1000 resultados para Uvas - Análise química


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In this study, the percentage content of free steroid in oils, fats and biodiesel was analyzed. For this, the saponification reaction on a microscale was used, and this procedure for extraction of unsaponifiable fraction was studied in several experimental steps. After the process of saponification, the unsaponifiable fraction was analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector, where all steroids present in each oil, fat and biodiesel were identified and their contents determined and compared to their respective biodiesel. A reduction in unsaponifiable fraction of each oil and fat and its biodiesel was noted, as well as a reduction in the content of free steroids. The results showed that, compared to the sedimentation problem of steroids in biodiesel, some raw materials, such as chicken fat and babassu oil may be promising because they have low content and high reduction percentages of steroids when converted to biodiesel.


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This work aimed to adapt the analysis of methemoglobin recommended by Evelyn - Malloy (visible spectrophotometry), in order to facilitate its application in the field, or to analysis in clinical laboratory, of existing sites of diflubenzuron application. The parameters changed included: centrifuge rotation speed; time between the collection of biological sample and analysis, and storage temperature of the samples; and the volume of reagents. The comparison of the rotation speed (rpm) of the reference methodology with the rpm of a "clinical centrifuge" did not reveal a statistically significant difference in the levels of methemoglobin. The time between the collection of biological sample and analysis was extended for a period of up to 48 hours for both conservation by refrigeration and ambient temperature, producing no statistically significant difference when compared to the standard duration of 2 hours. Regarding the reagents, the reference methodology already uses the volume necessary to ensure complete reaction, whereas a wider range from the recommended volume to a 5-fold reduction in comparison to the reference methodology could be used. It was concluded that the proposed changes to the methodology for adapting the analysis are applicable to studies of field / workplace exposure and ensure the reliability of results. The adapted methodology was inter-laboratory validated and the parameters changed can be selected according to the requirements of the laboratory at which the methemoglobin is to be measured.


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The objective of this work was to develop a free access exploratory data analysis software application for academic use that is easy to install and can be handled without user-level programming due to extensive use of chemometrics and its association with applications that require purchased licenses or routines. The developed software, called Chemostat, employs Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), intervals Principal Component Analysis (iPCA), as well as correction methods, data transformation and outlier detection. The data can be imported from the clipboard, text files, ASCII or FT-IR Perkin-Elmer “.sp” files. It generates a variety of charts and tables that allow the analysis of results that can be exported in several formats. The main features of the software were tested using midinfrared and near-infrared spectra in vegetable oils and digital images obtained from different types of commercial diesel. In order to validate the software results, the same sets of data were analyzed using Matlab© and the results in both applications matched in various combinations. In addition to the desktop version, the reuse of algorithms allowed an online version to be provided that offers a unique experience on the web. Both applications are available in English.


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AbstractThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the best operating conditions of ICP OES for the determination of Na, Ca, Mg, Sr and Fe in aqueous extract of crude oil obtained after hot extraction with organic solvents (ASTM D 6470-99 modified). Thus, the full factorial design and central composite design were used to optimize the best conditions for the flow of nebulization gas, the flow of auxiliary gas, and radio frequency power. After optimization of variables, a study to obtain correct classification of the 18 samples of aqueous extract of crude oils (E1 to E18) from three production and refining fields was carried out. Exploratory analysis of these extracts was performed by principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), using the original variables as the concentration of the metals Na, Ca, Mg, Sr and Fe determined by ICP OES.


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In this study, we developed a method for the visual detection of biodiesel in petrodiesel-biodiesel (BX) blends through the aminolysis of the methyl or ethyl esters of fatty acids that are found in biodiesel and that are absent from diesel and vegetable oils. This method is based on three reactional stages, which produce a dark red and easily visualized complex in the presence of biodiesel. In the absence of biodiesel, there is no dark red coloring, whereas in the presence of diesel or vegetable oil, there is a light red to yellow coloring. This simple, practical, inexpensive, and effective procedure may be applied by petrol stations to guarantee to consumers and resellers the presence of biodiesel in diesel blends, regardless of the BX blend's initial coloring or of the sulfur found in the diesel. In short, it ensures a safe fuel tank fill-up with BX blend.


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Principal component analysis (PCA) is a chemometric method that allows for the extraction of chemical information that would otherwise be impossible to determine. Teaching chemometrics to undergraduates can contribute to the overall professional development and training of new teachers, whose profiles have been gaining attention due to the current demand for data interpretation. In this study, a didactic experiment involving PCA is proposed. Spectrophotometry was used in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) region to assess the behavior of anthocyanins extracted from red cabbage at different pH values. The results suggest the possible separation of anthocyanin structures into three distinct groups, according to their chemical characteristics displayed in acid, neutral, and basic media. The objective is to develop educational materials targeted to undergraduate courses, which encompass a larger number of concepts and introduce instrumental techniques currently being employed in both academic research and the industrial sector. Specifically, the proposed experiment introduces concepts related to spectrophotometry in the UV-Vis range and the PCA chemometric method. The materials used are easily accessible, and UV-Vis spectroscopy equipment is less expensive in comparison with other spectroscopy methods.


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The objective of this work is to demonstrate the efficient utilization of the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) as a method to pre-process the original multivariate data, that is rewrite in a new matrix with principal components sorted by it's accumulated variance. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with backpropagation algorithm is trained, using this pre-processed data set derived from the PCA method, representing 90.02% of accumulated variance of the original data, as input. The training goal is modeling Dissolved Oxygen using information of other physical and chemical parameters. The water samples used in the experiments are gathered from the Paraíba do Sul River in São Paulo State, Brazil. The smallest Mean Square Errors (MSE) is used to compare the results of the different architectures and choose the best. The utilization of this method allowed the reduction of more than 20% of the input data, which contributed directly for the shorting time and computational effort in the ANN training.


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Propõe-se metodologia analítica para a determinação da demanda química de oxigênio(DQO) em águas e efluentes pouco poluídos, pela espectrofotometria simultânea dos íons crômio(III) e dicromato, após a clássica oxidação sulfocrômica das amostras, à quente e catalisada por íons Ag+. Demonstra-se que a inter-relação entre as concentrações de DQO, de crômio(III) formado e de dicromato residual permite simplificar a resolução numérica do sistema - de multicomponente, envolvendo as concentrações desses dois íons, e medidas de absorbância em pelo menos dois comprimentos de onda para monocomponente, envolvendo diretamente a concentração em DQO, e medida de absorbância num único comprimento de onda.


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No presente trabalho desenvolveu-se metodologia simplificada para análise de hexametilenotetramina em medicamentos que apresentam corantes em sua formulação (azul de metileno, Ponceau Red, Bordeaux Red, acriflavina) seguida por titulação ácido-base usando indicador. O método foi aplicado com sucesso a amostras comerciais e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com aqueles encontrados por titulação potenciométrica, apresentando muito boa concordância. Recobrimentos situaram-se na faixa de 101,3 - 104,2%, com desvios padrão de 0,1 - 2,1.


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O presente artigo descreve uma metodologia espectrofotométrica para a análise de paraformaldeído presente em amostras de saneantes comerciais e industriais, utilizando-se ácido cromotrópico (ACT), ácido clorídrico concentrado e peróxido de hidrogênio, produzindo um composto púrpura - avermelhado (lambda max = 575 nm). A lei de Beer é obedecida numa faixa de concentração de 0,8 - 4,8 mg L-1 em formaldeído, apresentando excelente coeficiente de correlação (r = 0,9999). Os valores obtidos nas análises concordaram muito favoravelmente com os obtidos pelo procedimento padrão recomendado pelo NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health).


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Os teores de Ca, Cu, K, Mg, Na, P e S foram determinados simultaneamente em sucos e refrigerantes de uva utilizando espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma de argônio induzido (ICP-OES) como técnica analítica. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a dois métodos de análise exploratória: análise de componentes principais (PCA) e análise hierárquica de agrupamentos (HCA). Os resultados mostraram que o Na foi o principal elemento para discriminação entre as amostras, diferenciando principalmente sucos e refrigerantes. A adição de conservantes e o teor de sais minerais também foram aspectos relevantes para a discriminação dos grupos. A análise exploratória mostrou-se útil para o tratamento dos dados em questão, produzindo informações que dificilmente seriam visualizadas diretamente na matriz de dados.


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Neste trabalho procurou-se correlacionar e agrupar amostras de água mineral provenientes de diferentes regiões do Estado de São Paulo a partir da análise exploratória dos valores de pH e teores de Ba, Ca, K, Mg, Na e V. Utilizando a análise de componentes principais (ACP) e a análise hierárquica de agrupamentos (AHA) foi possível avaliar a similaridade das amostras analisadas com a formação de grupos que estavam diretamente correlacionados com a procedência ou propriedades da água mineral. Em análise exploratória é utilizado termos como "scores" que fornecem a composição das componentes principais em relação aos objetos (amostras) e "loadings" fornecem essa mesma composição em relação às variáveis. Através dos gráficos de "scores" e "loadings" e dendogramas observou-se a formação de dois grupos distintos e a separação das amostras provenientes das cidades de Ibirá e Itú. O primeiro agrupamento observado é formado por amostras provenientes da região Serra da Mantiqueira (Águas da Prata, Campos do Jordão e Lindóia), enquanto que o segundo agrupamento compreende as amostras provenientes de cidades localizadas sobre o Aquífero Guarani (Águas de Santa Bárbara, Palmares Paulista, Presidente Prudente, São Carlos, São Simão e Santa Rosa do Viterbo). A separação das amostras provenientes de Ibirá ocorreu devido a predominância em sua composição mineral dos elementos V e Na, enquanto para as amostras procedentes de Itú foi observada maior contribuição dos elementos Ca, Ba e Mg. A aplicação da análise exploratória possibilitou correlacionar a composição química com a localização geográfica das amostras de água mineral, produzindo resultados úteis para o controle de qualidade e a construção de modelos de classificação ou previsão.


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O uso do ácido nitroso para determinação de paracetamol (acetoaminofenol) em formulações sólidas e líquidas empregando um sistema de análise por injeção em fluxo é descrito. A determinação da droga foi realizada pela reação do paracetamol com ácido nitroso gerado em linha e o produto dessa reação foi monitorado em 430 nm em meio alcalino. A curva analítica apresentou uma faixa de concentração de paracetamol variando entre 9,7x10-5 a 6,2x10-3 mol L-1 com um limite de detecção de 2,5x10-5 mol L-1. Os desvios padrão relativos foram menores que 2% para soluções contendo 1,2x10-4 e 2,8x10-4 mol L-1 de paracetamol (n=10) e uma freqüência de amostragem de 60 determinações por hora foram obtidos. Os resultados da determinação de paracetamol nas formulações farmacêuticas obtidas pelo procedimento em fluxo proposto estão em boa concordância com os resultados obtidos utilizando-se o procedimento da Farmacopéia Americana a um nível de confiança de 95% e dentro de uma faixa aceitável de erro.