995 resultados para Virtual Organizations
A evolução tecnológica tem permitido utilizar novas abordagens no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Os serious games se relacionam com uma categoria especial de jogos, voltados a conteúdos e finalidades específicos, nos quais o jogador utiliza seus conhecimentos para resolver problemas, conhecer novas problemáticas e treinar tarefas. Uma das tecnologias propícias à construção de serious games é a Realidade Virtual, que oferece ambientes computacionais tridimensionais com formas avançadas de interação capazes de prover maior motivação ao processo de aprendizagem. No contexto da educação médica, tais aplicações apresentam um nicho ainda pouco explorado, se observados sua relevância e impactos na sociedade. Este artigo apresenta os serious games baseados em Realidade Virtual como uma proposta para o ensino de conteúdos específicos da área médica. Para isso, categoriza-os e apresenta o que tem sido desenvolvido nos últimos anos, seus componentes, características de desenvolvimento e suas potencialidades como oportunidades de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e negócios.
Discutem-se as mudanças constatadas no ensino da Histologia, como a tecnologia tem sido empregada nos contextos de aprendizagem, os aspectos pedagógicos inerentes à utilização de recursos, tais como atlas digitais e microscópios virtuais, e apresenta-se pesquisa sobre o desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de ensino-aprendizagem de Histologia, que contou com a participação de alunos e professores em sua construção. Verificou-se que os ambientes virtuais e outros recursos didáticos baseados nas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs) procuram atender à atual tendência de complementar a educação presencial com ferramentas de educação a distância, que podem ser utilizadas facultativamente no estudo extraclasse continuado. Concluiu-se que, embora as novas tecnologias possam contribuir para o ensino de Histologia, os materiais didáticos baseados em TICs devem se adequar às expectativas docentes e discentes e aos aspectos pedagógicos e ergonômicos, e precisam ser adotados pelos professores não como ferramentas isoladas, mas integrados às estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem.
As tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TICs) têm sido amplamente utilizadas no ensino da saúde. As plataformas usadas para o desenvolvimento do ambiente virtual de ensino (AVE) geralmente apresentam uma linguagem de informática complexa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um AVE em Histologia voltado para estudantes da área da saúde, disponibilizado na internet com o uso de uma plataforma de uso gratuito e livre. O material elaborado utilizou diferentes TICs, como: animações, vídeos, atlas virtual, aulas virtuais, simulados online e chat. Foi desenvolvido um AVE com uso da plataforma online wordpress.org, que apresentou as seguintes vantagens: fácil manipulação, gerenciamento e atualização do site; interface simples; ampla quantidade de plugins disponíveis, que supriram as necessidades primárias do AVE; e utilização gratuita e livre. Embora esse recurso possa facilitar o aprendizado em Histologia, é preciso avaliar sua efetividade.
RESUMO O diabetes mellitus apresenta inúmeras lacunas na efetividade do seu tratamento, e a avaliação em serviço necessita ser contínua, sistemática e com dimensão orientadora de seus elementos intrínsecos: processo formativo e avaliação de competências profissional. Objetivo Apresentar o desenho didático de construção de ferramenta de avaliação de competências que o médico possui sobre o manejo do diabetes mellitus, com base em sua fisiopatologia. Métodos Estruturada como uma pesquisa participativa, o Ambiente Virtual de Avaliação de Competências, por meio de casos clínicos virtuais simulados, propõe um desenho aberto que vai sendo construído, avaliado, corrigido e melhorado durante sua execução. Resultados Com Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), o instrumento foi desenvolvido no âmbito de uma pesquisa de mestrado vinculada à Telessaúde da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Validado o instrumento, viabilizou-se sua utilização por discentes e profissionais. Considerações As ações interativas propostas pelo ambiente virtual possibilitarão avaliar conhecimentos e identificar padrões que poderão melhorar conteúdos para manejo do DM. Propõe-se sua utilização na rede básica de saúde para confirmar sua validação, a fim de alcançar seus objetivos.
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os potenciais ganhos de operadores de harvester no treinamento com uso de simuladores de realidade virtual. Foram coletados dados durante o treinamento de 39 operadores, avaliando-se os seus desempenhos nas variáveis: tempo de execução no corte da árvore, direção de queda, altura de corte, eficiência no processamento, eficiência no empilhamento e produtividade. Os resultados permitiram a conclusão de que o simulador de realidade virtual é uma ferramenta viável do ponto de vista técnico e essencial no apoio ao treinamento de operadores de máquinas florestais, possibilitando a obtenção de elevados ganhos de qualidade e produtividade. O melhor desempenho dos operadores ocorreu com a variável produtividade, cujo ganho médio foi de 41,3% em relação ao início do treinamento, seguido pelo tempo de execução, com 38,8%; e pela direção de queda, com ganho médio de 36,1%.
Delays in the justice system have been undermining the functioning and performance of the court system all over the world for decades. Despite the widespread concern about delays, the solutions have not kept up with the growth of the problem. The delay problem existing in the justice courts processes is a good example of the growing need and pressure in professional public organizations to start improving their business process performance.This study analyses the possibilities and challenges of process improvement in professional public organizations. The study is based on experiences gained in two longitudinal action research improvement projects conducted in two separate Finnish law instances; in the Helsinki Court of Appeal and in the Insurance Court. The thesis has two objectives. First objective is to study what kinds of factors in court system operations cause delays and unmanageable backlogs and how to reduce and prevent delays. Based on the lessons learned from the case projects the objective is to give new insights on the critical factors of process improvement conducted in professional public organizations. Four main areas and factors behind the delay problem is identified: 1) goal setting and performance measurement practices, 2) the process control system, 3) production and capacity planning procedures, and 4) process roles and responsibilities. The appropriate improvement solutions include tools to enhance project planning and scheduling and monitoring the agreed time-frames for different phases of the handling process and pending inventory. The study introduces the identified critical factors in different phases of process improvement work carried out in professional public organizations, the ways the critical factors can be incorporated to the different stages of the projects, and discusses the role of external facilitator in assisting process improvement work and in enhancing ownership towards the solutions and improvement. The study highlights the need to concentrate on the critical factors aiming to get the employees to challenge their existing ways of conducting work, analyze their own processes, and create procedures for diffusing the process improvement culture instead of merely concentrating of finding tools, techniques, and solutions appropriate for applications from the manufacturing sector
Unlike their counterparts in Europe and America, the citizen organizations acting for the well-being of animals in Japan have not received scholarly attention. In this research, I explore the activities of twelve Japanese pro-animal organizations in Tokyo and Kansai area from the perspective of social movement and civil society studies. The concept of a ‘pro-animal organization’ is used to refer generally to the collectives promoting animal well-being. By using the collective action frame analysis and the three core framing tasks – diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational – as the primarily analytical tools, I explore the grievances, tactics, motivational means, constructions of agency and identity as well as framing of civil society articulated in the newsletters and the interviews of the twelve organizations I interviewed in Japan in 2010. As the frame construction is always done in relation to the social and political context, I study how the organizations construct their roles as civil society actors in relation to other actors, such as the state, and the idea of citizen activism. The deficiencies in the animal welfare law and lack of knowledge among the public are identified as the main grievances. The primary tactic to overcome these problems was to educate and inform the citizens and authorities, because most organizations lack the channels to influence politically. The audiences were mostly portrayed as either ignorant bystanders or potential adherents. In order to motivate people to join their cause and to enforce the motivation within the organization, the organizations emphasized their uniqueness, proved their efficiency, claimed credit and celebrated even small improvements. The organizations tended to create three different roles for citizen pro-organizations in civil society: reactive, apolitical and emphatic animal lovers concentrating on saving individual animals, proactive, educative bridge-builders seeking to establish equal collaborative relations with authorities, and corrective, supervising watchdogs demanding change in delinquencies offending animal rights. Based on the results of this research, I suggest that by studying how and why the different relations between civil society and the governing actors of the state are constructed, a more versatile approach to citizens’ activism in its context can be achieved.
The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to examine the relationship between non-governmental organizations and business in the context of academic discourse, corporate responsibility discourse, and stakeholder dialogue. More specifically, motivated by the increasing emphasis on stakeholder dialogue as a tool for corporate responsibility and accountability, the aim is to critically assess the role of stakeholder dialogue as a self-regulatory mechanism, in particular from the perspective of foreign direct investments. The study comprises two parts; an introductory essay containing the research objectives, theoretical foundations and methodological choices, and four research articles that address one sub-objective: 1) to review the literature on NGO-business relations in business and society, management, and international business journals from 1998–2007; 2) to critically analyze the academic discourse on NGO-business relations; 3) to analyze the problematic aspects of sustainable foreign direct investments as a conceptual construct; and 4) to analyze the problematic aspects of stakeholder dialogue in connection with a foreign direct investment. The ontological and epistemological foundations of this dissertation build on the social constructionist view of reality. The dialogue in this study is viewed as a legitimacy bargaining process that is actively shaped by societal parties in discourse. Similarly, articulations of ‘partnership’ and ‘adversarial’ in NGO-business relations in academic business and society discourse are viewed as competing hegemonic interventions in the field. More specifically, the methods applied in the articles are literature review (Article 1), discourse theory (Article 2), conceptual analysis (Article 3), and case study with document analysis (Article 4). This dissertation has three main arguments and contributions. First, it is argued that the potential of stakeholder dialogue as a tool for corporate responsibility and accountability is inherently limited in both contexts. Second, the study shows the power implications of privileging partnership oriented NGO-business relations over adversarial ones, and of placing business at the centre of governance discourse. The third contribution is methodological: a new way to analyze academic discourse is presented by focusing on the problem setting of an article.
The objective of this study and paper was to find out how the strategic change management readiness in organizations can be evaluated. Based on theory and prior CMP model, the framework of strategic change management and issues related to it was constructed. Additionally a synthesis of the most important phases and interventions in strategic change process and project was created. These phases were starting point, planning, implementation and evaluation and securing phases. Qualitative approach was utilized in the empirical part of the study due to the need for in-depth information about the topics surveyed through semi-structured interview. There were 18 responders from the top management of large Finnish companies. In this study interventions, strengths and weaknesses during the various phases of strategic change projects were revealed. Additionally the interviewees’ opinion on the importance of each of the interventions in strategic change project success was asked. According to this study, the most important phases recognized through researching theoretical literature, prior CMP model and empirical information in starting point phase were analysis of current and desired state and need for change accompanied with guiding coalition formulation. In planning phase the most important interventions were project organization formulation, action plan creation, analysis of prior and current strategic change projects and organizational structure analysis. In the change project implementation phase the interventions of importance were launch, quick wins, sense of urgency creation, change resistance management and change communications. In the final evaluation and securing phase project evaluation was the most important intervention. Based on the results a tool for creating change management readiness profile was created.
Tutkielmani tavoitteena oli tutkia tapauksena Bohemia Interactive Simulationsin valmistaman Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2) -tietokonepelisimulaattorin käyttöönottoa Panssariprikaatin Panssarikoulun varusmieskoulutuksessa. Tutkimuskysymysten avulla oli tarkoituksena selvittää, mitkä tekijät ja tapahtumat vaikuttivat siihen, että VBS2 otettiin käyttöön, minkälaisin perustein koulutus suunniteltiin ja järjestelmän käyttö varusmieskoulutuksessa käynnistettiin. Lisäksi ajatuksena oli aineiston mahdollistamissa puitteissa tutkia VBS2:n käytöstä tähän mennessä kertyneitä kokemuksia kouluttajien näkökulmasta, tavoitteena tuottaa myös perustietoa tulevaisuuden VBS2-koulutuksen suunnittelua ja toteuttamista varten. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli tapaustutkimus, jonka aineisto kerättiin toteuttamalla teemahaastatteluita. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin kahta VBS2-järjestelmää ensimmäisenä varusmieskoulutuksessa käyttänyttä kouluttajaa. Haastatteluaineisto käsiteltiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Tuloksia tarkasteltiin sotilaspedagogiikan näkökulmasta ja suhteessa oppimisympäristöjen sekä oppimisprosessin suunnittelun teorioihin. Tutkielma rakentuu johdannosta, menetelmäluvusta, yhdistetystä teoria- ja tulosluvusta sekä johtopäätös- ja pohdintaluvusta. Tutkimuksen tuloksina ilmeni, että Virtual Battlespace 2:n käyttöönotto Panssarikoulussa oli aktiivisten ja innovatiivisten henkilöiden aikaansaannosta, jossa spontaanin, ennakkoluulottoman ja opetuksen laadun kehittämiseen tähtäävän kokeilun myötä otettiin käyttöön uudenlainen koulutusväline. Samalla saatiin aikaan myönteisiä oppimistuloksia ja kiinnostavia muutoksia yhden joukkoyksikön koulutuskulttuuriin ja totunnaisiin koulutuksen käytäntöihin. VBS2:n käyttöön liittyviä keskeisiä teemoja ovat oppimisprosessin kokonaisvaltainen hallinta, eli VBS2-koulutuksen huolellinen suunnittelu ja integrointi osaksi muuta koulutusta, koulutustapahtumien valmistelujen ja kouluttajien ammattitaidon merkitys, koulutustapahtumien johtamisen paikoin muusta sotilaskoulutuksesta poikkeavat käytännöt sekä VBS2:n aikaansaaman oppimisen ymmärtäminen. Kouluttajien kokemusten perusteella VBS2 on avoin oppimisympäristö, joka ei korvaa mitään olemassa olevista koulutusmuodoista, mutta täydentää niitä tehokkaasti tarjoten uudenlaisia ulottuvuuksia sotilaskoulutukseen. Sen avulla voidaan tehokkaasti kehittää erityisesti sotilaan henkistä ja sosiaalista toimintakykyä sekä siirtää koulutuksen painopistettä soveltaviin maastoharjoituksiin. Tutkielma avaa näkökulmia VBS2:n ja muiden virtuaalisten oppimisympäristöjen pedagogiselle pohtimiselle ja tuleville aiheeseen syventyville tutkimuksille. Lisäksi se herättää keskustelua varusmieskoulutuksemme parhaista käytänteistä ja kehitystrendeistä.
This study is dedicated to search engine marketing (SEM). It aims for developing a business model of SEM firms and to provide explicit research of trustworthy practices of virtual marketing companies. Optimization is a general term that represents a variety of techniques and methods of the web pages promotion. The research addresses optimization as a business activity, and it explains its role for the online marketing. Additionally, it highlights issues of unethical techniques utilization by marketers which created relatively negative attitude to them on the Internet environment. Literature insight combines in the one place both technical and economical scientific findings in order to highlight technological and business attributes incorporated in SEM activities. Empirical data regarding search marketers was collected via e-mail questionnaires. 4 representatives of SEM companies were engaged in this study to accomplish the business model design. Additionally, the fifth respondent was a representative of the search engine portal, who provided insight on relations between search engines and marketers. Obtained information of the respondents was processed qualitatively. Movement of commercial organizations to the online market increases demand on promotional programs. SEM is the largest part of online marketing, and it is a prerogative of search engines portals. However, skilled users, or marketers, are able to implement long-term marketing programs by utilizing web page optimization techniques, key word consultancy or content optimization to increase web site visibility to search engines and, therefore, user’s attention to the customer pages. SEM firms are related to small knowledge-intensive businesses. On the basis of data analysis the business model was constructed. The SEM model includes generalized constructs, although they represent a wider amount of operational aspects. Constructing blocks of the model includes fundamental parts of SEM commercial activity: value creation, customer, infrastructure and financial segments. Also, approaches were provided on company’s differentiation and competitive advantages evaluation. It is assumed that search marketers should apply further attempts to differentiate own business out of the large number of similar service providing companies. Findings indicate that SEM companies are interested in the increasing their trustworthiness and the reputation building. Future of the search marketing is directly depending on search engines development.
Minimally Invasive Surgery, Telesurgery, Robotics and Virtual Reality represent the technological frontiers that have revolutionized operating practices nowadays. These new technologies aim at improving the quality of assistance offered to patients; thus, they demand from the medical staff more effective measures as far as scientific research, training and expenditure of time and financial resources are concerned. In the past, surgeons have led several medical revolutions, such as the use of antiseptic surgical methods by Semelweiss, the use of anesthesia by Warren, antibiotic therapy, the transplants and the onset of the minimally invasive surgery by Mouret and Perissat. The objective of this article is to present the outreach of this new technology which comprises minimal access, computing, robotics and teletransmission. We have concluded that the new technologies developed in the medical field in the last decades, will offer new options and challenges for the treatment of the surgical patient, leading the scientific knowledge to a new era, the one of the virtual environment.