734 resultados para Westphalie (Allemagne)


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La réforme intellectuelle et morale de la France.--La guerre entre la France et l'Allemagne.--Lettre à M. Strauss.--Nouvelle lettre à M. Strauss.--De la convocation d'une assemblée pendant le siége.--La monarchie constitutionnelle en France.--La part de la famille et de l'état dans l'éducation.


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[t.] 1. Les débuts de l'indépendance italienne. 1901.--[t.] 2. La guerre de Crimée et la ccour de Napoléon III. 1902.--[t.] 3. L'unité de l'Italie et l'unité de l'Allemagne. 1903.


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t. 1. Introduction à l'histoire de la philosophie. Cours de l'histoire de la philosophie. Cours de philosophie sur le fondement des idées absolues du vrai, du beau et du bien. De la métaphysique d'Aristote.--t. 2. Cours d'histoire de la philosophie morale. Fragments philosophiques.--t. 3. De l'instruction publique en Allemagne, en Prusse et en Hollande. Nouvelles considérations sur les rapports du physique et du moral de l'homme.


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A directory of international trade union centers is appended to each report.


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[t. 1] Le génie des religions. De l'origine des dieux.--[t. 2] Les Jésuites. L'ultramontanisme; ou, L'église romaine et la société moderne. Introduction à la philosophie de l'histoire de l'humanité. Essai sur les oeuvres de Herder.--[t. 3] Le christianisme et la révolution française. Examen de la vie de Jésus. Philosophie de l'histoire de France.--[t. 4] Les révolutions d'Italie.--[t. 5] Marnix de Sainte-Aldegonde. La Gréce moderne et ses rapports avec l'antiquité.--[t. 6] Les Roumains. Allemagne et Italie. Mélanges.--[t. 7] Ahasvérus. Les tablettes du Juif errant.- -[t. 8] Prométhée. Napoléon. Les esclaves.--[t. 9] Mes vacances en Espagne. De l'histoire de la poésie. Des épopées françaises inédites du douziéme siécle.--[t. 10] Histoire de mes idées. 1815 et 1840. Avertissement au pays. La France et la idées Sainte-Alliance en Portugal. OEuvres diverses.


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Vol. 7: Genève, Danemark, Suède, Norwège, Hongrie, Pologne, Bohème, Pays-bas. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1876.


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[Pierre Thomas Nicolas Hurtaut]


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Cet article repose sur une étude de la presse de lEstablishment en France, en Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, au cours de la guerre des Balkans en 1999. Les sources sont la Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Le Monde et le Financial Times. Lobjectif est de voir en quoi la manière de rapporter les événements révèle des priorités politiques des diverses élites qui lisent ces journaux, ainsi que de leur perception de lordre international. Le résultat des travaux indique lexistence dun certain degré de synchronisation dans la façon dont la presse a concentré lattention de lopinion publique ; il indique aussi quil existe des différences sensibles entre ces journaux français, allemand et britannique, en termes de contenu et de perspectives. Malgré lexistence dun discours transnational, la sphère publique européenne demeure fragmentée. This article is based on a study of the press in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, during the Balkans war in 1999. The sources are the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Le Monde and the Financial Times. The objectve is to see how report events reveal the priorities of the various political elites who read these newspapers, as well as their perception of international lordre. The outcome of the study indicates some degree of synchronization in the way the press has focused mindfulness of public opinion and that it also indicates there are significant differences between the French newspapers, German and British, in terms of content and perspectives. Despite the existence of a transnational speech, the European public sphere remains fragmented.


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Lettres àune Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie (Letters to a Princess of Germany on various topics of physics and philosophy) is the work taken as an object of study of this thesis. It is a literary success written in the eighteenth century by the Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonhard Paul Euler (1707-1783) in order to meet a request from the Prussian king, Frederick II, the Great (1712-1786) to accept to guide the intellectual education of his niece, the young princess Anhalt-Dessau (1745-1808). The method of teaching and learning through letters elected to the education of the German monarch resulted in a collection of 234 matches in which Euler theory is about music, Philosophy, Mechanics, Optics, Astronomy, Theology and Ethics among others. The research seeks to point out mathematical content contained in this reference work based on the exploitation and adaptation of original historical works as an articulator of development activities for teaching mathematics in basic education and in accordance with the National Curriculum Parameters of Mathematics (NCP) work. The general objective point out the limits and didactic potential of Lettres à une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie as a source of support for teachers of basic education in developing activities for teaching mathematics. The discussions raised point to concrete possibilities of entanglement between the extracted mathematical content of the bulge of the work with current teaching methodologies from resizing the use of letters according to Freire's pedagogical perspective of the correspondence, and especially the use of new communication channels in the century XXI, both aimed at dialogue and approximation between those who write and those who read.


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This article investigates the link between political sophistication and electoral volatility. Showing that there is disagreement in the literature on whether switching party preferences is related to low or high levels of political sophistication, it is then argued that the effect of sophistication on vote switching might differ depending on when switching is measured. The effect of timing on volatility is investigated by means of the Short-term panel of the 2009 German Longitudinal Election Study. Results indicate that timing indeed matters, while sophistication increases the probability of switching parties before the campaign, the effect of political sophistication becomes more negative as Election Day draws near.


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The work of Russell Dalton has undoubtedly played a seminal role in the study of the relation between political sophistication and partisan dealignment. We furthermore acknowledge the presence of a consensus on the occurrence of lower levels of partisanship in Germany. Using panel data as well as pooled cross-sectional observations, however, it is clear that generational replacement is not the sole driving force of partisan dealignment, but that period effects should also be taken into account. While on an aggregate level rising levels of political sophistication have occurred simultaneously with decreasing partisanship, individual level analysis suggests clearly that the least sophisticated are most likely to feel alienated from the party system. We close with some very specific suggestion on how to address the democratic consequences of declining levels of partisanship.


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Party identification traditionally is seen as an important linkage mechanism, connecting voters to the party system. Previous analyses have suggested that the level of party identity is in decline in Germany, and in this article, we first expand previous observations with more recent data. These suggest that the erosion of party identity continues up to the present time. An age-period-cohort analysis of the panel data of the SOEP panel suggests that period effects are significantly negative. Furthermore, it can be observed that throughout the 1992-2009 observation period, education level and political interest have become more important determinants of party identity. Contrary to some of the literature, therefore, it can be shown that the loss of party identity is concentrated among groups with lower levels of political sophistication, indicating that the socio-economic profile of the group with a sense of party identification has become more distinct compared to the population as a whole. In the discussion, we investigate the theoretical and democratic consequences of this trend.


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