978 resultados para United States. Commission on the Future Structure of Veterans Health Care. Meeting.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Electronic properties of disordered binary alloys are studied via the calculation of the average Density of States (DOS) in two and three dimensions. We propose a new approximate scheme that allows for the inclusion of local order effects in finite geometries and extrapolates the behavior of infinite systems following finite-size scaling ideas. We particularly investigate the limit of the Quantum Site Percolation regime described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian. This limit was chosen to probe the role of short range order (SRO) properties under extreme conditions. The method is numerically highly efficient and asymptotically exact in important limits, predicting the correct DOS structure as a function of the SRO parameters. Magnetic field effects can also be included in our model to study the interplay of local order and the shifted quantum interference driven by the field. The average DOS is highly sensitive to changes in the SRO properties and striking effects are observed when a magnetic field is applied near the segregated regime. The new effects observed are twofold: there is a reduction of the band width and the formation of a gap in the middle of the band, both as a consequence of destructive interference of electronic paths and the loss of coherence for particular values of the magnetic field. The above phenomena are periodic in the magnetic flux. For other limits that imply strong localization, the magnetic field produces minor changes in the structure of the average DOS. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
We propose a novel method to calculate the electronic Density of States (DOS) of a two dimensional disordered binary alloy. The method is highly reliable and numerically efficient, and Short Range Order (SRO) correlations can be included with no extra computational cost. The approach devised rests on one dimensional calculations and is applied to very long stripes of finite width, the bulk regime being achieved with a relatively small number of chains in the disordered case. Our approach is exact for the pure case and predicts the correct DOS structure in important limits, such as the segregated, random, and ordered alloy regimes. We also suggest important extensions of the present work. © 1995.
Crystallographic and microstructural properties of Ho(Ni,Co,Mn)O3± perovskite-type multiferroic material are reported. Samples were synthesized with a modified polymeric precursor method. The synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (SXRPD) technique associated to Rietveld refinement method was used to perform structural characterization. The crystallographic structures, as well as microstructural properties, were studied to determine unit cell parameters and volume, angles and atomic positions, crystallite size and strain. X-ray energies below the absorption edges of the transition metals helped to determine the mean preferred atomic occupancy for the substituent atoms. Furthermore, analyzing the degree of distortion of the polyhedra centered at the transitions metal atoms led to understanding the structural model of the synthesized phase. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed to evaluate the valence states of the elements, and the tolerance factor and oxygen content. The obtained results indicated a small decrease distortion in structure, close to the HoMnO3 basis compound. In addition, the substituent atoms showed the same distribution and, on average, preferentially occupied the center of the unit cell.
The helminths of North American mouse-like rodents have received little study. Previous work has been based on low numbers of animals examined, and there has been little reference to the ecology involved. The purpose of this paper is to present data resulting from the examination of over 600 voles, with special reference to host-parasite relationships
In this contribution, the multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory method based on a complete active space reference wave function (CASSCF/CASPT2) is applied to study all possible single and double proton/hydrogen transfers between the nucleobases in the adenine-thymine (AT) base pair, analyzing the role of excited states with different nature [localized (LE) and charge transfer (CT)] and considering concerted as well as step-wise mechanisms. According to the findings, once the lowest excited states, localized in adenine, are populated during UV irradiation of the Watson-Crick base pair, the proton transfer in the N-O bridge does not require high energy in order to populate a CT state. The latter state will immediately relax toward a crossing with the ground state, which will funnel the system to either the canonical structure or the imino-enol tautomer. The base pair is also capable of repairing itself easily since the imino-enol species is unstable to thermal conversion.
[EN]This Ph. D. thesis presents a simple and stable procedure for the estimation of periods and dampings of pile shear buildings taking soil-structure interaction into account. The coupled-system response is obtained by using a substructuring model. A boundary element-finite element coupling formulation is used to compute impedances and kinematic interaction factors of the pile group configurations under investigation. The proposed procedure is applied to perform parametric analyses to determine the influence of the main parameters of soil-structure interaction problems on the dynamic response of the superstructure. The scope of this thesis also encompasses the study of foundations including battered piles.
[EN] This work studies the structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI) effects on the dynamic response of nearby piled structures under obliquely-incident shear waves. For this purpose, a three-dimensional, frequency-domain, coupled boundary element-finite (BEM-FEM) model is used to analyse the response of configuration of three buildings aligned parallel to the horizontal component of the wave propagation direction.
Erneute Untersuchungen der mesozoischen Faltenstruktur des Otago Schiefergürtels, Südinsel, Neuseeland, zeigen, dass diese aus zwei aufeinander folgenden, ähnlichen, asymmetrischen, offenen bis mäßig engen Großfaltengenerationen im km- Größenbereich besteht anstatt aus den vorher angenommenen Decken- oder Halbfalten. Hauptproblem der Großfaltenstruktur sind Zonen von durchgreifender Boudinage, die in der Nähe der Großfaltenscharniere entstanden sind. Vorherige Bearbeiter deuteten diese Zonen als 'starke Verformungszonen' oder Überschiebungszonen. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass in diesen Zonen nur durch die asymmetrische Faltung die unteren liegenden Schenkel der Großfalten boudiniert und somit häufig die ansonsten typischen Faltenstrukturen des liegenden Schenkels einer symmetrischen Faltung überprägt wurden. Ein weiteres Problem dieser mesozoischen Großfaltenstruktur ist die Überprägung einer Faltengeneration auf eine frühere. Weil die Verkürzungsrichtung der überprägenden Faltengeneration nicht subparallel zur älteren Faltenachse ist, sondern einen Winkel von rund 30 Grad einschließt, ist ein Wechsel von orthogonalen zu koaxialen Interferenzmustern der Kleinfalten beobachtbar. Folglich ist die Orientierung der Scheitellinie einer überprägenden und überprägten Kleinfalte nicht unbedingt subparallel zur Orientierung der Faltenachse der Großfalte trotz zylindrischer Faltung. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Überprägung der mesozoischen Großfaltenstruktur durch das känozoisch entstandene, transpressionale Alpine Störungssystem, das einen zweiseitigen Falten- und Überschiebungsgürtel im Otago und im Nordwesten anschließenden Alpinen Schiefergürtel bildet, beschrieben.
One of the challenges for structural engineers during design is considering how the structure will respond to crowd-induced dynamic loading. It has been shown that human occupants of a structure do not simply add mass to the system when considering the overall dynamic response of the system, but interact with it and may induce changes of the dynamic properties from those of the empty structure. This study presents an investigation into the human-structure interaction based on several crowd characteristics and their effect on the dynamic properties of an empty structure. The dynamic properties including frequency, damping, and mode shapes were estimated for a single test structure by means of experimental modal analysis techniques. The same techniques were utilized to estimate the dynamic properties when the test structure was occupied by a crowd with different combinations of size, posture, and distribution. The goal of this study is to isolate the occupant characteristics in order to determine the significance of each to be considered when designing new structures to avoid crowd serviceability issues. The results are presented and summarized based on the level of influence of each characteristic. The posture that produces the most significant effects based on the scope of this research is standing with bent knees with a maximum decrease in frequency of the first mode of the empty structure by 32 percent atthe highest mass ratio. The associated damping also increased 36 times the damping of the empty structure. In addition to the analysis of the experimental data, finite element models and a two degree-of-freedom model were created. These models were used to gain an understanding of the test structure, model a crowd as an equivalent mass, and also to develop a single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model to best represent a crowd of occupants based on the experimental results. The SDOF models created had an averagefrequency of 5.0 Hz, within the range presented in existing biomechanics research, and combined SDOF systems of the test structure and crowd were able to reproduce the frequency and damping ratios associated with experimental tests. Results of this study confirmed the existence of human-structure interaction andthe inability to simply model a crowd as only additional mass. The two degree-offreedom model determined was able to predict the change in natural frequency and damping ratio for a structure occupied by multiple group sizes in a single posture. These results and model are the preliminary steps in the development of an appropriate methodfor modeling a crowd in combination with a more complex FE model of the empty structure.
The molecular interactions between the host molecule, perthiolated beta-cyclodextrin (CD), and the guest molecules, adamantaneacetic acid (AD) and ferroceneacetic acid (FC), have been inestigated theoretically in both the gas and aqueous phases. The major computations have been carried out at the theoretical levels, RHF/6-31G and B3LYP/6- 31G. MP2 electronic energies were also computed based at the geometries optimized by both the RHF and B3LYP methods in the gas phase to establish a better estimate of the correlation effect. The solvent phase computations were completed at the RHF/6-31G and B3LYP/6-31G levels using the PCM model. The most stable structures optimized in gas phase by both the RHF and B3LYP methods were used for the computations in solution. A method to systematically manipulate the relative position and orientation between the interacting molecules is proposed. In the gas phase, six trials with different host-guest relative positions and orientations were completed successfully with the B3LYP method for both the CD-AD and CD-FC complexes. Only four trials were completed with RHF method. In the gas phase, the best results from the RHF method gives for the association Gibbs free energy (ΔG°) values equal to -32.21kj/mol for CD-AD and -25.73kj/mol for CD-FC. And the best results from the B3LYP method have ΔG° equal to -47.57kj/mol for CD-AD and -41.09kj/mol for CD-FC. The MP2 correction significantly lowers ΔG° based on the geometries from both methods. For the RHF structure, the MP2 computations lowered ΔG° to -60.64kj/mol for CD-AD and -54.10 for CD-FC. For the structure from the B3LYP method, it was reduced to -59.87 kj/mol for CD-AD and -54.84 kj/mol for CDFC. The RHF solvent phase calculations yielded following results: ΔG°(aq) equals 107.2kj/mol for CD-AD and 111.4kj/mol for CD-FC. Compared with the results from the RHF method, the B3LYP method provided clearly better solvent phase results with ΔG° (aq) equal to 38.64kj/mol for CD-AD and 39.61kj/mol for CD-FC. These results qualitatively explain the experimental observations. However quantitatively they are in poor agreement with the experimental values available in the literature and those recently published by Liu et al. And the reason is believed to be omission of hydrophobic contribution to the association. Determining the global geometrical minima for these very large systems was very difficult and computationally time consuming, but after a very thorough search, these were identified. A relevant result of this search is that when the complexes, CD-AD and CD-FC, are formed, the AD and FC molecules are only partially embedded inside the CD cavity. The totally embedded complexes were found to have significantly higher energies. The semiempirical method, ZINDO, was employed to investigate the effect of complexation on the first electronic excitation of CD anchored to a metal nano-particle. The computational results revealed that after complexation to FC, the transition intensity declines to about 25% of the original value, and after complexation with AD, the intensity drops almost 50%. The tighter binding and transition intensity of CD-AD qualitatively agrees with the experimental result that the addition of AD to a solution of CD and FC restores the fluorescence of CD that was quenched by the addition of FC. A method to evaluate the “hydrophobic force” effect is proposed for future work.