histrico que ha ido transformando a las constituciones y sus reformas. Entre 1820 y 1853, la provincia careci de un texto constitucional. Fue ste un perodo en el que la transformacin y organizacin local se verific a travs de leyes fundamentales individuales. Es por esto que se caracteriza el perodo como una etapa de constitucin semiflexible. En 1854 se dict la Constitucin Provincial, siguiendo el artculo N5 de la Constitucin Nacional que estableca que cada provincia deba organizarse constitucionalmente. El proyecto sobre el que se realiz fue el propuesto por el jurisconsulto Juan Bautista Alberdi. De la Constitucin Provincial de 1854 se sucedieron las reformas de 1894/5, 1900, 1910, 1916 y la de 1948/9; ms las correspondientes enmiendas de slo un artculo por ao, arbitradas desde 1916. En 1916 se realiz una nueva reforma de la Constitucin Provincial, la cual se destac por su modernismo jurdico, y por haber includo una destacada legislacin social entre sus artculos. En el video se detallan los temas: - El perodo de las constituciones rgidas - Las reformas frustradas - Una nueva reforma constitucional


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Fil: Roig, Arturo Andrs.