736 resultados para Viti-vinifera wines


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This article examines the empirical support for the hypothesized hedonic theoretical relation between the price of wine and its quality. The examination considers over 180 hedonic wine price models developed over 20 years, covering many countries. The research identifies that the relation between the price of wine and its sensory quality rating is a moderate partial correlation of +0.30. This correlation exists despite the lack of information held by consumers about a wine’s quality and the inconsistency of expert tasters when evaluating wines. The results identify a moderate price-quality correlation, which suggests the existence of strategic buying opportunities for better informed consumers. Strategic price setting possibilities may also exist for wine producers given the incomplete quality information held by consumers. The results from the meta-regression analysis point to the absence of any publication bias, and attribute the observed asymmetry in estimates to study heterogeneity. The analysis suggests the observed heterogeneity is explained by the importance of a wine’s reputation, the use of the 100-point quality rating scale, the analysis of a single wine variety/style, and the employed functional form. The most important implication from the analysis is the relative importance of a wine’s reputation over its sensory quality, inferring that producers need to sustain the sensory quality of a wine over time to extract appropriate returns. The reputation of the wine producer is found not to influence the strength of the price quality relationship. This finding does not contradict the importance of wine producer reputation in directly influencing prices.


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This paper investigates the impact of the effectiveness of remuneration committees on narrative voluntary disclosure of information on remuneration. We develop a composite measure as a proxy for remuneration committee effectiveness by incorporating remuneration committee size, remuneration committee independence, remuneration committee chairman’s independence, expertise and diligence. We find that both the existence and quality of a remuneration committee play a significant role in the decision to provide voluntary disclosure of remuneration actions and in the extent of this disclosure. Further analysis suggests that remuneration committee independence and diligence enhance the quality of remuneration committees. The results have policy implications for remuneration committees as an effective corporate governance mechanism.


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Tartrate precipitation is still a relevant subject in Enology, being one of the most common problems of wine physical-chemical instability. Potassium bitartrate and calcium tartrate precipitations are undesirable phenomena which can occur in bottled wines, especially when these are stored at low temperatures. The occurrence of tartrate salt crystals (potassium hydrogen tartrate – KHT and calcium tartrate – CaT) in bottles has severe consequences in the final aspect of the wine and therefore on the consumer’s acceptance, making tartrate wine stabilization virtually mandatory before bottling. Currently, several solutions to prevent this haze are available: subtractive methods including the conventional cold treatments that promote the cristalization of KHT, removal of potassium and calcium ions either by electrodialysis or ion exchange resins; and additive methods such as the addition of carboxymethylcellulose, mannoproteins or metatartaric acid. For monitoring the KHT stability, several analytical methods have been developed based on conductivity evaluation, namely the mini-contact test and the saturation temperature measurements (TS). These methods will also be revisited, aiming to raise awareness of their utility as tools in quality control of wines. This review addresses tartrate precipitation subject and the most recent preventive solutions available, pointing out the advantages and drawbacks of each one, and its impact on the final characteristics of the wine.


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At Mediterranean regions and particularly in southern Portugal, it is imperative to identify grape varieties more adapted to warm and dry climates in order to overcome future climatic changes. Two Vitis vinifera genotypes, Aragonez (syn. Tempranillo) and Trincadeira, were selected to assess their physiological responses to soil water stress. Vines were subjected to four irrigation regimes: irrigated during all phenological cycle, non-irrigated during all phenological cycle, non irrigated until veraison, irrigated after veraison. Predawn leaf water potential was much higher in Trincadeira than Aragonez in non- irrigated plants. This result is in accordance with its higher stomatal control efficiency in this variety (Trincadeira). Photosynthetic capacity (Amax at saturating light intensity) decreased due to stomatal and biochemical limitations under water stress. However, recovery capacity of leaf water status after irrigation was faster in Trincadeira. Yield and yield x Brix increased when irrigation occurred after veraison, particularly in Trincadeira. These results show that Trincadeira presents a drought adaptation than Aragonez. Ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence Fv/Fm and total leaf chlorophyll related with leaf water potential for both species. Reflectance Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI705), Red Edge Inflexion Point Index and Photochemical Reflectance Index were related with irrigation treatment. Relative water content and specific leaf area were similar between varieties. In conclusion, we suggested that there is variation among the genotypes and the main physiological parameters for variety selection, for drought, were leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and reflectance indexes.


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Fungal endophytes present in different asymptomatic grapevine plants (Vitis vinifera L.) located in different vineyards within Alentejo, a highly important viticulture region in Portugal, were identified in this study. Sampled grapevine plants included the three most representative cultivars in the region, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Aragonez, growing under two different modes of management, conventional and biological. Sixteen fungal taxa were identified through sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region. Total number of endophytic fungi isolated showed significant differences both in management mode and in cultivars, with higher numbers in grapevines under conventional mode and from Syrah cultivar. The composition of fungal endophytic communities did not show significant differences among cultivars, but differences were observed between fungal communities isolated from grapevines under biological or conventional modes. The most fungal taxa isolated from grapevines cultivated under biological mode were Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium sp., and Nigrospora oryzae, and under conventional mode Botrytis cinerea, Epicoccum nigrum, and Epicoccum sp. These differences suggest that the different products used in grapevine production have impacts in fungal endophytic composition. Further investigation of the identified fungi with respect to their antagonistic characteristics and potential use in plant protection to ensure food safety is now in course.


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Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.


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Abstract Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.


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Water is now considered the most important but vulnerable resource in the Mediterranean region. Nev ertheless, irrigation expanded fast in the region (e.g. South Portugal and Spain) to mitigate environmental stress and to guarantee stable grape yield and quality. Sustainable wine production depends on sustain able water use in the wine’s supply chain, from the vine to the bottle. Better understanding of grapevine stress physiology (e.g. water relations, temperature regulation, water use efficiency), more robust crop monitoring/phenotyping and implementation of best water management practices will help to mitigate climate effects and will enable significant water savings in the vineyard and winery. In this paper, we focused on the major vulnerabilities and opportunities of South European Mediterranean viticulture (e.g. in Portugal and Spain) and present a multi-level strategy (from plant to the consumer) to overcome region’s weaknesses and support strategies for adaptation to water scarcity, promote sustainable water use and minimize the environmental impact of the sector.


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Water is now considered the most important but vulnerable resource in the Mediterranean region. Nevertheless, irrigation expanded fast in the region (e.g. South Portugal and Spain) to mitigate environmental stress and to guarantee stable grape yield and quality. Sustainable wine production depends on sustainable water use in the wine’s supply chain, from the vine to the bottle. Better understanding of grapevine stress physiology (e.g. water relations, temperature regulation, water use efficiency), more robust crop monitoring/phenotyping and implementation of best water management practices will help to mitigate climate effects and will enable significant water savings in the vineyard and winery. In this paper, we focused on the major vulnerabilities and opportunities of South European Mediterranean viticulture (e.g. in Portugal and Spain) and present a multi-level strategy (from plant to the consumer) to overcome region’s weaknesses and support strategies for adaptation to water scarcity, promote sustainable water use and minimize the environmental impact of the sector.


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A viticultura tropical brasileira caracteriza-se por temperaturas elevadas o ano inteiro, alta insolação e baixa umidade relativa (UR), aliadas à disponibilidade de água para irrigação. Tais características favorecem o desenvolvimento vegetativo das videiras e a colheita em qualquer época do ano, em, pelo menos, duas safras anuais. As principais cultivares são da espécie Vitis vinifera L., para a produção de uvas finas para consumo in natura e elaboração de vinhos e espumantes, e uvas de Vitis labrusca e híbridas, para elaboração de suco. O sistema de produção de uvas de mesa, especialmente em condições tropicais, é complexo e dinâmico e inclui a poda de formação e de frutificação, as operações de poda verde realizadas durante a fase de crescimento vegetativo da planta, bem como as práticas voltadas para a melhoria de qualidade dos cachos. Os principais tipos de poda são: poda de formação, poda de produção e poda de rejuvenescimento. Podem ser realizadas em qualquer época do ano, mas recomenda-se um intervalo mínimo de 30 a 60 dias entre a colheita e a poda do ciclo seguinte, que é denominado período de repouso. As práticas de poda verde, realizadas durante o ciclo de crescimento vegetativo, reúnem um conjunto de operações feitas na copa da videira para eliminar órgãos, como brotos, sarmentos, ramos, netos, gavinhas e inflorescências.


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A produção de uvas destinadas ao consumo in natura corresponde aproximadamente a 43% do total produzido no Brasil, e está localizada em Estados das Regiões Nordeste, Sul e Sudeste. Uma parcela expressiva dessa produção é destinada à exportação, sendo 90%oriunda da região do Vale do Rio São Francisco, em [uazeiro, BA, e Petrolina, PE. Dentre os insetos-praga prejudiciais ao cultivo de uvas de mesa estão incluídas algumas espécies de cochonilhas-farinhentas e de moscas-das-frutas, que são quarentenárias, o que faz com que o manejo de insetos e de ácaros-praga receba atenção diferenciada. Outro aspecto diz respeito aos métodos de controle de pragas, que, cada vez mais, necessitam ser sustentáveis e que não deixem resíduos, diante de um mercado consumidor cada vez mais exigente.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a suscetibilidade de genótipos de videira à drosófila‑da‑asa‑ manchada, Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae), em bagas de uva intactas e em bagas infestadas após a ocorrência de puncturas, causadas pela oviposição da mosca‑das‑frutas sul‑americana [Anastrepha fraterculus(Diptera: Tephritidae)] ou por danos mecânicos (alfinetes). Os experimentos foram realizados em laboratório, a 22±1°C, umidade relativa de 65±10% e fotófase de 12 horas. A suscetibilidade foi avaliada para 18 genótipos de videira, em bagas intactas submetidas às fêmeas de D. suzukii. O potencial de interação foi verificado em bagas de uva 'Italia', cuja epiderme foi danificada por puncturas de A. fraterculusou por alfinete, em comparação a frutos de morango 'Albion'. As cultivares de Vitis labrusca 'Niagara Rosada' e 'Concord' não foram infestadas por D. suzukii, e cinco dos oito genótipos que foram infestados são cultivares melhoradas. A infestação de D. suzukii em bagas de uva 'Italia' com danos mecânicos, feitos com um alfinete ou pela oviposição de A. fraterculus, foi semelhante à de bagas íntegras. Há baixa adequação hospedeira de videiras a D. suzukii, mesmo com a presença de danos. As cultivares 'Benitaka', 'BRS Vitória' e 'BRS Morena' são as mais suscetíveis a D. suzukii.


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Viticulture is an activity of great social and economic importance in the lower-middle region of the São Francisco River valley in northeastern Brazil. In this region, the fertility of soils under vineyards is generally poor. To assess the effects of organic and nitrogen fertilization on chemical properties and nitrate concentrations in an Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo (Typic Plinthustalf), a field experiment was carried out in Petrolina, Pernambuco, on Syrah grapevines. Treatments consisted of two rates of organic fertilizer (0 and 30 m3 ha-1) and five N rates (0, 10, 20, 40, and 80 kg ha-1), in a randomized block design arranged in split plots, with five replications. The organic fertilizer levels represented the main plots and the N levels, the subplots. The source of N was urea and the source of organic fertilizer was goat manure. Irrigation was applied through a drip system and N by fertigation. At the end of the third growing season, soil chemical properties were determined and nitrate concentration in the soil solution (extracted by porous cups) was determined. Organic fertilization increased organic matter, pH, EC, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, sum of bases, base saturation, and CEC, but decreased exchangeable Cu concentration in the soil by complexation of Cu in the organic matter. Organic fertilization raised the nitrate concentration in the 0.20-0.40 m soil layer, making it leachable. Nitrate concentration in the soil increased as N rates increased, up to more than 300 mg kg-1 in soil and nearly 800 mg L-1 in the soil solution, becoming prone to leaching losses.


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In the semiarid region of Brazil the use of irrigation systems for applying fertilizers in horticulture is the primary means for incorporating nutrients in the soil. However, this technique still requires its use in wine vines to be assessed. In view of this, this study aimed to assess nitrate and potassium concentrations in soil fertigated with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers in 3 wine grape growing cycles. A field experiment was conducted with ?Syrah? wine grapes, in Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil; it assessed five nitrogen doses (0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1) and five K2O doses (0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 kg ha-1) applied by drip irrigation system with two emitters per plant, with a flow rate of 4 L h-1. The experimental design used was the factorial split-plot, making up 13 combinations arranged in 4 randomized blocks. Soil solution samples were collected weekly with the aid of porous cup extractors for all treatments and at depths of 0.4 and 0.6 m by determining nitrate and potassium concentrations and electrical conductivity. Increased levels of both nutrients in the irrigation water increased the availability of nitrate and potassium in the soil solution. The highest nitrate and potassium concentrations were found in the second growing cycle at both depths studied.


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Resumo: Anastrepha fraterculus (. Wied) é a principal praga de uvas de mesa (Vitis vinifera) na Região Sul do Brasil. Neste estudo, o objetivo foi investigar o efeito da punção de frutas por fêmeas adultas e infestação larvária por A. fraterculus na ocorrência da doença podridões na uva (cultivar "Itália"). Abstract: Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) is the main insect pest of table grapes (Vitis vinifera) in the Southern Region of Brazil. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of fruit puncturing by adult females and larval infestation by A. fraterculus on the occurrence of bunch rot disease in the grape (cultivar ?Itália?) by evaluating grapes (a) punctured for oviposition by females of A. fraterculus, sterilized in laboratory with novaluron (40 mg L−1) and further spray-inoculated separately with Botrytis cinerea (1 × 106 conidia mL−1), Glomerella cingulata (1 × 106 conidia mL−1), and bacteria and yeast that cause sour rot (1 × 105 cells mL−1), (b) grapes punctured for oviposition by non-sterilized females with pathogen spraying, (c) grapes with mechanical wounds and pathogen spraying, (d) grapes with no wounds and with pathogen spraying, (e) grapes punctured for oviposition by A. fraterculus chemically sterilized in laboratory with novaluron, (f) grapes punctured for oviposition by A. fraterculus non-sterilized in laboratory with novaluron, (g) grapes with mechanical wounds, and (h) grapes with no sterilization or pathogen spraying. Our data indicated that the mechanical and oviposition wounds caused by A. fraterculus increased the percentage of grapes infected by B. cinerea, G. cingulata, and microorganisms of acid rot. The grape puncturing by A. fraterculus and the mechanical wound allows the penetration of B. cinerea and microorganisms leading to acid rot. We conclude that the fruit fly A. fraterculus may facilitate phytopathogens penetration leading to bunch rots in the table grape Itália.