898 resultados para Victims of terrorism
Tradicionalmente, la consolidación de la seguridad energética en Estados Unidos se ha mostrado como un asunto de seguridad nacional. En especial, la escasez de recursos energéticos ha sido vista como un problema existencial que requiere de medidas de emergencia en el marco de un proceso de securitización. Sin embargo, esta investigación surgiere que el tema ha sido mayoritariamente politizado a inicios del siglo XXI. Quizá este proceso de securitización tan solo fue implícitamente planteado con ocasión de la invasión a Irak en 2003, en la medida en que dicha intervención pudo haberse inspirado por la necesidad de derrocar a un régimen que había impedido el acceso estadounidense a recursos petroleros iraquíes. En este orden de ideas, la investigación analiza las políticas de seguridad energética de los gobiernos de George W. Bush y Barack H. Obama con el propósito de entender el grado en el que estas estuvieron vinculadas a sus respectivas agendas de seguridad nacional.
O estudo tem como objectivo avaliar a percepção da imagem do corpo e os problemas comportamentais em adolescentes vítimas de abuso sexual infantil, de Negligência e não vítimas de violência (NW). A amostra englobou 33 adolescentes do sexo feminino, entre os 11- 18 anos (M=15,21, SD=2,325). Destas, 22 estão institucionalizadas, onde 11 sofreram abusos sexuais e 11 negligência. As restantes residem com a família. Na recolha de dados utilizou-se o Questionário sobre Imagem do Corpo, de Bruchon-Schweitzer, o YSR, de Achenbach, e uma Ficha de caracterização, criada para o estudo, sobre os abusos. Na análise dos dados utilizou-se estatística não paramétrica. Os resultados sugerem que as adolescentes vítimas de violência avaliam e percepcionam o corpo mais negativamente que as adolescentes NW. Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na percepção da imagem do corpo e problemas comportamentais entre vítimas de violência. Esta parece influenciar a imagem corporal e os problemas comportamentais. Contudo, os resultados não são representativos. /ABSTRACT: The study aims to assess the perception of body image and behavior problems in adolescent victims of child sexual abuse, neglect and not victims of violence (NW). The sample comprised 33 adolescent females between 11-18 years (M= 15.21, SD = 2.325). Of these, 22 are institutionalized, where 11 had suffered sexual abuse and 11 neglect. The remaining living with the family. ln data collection we used the Questionnaire on Body lmage in Bruchon¬ Schweitzer, the YSR, Achenbach, and characterization of a sheet, created for the study, about the abuse. ln analyzing the data we used nonparametric statistical. The results suggest that adolescents who are victims of violence and assess the body more negatively perceived that adolescents NW. There were no statistically significant differences in perception of body image and behavior problems among victims of violence. This appears to influence body image and behavior problems. However, the results are not representative.
A presente investigação visa apurar se existem esquemas parentais (EPs) ou mal-adaptativos precoces (EMPs) que predisponham à escolha, por parte de mulheres vítimas de violência na intimidade, de parceiros potencialmente agressores. Adicionalmente pretende identificar como se manifesta a vitimação com os tipos de relacionamento amoroso de reparação narcísica. O estudo, de cariz quantitativo, recorre a três instrumentos (QEP, QE e ITRA) preenchidos por 27 mulheres com idades compreendidas entre os 23- 67 anos, das quais 10 sofreram algum tipo de violência numa relação de intimidade. Este estudo concluiu que existem EPs e EMPs que parecem predispor à escolha de parceiros amorosos abusivos. Estas escolhas amorosas parecem estar relacionadas com a tendência para enveredar por tipos de relacionamento amoroso mais patológico, nomeadamente, os tipos evitante-desnarcisante e eufórico-idealizante. Posto isto, criou-se um modelo que caracteriza vítimas e não-vítimas de violência nas relações de intimidade com uma precisão de 96,3% com base nos resultados dos instrumentos anteriores; When sorrow replaces love Violence in intimate relationships: Randomness or effects of parental heritage? Abstract: This research aims at determining whether there are schemas originated by parenting styles (PSs) or early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) that predispose women, who were victims of violence in their intimate relationships, to choose abusive romantic partners. Additionally it intends to identify how victimization reveals itself through romantic relationship types that are due to repair the Self narcissistic vulnerabilities. This quantitative study relies on three instruments (PSQ, SQ, ITRA) filled by 27 women with ages between 23-67, 10 of which were victims of violence in their intimate relationships. This study concludes that there are PSs and EMSs that seem to predispose to the choice of abusive romantic partners. These romantic choices seem to be related with the predisposition to more pathological romantic relationship types, namely, the avoidant-devaluate and euphoricidealizing types. Following this, a model was created to characterize individuals as victims or non-victims of violence in their intimate relationships with a precision of 96.3%, based on the results of the instruments above.
A violência é um problema que perturba a sociedade e a saúde individual e cole-tiva. A violência contra as mulheres é uma forma específica de maus tratos. Tem conse-quências para as mulheres que diretamente a sofrem, com repercussões sociofamiliares, acarretando marcas, mágoas e prejuízo grave nas esferas bio-psico-sociais. O CHBM-EPE tem em curso um programa de atendimento a mulheres vítimas de violência. Tor-na-se necessário realizar a sua revisão e atualização. No projeto atual, através de recolha de dados junto de provedores e beneficiárias de cuidados realizou-se o diagnóstico de situação, descrevem-se ambas as perspetivas e propõem-se medidas de melhoramento. O relatório aqui apresentado consiste na descrição da intervenção realizada. Os resulta-dos serão tidos em conta na revisão do Programa do CHBM-EPE contra a violência doméstica. Pretende-se a melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados; ABSTRAT: Violence Against Women. Review of the Institutional Project of the Hospital Barreiro - Montijo EPE. Violence is a problem that disrupts society and the individual and collective health. Violence against women is a specific form of ill-treatment. It has consequences for the female figures who directly suffer with social-familial repercussions, leading brands, hurts and serious injuries in the bio-psycho-social spheres. The CHBM-EPE has an ongoing program of assistance to women victims of violence. It is necessary to carry out its review and update. The current project, through data collection from providers and recipients of care will describe both perspectives. In the current project, through data collection from providers and recipients of care there was the diagnosis of the sit-uation, describes both perspectives and are proposed improvement measures. The report presented here is the description of the intervention performed. The results will be taken into account in the review of CHBM-EPE Program against domestic violence. It is in-tended to improve the quality of care.
Resumen Cuando una sociedad intenta hacer una transición de situaciones de conflicto armado a paz o de regímenes dictatoriales a democracias, debe tomar decisiones políticas que garanticen los estándares internacionales en materia de derechos de las víctimas de violaciones a derechos humanos, pero que permitan pactos entre las partes implicadas. En este contexto el derecho a la reparación es el centro de álgidos debates. Por eso, en este artículo se propone visibilizar las reparaciones simbólicas como parte de la reparación integral y como importante mecanismo para que las sociedades en transición logren superar los hechos victimizantes sin olvidarlos y para que estos no se repitan; entonces, los simbolismos reparadores buscarán nombrar y dignificar a las víctimas, recordar la verdad y solicitar perdón asumiendo responsabilidades. Abstract When a society tries to make the transition from armed conflict to peace, or dictatorships to democracies, political decisions must be taken to ensure international standards concerning the rights of victims of human rights violations, but allowing agreements between the parts involved. In this context, the right to reparation is the peak center of discussions.So, this article proposes to visualize the symbolic reparations as part of the internal reparation and as an important mechanism so that societies in transition can overcome the victimizing facts without forgetting them, and in order to stop them too. Then, the repairing symbolism would seek to appoint and dignify the victims, to remember the truth, taking responsibilities, and asking for forgiveness.
ResumenLa discriminación racial, la pobreza y la exclusión social son problemas estructurales que han afectadoa las minorías étnicas colombianas por décadas. De los grupos minoritarios del país, los(as)afrocolombianos(as) experimentan el más alto nivel de pobreza, hecho que se demuestra en sulimitado acceso a las políticas de educación, salud, empleo y demás servicios públicos y programassociales. De hecho, las regiones con fuerte presencia afrocolombiana presentan los peores indicadoressocio-económicos y la mayor parte de las víctimas (directas) del conflicto armado internoque afecta a la nación son las comunidades afrocolombianas. Las violaciones de derechos humanos contra los(as) afrocolombianos(as) han sido cometidas tanto por instituciones del Estado comopor actores no-estatales. Dichas violaciones son prohibidas por la Constitución Nacional y por lostratados de derechos humanos ratificados por el Estado colombiano. Sin embargo, los efectos de lasmismas siguen sin ser analizados a profundidad. En este texto se estudia en detalle las normas dederechos humanos que buscan proteger a la población afrocolombiana como grupo étnico minoritario.También se estudian las principales consecuencias de las prácticas racistas contra las comunidadesafrocolombianas y los retos de éstas en el marco del conflicto armado interno. El artículo se convierteen una de las pocas investigaciones que explica la compleja situación de derechos humanos de lascomunidades afrocolombianas en la historia reciente del país.Palabras clave: Afrocolombianos(as), minorías, derechos y discriminación. AbstractRacial discrimination, poverty and social exclusion are structural problems that have affected the Colombianethnic minorities for decades. Among these minority groups, Afro-Colombians experience the highest levelof poverty, which is demonstrated by their limited access to education, health, employment, and other socialprograms and services. In fact, most regions with Afro-Colombian presence endure the worst socio-economicindicators, and the main victims of the internal armed conflict are the Afro-Colombian communities. Humanrights violations against Afro-Colombians have been committed by both state and non-state actors.These violations are prohibited by the new Colombian Constitution (approved in 1991) and human rightstreaties ratified by the Colombian state. However, their effects on Afro-Colombians have not been extensivelyexplored. This paper analyzes in depth the domestic human rights framework that seeks the protectionof Afro-Colombians as an ethnic minority. Also, it studies in detail the consequences of racist practicestowards the Afro-Colombian communities and the challenges of their struggle for human rights in the frameof the internal armed conflict. The text represents one of the few works of its kind that explains the mainaspects of the complex human rights situation of Afro-Colombians throughout the nation’s recent history.Keywords: Afro-Colombians, minorities, rights and discrimination.
ResumenEl siguiente artículo busca conceptualizar inicialmente el fenómeno de la explotación sexual comercial con el objetivo de vislumbrar los principales enfoques que predominan en su abordaje. Asimismo, caracteriza y analiza desde una postura género sensitiva, el modelo cíclico de respuestas articuladas, gestado e implementado en Costa Rica como una estrategia eficaz en la protección integral de las personas menores de edad víctimas de explotación comercial. Dicho análisis, se enfoca en la experiencia teórica y práctica de la Escuela de Psicología de la Universidad de Costa Rica, al ser la instancia costarricense que posee mayor experticia enel uso del modelo. Producto de la investigación realizada, se concluye que en la actualidad se presenta una yuxtaposición de enfoques en la atención de la explotación sexual comercial; asimismo, se vislumbra la necesidad de crear e implementar formas de abordaje que impacten directamente en la proclividad y en la demanda del comercio sexual con personas menores de 18 años. Por último, se destaca la eficacia del modelo cíclico de respuestas articuladas enel abordaje de este fenómeno, al instituirse en una modalidad de atención congruente con la complejidad de factores implicados en dicha problemática.Palabras clave: modelos de intervención, explotación sexual comercial, género, derechos humanos. AbstractThe present article is an attempt to conceptualize the commercial sexual exploitation phenomenon in order to glimpse the main approaches related to its study. Moreover, it characterizes and analyzesfrom a gender-sensitive posture the cyclic model of articulated responses, gestated and implemented in Costa Rica as an effective strategy in the integral protection of child victims of commercial sexual exploitation. This analysis focuses on theoretical and practical experience from the University of Costa Rica’s School of Psychology, being the instance in this country with the most expertise in the application of this model. As a result of the research conducted, it is concluded that there is a juxtaposition of approaches in the attention of commercial sexual exploitation; in addition, the need of creating and implementing approaching methods that directly impact the tendency and demand ofcommercial sexual exploitation of children is noted. Furthermore, the efficiency of the cyclic model of articulated responses in the treatment of this phenomenon is emphasized, being an approach notably congruent with the complexity of factors implicated in this problem. Keywords: intervention models, commercial sexual exploitation, gender, human rights.
Il presente lavoro tratta il tema della violenza di genere, in particolare femminicidio, stalking e violenza domestica per la connessione tra questi intercorrente nell’escalation violenta. Spesso, i femminicidi sono preceduti da stalking o ripetuti episodi di violenza fisica prettamente consumata in ambito domestico e relazioni affettive pregresse/attuali. La prima parte del lavoro descrive ambito scientifico e giuridico, internazionale e nazionale, della violenza di genere, dimensione del fenomeno ed evoluzione normativa a tutela delle vittime, come richiesto dalla Convenzione di Istanbul. La seconda parte affronta aspetti medico-legali della violenza di genere (attività di patologia forense, genetica forense e tossicologia forense nei femminicidi, assistenza medico-legale alla vittima di maltrattamenti e violenza sessuale, valutazione medico-legale del danno alla persona per stalking). La terza parte presenta lo studio su casistica autoptica di femminicidi del 1950-2019 e provvedimenti di ammonimento del Questore per stalking e per violenza domestica del 2009-2020 nella provincia bolognese. Secondo i risultati il femminicidio è un fenomeno di “vecchia data”, in un quadro normativo-culturale che “tollerava” violenza a danno di vittime femminili. L’andamento del fenomeno è costante fino a oggi con modifiche di cause e mezzi del decesso. L’aumentata età media delle vittime richiama il crescente fenomeno dell’elder abuse. Negli ammonimenti per stalking e per violenza domestica analizzati prevalgono vittime di genere femminile e autori di genere maschile, in vicende affettive e familiari. Lo studio approfondito delle caratteristiche di autori e vittime di femminicidio, stalking e violenza domestica permette di individuare indicatori di rischio per implementare strategie di prevenzione mirate. Il punto di vista privilegiato medico-legale può assumere un ruolo centrale insieme alle altre figure coinvolte in prevenzione, repressione e contrasto alla violenza di genere. Solo un rigoroso approccio metodologico multidisciplinare può aiutare nella prevenzione. La ricerca in tale ambito è il punto di forza della gestione multidisciplinare della vittima.
This response examines what is overlooked in Sylvester’s analysis of similarities between the US police security response to the Boston marathon bombings (2013) and Kevin Powers’ fictionalized account of the US war operations in Al Tafar, Iraq (2004) and evaluates the consequences for our understanding of contemporary war. This is done by highlighting differences between the experience of residents in Boston and the (real) town of Tal Afar, key among them the insecurity, fear and calamity that result from the distinct political realities in these locations. The experience of war from the perspective of the victims adds an important dimension to the debate over the changing nature of war. At a time that is marked by an unprecedented level of technologization and visual mediation, it brings into focus the fragmentary and often one-sided evidence on which our knowledge of contemporary war is based. It reminds us to ask not only what we know about war, but how we know it.
Scholars have investigated witness to distant suffering (WTDS) almost entirely in visual media. This study examines it in print. This form of reporting will be examined in two publications of the religious left as contrasted with the New York Times. The thesis is that, more than any technology, WTDS consists of the journalist’s moral commitment and narrative skills and the audience’s analytical resources and trust. In the religious journals, liberation theology provides the moral commitment, the writers and editors the narrative skills and trust and the special vision of the newly empowered poor the analytical foundation. In bearing witness to those who have suffered state or guerilla terrorism in El Salvador and Nicaragua during the 1980s, we will investigate a distinction between “worthy” and “unworthy victims.” This last issue has a special ethical and political significance. Media witnessing to the suffering of strangers can help them become known, and so “worthy.” It can help them, and their plight and cause, become better recognized. This is the power of the media.
Background: The Burns Specific Health Scale-Revised (BSHS-R) is of easy application, can be self-administered, and it is considered a good scale to evaluate various important life aspects of burn victims. Objectives: To translate and culturally adapt the BSHS-R into the Brazilian-Portuguese language and to evaluate the internal consistency and convergent validity of the translated BSHS-R. Methods: The cultural adaptation of the BSHS-R included translation and back-translation, discussions with professionals and patients to ensure conceptual equivalence, semantic evaluation, and pre-test of the instrument. The Final Brazilian-Portuguese Version (FBPV) of the BSHS-R was tested on a group of 115 burn patients for internal consistency and validity of construct (using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)). Results: All values of Cronbach`s alpha were greater than. 8, demonstrating that the internal consistency of the FBPV was very high. Self-esteem was highly correlated with affect and body image (r = .59, p < .001), and with interpersonal relationships (T = .51, p < .001). Correlations between the domains of the FBPV and the BDI were all negative but larger in magnitude than the correlations with RSES. Depression was highly correlated with affect and body image (r = -77, p < .001), and with interpersonal relationships (r = -67, p < .001). Conclusions: The results showed that the adapted version of the BSHS-R into Brazilian-Portuguese fulfills the validity and reliability criteria required from an instrument of health status assessment for burn patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
Aims. The aims of this study were to assess the internal reliability (internal consistency), construct validity, sensitivity and ceiling and floor effects of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Impact of Event Scale (IES). Design. Methodological research design. Method. The Brazilian-Portuguese version of the IES was applied to a group of 91 burned patients at three times: the first week after the burn injury (time one), between the fourth and the sixth months (time two) and between the ninth and the 12th months (time three). The internal consistency, construct validity (convergent and dimensionality), sensitivity and ceiling and floor effects were tested. Results. Cronbach`s alpha coefficients showed high internal consistency for the total scale (0 center dot 87) and for the domains intrusive thoughts (0 center dot 87) and avoidance responses (0 center dot 76). During the hospitalisation (time one), the scale showed low and positive correlations with pain measures immediately before (r = 0 center dot 22; p < 0 center dot 05) and immediately after baths and dressings (r = 0 center dot 21; p < 0 center dot 05). After the discharge, we found strong and negative correlations with self-esteem (r = -0 center dot 52; p < 0 center dot 01), strong and positive with depression (r = 0 center dot 63; p < 0 center dot 01) and low and negative with the Bodily pain (r = -0 center dot 24; p < 0 center dot 05), Social functioning (r = -0 center dot 34; p < 0 center dot 01) and Mental health (r = -0 center dot 27; p < 0 center dot 05) domains of the SF-36 at time two. Regarding the sensitivity, no statistically significant differences were observed between mean scale scores according to burned body surface (p = 0 center dot 21). The floor effect was observed in most of the IES items. Conclusion. The adapted version of the scale showed to be reliable and valid to assess postburn reactions on the impact of the event in the group of patients under analysis. Relevance to clinical practice. The Impact of Event Scale can be used in research and clinical practice to assess nursing interventions aimed at decreasing stress during rehabilitation.