972 resultados para Total Productive Maintenance


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The diterpenoid constituents of the Isodon plants have attracted reasearchers interested in both their chemical structures and biological properties for more than a half-century. In recent years, the isolations of new members displaying previously unprecedented ring systems and highly selective biological properties have piqued interest from the synthetic community in this class of natural products.

Reported herein is the first total synthesis of such a recently isolated diterpenoid, (–)-maoecrystal Z. The principal transformations implemented in this synthesis include two highly diastereoselective radical cyclization reactions: a Sm(II)-mediated reductive cascade cyclization, which forms two rings and establishes four new stereocenters in a single step, and a Ti(III)-mediated reductive epoxide-acrylate coupling that yields a functionalized spirolactone product, which forms a core bicycle of maoecrystal Z.

The preparation of two additional ent-kauranoid natural products, (–)-trichorabdal A and (–)-longikaurin E, is also described from a derivative of this key spirolactone. These syntheses are additionally enabled by the palladium-mediated oxidative cyclization reaction of a silyl ketene acetal precursor that is used to install the bridgehead all-carbon quaternary stereocenter and bicyclo[3.2.1]octane present in each natural product. These studies have established a synthetic relationship among three architecturally distinct ent-kaurane diterpenoids and have forged a path for the preparation of interesting unnatural ent-kauranoid structural analogs for more thorough biological study.


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Experimental work was performed to delineate the system of digested sludge particles and associated trace metals and also to measure the interactions of sludge with seawater. Particle-size and particle number distributions were measured with a Coulter Counter. Number counts in excess of 1012 particles per liter were found in both the City of Los Angeles Hyperion mesophilic digested sludge and the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) digested primary sludge. More than 90 percent of the particles had diameters less than 10 microns.

Total and dissolved trace metals (Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were measured in LACSD sludge. Manganese was the only metal whose dissolved fraction exceeded one percent of the total metal. Sedimentation experiments for several dilutions of LACSD sludge in seawater showed that the sedimentation velocities of the sludge particles decreased as the dilution factor increased. A tenfold increase in dilution shifted the sedimentation velocity distribution by an order of magnitude. Chromium, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn were also followed during sedimentation. To a first approximation these metals behaved like the particles.

Solids and selected trace metals (Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were monitored in oxic mixtures of both Hyperion and LACSD sludges for periods of 10 to 28 days. Less than 10 percent of the filterable solids dissolved or were oxidized. Only Ni was mobilized away from the particles. The majority of the mobilization was complete in less than one day.

The experimental data of this work were combined with oceanographic, biological, and geochemical information to propose and model the discharge of digested sludge to the San Pedro and Santa Monica Basins. A hydraulic computer simulation for a round buoyant jet in a density stratified medium showed that discharges of sludge effluent mixture at depths of 730 m would rise no more than 120 m. Initial jet mixing provided dilution estimates of 450 to 2600. Sedimentation analyses indicated that the solids would reach the sediments within 10 km of the point discharge.

Mass balances on the oxidizable chemical constituents in sludge indicated that the nearly anoxic waters of the basins would become wholly anoxic as a result of proposed discharges. From chemical-equilibrium computer modeling of the sludge digester and dilutions of sludge in anoxic seawater, it was predicted that the chemistry of all trace metals except Cr and Mn will be controlled by the precipitation of metal sulfide solids. This metal speciation held for dilutions up to 3000.

The net environmental impacts of this scheme should be salutary. The trace metals in the sludge should be immobilized in the anaerobic bottom sediments of the basins. Apparently no lifeforms higher than bacteria are there to be disrupted. The proposed deep-water discharges would remove the need for potentially expensive and energy-intensive land disposal alternatives and would end the discharge to the highly productive water near the ocean surface.


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The asymmetric synthesis of quaternary stereocenters remains a challenging problem in organic synthesis. Past work from the Stoltz laboratory has resulted in methodology to install quaternary stereocenters α- or γ- to carbonyl compounds. Thus, the asymmetric synthesis of β-quaternary stereocenters was a desirable objective, and was accomplished by engineering the palladium-catalyzed addition of arylmetal organometallic reagents to α,β-unsaturated conjugate acceptors.

Herein, we described the rational design of a palladium-catalyzed conjugate addition reactions utilizing a catalyst derived from palladium(II) trifluoroacetate and pyridinooxazole ligands. This reaction is highly tolerant of protic solvents and oxygen atmosphere, making it a practical and operationally simple reaction. The mild conditions facilitate a remarkably high functional group tolerance, including carbonyls, halogens, and fluorinated functional groups. Furthermore, the reaction catalyzed conjugate additions with high enantioselectivity with conjugate acceptors of 5-, 6-, and 7-membered ring sizes. Extension of the methodology toward the asymmetric synthesis of flavanone products is presented, as well.

A computational and experimental investigation into the reaction mechanism provided a stereochemical model for enantioinduction, whereby the α-methylene protons adjacent the enone carbonyl clashes with the tert-butyl groups of the chiral ligand. Additionally, it was found that the addition of water and ammonium hexafluorophosphate significantly increases the reaction rate without sacrificing enantioselectivity. The synergistic effects of these additives allowed for the reaction to proceed at a lower temperature, and thus facilitated expansion of the substrate scope to sensitive functional groups such as protic amides and aryl bromides. Investigations into a scale-up synthesis of the chiral ligand (S)-tert-butylPyOx are also presented. This three-step synthetic route allowed for synthesis of the target compound of greater than 10 g scale.

Finally, the application of the newly developed conjugate addition reaction toward the synthesis of the taiwaniaquinoid class of terpenoid natural products is discussed. The conjugate addition reaction formed the key benzylic quaternary stereocenter in high enantioselectivity, joining together the majority of the carbons in the taiwaniaquinoid scaffold. Efforts toward the synthesis of the B-ring are presented.


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The ritterazine and cephalostatin natural products have biological activities and structures that are interesting to synthetic organic chemists. These products have been found to exhibit significant cytotoxicity against P388 murine leukemia cells, and therefore have the potential to be used as anticancer drugs. The ritterazines and cephalostatins are steroidal dimers joined by a central pyrazine ring. Given that the steroid halves are unsymmetrical and highly oxygenated, there are several challenges in synthesizing these compounds in an organic laboratory.

Ritterazine B is the most potent derivative in the ritterazine family. Its biological activity is comparable to drugs that are being used to treat cancer today. For this reason, and the fact that there are no reported syntheses of ritterazine B to date, our lab set out to synthesize this natural product.

Herein, efforts toward the synthesis of the western fragment of ritterazine B are described. Two different routes are explored to access a common intermediate. An alkyne conjugate addition reaction was initially investigated due to the success of this key reaction in the synthesis of the eastern fragment. However, it has been found that a propargylation reaction has greater reactivity and yields, and has the potential to reduce the step count of the synthesis of the western fragment of ritterazine B.


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Part I: An approach to the total synthesis of the triterpene shionone is described, which proceeds through the tetracyclic ketone i. The shionone side chain has been attached to this key intermediate in 5 steps, affording the olefin 2 in 29% yield. A method for the stereo-specific introduction of the angular methyl group at C-5 of shionone has been developed on a model system. The attempted utilization of this method to convert olefin 2 into shionone is described.

Part II: A method has been developed for activating the C-9 and C-10 positions of estrogenic steroids for substitution. Estrone has been converted to 4β,5β-epoxy-10β-hydroxyestr-3-one; cleavage of this epoxyketone using an Eschenmoser procedure, and subsequent modification of the product afforded 4-seco-9-estren-3,5-dione 3-ethylene acetal. This versatile intermediate, suitable for substitution at the 9 and/or 10 position, was converted to androst-4-ene-3-one by known procedures.


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Estudo cujo objeto tratou da inclusão do cliente estomizado no mundo do trabalho. Os objetivos foram: identificar as dificuldades e facilidades dos clientes estomizados para inclusão no mundo do trabalho; analisar as possibilidades de inclusão no mundo do trabalho; discutir, a partir do ponto de vista do cliente estomizado, as orientações fornecidas pelos enfermeiros com vistas à inclusão no mundo do trabalho. O referencial teórico baseou-se no campo da Saúde do Trabalhador, enfocando a reabilitação profissional e o capítulo de bases conceituais abordou o conhecimento da estomaterapia, do mundo do trabalho, da deficiência física e aspectos legais que envolvem a reabilitação do estomizado no mundo laboral. O desenho metodológico foi de uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, de natureza qualitativa, realizada com 20 clientes estomizados definitivos, aos quais se aplicou uma entrevista semiestruturada. O método de análise dos dados foi a Análise Temática de Conteúdo, a qual fez emergir quatro categorias: a) Sentidos do Trabalho para o Ser Estomizado; b) O Estomizado e Sua Problemática Biopsicossocial; c) Contexto Social e Aspectos Legais Envolvendo a Inclusão do Estomizado no Mundo Laboral; d) O Enfermeiro e Sua Participação na Reabilitação do Cliente Estomizado. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos sujeitos trabalhava informalmente e recebia ao mesmo tempo algum auxílio governamental. Ressalta-se que eles reconheciam a ilegalidade desta situação, porém, julgavam-na necessária devido aos baixos valores dos benefícios, enfatizando-se a sensação de utilidade causada pelo fato de trabalharem. Referiram que o retorno ao trabalho era prejudicado devido a empecilhos encontrados nas dimensões psíquica, física e social, as quais estavam articuladas intimamente. Enfatizaram grande dificuldade em encontrarem empregos adequados às suas especificidades, e que não prejudicassem sua condição de saúde, pois há necessidade de banheiros adaptados, de não exposição ao calor na região do estoma e nem a esforços físicos severos, sem contar com a necessidade de um emprego que lhes permita flexibilidade para irem às consultas da equipe multiprofissional. Os maiores empecilhos sociais referiram-se ao desconhecimento e descaso social e governamental a respeito do que é ser estomizado, pois esta problemática não é divulgada, e nem conhecida pela maioria da população. Em relação aos enfermeiros, os sujeitos foram quase unânimes em referirem falta de orientação por parte desses profissionais, acerca de esclarecerem sobre sua inclusão no mundo do trabalho. Este fato caracterizou-se como preocupante, pois os enfermeiros são educadores por excelência e a orientação está intimamente ligada ao processo de reabilitação. Concluiu-se que o retorno ao trabalho foi considerado essencial, mas existem inúmeras dificuldades para que este retorno e manutenção no universo laboral. Estes empecilhos os levam a adquirirem aposentadorias precoces ou auxílios-doença. Há de se rever o processo de reabilitação da pessoa com estoma, especialmente no que se refere a sua inclusão no mundo do trabalho, no sentido de melhor prepará-la para suas potencialidades e limitações, destacando-se que ela não é incapaz e que existem atividades formais em que elas podem ser produtivas e felizes.


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The Naaf River estuary is one of the large estuaries in the Bangladesh coastal region not to have been affected by extensive human disturbance. This research provides information about the fisheries diversity status by Estuarine Set Bag Net (ESBN) sampling relation to physicochemical variables in both spatio-temporal scales. About 25 km of the lower estuary was divided into six zones for sample collection by considering the accessibility and availability of the ESBN operation, fish landing centers and location of the fishing villages. In total 48 samples have been analyzed which were taken throughout March to October 2006. To quantify the species diversity, all fisheries data were analyzed by using EstimateS and EcoSim software which accounts the different diversity indices viz., species richness, Shannon–Wiener diversity Index, Dominance and Evenness index. The research results demonstrate that the Naaf River estuary is a habitat of 161 (species richness, Sobs=161, Choa 1=162±2.34, ACE=161.73) different species which belong to 98 fin fishes, 23 shrimps and prawns,13 crabs, 11 molluscs, 3 echinoderms, 4 other crustaceans;while 9 remain unidentified. Results on the aquatic environment,mainly salinity and turbidity were found to have a major influence on their occurrence and distribution. All the findings indicated that the Naaf River estuary is a highly productive system and provides a favourable environment for large variety of estuarine species assemblages.


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Os implantes osteointegráveis assumiram condição prioritária na reabilitação da perda dentária unitária ou múltipla em função das elevadas taxas de sucesso e previsibilidade no tratamento e vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados por especialistas e clínicos. Atualmente existe a preocupação com a manutenção dos tecidos moles periimplantares, principalmente em áreas estéticas. De modo geral, um ano após a instalação dos implantes osteointegráveis ocorre uma perda óssea proximal de 1,5 mm e em média 0,1 mm durante os anos subsequentes. Nos últimos anos, achados clínicos evidenciaram menor perda óssea inicial associada a intermediários de diâmetro reduzido em relação à plataforma dos implantes. Com o objetivo de comparar, por meio de imagens radiográficas o comportamento ósseo proximal ao redor de implantes osteointegráveis com plataformas convencionais e plataformas de diâmetro intermediário reduzido, foi estabelecido o seguinte desenho de estudo clínico prospectivo: em 08 pacientes totalmente edentados, foram instalados 40 implantes, 5 implantes mandibulares por paciente. Cada paciente recebeu 3 implantes com plataforma convencional e 2 com plataforma associada aos intermediários de diâmetro reduzido (cone morse). Foram confeccionadas próteses em resina acrílica e fixadas precocemente aos implantes por intermédio de parafusos, seguindo o modelo protocolo Bränemark. Foram feitas radiografias periapicais padronizadas em intervalos de 21 dias, 3, 6 e 12 meses, após a instalação dos implantes. As imagens radiográficas foram digitalizadas e realizada a subtração radiográfica digital pelo programa emago, sendo comparadas com a radiografia inicial. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo mostraram uma regularidade no remodelamento ósseo ao longo do tempo para todos os implantes, não tendo sido encontradas diferenças significativas entre os diferentes implantes analisados.


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Since 1967 data have been collected on the distribution of fish caught in a 24 hour period during the winter angling season. The present study on activity periods is based on data from nearly 2000 perch collected between 1967 and 1971. The distribution of number of fish caught during 24 hrs during December - May was studied. Of the total, the most productive period was found to be between 0600 - l600 hrs., with the peak period occurring between 0800 - 1000 hrs. The present data together show that during the darkest months of the year, the perch is only active in the mid-day period. Throughout the whole winter fishing season, activity only occurs during the time between surise and sunset.


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The determination of bi- and trivalent iron in proximity, in mineral waters has gained in significance, on biological and technical grounds. This short paper describes the procedure of the determination of bivalent iron and total iron in a water sample.


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Tryptophan and unnatural tryptophan derivatives are important building blocks for the total synthesis of natural products, as well as the development of new drugs, biological probes, and chiral small molecule catalysts. This thesis describes various catalytic methods for the preparation of tryptophan derivatives as well as their functionalization and use in natural product total synthesis.

Herein, the tandem Friedel–Crafts conjugate addition/asymmetric protonation reaction between 2-substituted indoles and methyl 2-acetamidoacrylate to provide enantioenriched trytophans is reported. This method inspired further work in the area of transition metal catalyzed arylation reactions. We report the development of the coppercatalyzed arylation of tryptamine and tryptophan derivatives. The utility of these transformations is highlighted in the five-step syntheses of the natural products (+)-naseseazine A and B. Further work on the development of a mild and general Larock indolization protocol to access unnatural tryptophans is also discussed.


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Diketopiperazine (DKP) motif is found in a wide range of biologically active natural products. This work details our efforts toward two classes of DKP-containing natural products.

Class one features the pyrroloindoline structure, derived from tryptophans. Our group developed a highly enantioselective (3 + 2) formal cycloaddition between indoles and acrylates to provide pyrroloindoline products possessing three stereocenters. Utilizing this methodology, we accomplished asymmetric total synthesis of three natural products: (–)-lansai B, (+)-nocardioazines A and B. Total synthesis of (–)-lansai B was realized in six steps, and featured an amino acid dimerization strategy. The total synthesis of (+)-nocardioazine B was also successfully completed in ten steps. Challenges were met in approaching (+)-nocardioazine A, where a seemingly easy last-step epoxidization did not prove successful. After re-examining our synthetic strategy, an early-stage epoxidation strategy was pursued, which eventually yielded a nine-step total synthesis of (+)-nocardioazine A.

Class two is the epidithiodiketopiperazine (ETP) natural products, which possesses an additional episulfide bridge in the DKP core. With the goal of accessing ETPs with different peripheral structures for structure-activity relationship studies, a highly divergent route was successfully developed, which was showcased in the formal synthesis of (–)-emethallicin E and (–)-haematocin, and the first asymmetric synthesis of (–)-acetylapoaranotin.


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Part I

Chapter 1.....A physicochemical study of the DNA molecules from the three bacteriophages, N1, N5, and N6, which infect the bacterium, M. lysodeikticus, has been made. The molecular weights, as measured by both electron microscopy and sedimentation velocity, are 23 x 106 for N5 DNA and 31 x 106 for N1 and N6 DNA's. All three DNA's are capable of thermally reversible cyclization. N1 and N6 DNA's have identical or very similar base sequences as judged by membrane filter hybridization and by electron microscope heteroduplex studies. They have identical or similar cohesive ends. These results are in accord with the close biological relation between N1 and N6 phages. N5 DNA is not closely related to N1 or N6 DNA. The denaturation Tm of all three DNA's is the same and corresponds to a (GC) content of 70%. However, the buoyant densities in CsCl of Nl and N6 DNA's are lower than expected, corresponding to predicted GC contents of 64 and 67%. The buoyant densities in Cs2SO4 are also somewhat anomalous. The buoyant density anomalies are probably due to the presence of odd bases. However, direct base composition analysis of N1 DNA by anion exchange chromatography confirms a GC content of 70%, and, in the elution system used, no peaks due to odd bases are present.

Chapter 2.....A covalently closed circular DNA form has been observed as an intracellular form during both productive and abortive infection processes in M. lysodeikticus. This species has been isolated by the method of CsC1-ethidium bromide centrifugation and examined with an electron microscope.

Chapter 3.....A minute circular DNA has been discovered as a homogeneous population in M. lysodeikticus. Its length and molecular weight as determined by electron microscopy are 0.445 μ and 0.88 x 106 daltons respectively. There is about one minicircle per bacterium.

Chapter 4.....Several strains of E. coli 15 harbor a prophage. Viral growth can be induced by exposing the host to mitomycin C or to uv irradiation. The coliphage 15 particles from E. coli 15 and E, coli 15 T- appear as normal phage with head and tail structure; the particles from E. coli 15 TAU are tailless. The complete particles exert a colicinogenic activity on E.coli 15 and 15 T-, the tailless particles do not. No host for a productive viral infection has been found and the phage may be defective. The properties of the DNA of the virus have been studied, mainly by electron microscopy. After induction but before lysis, a closed circular DNA with a contour length of about 11.9 μ is found in the bacterium; the mature phage DNA is a linear duplex and 7.5% longer than the intracellular circular form. This suggests the hypothesis that the mature phage DNA is terminally repetitious and circularly permuted. The hypothesis was confirmed by observing that denaturation and renaturation of the mature phage DNA produce circular duplexes with two single-stranded branches corresponding to the terminal repetition. The contour length of the mature phage DNA was measured relative to φX RFII DNA and λ DNA; the calculated molecular weight is 27 x 106. The length of the single-stranded terminal repetition was compared to the length of φX 174 DNA under conditions where single-stranded DNA is seen in an extended form in electron micrographs. The length of the terminal repetition is found to be 7.4% of the length of the nonrepetitious part of the coliphage 15 DNA. The number of base pairs in the terminal repetition is variable in different molecules, with a fractional standard deviation of 0.18 of the average number in the terminal repetition. A new phenomenon termed "branch migration" has been discovered in renatured circular molecules; it results in forked branches, with two emerging single strands, at the position of the terminal repetition. The distribution of branch separations between the two terminal repetitions in the population of renatured circular molecules was studied. The observed distribution suggests that there is an excluded volume effect in the renaturation of a population of circularly permuted molecules such that strands with close beginning points preferentially renature with each other. This selective renaturation and the phenomenon of branch migration both affect the distribution of branch separations; the observed distribution does not contradict the hypothesis of a random distribution of beginning points around the chromosome.

Chapter 5....Some physicochemical studies on the minicircular DNA species in E. coli 15 (0.670 μ, 1.47 x 106 daltons) have been made. Electron microscopic observations showed multimeric forms of the minicircle which amount to 5% of total DNA species and also showed presumably replicating forms of the minicircle. A renaturation kinetic study showed that the minicircle is a unique DNA species in its size and base sequence. A study on the minicircle replication has been made under condition in which host DNA synthesis is synchronized. Despite experimental uncertainties involved, it seems that the minicircle replication is random and the number of the minicircles increases continuously throughout a generation of the host, regardless of host DNA synchronization.

Part II

The flow dichroism of dilute DNA solutions (A260≈0.1) has been studied in a Couette-type apparatus with the outer cylinder rotating and with the light path parallel to the cylinder axis. Shear gradients in the range of 5-160 sec.-1 were studied. The DNA samples were whole, "half," and "quarter" molecules of T4 bacteriophage DNA, and linear and circular λb2b5c DNA. For the linear molecules, the fractional flow dichroism is a linear function of molecular weight. The dichroism for linear A DNA is about 1.8 that of the circular molecule. For a given DNA, the dichroism is an approximately linear function of shear gradient, but with a slight upward curvature at low values of G, and some trend toward saturation at larger values of G. The fractional dichroism increases as the supporting electrolyte concentration decreases.


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Egeria densa (PLANCH.) ST. JOHN, a submerged plant invader, forms a wide submerged plant zone, particularly along the west coast of the south basin, Lake Biwa. The macrophyte occupies over 82% of the plant zone in the basin and its biomass reaches 93% of the total. The estimated annual net production was approximately 1 kg dry wt./m2 in a dense area, which is about 4.5 times as much as the net production by phytoplankton in an offshore area of the basin. Although the area covered by the macrophyte is only 5.8% of the total of the basin, it produced about one-tenth of the total annual primary production. In the most productive season Egeria produced 46% of the total primary productivity. Thus, the macrophyte never be neglected when one considers the energy flow or material circulation in the basin. This study was initiated in order to clarify the role of submerged macrophytes, particularly E. densa, in Lake Biwa. The following points are reported in this paper: the distribution of macrophytes in the south basin; seasonal change in standing crop of E. densa; seasonal change in values related to production, utilizing a model proposed by Ikushima with its parameters experimentally determined.