986 resultados para Vituhnovskaa‚, Marina: Rossijskaa‚ Karelia‚ i karely v imperskoj politike Rossii, 1905-1917


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A measurement technique of charm baryons lifetimes from hadro-production data was presented. The measurement verified the lifetime analysis procedure in a sample with higher statistical precision. Other effects studied include mass reflections; effects of the presence of a second charm particle; and mismeasurement of charm decays. Monte carlo simulations were used for the detailed study of systematic effects using the charm data.


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Pion virtual compton scattering (VCS) via the reaction π-e→π-eγ was observed in the Fermilab E781 SELEX experiment. SELEX used a 600 GeV/c π- beam incident on target atomic electrons, detecting the incident π- and the final state π-, electron and γ. Theoretical predictions based on chiral perturbation theory are incorporated into a Monte Carlo simulation of the experiment and are compared to the data. The number of reconstructed events (=9) and their distribution with respect to the kinematic variables (for the kinematic region studied) are in reasonable accord with the predictions. The corresponding π- VCS experimental cross section is σ=38.8±13 nb, in agreement with the theoretical expectation of σ=34.7 nb.


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The first experimental evidence for one of the six predicted baryon states which contain two valence charmed quarks-the doubly charmed baryons. As such, there were many predictions of the masses and other properties of these states. The properties of doubly charmed baryons provide a new window into the structure of baryonic matter.


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The influence of He-Ne laser radiation on the formation of new blood vessels in the bone marrow compartment of a regenerating area of the mid-cortical diaphysis of the tibiae of young adult rats was studied. A small hole was surgically made with a dentistry burr in the tibia and the injured area received a daily laser therapy over 7 or 14 days transcutaneously starting 24 h from surgery. Incident energy density dosages of 31.5 and 94.5 Jcm-2 were applied during the period of the tibia wound healing investigated. Light microscopic examination of histological sections of the injured area and quantification of the newly-formed blood vessels were undertaken. Low-level energy treatment accelerated the deposition of bone matrix and histological characteristics compatible with an active recovery of the injured tissue. He-Ne laser therapy significantly increased the number of blood vessels after 7 days irradiation at an energy density of 94.5 Jcm-2, but significantly decreased the number of vessels in the 14-day irradiated tibiae, independent of the dosage. These effects were attributed to laser treatment, since no significant increase in blood vessel number was detected between 8 and 15 non-irradiated control tibiae. Molecular mechanisms involved in low-level laser therapy of angiogenesis in post-traumatic bone regeneration needs further investigation.


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We show that Σ+ hyperons produced by 800 GeV/c protons on targets of Be and Cu have significant polarizations (15-20%). These polarizations persist at values of pt = 2 GeV/c and a wide range of xF. The polarizations from the Cu target are consistently less than from Be. The average ratio of the Σ+ polarization from Cu to that from Be is 0.68 ± 0.08.


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Polyfluorenes are promising materials for the emitting layer of polymer light emitting devices (PLEDs) with blue emission. In this work, we report on PLEDs fabricated with Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of a polyfluorene derivative, namely poly(9,9-di-hexylfluorenediyl vinylene-alt-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (PDHF-PV). Y-type LB films were transferred onto ITO substrates at a surface pressure of 35 mN m-1 and with dipping speed of 3 mm min -1. A thin aluminum layer was evaporated on top of the LB film, thus yielding a sandwich structure (ITO/PDHF-PV(LB)/Al). Current-voltage (I vs V) measurements indicate that the device displays a classical behavior of a rectifying diode. The threshold value is approximately 5 V, and the onset for visible light emission occurs at ca. 10 V. From the a.c. electrical responses we infer that the active layer has a typical behavior of PLEDs where the real component of ac conductivity obeys a power-law with the frequency. Cole-Cole plots (Im(Z) vs. Re(Z)) for the device exhibit a series of semicircles, the diameter of which decreases with increasing forward bias. This PLED structure is modeled by a parallel resistance and capacitance combination, representing the dominant mechanisms of charge transport and polarization in the organic layer, in series with a resistance representing the ITO contact. Overall, the results presented here demonstrate the feasibility of LEDs made with LB films of PDHF-PV.


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Within the next decade, the improved version 2 of Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME-2), a ultraviolet-visible spectrometer dedicated to the observation of key atmospheric trace species from space, will be launched successively on board three EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) MetOp satellites. Starting with the launch of MetOp-1 scheduled for summer 2006, the GOME-2 series will extend till 2020 the global monitoring of atmospheric composition pioneered with ERS-2 GOME-1 since 1995 and enhanced with Envisat SCIAMACHY since 2002 and EOS-Aura OMI since 2004. For more than a decade, an international pool of scientific teams active in ground-and space-based ultraviolet-visible remote sensing have contributed to the successful post-launch validation of trace gas data products and the associated maturation of retrieval algorithms for the latter satellites, ensuring that geophysical data products are/become reliable and accurate enough for intended research and applications. Building on this experience, this consortium plans now to develop and carry out appropriate validation of a list of GOME-2 trace gas column data of both tropospheric and stratospheric relevance: nitrogen dioxide (NO 2), ozone (O 3), bromine monoxide (BrO), chlorine dioxide (OClO), formaldehyde (HCHO), and sulphur dioxide (SO 2). The proposed investigation will combine four complementary approaches resulting in an end-to-end validation of expected column data products.


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Objective: We evaluated clinical characteristics of primary vesicoureteral reflux (VLJR) in infants in a 30-year period in Brazil with special reference to the relation of renal parenchymal damage to urinary tract infection and gender. Materials and Methods: From 1975 through 2005, 417 girls (81.6%) and 94 boys (18.4%) with all grades of reflux were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were categorized by the worst grade of reflux, maintained on antibiotic prophylaxis and underwent yearly voiding cystourethrography until the reflux was resolved. VUR was considered resolved when a follow-up cystogram demonstrated no reflux. Surgical correction was recommended for those who fail medical therapy, severe renal scarring or persistent VUR. Results: Grades I to V VUR resolved in 87.5%, 77.6%, 52.8%, 12.2% and 4.3%, respectively. Renal scars were present at presentation in 98 patients (19.2%). Neither gender nor bilaterality versus unilaterality was a helpful predictor of resolution. The significant difference was found among the curves using the log rank (p < 0.001) or Wilcoxon (p < 0.001) test. Conclusion: Despite the current use of screening prenatal ultrasound, many infants are still diagnosed as having vesicoureteral reflux only after the occurrence of urinary tract infection in our country. Scarring may be associated to any reflux grade and it may be initially diagnosed at any age but half of the scars are noted with higher grades of reflux (IV and V). The incidence of reflux related morbidity in children has significantly diminished over the last three decades.


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Previous studies accomplished by our group suggest that tobacco smoke exposure results in cardiac remodeling, with progressive ventricular dysfunction. However, the mechanisms involved in this process are not known. Therefore, our laboratory has been trying to identify the potentials responsible mechanisms for cardiac remodeling induced by tobacco. The blood pressure increase, the renin-angiotensin system and the oxidative stress can modulate this process. On the other hand, the activation of MMP-2 or MMP-9, as well as lipid peroxidation, don't seem to participate of the morphologic and functional alterations induced by tobacco smoke exposure.


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We report on a first search for resonant pair production of neutral long-lived particles (NLLP) which each decay to a bb̄ pair, using 3.6fb-1 of data recorded with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We search for pairs of displaced vertices in the tracking detector at radii in the range 1.6-20cm from the beam axis. No significant excess is observed above background, and upper limits are set on the production rate in a hidden-valley benchmark model for a range of Higgs boson masses and NLLP masses and lifetimes. © 2009 The American Physical Society.


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We present a measurement of the mass difference between t and t̄ quarks in lepton+jets final states of tt̄ events in 1fb-1 of data collected with the D0 detector from Fermilab Tevatron Collider pp̄ collisions at s=1.96TeV. The measured mass difference of 3.8±3.7GeV is consistent with the equality of t and t̄ masses. This is the first direct measurement of a mass difference between a quark and its antiquark partner. © 2009 The American Physical Society.


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We present the first search for an electrically charged resonance W′ decaying to a WZ boson pair using 4.1fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron pp̄ collider. The WZ pairs are reconstructed through their decays into three charged leptons (≤=e, μ). A total of 9 data events is observed in good agreement with the background prediction. We set 95% C.L. limits on the W′WZ coupling and on the W′ production cross section multiplied by the branching fractions. We also exclude W′ masses between 188 and 520 GeV within a simple extension of the standard model and set the most restrictive limits to date on low-scale technicolor models. © 2010 The American Physical Society.


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We present a measurement of the ratio of positive to negative muon fluxes from cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere, using data collected by the CMS detector both at ground level and in the underground experimental cavern at the CERN LHC. Muons were detected in the momentum range from 5 GeV/. c to 1 TeV/. c. The surface flux ratio is measured to be 1.2766±0.0032(stat.)±0.0032(syst.), independent of the muon momentum, below 100 GeV/. c. This is the most precise measurement to date. At higher momenta the data are consistent with an increase of the charge ratio, in agreement with cosmic ray shower models and compatible with previous measurements by deep-underground experiments. © 2010.


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A large sample of cosmic ray events collected by the CMS detector is exploited to measure the specific energy loss of muons in the lead tungstate (PbWO4) of the electromagnetic calorimeter. The measurement spans a momentum range from 5 GeV/c to 1 TeV/c. The results are consistent with the expectations over the entire range. The calorimeter energy scale, set with 120 GeV/c electrons, is validated down to the sub-GeV region using energy deposits, of order 100 MeV, associated with low-momentum muons. The muon critical energy in PbWO4 is measured to be 160+5 -68 GeV, in agreement with expectations. This is the first experimental determination of muon critical energy. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.