824 resultados para Vitivinicultura : Rio Grande do Sul


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O conhecimento da vegetação em regiões de ocorrências minerais de cobre e ouro torna-se de grande importância para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias limpas na reabilitação de áreas degradadas pela mineração (fitorremediação) e na bioprospecção mineral no Estado. Buscou-se verificar a relação entre a organização espacial e fitossociológica das unidades e subunidades de vegetação na mina Volta Grande, Lavras do Sul, RS e a presença de cobre nas mineralizações. Com base em Ecologia de Paisagem, realizou-se investigações fitossociológicas, avaliação do conteúdo de cobre em raízes e folhas de Axonopus affinis, Eugenia uniflora, Heterothalamus alienus, Saccharum angustifolium, Schizachyrium microstachyum e Schinus lentiscifolius e o zoneamento da vegetação com sobreposição ao mapa de estruturas mineralizadas conhecidas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, sugere-se que a distribuição das unidades e subunidades de vegetação (unidade de vegetação Eugenia uniflora – Scutia buxifolia, com subunidades Eugenia uniflora – Cupania vernalis e Eugenia uniflora – Allophylus edulis; unidade de vegetação Schinus lentiscifolius – Heterothalamus alienus; unidade de vegetação Eryngium horridum – Saccharum angustifolium, com subunidade Eryngium horridum – Piptochaetium montevidense e unidade de vegetação Axonopus affinis – Paspalum pumilum) pode estar relacionada à posição geomorfológica, à declividade, à umidade do solo e ao manejo para o uso do gado A unidade de vegetação Schinus lentiscifolius – Heterothalamus alienus parece estar relacionada às ocorrências de mineralizações (filões) de cobre e ouro, sendo necessária uma comparação com outras áreas mineralizadas e não-mineralizadas no Estado para utilizar esse dado em prospecção mineral. A espécie Axonopus affinis possui em suas raízes um conteúdo de cobre muito maior do que o considerado normal em plantas, sendo indicada para estudos mais detalhados quanto a sua aplicabilidade na reabilitação de áreas degradadas pela mineração no Rio Grande do Sul.


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Esta dissertação relata o uso da informação no processo decisório havido na bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul em torno da implementação da cobrança pelo uso da água bruta,instituída pela Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos. De grande importância no cenárionacional essa bacia hidrográfica foi escolhida como foco de estudo por se tratar de umaexperiência pioneira de implementação de um Sistema de Gestão de Recursos Hídricosem rios de domínio da União, tendo como pano de fundo a complexidade do federalismobrasileiro e a falta de tradição em processos participativos para tomada de decisão nestecampo. O estudo mostra, ainda, como a cobrança pelo uso da água foi um fator deaglutinação dos atores da bacia, como o capital social acumulado foi fundamental para oprocesso de negociação, e finalmente, como o uso da informação técnica, ao contráriodo que se imaginava, proporcionou avanços significativos na metodologia e critériospropostos para implementação desse importante instrumento de gestão das águas.


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A ocupação do litoral por empreendimentos sócio-econômicos e a realização de obras de engenharia capazes de atender estas demandas tem despertado a necessidade de estudos detalhados do transporte litorâneo. Usando metodologia de coleta de sedimentos por ‘traps’ (fundo e suspensão) dentro da zona de surfe e metodologias de aquisição de imagens, topografia e sedimentologia conduzidas com o auxílio de filmadora, estação total e trabalhos em laboratório, respectivamente, determinou-se os parâmetros hidrodinâmicos e morfométricos da região. Dados de ondas em águas profundas foram obtidos a partir de modelo do CPTEC/INPE. Os trabalhos de campo foram realizados em 50 campanhas distribuídas pelo período de 1 ano. Do total, 42 foram dedicadas exclusivamente a dados hidrodinâmicos e morfométricos enquanto que as 8 restantes foram utilizadas também para coleta de sedimentos. Ao mesmo tempo foram obtidos dados sobre a velocidade dos fluxos e sobre o transporte transversal no espraiamento. Todos os dados foram obtidos em condições atmosféricas normais. Os trabalhos de campo foram conduzidos em 6 perfis transversais distribuídos entre as praias do Cassino e Mar Grosso (3 de cada lado da embocadura). Dois perfis situados na adjacência dos Molhes Leste e Oeste, 2 posicionados a 3 Km da base dos respectivos molhes e 2 distantes 10 Km destas mesmas bases. Concomitante com as medições do transporte longitudinal foram realizadas observações específicas sobre a participação dos diferentes níveis coletados na formação do transporte total. A distribuição dos sedimentos na coluna d’água e ao longo do perfil foram estudadas considerando o diâmetro médio do grão. Foi estudada também a participação do transporte de fundo (bedload) e em suspensão (suspended load) obtendo-se evidencias de que o transporte de fundo representa aproximadamente 18% do transporte total. Os resultados das medições indicaram uma vazão bidirecional de sedimentos, com baixa intensidade de transporte e resultante positiva direcionada para nordeste, conforme apresentado a seguir: Perfil-1(01/07/03) 1,92 m3/h NE-SW; Perfil-2 (19/07/02) 2,60 m3/h NE-SW, (16/01/03) 0,23 m3/h NE-SW e (20/02/03) 25,1 m3/h SW-NE; Perfil-3 (02/05/03) 4,24 m3/h SW-NE; Perfil-4 (05/09/03) 43,33 m3/h SW-NE; Perfil-5 (17/01/03) 2,54 m3/h NE-SW e Perfil-6 (21/02/03) 31,74 m3/h SW-NE. As baixas taxas de transporte total (máx. 940 e mín. 402 m³/ano/m) e líquido (máx. 574 e mín. 218 m³/ano/m) encontrados na região são consistentes com o comportamento dos estoques sedimentares acumulados no entorno dos molhes nos últimos 90 anos, embora estas taxas anuais representem apenas uma ordem de grandeza do transporte na região, já que são uma simples extrapolação dos dados horários não traduzindo, portanto os efeitos do clima de ondas local. Os dados obtidos serviram para calibrar 2 equações empíricas CERC e Kamphuis-91 que foram utilizadas para extrapolar as taxas de transporte longitudinal pelo período de 1 ano, considerando também a deriva ocasionada por ondas de tempestades. Finalmente, concluiu-se que o baixo transporte longitudinal é ocasionado pelos pequenos ângulos de incidência (em relação a normal) das ondas na arrebentação, que a direção da corrente longitudinal apresenta forte convergência com a componente longitudinal do vento na costa e que a baixa deriva litorânea (em condições atmosféricas normais) para nordeste só é magnificada pela presença das ondas de tempestades que varrem a costa vindas do quadrante sul e que representam aproximadamente 16% do ano.


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O campo de investigação dos Estudos do Futuro é uma área de estudos ativa, promovida por organismos internacionais e universidades de vanguarda mundial. Dentre os diversos métodos e técnicas, até então desenvolvidos para estudar o futuro, destaca-se o método de construção de cenários prospectivos. Neste trabalho, se procura testar estes métodos ao estudo do futuro de uma cadeia produtiva agronegocial. A consideração desta, como objeto de aplicação de uma análise prospectiva, apresenta desafios peculiares, requerendo uma abordagem metodológica apropriada, que pode ser adaptada das ferramentas conhecidas. O exemplo considerado trata da cadeia da vitivinicultura riograndense. A análise documental e dos relatos de personalidades permitiu a elaboração de um panorama atual e retrospectivo, representativo dessa cadeia, útil para a construção de cenários prospectivos. Este estudo foi seguido de consultas a expertos, representantes de cada um dos elos da cadeia, para a identificação dos fatos do futuro, relativos às condicionantes do ambiente em que se insere o objeto. Foram arrolados cerca de setenta fatos do futuro, os quais foram submetidos à ponderação dos expertos. Nessa ponderação aplicaram-se critérios de seleção de incertezas críticas, previamente usados em cenarizações de futuro de objetos de outra natureza, distintos das cadeias produtivas. A utilização desses critérios indica a pertinência do emprego das ferramentas selecionadas para o estudo proposto. As incertezas críticas, assim arroladas, devem permitir a execução de um exercício completo de cenarização do futuro de uma cadeia produtiva agronegocial.


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The public management reform in Brazil, since 1995, provoked new experiences in public administration. Among the new models of public service the one-stop shopping has distinguished and was adopted at Rio Grande do Norte with the Citizens Center Program. The one-stop shopping assembles in the same place many public services with appropriate structure, enabled human resources and citizens focus processes. The goal of this research was understand how citizens focus processes help to explain Citizens Center Program s longevity. It was made a case study and the research tools were applied with Citizen Center Programs workers and citizen-users at South Unit of Citizen Center Program placed at Via Direta Mall, Natal. The major contributions for Citizen Center Program s longevity were imputed to Basic Operation Processes. The most spoken features in Citizen Center Program mentioned were quality, efficiency, celerity e personal appearance, what demonstrate concern and care with citizen-users. Worker s personal appearance, accommodation, celerity, politeness and attending capacity planning were high evaluated by citizen-users revealing the wisely choice of use a large quality concept and citizenship concept in public administration. Citizen-users also pointed the necessity of refine and enlarge the communication ways that form an essential mechanism to public citizen focus administration. Not ignoring the policy aspect citizen focus processes were noticed like especial management actions that make easier citizen s activities and public service access, what generate satisfaction to citizen-users. It s possible to conclude that the high level approving evaluation of Citizen Center Program consolidates it an especial public policy that serves citizen s necessities e create appropriate legitimacy conditions of the public policy making harder the choice of ending the policy even in more fragile moments strongly contributing for its longevity


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Strandings of live or dead aquatic mammals constitute an important instrument to provide information regarding the occurrence, biology and ecology of these species. The aim of this study was to register the stranded species of cetaceans, the frequency and the spatial-temporal distribution of theses strandings during the period of 1984 to 2005, in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Data was acquired through the monitoring of strandings in the north, north-west and south coast of RN, and through information obtained from institutions and newspaper archives of the State. A total of 122 strandings of cetaceans were registered along the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. Of the 14 species of cetaceans registered, four species had higher frequencies: Sotalia guianensis (n= 65), Steno bredanensis (n = 6), Globicephala macrorhynchus (n = 6) and Physeter macrocephalus (n = 7). Out of 118 strandings, 93 occurred in the south coast (78.8 %), 23 in the north coast (19.5%) and 2 (1.7%) in the north-west coast of the State. The highest frequency of strandings occurred during the months of August to March and the maximum number of strandings occurred from 2000 onwards, as a consequence of the intense monitoring of the Pequenos Cetáceos Project in Rio Grande do Norte


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The overwhelming gear that boosted tourism as the main economic activity of Pipa a district formerly agricultural and fishery, that belongs to the municipality of Tibau do Sul/RN produced significant changes in the social, economic and cultural rights of the native population of the place where social relations were narrow and justified in some cases, the line of kinship in an environment where all residents knew each other. However, we can not observe the emergence of this activity just as voracious disarticulator of old local forms of sociability that in a linear process, destroys the old, replacing it with the new. New compositions are generated by merging elements of past and present. Overcoming opposition to simplistic positive or negative impacts of tourism sought especially in this dissertation, review the history of Pipa (told in narrative form), showing how slowly this district has become a major international tourist destination and how its residents were being swallowed by the "whirlwind" that led to this reality. The research used qualitative methodology and was based on photographic, literature and survey, observation, experience, oral and written reports acquired in the field. We conducted in-depth interviews (oral history) with subjects that are the living memory of the place local residents (mostly natives). We found that before the process of "modernization" resulting from the pressure of globalization itself and the capital investment in tourism resulting from the native population is not passive. On the contrary, natives resist, creating mechanisms of material and symbolic reformulations. The present moment is always dynamic. Because of that, the identity of a place is not the crystallization of its past. Many landscapes still reveal materialities of yesteryear, such as registration of social practices in the construction of the place


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Extensive studies using molecular markers on butterflies have shown how a highly fragmented landscape may result in the reduction of gene flow among patches of habitat and, consequently, increase genetic differentiation among populations. However, little is known about Heliconius geographical structure and the effects of fragmentation on the connectivity of populations. Furthermore, findings on the effects of the population structure on the dynamics of mimicry evolution in Heliconius butterflies need to be tested in H. erato and H. melpomene specimens found in other locations other than Central and northern South Americas. For the present study, we had two motivations: (1) compare the population structure of H. erato and H. melpomene given the highly fragmented Brazil s Atlantic Forest habitat; and (2) studying population structure of co-mimics could give us insights into the dynamics of mimicry evolution. For this, we analysed the spatial structure and connectivity of eight populations of Heliconius butterflies, in a total of 137 H. erato specimens and 145 H. melpomene specimens, using nine microsatellites loci, 1144 AFLPs markers and 282 mitochondrial DNA sequences. In general, both species exhibited evidence of population subdivision but no isolation by distance indicating some extent of genetic differentiation among populations. Contrary to Kronforst & Gilbert s (2008) Costa Rican Heliconius, H. melpomene exhibited more genetic differentiation than H. erato based on nuclear markers. However, for mitochondrial DNA, H. erato populations showed more genetic differentiation than H. melpomene. Our results corroborate to other studies on Heliconius butterflies concerning the pronounced population subdivision and local genetic drift found in this genus. Nevertheless, the pattern of this differentiation varies significantly from the pattern found in studies conducted in Central America, where H. erato is generally more differentiated and structured than H. melpomene, based on nuclear markers. This different pattern may reflect different evolutionary histories of Heliconius species in Northeastern Brazil s Atlantic Forest


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Ethnobiology studies Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) as well as the use and management of natural resources by local communities in order to understand how the environment is perceived, known and classified by human groups. In fishing communities, LEK adds empirical information about the biology of aquatic species and complements scientific findings, especially when it is difficult to obtain factual information during studies on cetaceans, whose behavior is essentially underwater. Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) are constantly threatened by human activities, especially by accidental capture of small coastal species, as in the case of the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), object of this study. Ethnobiological researches in fishing communities are of great importance and can clarify aspects of the biology and conservation of this species. Although extensively studied throughout its distribution range, there are still gaps in the knowledge about S. guianensis. Therefore, fishers local ecological knowledge becomes an additional tool to get and confirm information about S. guianensis. This study evaluated the LEK of artisanal fishers who are daily exposed to local population of S. guianensis, through the use of semistructured interviews (N=116). The interviewed fishers were asked about the biology and popular classification of S. guianensis and about possible interactions between this dolphin and them. The studied communities were located in Tibau do Sul (n=39), Pipa (n=36) and Baía Formosa (n=41), all on the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study was based on the assumption that differences in fishers LEK among those communities would be caused by both the variety of fishing environments (lagoon/estuary and ocean) and the intensity of tourism activities. Fishers knowledge is expressive and differed among the studied communities depending on the topic investigated. Fishers correctly reported the habitat, distribution, seasonality and behavioral particularities of S. guianensis. Tourism mainly affected the naming of the species. The study results also suggest that marine fishers have greater knowledge about the species than the estuarine/lagoon ones. Local populations accumulate empirical knowledge according to their environment. Hence, it is important to take into account both empirical knowledge and popular participation in management systems, in order to maintain information sharing among communities


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Nowadays, Brazil has both the greatest goat herd and the greatest goat milk production of South America. The state of Rio Grande do Norte, located in northeast of Brazil, has an average year production of three thousand cubic meters of goat milk in natura. Part of this milk production is homemade and it comes from small farms, which unite in rural cooperatives created to encourage the production and implementation of industrial processes for preservation and processing of milk. Results presented by literature and obtained from preliminary essays in this thesis show that non conventional dryer of spouted bed with inert particles is able to produce powder milk from in natura milk (cattle or goat), with the same quality of spray dryer, however, operating at low cost. The method of drying in spouted bed consists of injecting milk emulsion on the bed of inert particles gushed by hot air. This emulsion covers the particles with a thin film, which dries and is reduced to powder during the circulation of inerts inside the bed. The powder is dragged by exhaustion air and separated in the cyclone. The friction among particles resulted from the particles circulation, encourages high taxes of shear in the thin film of emulsion, breaking the cohesive forces and making this process possible. Studying the drying process and the powder goat milk production in one unit of spouted bed with inert particles, seeing the development of a low cost technological route for powder milk production is the aim of this thesis. The powder milk produced by this route must attend the local demand of food industries which need an intermediate product to be used as a food ingredient (ice-cream, milk candy). In order to reach this aim, this thesis approaches the aspects related to physical, thermodynamics and physic-chemicals characteristics of goat milk, whose complete data are still inexistent in the literature. The properties of materials are of great importance to the project of any process which involves the operations of transportation of movement, heat and mass quantity, such as the dryers which operate in fluid dynamically active regime, like the spouted bed. It was obtained new data related to the goat milk properties in function of concentration of solids and temperature. It is also important to mention the study developed about the kinetic of solids retention in the bed of inert particles during the drying of goat milk. It was found more adequate processes conditions to the proposed technological route to be implemented in small and micro-industries, with simplifications in the system of milk injection as well as in the form of operation of the dryer. Important data were obtained for a posterior stage of this research which involves the v modeling, simulation, control and optimization of the process. The results obtained in this thesis, in relation to process performance as well as to the quality of produced powder milk validate the proposal of using the spouted bed dryer in the production of powder goat milk


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Goat breeding in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil has promising economic possibilities, with the proper handling of the natural resources. The introduction of specialized animals has been one of the ways used to improve herd genetics and increase productivity. However, climate has been one of the regional factors that most interferes with the adaptation of the new genetic prevalence resulting from the introduction of exotic breeds, because in their country of origin, the air temperature during most of the year is lower than the animals body temperature. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to characterize behavioral, physiological and morphological profiles and milk production of female Saanen goats belonging to different genetic groups raised in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte in Northeast Brazil. The study was conducted in the city of Lages (5° 42 00 S and 36° 14 41 W). We used 25 lactating female Saanen goats, distributed into 3 genetic groups: 5 purebred animals, 11 three-quarter bred and 9 half-bred. Behavioral observations were made over three consecutive days in the months of August and September, between 09:00 and 11:30h, when the animals were grazing. Physiological and meteorological data were recorded in the last three days of June, July, August and September at 05:00h and at 16:00h. In the semi-intensive breeding system, the animals from different genetic groups were similar in both field behavior and physiological response patterns. Although the purebred goats had longer hair, they did not show symptoms of thermal discomfort. Their white hair helped to reflect the short wavelength rays and thus eliminate those at the longer wave lengths. We concluded that the animals raised in the semi-intensive milk production system in this study seem to have adapted to the climatic conditions of the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil


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This study investigated factors that influence the group size during the behavior foraging of estuarine dolphin Sotalia guianensis in the coast south of the state Rio Grande do Norte (RN), it also characterized the diet of estuarine dolphins and elaborated an otoliths catalog for aid in the identification of the preys found in the stomach contents. In relation to the group size during behaviour foraging, inside of the Curral Bay, larger frequency of solitary hunt was observed. Factors as tide variation, group composition and seasons didn't present correlation with the number of animals observed during a feeding episode. Capture success for participant was shown significantly larger when the animals hunted alone, what possibly explains the largest frequency of solitary hunt inside of the Curral Bay. About diet, were identified 18 bone fishes species, with predominance of species the families Haemulidae and Sciaenidae and five cephalopods species, including two new species in the diet of Sotalia guianensis in Brazil. Our results indicated that estuarine dolphin in the coast oriental from Rio Grande do Norte (RN) feeds predominantly of fish that form shoal, of habitat estuarino and producing of sounds. The analysis of the images, otoliths of 43 species of coastal fish of the coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), aided by the offered descriptions, demonstrated to be an effective methodology for the knowledge of those structures, as well as it represented a form of reducing the subjectivity in the identification of the bone fishes found in stomach content


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As part of a broader project, Diversity and Distribution Patterns of Floristic and Faunistic composition of remnants of Potiguar s Atlantic Forest, as subsidies to conservation , that subsidizes a group of institutional research, This study aimed to evaluate the structure of the assemblage of lizards a remnant of the of the northern Atlantic Forest, identifying ecological factor (s) that contribute to the coexistence of sympatric species. Additionally, we studied the thermal ecology and thermoregulatory behavior of umbrophily and heliophily species live the Parque Estadual Mata da Pipa (PEMP), a remnant of Atlantic forest located in the Tibau do Sul municipality of, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. It is one of the largest remnants of the Atlantic Forest and has an area of approximately 290 ha. The study was performed by four excursions to the field for 20 days each, when active search and pitfalls traps were used to record and colleted specimens in different habitats of the area. We recorded the presence of 19 species of lizards, of which seven are typical of forest areas, three are endemic Atlantic Forest, these two northern and one are new record for the Rio Grande do Norte. The use of resources, the results showed that phylogenetically related species do not always use a similar way the resources available; the feeding niche was the segregated component of the species that overlapped extensively in the use of space and vice versa. To examine the thermal ecology and thermoregulatory behavior of Kentropyx calcarata and Coleodactylus natalensis, we recorded the clocal temperature (Tc), oh the substrate (Ts) and of the air (Ta) to investigate what of these are the source of heat more important to the temperature s body of these lizards. Behavioral observations were conducted to analyze strategies to optimize the acquisition of heat. The air temperature explained most strongly to variation in body temperature of K. calcarata, while the temperature of the substrate to C. natalensis. As for the behavioral observations, they confirmed that K. calcarata is an active thermoregulatory; C. natalensis is a passive thermoregulatory.