980 resultados para Wave function


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A composition operator is a linear operator between spaces of analytic or harmonic functions on the unit disk, which precomposes a function with a fixed self-map of the disk. A fundamental problem is to relate properties of a composition operator to the function-theoretic properties of the self-map. During the recent decades these operators have been very actively studied in connection with various function spaces. The study of composition operators lies in the intersection of two central fields of mathematical analysis; function theory and operator theory. This thesis consists of four research articles and an overview. In the first three articles the weak compactness of composition operators is studied on certain vector-valued function spaces. A vector-valued function takes its values in some complex Banach space. In the first and third article sufficient conditions are given for a composition operator to be weakly compact on different versions of vector-valued BMOA spaces. In the second article characterizations are given for the weak compactness of a composition operator on harmonic Hardy spaces and spaces of Cauchy transforms, provided the functions take values in a reflexive Banach space. Composition operators are also considered on certain weak versions of the above function spaces. In addition, the relationship of different vector-valued function spaces is analyzed. In the fourth article weighted composition operators are studied on the scalar-valued BMOA space and its subspace VMOA. A weighted composition operator is obtained by first applying a composition operator and then a pointwise multiplier. A complete characterization is given for the boundedness and compactness of a weighted composition operator on BMOA and VMOA. Moreover, the essential norm of a weighted composition operator on VMOA is estimated. These results generalize many previously known results about composition operators and pointwise multipliers on these spaces.


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The frequency-dependent response of a pinned charge density wave is considered in terms of forced vibration of an oscillator held in an anharmonic well. It is shown that the effective pinning-frequency can be reduced by applying a d.c. field. If a strong a.c. field, superposed on a d.c. field is applied on such a system “jumps” can be observed in the frequency dependent response of the system. The conditions at which these “jumps” occur are investigated with reference to NbSe3. The possibility of observing such phenomena in other systems like superionic conductors, non-linear dielectrics like ferroelectrics is pointed out. The characteristics are expressed in terms of some “scaled variables” — in terms of which the characteristics show a universal behaviour


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The decay of sound in a rectangular room is analyzed for various boundary conditions on one of its walls. It is shown that the decay of the sound-intensity level is in general nonlinear. But for specific areas and impedances of the material it is possible to obtain a linear initial decay. It is also shown that the coefficients derived from the initial decay rates neither correspond to the predictions of Sabine's or Eyring's geometrical theories nor to the normal coefficients of Morse's wave theory. The dependence of the coefficients on the area of the material is discussed. The influence of the real and the imaginary parts of the specific acoustic impedance of the material on the coefficients is also discussed. Finally, the existence of a linear initial decay corresponding to the decay of a diffuse field in the case of a highly absorbing material partially covering a wall is explained on the basis of modal coupling.


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Explosive driven micro blast waves are generated in the laboratory using NONEL tubes. The explosive mixture coated to the inner walls of the plastic Nonel tube comprises of HMX and Aluminum ( 18mg/m). The detonation is triggered electrically to generate micro blast waves from the open end of the tube. Flow visualization and over pressure measurements have been carried out to understand the propagation dynamics of these micro-blast waves in both confined and unconfined domains. The classical cubic root law used for large scale blast correlation appears to hold good even for these micro-blasts generated in the laboratory.


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Fisheries management agencies around the world collect age data for the purpose of assessing the status of natural resources in their jurisdiction. Estimates of mortality rates represent a key information to assess the sustainability of fish stocks exploitation. Contrary to medical research or manufacturing where survival analysis is routinely applied to estimate failure rates, survival analysis has seldom been applied in fisheries stock assessment despite similar purposes between these fields of applied statistics. In this paper, we developed hazard functions to model the dynamic of an exploited fish population. These functions were used to estimate all parameters necessary for stock assessment (including natural and fishing mortality rates as well as gear selectivity) by maximum likelihood using age data from a sample of catch. This novel application of survival analysis to fisheries stock assessment was tested by Monte Carlo simulations to assert that it provided unbiased estimations of relevant quantities. The method was applied to the data from the Queensland (Australia) sea mullet (Mugil cephalus) commercial fishery collected between 2007 and 2014. It provided, for the first time, an estimate of natural mortality affecting this stock: 0.22±0.08 year −1 .


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Tools known as maximal functions are frequently used in harmonic analysis when studying local behaviour of functions. Typically they measure the suprema of local averages of non-negative functions. It is essential that the size (more precisely, the L^p-norm) of the maximal function is comparable to the size of the original function. When dealing with families of operators between Banach spaces we are often forced to replace the uniform bound with the larger R-bound. Hence such a replacement is also needed in the maximal function for functions taking values in spaces of operators. More specifically, the suprema of norms of local averages (i.e. their uniform bound in the operator norm) has to be replaced by their R-bound. This procedure gives us the Rademacher maximal function, which was introduced by Hytönen, McIntosh and Portal in order to prove a certain vector-valued Carleson's embedding theorem. They noticed that the sizes of an operator-valued function and its Rademacher maximal function are comparable for many common range spaces, but not for all. Certain requirements on the type and cotype of the spaces involved are necessary for this comparability, henceforth referred to as the “RMF-property”. It was shown, that other objects and parameters appearing in the definition, such as the domain of functions and the exponent p of the norm, make no difference to this. After a short introduction to randomized norms and geometry in Banach spaces we study the Rademacher maximal function on Euclidean spaces. The requirements on the type and cotype are considered, providing examples of spaces without RMF. L^p-spaces are shown to have RMF not only for p greater or equal to 2 (when it is trivial) but also for 1 < p < 2. A dyadic version of Carleson's embedding theorem is proven for scalar- and operator-valued functions. As the analysis with dyadic cubes can be generalized to filtrations on sigma-finite measure spaces, we consider the Rademacher maximal function in this case as well. It turns out that the RMF-property is independent of the filtration and the underlying measure space and that it is enough to consider very simple ones known as Haar filtrations. Scalar- and operator-valued analogues of Carleson's embedding theorem are also provided. With the RMF-property proven independent of the underlying measure space, we can use probabilistic notions and formulate it for martingales. Following a similar result for UMD-spaces, a weak type inequality is shown to be (necessary and) sufficient for the RMF-property. The RMF-property is also studied using concave functions giving yet another proof of its independence from various parameters.


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Introduction Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder with multiple psychopathological domains being affected. Several lines of evidence indicate that cognitive impairment serves as the key component of schizophrenia psychopathology. Although there have been a multitude of cognitive studies in schizophrenia, there are many conflicting results. We reasoned that this could be due to individual differences among the patients (i.e. variation in the severity of positive vs. negative symptoms), different task designs, and/or the administration of different antipsychotics. Methods We thus review existing data concentrating on these dimensions, specifically in relation to dopamine function. We focus on most commonly used cognitive domains: learning, working memory, and attention. Results We found that the type of cognitive domain under investigation, medication state and type, and severity of positive and negative symptoms can explain the conflicting results in the literature. Conclusions This review points to future studies investigating individual differences among schizophrenia patients in order to reveal the exact relationship between cognitive function, clinical features, and antipsychotic treatment.


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The presence of biquadratic exchange in a one-dimensional ferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with an impurity spin is shown to change the nature of the impurity modes and its eigenvalues considerably which can be observed experimentally.


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Using the singular surface theory, an expression for the jump in vorticity across a shock wave of arbitrary shape propagating in a uniform, perfect fluid occupying the space-time of special relativity, has been derived. It has been shown that the jump in vorticity across a shock of given strength and curvature depends only on the velocity of the medium ahead of the shock.


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As accountants, we are all familiar with the SUM function, which calculates the sum in a range of numbers. However, there are instances where we might want to sum numbers in a given range based on a specified criteria. In this instance the SUM IF function can achieve this objective.


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The recent trend towards minimizing the interconnections in large scale integration (LSI) circuits has led to intensive investigation in the development of ternary circuits and the improvement of their design. The ternary multiplexer is a convenient and useful logic module which can be used as a basic building block in the design of a ternary system. This paper discusses a systematic procedure for the simplification and realization of ternary functions using ternary multiplexers as building blocks. Both single level and multilevel multiplexing techniques are considered. The importance of the design procedure is highlighted by considering two specific applications, namely, the development of ternary adder/subtractor and TCD to ternary converter.


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Corporate governance mandates and listing rules identify internal audit functions (IAF) as a central internal control mechanism. External audits are expected to assess the quality of IAF before placing reliance on its work. We provide evidence on the effect of IAF quality and IAF contribution to external audit on audit fees. Using data from a matched survey of both external and internal audits, we extend prior research which is based mainly on internal audits' assessment and conducted predominantly in highly developed markets. We find a positive relationship between IAF quality and audit fees as well as a reduction in audit fees as a result of external auditors' reliance on IAF. The interaction between IAF quality and IAF contribution to external audit suggests that high quality IAF induces greater external auditor reliance on internal auditors' work and thus result in lower external audit fees.


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The spectrum of short-closed chains up to N=12 are studied by exact diagonalization to obtain the spin-wave spectrum of the Hamiltonian H=2J Sigma i=1Nsi.si+1+2J alpha Sigma i=1Nsi.si+2, -1.0wave spectrum is fairly well described for small alpha by the spin-wave formula obtained by the Anderson approximation (1952). The results of short chains indicate that S=0 bound magnon states lie partly below the spin-wave states with S=1 only for alpha >or=0.3 and alpha


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We study the analyticity in cosθ of the exact quantum-mechanical electric-charge-magnetic-monopole scattering amplitude by ascribing meaning to its formally divergent partial-wave expansion as the boundary value of an analytic function. This permits us to find an integral representation for the amplitude which displays its analytic structure. On the physical sheet we find only a branch-point singularity in the forward direction, while on each of the infinitely many unphysical sheets we find a logarithmic branch-point singularity in the backward direction as well as the same forward structure.


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We explore the semi-classical structure of the Wigner functions ($\Psi $(q, p)) representing bound energy eigenstates $|\psi \rangle $ for systems with f degrees of freedom. If the classical motion is integrable, the classical limit of $\Psi $ is a delta function on the f-dimensional torus to which classical trajectories corresponding to ($|\psi \rangle $) are confined in the 2f-dimensional phase space. In the semi-classical limit of ($\Psi $ ($\hslash $) small but not zero) the delta function softens to a peak of order ($\hslash ^{-\frac{2}{3}f}$) and the torus develops fringes of a characteristic 'Airy' form. Away from the torus, $\Psi $ can have semi-classical singularities that are not delta functions; these are discussed (in full detail when f = 1) using Thom's theory of catastrophes. Brief consideration is given to problems raised when ($\Psi $) is calculated in a representation based on operators derived from angle coordinates and their conjugate momenta. When the classical motion is non-integrable, the phase space is not filled with tori and existing semi-classical methods fail. We conjecture that (a) For a given value of non-integrability parameter ($\epsilon $), the system passes through three semi-classical regimes as ($\hslash $) diminishes. (b) For states ($|\psi \rangle $) associated with regions in phase space filled with irregular trajectories, ($\Psi $) will be a random function confined near that region of the 'energy shell' explored by these trajectories (this region has more than f dimensions). (c) For ($\epsilon \neq $0, $\hslash $) blurs the infinitely fine classical path structure, in contrast to the integrable case ($\epsilon $ = 0, where $\hslash $ )imposes oscillatory quantum detail on a smooth classical path structure.