962 resultados para Tunnel diodes


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This in vitro study evaluated the marginal gap at the composite tooth/resin interface in class V cavities under the influence of two insertion techniques and a curing system by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM). Forty enamel and dentin cavities were prepared on the buccal surface in bovine teeth with quadratic forms measuring 2 mm X 2 mm and depth of 1.5 mm. The teeth were then divided into four groups: group A, 10 cavities were restored in one increment, light cured by halogen light; group B, 10 cavities filled with bulk filling, light cured by the light emitting diodes (LED); group C, 10 cavities were restored by the incremental technique, light cured by halogen light; group D, 10 cavities were restored by the incremental technique, light cured by the LED. The teeth underwent the polishing procedure and were analyzed by AFM for tooth/restoration interface evaluation. The data were compared between groups using the nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (p < 0.05). The results showed a statistically significant difference between groups A and B and groups A and C. It was concluded that no insertion and polymerization technique was able to completely seal the cavity.


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Objective: This study aimed at evaluating the degree of conversion (DC) of four composite resins, being one nanofilled and 3 microhybrid resins, photo-activated with second- and third-generation light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Material and methods: Filtek (TM) Z350 nanofilled composite resins and Amelogen (R) Plus, Vit-l-escence (TM) and Opallis microhybrid resins were photo-activated with two second-generation LEDs (Radii-cal and Elipar Free Light (TM) 2) and one third-generation LED (Ultra-Lume LED 5) by continuous light mode, and a quartz halogen-tungsten bulb (QHT, control). After 24 h of storage, the samples were pulverized into fine powder and 5 mg of each material were mixed with 100 mg of potassium bromide (KBr). After homogenization, they were pressed, which resulted in a pellet that was evaluated using an infrared spectromer (Nexus 470, Thermo Nicolet) equipped with TGS detector using diffuse reflectance (32 scans, resolution of 4 cm(-1)) coupled to a computer. The percentage of unreacted carbon-carbon double bonds (% C=C) was determined from the ratio of absorbance intensities of aliphatic C=C (peak at 1637 cm-1) against internal standard before and after curing of the specimen: aromatic C-C (peak at 1610 cm-1). Results: The ANOVA showed a significant effect on the interaction between the light-curing units (LCUs) and the composite resins (p<0.001). The Tukey's test showed that the nanofilled resin (Filtek (TM) Z350) and Opallis when photo-activated by the halogen lamp (QTH) had the lowest DC compared with the other microhybrid composite resins. The DC of the nanofilled resin (Filtek (TM) Z350) was also lower using LEDs. The highest degrees of conversion were obtained using the third-generation LED and one of second-generation LEDs (Elipar Free Light (TM) 2). Conclusions: The nanofilled resin showed the lowest DC, and the Vit-l-escence (TM) microhybrid composite resin showed the highest DC. Among the LCUs, it was not possible to establish an order, even though the second-generation LED Radii-cal provided the lowest DC.


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Deletion of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene YOL008W, here referred to as COQ10, elicits a respiratory defect as a result of the inability of the mutant to oxidize NADH and succinate. Both activities are restored by exogenous coenzyme Q(2). Respiration is also partially rescued by COQ2, COQ7, or COQ8/ABC1, when these genes are present in high copy. Unlike other coq mutants, all of which lack Q(6), the coq10 mutant has near normal amounts of Q(6) in mitochondria. Coq10p is widely distributed in bacteria and eukaryotes and is homologous to proteins of the aromatic-rich protein family Pfam03654 and to members of the START domain superfamily that have a hydrophobic tunnel implicated in binding lipophilic molecules such as cholesterol and polyketides. Analysis of coenzyme Q in polyhistidine-tagged Coq10p purified from mitochondria indicates the presence 0.032-0.034 mol of Q(6)/mol of protein. We propose that Coq10p is a Q(6)-binding protein and that in the coq10 mutant Q(6) it is not able to act as an electron carrier, possibly because of improper localization.


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Amphisbaenians are legless reptiles that differ significantly from other vertebrate lineages. Most species dig underground galleries of similar diameter to that of the animal. We studied the muscle physiology and morphological attributes of digging effort in the Brazilian amphisbaenid Leposternon microcephalum (Squamata; Amphisbaenia), which burrows by compressing soil against the upper wall of the tunnel by means of upward strokes of the head. The individuals tested (<72 g) exerted forces on the soil of up to 24 N. These forces were possible because the fibres of the longissimus dorsi, the main muscle associated with burrowing, are highly pennated, thus increasing effective muscle cross-sectional area. The muscle is characterized by a metabolic transition along its length: proximal, medial and distal fibres are fast contracting and moderately oxidative, but fibres closer to the head are richer in citrate synthase and more aerobic in nature. Distal fibres, then, might be active mainly at the final step of the compression stroke, which requires more power. For animals greater than a given diameter, the work required to compress soil increases exponentially with body diameter. Leposternon microcephalum, and probably some other highly specialized amphisbaenids, are most likely constrained to small diameters and can increase muscle mass and effective muscle cross-sectional area by increasing body length, not body diameter.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the association of low-level laser therapy (LLLT, 830 nm) and calcitonin in bone repair considering that bone healing remains a challenge to health professionals. Calcitonin has antiosteoclastic action and LLLT is a treatment that uses low-level lasers or light-emitting diodes to alter cellular function. Both are used to improve bone healing. Densitometry is a clinical noninvasive valuable tool used to evaluate bone mineral density (BMD). Sixty male rats were submitted to bone defect with a trephine bur, randomly divided into four groups of 15 animals each: control (C); synthetic salmon calcitonin (Ca); LLLT (La); LLLT combined with calcitonin (LaCa). Animals from Ca and LaCa received 2UI/Kg synthetic salmon calcitonin intramuscularly on alternate days after surgery. Animals from groups La and LaCa were treated with infrared LLLT (830 nm, 10mW, 20 J/cm(2), 6 s, contact mode). Five animals from each group were euthanized 7, 14, and 21 days after surgery and bone defects were analyzed by densitometry. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference in BMD values in LaCa group at 7 and 21 days (P = 0, 005). The results of the densitometric study showed that LLLT (830 nm) combined with calcitonin improved bone repair.


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Statement of the Problem: The effectiveness of low-intensity red laser for activating a bleaching gel and its effect in pulp temperature was not investigated in dental literature. Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of low-intensity red laser for activating a bleaching gel, as well as its effect in temperature of the bleaching gel and the dental pulp. Materials and Methods: Forty extracted bovine teeth were immersed in a solution of coffee 14 days for darkening. The initial colors were recorded by spectrophotometric analysis. The specimens were randomly distributed into two groups (N = 20): the control, which did not receive light and the experimental group that received light from an appliance fitted with three red light-emitting laser diodes (? = 660 nm). A green-colored, 35% H2O2based bleaching gel was applied for 30 minutes, and changed three times. After bleaching, the colors were again measured to obtain the L*a*b* values. Color variation was calculated (?E) and the data submitted to the non-paired t-test (5%). To assess temperature, 10 human incisors were prepared, in which one thermocouple was placed on the bleaching gel applied on the surface of the teeth and another inside the pulp chamber. Results: There was a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.016), and the experimental group presented a significantly higher mean variation (7.21 +/- 2.76) in comparison with the control group (5.37 +/- 1.76). There was an increase in pulp temperature, but it was not sufficient to cause damage to the pulp. Conclusion: Bleaching gel activation with low-intensity red laser was capable of increasing the effectiveness of bleaching treatment and did not increase pulp temperature to levels deleterious to the pulp. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The application of a low-intensity red laser was effective for activating a bleaching gel with green dye, without any deleterious increases in pulpal temperature. (J Esthet Restor Dent 24:126134, 2012)


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We study the quantum coherent tunneling dynamics of two weakly coupled atomic-molecular Bose-Einstein condensates (AMBEC). A weak link is supposed to be provided by a double-well trap. The regions of parameters where the macroscopic quantum localization of the relative atomic population occurs are revealed. The different dynamical regimes are found depending on the value of nonlinearity, namely, coupled oscillations of population imbalance of atomic and molecular condensate, including irregular oscillations regions, and macroscopic quantum self trapping regimes. Quantum means and quadrature variances are calculated for population of atomic and molecular condensates and the possibility of quadrature squeezing is shown via stochastic simulations within P-positive phase space representation method. Linear tunnel coupling between two AMBEC leads to correlations in quantum statistics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com objetivo de estudar o desempenho de três cultivares de alface americana (Júlia, Tainá e Grandes Lagos) em quatro doses de torta de filtro (0; 10; 20 e 40 ton ha-1), sob cultivo protegido (túnel alto), foi conduzido um experimento na Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, em área de Latossolo Vermelho (textura argilosa), nos meses de março a maio de 2009. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, distribuídos em esquema fatorial 3 x 4 (cultivares x doses) com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características agronômicas: circunferência da planta (CP), massa fresca total (MFT), massa fresca comercial (MFCo), massa fresca da cabeça (MFCa), diâmetro do caule (DC), número de folhas comerciais (NFC), comprimento do caule (CC) e número de folhas totais (NFT). As cultivares Júlia e Tainá responderam à adubação com torta de filtro até a dose de 40 ton-1. A cultivar Grandes Lagos respondeu à adubação com torta de filtro até a dose de 35 ton ha-1 para MFT e MFCa e até 40 ton-1 para MFCo. A cultivar Grandes Lagos apresentou melhor desempenho em MFT, MFCo, CC e CP, em relação às demais cultivares, e equiparou-se com a cultivar Tainá em MFCa e NFC e com a cultivar Júlia em DC. Todas as cultivares tiveram comportamentos semelhantes quanto a NFT. A adubação orgânica com torta de filtro aumenta a produtividade de cultivares de alface americana.


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Estudou-se a interação genótipo x ambiente de doze cultivares de alface, sendo quatro do grupo lisa (Babá de Verão, Karla, Nacional e Elisa), quatro do grupo crespa (Simpson, Hortência, Verônica e Grand Rapids) e quatro do grupo americana (Laidy, Tainá, Lucy Brown e Raider). Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelo cultivo da alface em dez ambientes (casa de vegetação, túnel baixo de cultivo, túnel baixo com sombrite, agrotêxtil e campo, na presença e ausência de mulching). Foram utilizados dois períodos de cultivo, agosto a novembro de 2001 e março a junho de 2002 em Jaboticabal. Cada experimento (ambiente de cultivo) foi conduzido utilizando-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados, com doze cultivares e três repetições. A análise de variância conjunta demonstrou valores de F significativos (p<0,01) para a interação genótipo x ambiente. Para o cultivo de agosto a novembro/2001, as melhores respostas foram obtidas para as cultivares do Grupo Lisa, nos ambientes casa de vegetação com mulching, túnel baixo de cultivo sem mulching e campo sem mulching. Todas as cultivares apresentaram piores desempenhos nos ambientes túnel com sombrite sem mulching, agrotêxtil com e sem mulching. No cultivo de março a junho/2002, houve maior variabilidade quanto ao comportamento das cultivares avaliadas nos ambientes estudados. Na análise multivariada de agrupamento, a superioridade das cultivares do grupo lisa parece ter sido influenciada pelo número de folhas, tanto para a época 1, quanto para a época 2. Ressalta-se que, apesar das cultivares do grupo americana apresentarem pior desempenho, as mesmas tiveram os maiores valores de massa seca da parte aérea. Quando se tem como objetivo uma maior produção de alface visando massa seca da parte aérea ou massa fresca da parte aérea, deve-se optar por cultivares do grupo americana, que apresentaram as maiores médias para esta característica. As cultivares do grupo crespa apresentaram as maiores médias para volume de plantas.


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Este trabalho apresenta um uso da geofísica aplicada em uma situação de ambiente urbano. O objetivo dos levantamentos foi o de delimitar a extensão da zona afetada por um colapso e desmoronamento do teto de um túnel em construção sob o Parque do Ibirapuera na capital paulista. São descritos e apresentados os resultados obtidos através do emprego dos métodos geofísicos geoelétricos e suas técnicas, em uma situação emergencial e de risco em uma área urbana na cidade de São Paulo. Também são comparadas as técnicas/arranjos de campo e a forma de apresentação e interpretação dos mesmos. Os métodos empregados foram a Eletrorresistividade, Polarização Induzida (IP) e Potencial Espontâneo (SP). Os trabalhos de campo e interpretação preliminar foram efetuados em apwenas um fim de semana (sábado e domingo). Os resultados mostraram-se plenamente satisfatórios e possibilitaram significativa redução nos custos nas obras de remediação da área do incidente, cuja área decresceu da inicialmente estimada pela engenharia (20x20 m) para 3x5 m definida pelos estudos geofísicos.