898 resultados para Video semantics


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Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth in the demand for streaming video over the Internet and mobile networks, exposes challenges in coping with heterogeneous devices and varying network throughput. Adaptive schemes, such as scalable video coding, are an attractive solution but fare badly in the presence of packet losses. Techniques that use description-based streaming models, such as multiple description coding (MDC), are more suitable for lossy networks, and can mitigate the effects of packet loss by increasing the error resilience of the encoded stream, but with an increased transmission byte cost. In this paper, we present our adaptive scalable streaming technique adaptive layer distribution (ALD). ALD is a novel scalable media delivery technique that optimises the tradeoff between streaming bandwidth and error resiliency. ALD is based on the principle of layer distribution, in which the critical stream data are spread amongst all packets, thus lessening the impact on quality due to network losses. Additionally, ALD provides a parameterised mechanism for dynamic adaptation of the resiliency of the scalable video. The Subjective testing results illustrate that our techniques and models were able to provide levels of consistent high-quality viewing, with lower transmission cost, relative to MDC, irrespective of clip type. This highlights the benefits of selective packetisation in addition to intuitive encoding and transmission.


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Bandwidth constriction and datagram loss are prominent issues that affect the perceived quality of streaming video over lossy networks, such as wireless. The use of layered video coding seems attractive as a means to alleviate these issues, but its adoption has been held back in large part by the inherent priority assigned to the critical lower layers and the consequences for quality that result from their loss. The proposed use of forward error correction (FEC) as a solution only further burdens the bandwidth availability and can negate the perceived benefits of increased stream quality. In this paper, we propose Adaptive Layer Distribution (ALD) as a novel scalable media delivery technique that optimises the tradeoff between the streaming bandwidth and error resiliency. ALD is based on the principle of layer distribution, in which the critical stream data is spread amongst all datagrams thus lessening the impact on quality due to network losses. Additionally, ALD provides a parameterised mechanism for dynamic adaptation of the scalable video, while providing increased resilience to the highest quality layers. Our experimental results show that ALD improves the perceived quality and also reduces the bandwidth demand by up to 36% in comparison to the well-known Multiple Description Coding (MDC) technique.


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We explore the possibilities of obtaining compression in video through modified sampling strategies using multichannel imaging systems. The redundancies in video streams are exploited through compressive sampling schemes to achieve low power and low complexity video sensors. The sampling strategies as well as the associated reconstruction algorithms are discussed. These compressive sampling schemes could be implemented in the focal plane readout hardware resulting in drastic reduction in data bandwidth and computational complexity.


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This paper introduces the concept of adaptive temporal compressive sensing (CS) for video. We propose a CS algorithm to adapt the compression ratio based on the scene's temporal complexity, computed from the compressed data, without compromising the quality of the reconstructed video. The temporal adaptivity is manifested by manipulating the integration time of the camera, opening the possibility to realtime implementation. The proposed algorithm is a generalized temporal CS approach that can be incorporated with a diverse set of existing hardware systems. © 2013 IEEE.


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We present a novel system to be used in the rehabilitation of patients with forearm injuries. The system uses surface electromyography (sEMG) recordings from a wireless sleeve to control video games designed to provide engaging biofeedback to the user. An integrated hardware/software system uses a neural net to classify the signals from a user’s muscles as they perform one of a number of common forearm physical therapy exercises. These classifications are used as input for a suite of video games that have been custom-designed to hold the patient’s attention and decrease the risk of noncompliance with the physical therapy regimen necessary to regain full function in the injured limb. The data is transmitted wirelessly from the on-sleeve board to a laptop computer using a custom-designed signal-processing algorithm that filters and compresses the data prior to transmission. We believe that this system has the potential to significantly improve the patient experience and efficacy of physical therapy using biofeedback that leverages the compelling nature of video games.


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Fractal image compression is a relatively recent image compression method. Its extension to a sequence of motion images is important in video compression applications. There are two basic fractal compression methods, namely the cube-based and the frame-based methods, being commonly used in the industry. However there are advantages and disadvantages in both methods. This paper proposes a hybrid algorithm highlighting the advantages of the two methods in order to produce a good compression algorithm for video industry. Experimental results show the hybrid algorithm improves the compression ratio and the quality of decompressed images.


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Fractal video compression is a relatively new video compression method. Its attraction is due to the high compression ratio and the simple decompression algorithm. But its computational complexity is high and as a result parallel algorithms on high performance machines become one way out. In this study we partition the matching search, which occupies the majority of the work in a fractal video compression process, into small tasks and implement them in two distributed computing environments, one using DCOM and the other using .NET Remoting technology, based on a local area network consists of loosely coupled PCs. Experimental results show that the parallel algorithm is able to achieve a high speedup in these distributed environments.


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Fractal image compression is a relatively recent image compression method, which is simple to use and often leads to a high compression ratio. These advantages make it suitable for the situation of a single encoding and many decoding, as required in video on demand, archive compression, etc. There are two fundamental fractal compression methods, namely, the cube-based and the frame-based methods, being commonly studied. However, there are advantages and disadvantages in both methods. This paper gives an extension of the fundamental compression methods based on the concept of adaptive partition. Experimental results show that the algorithms based on adaptive partition may obtain a much higher compression ratio compared to algorithms based on fixed partition while maintaining the quality of decompressed images.


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The intrinsic independent features of the optimal codebook cubes searching process in fractal video compression systems are examined and exploited. The design of a suitable parallel algorithm reflecting the concept is presented. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) is chosen to be the communication tool for the implementation of the parallel algorithm on distributed memory parallel computers. Experimental results show that the parallel algorithm is able to reduce the compression time and achieve a high speed-up without changing the compression ratio and the quality of the decompressed image. A scalability test was also performed, and the results show that this parallel algorithm is scalable.


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The authors' experience in the treatment of grey video compression using fractals is summarized and compared with other research in the same field. Experience with parallel and distributed computing is also discussed.


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A video annotation system includes clips organization, feature description and pattern determination. This paper aims to present a system for basketball zone-defence detection. Particularly, a character-angle based descriptor for feature description is proposed. The well-performed experimental results in basketball zone-defence detection demonstrate that it is robust for both simulations and real-life cases, with less sensitivity to the distribution caused by local translation of subprime defenders. Such a framework can be easily applied to other team-work sports.


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Temporal representation and reasoning plays an important role in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, particularly, in mining and recognizing patterns with rich temporal information. Based on a formal characterization of time-series and state-sequences, this paper presents the computational technique and algorithm for matching state-based temporal patterns. As a case study of real-life applications, zone-defense pattern recognition in basketball games is specially examined as an illustrating example. Experimental results demonstrate that it provides a formal and comprehensive temporal ontology for research and applications in video events detection.


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A project within a computing department at the University of Greenwich, has been carried out to identify whether podcasting can be used to help understanding and learning of a subject (3D Animation). We know that the benefits of podcasting in education (HE) can be justified, [1]; [2]; [3]; [4]; [5]; [6] and that some success has been proven, but this paper aims to report the results of a term-long project that provided podcast materials for students to help support their learning using Xserve and Podcast Producer technology. Findings in a previous study [6] identified podcasting as a way to diversify learning and provde a more personalised learning experience for students, as well as being able to provide access to a greater mix of learning styles [7]. Finally this paper aims to present the method of capture and distribution, the methodologies of the study, analysis of results, and conclusions that relate to podcasting and enhanced supported learning.


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La termometría es una técnica no invasiva que permite cuantificar los cambios en la temperatura cutánea y evaluarla de forma cuantitativa. El aumento significativo de la temperatura puede indicar la existencia de patología. Se ha demostrado que la actividad muscular induce procesos de transferencia de calor entre los músculos y las capas superficiales de tejido. En este estudio queremos cuantificar los cambios de temperatura que se producen en los músculos del pie y miembro inferior tras una carrera de 30 km, para ello hemos utilizado una cámara termográfica de alta resolución. Contamos con la colaboración voluntaria de 32 sujetos sanos a los que procedimos a tomar fotografías de la planta del pie, parte anterior de la pierna, parte posterior de la pierna, parte anterior del muslo y parte posterior del muslo en dos etapas, primero antes de la carrera y segunda toma después de la carrera de 30 km, de esta manera pudimos valorar si había o no variación de temperatura en las zonas seleccionadas. Tras el análisis de los datos obtenidos encontramos significativas variaciones térmicas en Talón, cabeza primer metatarsiano, cabeza segundo metatarsiano, cabeza tercer metatarsiano, cabeza cuarto metatarsiano, cabeza quinto metatarsiano, apófisis estiloides quinto metatarsiano, arco longitudinal interno, maléolo interno, maléolo externo, peroneo lateral largo, vasto interno, vasto externo, recto femoral, tensor de la fascia lata, inserción cuádriceps, gemelo interno, tendón de Aquiles y Biceps femoral.


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Se analizan y describen las principales líneas de trabajo de la Web Semántica en el ámbito de los archivos de televisión. Para ello, se analiza y contextualiza la web semántica desde una perspectiva general para posteriormente analizar las principales iniciativas que trabajan con lo audiovisual: Proyecto MuNCH, Proyecto S5T, Semantic Television y VideoActive.