992 resultados para Treball de fi de grau – Curs 2013-2014


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Background: Documenting the distribution of radiotherapy departments and the availability of radiotherapy equipment in the European countries is an important part of HERO the ESTRO Health Economics in Radiation Oncology project. HERO has the overall aim to develop a knowledge base of the provision of radiotherapy in Europe and build a model for health economic evaluation of radiation treatments at the European level. The aim of the current report is to describe the distribution of radiotherapy equipment in European countries. Methods: An 84-item questionnaire was sent out to European countries, principally through their national societies. The current report includes a detailed analysis of radiotherapy departments and equipment (questionnaire items 2629), analyzed in relation to the annual number of treatment courses and the socio-economic status of the countries. The analysis is based on validated responses from 28 of the 40 European countries defined by the European Cancer Observatory (ECO). Results: A large variation between countries was found for most parameters studied. There were 2192 linear accelerators, 96 dedicated stereotactic machines, and 77 cobalt machines reported in the 27 countries where this information was available. A total of 12 countries had at least one cobalt machine in use. There was a median of 0.5 simulator per MV unit (range 0.31.5) and 1.4 (range 0.44.4) simulators per department. Of the 874 simulators, a total of 654 (75%) were capable of 3D imaging (CT-scanner or CBCToption). The number of MV machines (cobalt, linear accelerators, and dedicated stereotactic machines) per million inhabitants ranged from 1.4 to 9.5 (median 5.3) and the average number of MV machines per department from 0.9 to 8.2 (median 2.6). The average number of treatment courses per year per MV machine varied from 262 to 1061 (median 419). While 69% of MV units were capable of IMRT only 49% were equipped for image guidance (IGRT). There was a clear relation between socio-economic status, as measured by GNI per capita, and availability of radiotherapy equipment in the countries. In many low income countries in Southern and Central-Eastern Europe there was very limited access to radiotherapy and especially to equipment for IMRT or IGRT. Conclusions: The European average number of MV machines per million inhabitants and per department is now better in line with QUARTS recommendations from 2005, but the survey also showed a significant heterogeneity in the access to modern radiotherapy equipment in Europe. High income countries especially in Northern-Western Europe are well-served with radiotherapy resources, other countries are facing important shortages of both equipment in general and especially machines capable of delivering high precision conformal treatments (IMRT, IGRT)


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Tant en la meva etapa d’estudiant com en la meva curta vida laboral, he participat en el desenvolupament de varies aplicacions de gestió, tant d’escriptori com web, que majoritàriament sempre estaven dividides en tres capes però en dos nivells: la base de dades i l’aplicació, que contenia tant la lògica de negoci com la vista. Des de fa temps he tingut la curiositat i la necessitat d’intentar desenvolupar una aplicació de gestió que estigui distribuïda en tres o més nivells, separant el model de dades i la lògica de negoci de la vista. Crec que el treball de fi de carrera és idoni per desenvolupar-la. L’aplicació a desenvolupar anirà destinada a la gestió d’un servei d’informàtica, que s’encarrega de resoldre les incidències, inventariar i realitzar el manteniment preventiu dels equips informàtics d’una o de varies empreses. Es crearà una aplicació que contindrà el model de dades i la lògica de negoci. També es crearan dues aplicacions clients: una aplicació d’escriptori que donarà accés a totes i cadascuna de les funcionalitats del sistema i una aplicació web que oferirà un accés lleuger i des de qualsevol ubicació a les funcionalitats d’explotació del sistema. Per últim, també es crearà una altre aplicació web que s’encarregarà de generar els llistats sol•licitats per les dues aplicacions clients. D’aquesta manera també es centralitzarà la gestió dels llistats de les aplicacions del sistema. Per desenvolupar el sistema, s’utilitzarà la plataforma J2EE de Java, i es comptarà amb l’ajuda de marcs de treball com, per exemple, Oracle ADF o JasperReports. Com a conclusió general, puc assegurar que si es distribueixen les tres capes d’un sistema en tres nivells s’obtenen beneficis en l’administració, en el manteniment, en l’escalabilitat, en la flexibilitat i en la reutilització de les aplicacions. El principal inconvenient és el possible augment de lentitud en les aplicacions clients.


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La finalitat d’aquest Projecte Fi de Grau és descobrir els clarinetistes que hi havia a Barcelona des de la segona meitat del segle XIX fins a la Guerra Civil, tant a nivell d’intèrprets com a nivell de professors. A més, ens hem proposat conèixer en quines institucions educatives aquests professors impartien les seves classes, com l’Escola Municipal de Música de Barcelona o el Conservatori del Liceu. Això ens ha portat, també, a identificar en quines agrupacions musicals desenvolupaven la seva carrera —com l’Orquestra Pau Casals, la Banda Municipal de Barcelona, l’Orquestra del Liceu o diferents orquestres de ball en les quals oferien concerts populars al llarg del territori. La metodologia utilitzada ha estat l'extracció i l’anàlisi de ressenyes hemerogràfiques i la recerca específica sobre la carrera artística del clarinetista que possiblement va realitzar a nivell estatal els primers enregistraments per a aquest instrument: en Josep Nori.


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ABSTRACT We aimed in this work to study natural populations of copaiba (Copaifera multijuga Hayne) on the Monte Branco mountain at Porto Trombetas-PA, in order to support sustainable management and the exploitation of oleoresin from copaiba. We studied the population structure of copaiba on hillsides and valleys of the south face of Monte Branco, within Saracá Taquera National Forest, where bauxite ore was extracted in the biennium 2013-2014 by Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN). We produced a 100% forest inventory of the specie and of oleoresin extraction in order to quantify the potential production of the remaining area. The density of copaiba individuals with DBH > 30 cm was 0.33 individuals per hectare in the hillside and 0.25 individuals per hectare in the valley. Both environments presented a density of 0.28 individuals per hectare. The average copaiba oleoresin yield was 0.661±0.334 liters in the hillside and 0.765±0.280 liters in the valley. The average value of both environments together (hillside and valley) was 0.714±0.218 liters. From all individuals with DBH over 30 cm, 38 (58%) produced some amount of oleoresin, averaging 1.113±0.562 liters in the hillside, 1.329±0.448 liters in the valley and 1.190±0.355 liters in both environments together. The results show the need for planning the use of the surroundings of the study area in order to reach the required volume of copaiba to make feasible the sustainable management of oleoresin extraction in the region.


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Magaly Basconesin esitys Kirjastoverkkopäivillä 24.10.2013 Helsingissä.


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Mirjam Kesslerin esitys Kirjastoverkkopäivillä 24.10.2013 Helsingissä.


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The present study evaluated the effects of cover crops (Pennisetum glaucum, Crotalaria spectabilis and Urochloa ruziziensis) associated with the application of herbicides {glyphosate; (glyphosate + haloxyfop-R); (glyphosate + fluazifop-p-butyl); (glyphosate + imazethapyr) and (glyphosate + imazaquin)} in soybean desiccation management for volunteer RR® corn control. The experiment was conducted under field conditions at Sinop-MT, during the 2013/2014 crop season, in a randomized complete blocks design with factorial scheme and four replications. The following parameter were evaluated: dry matter of cover crops and ground coverage rate, control of volunteer RR® corn present at the time of desiccation, dry matter, height and intoxication level on soybean plants caused by herbicides at 7, 14 and 28 days after emergence (DAE), control of volunteer RR® corn derived from emergence fluxes subsequent to desiccation management and soybean yield. The joint application of (glyphosate + haloxyfop-R) provided the best level of volunteer RR® corn control present at the time of desiccation. Satisfactory control (80%) of volunteer corn was obtained with the application of (glyphosate + imazethapyr). This treatment displayed an additional residual effect of imazethapyr, which efficiently controled volunteer RR® corn derived from fluxes subsequent to desiccation management, especially in treatments performed under U. ruziziensis straw. None of the herbicides used in desiccation management caused any significant effect on dry matter, height and phytotoxicity of soybean plants at 7, 14 and 28 DAE nor on grain yield.


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This study aimed to assess the degree of similarity presented by thematic maps generated by different sampling grids of weed plants in a commercial agricultural area of 7.95 hectares. Monocotyledons and dicotyledons were counted on the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 harvests, before soybean planting, in the fallow period after wheat harvest, in both years. A regular grid of 10 x 10 m was produced to sample the invasive plants, used as reference, and the counting was done in 1 m² of each sample point, totaling 795 samples in each year, compared to regular grids of 30 and 50 m, generated from the data exclusion of the standard grid. Twenty-two composite soil samples were taken at a depth of 0-20 cm to correlate soil properties with weeds occurrence. For the generation of the thematic maps, the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) for interpolation was used; when comparing the maps generated from each grid with the reference map, the kappa coefficient was used to assess the loss of quality of the maps as the number of sample points was reduced. It was observed that the map quality loss was lower in 2013 compared to 2012 when the sampling density of the points was reduced. The 30 x 30 m grids have satisfactorily described the infestation data of the dicotyledons and the 50 x 50 m grids have adequately described the monocotyledon weeds infestation, compared to the standard 10 x 10 m grids.


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ABSTRACT One of the factors that can influence soybeans yield is the interference imposed by weeds. This research has aimed to determine the critical period of weed interference on cv. INT 6100 RRTM soybeans. The experiment was conducted under field conditions at Campo Mourão County, Parana State, in the 2013/2014 harvest, using randomized blocks, arranged in a 2 x 8 factorial, with four replications. In the first factor, the coexistence (period before weed interference) and control (total period of weed interference prevention) periods were assessed. The second factor consisted of management times of weed species (0, 7, 14, 28, 35, 49, 56 and 130 days after emergence - DAE). The evaluations performed were density and shoot dry matter of the weed community, height, number of pods, thousand grain weight and soybean yield. Among the weed species in soybean crops, there was predominance of eudicotyledonous ones (82%). The yield results allowed establishing, for cv. INT 6100 RRTM soybeans at Campo Mourão County, Parana State, a critical period for preventing interference between 24-38 DAE.