945 resultados para Tomás de Villanueva , Beato
Gravitational waves, as predicted by Einstein's general relativity theory, appear as ripples in the fabric of spacetime traveling at the speed of light. We prove that the propagation of small amplitude gravitational waves in a curved spacetime is equivalent to the propagation of a subspace of electromagnetic states. We use this result to propose the use of entangled photons to emulate the evolution of gravitational waves in curved spacetimes by means of experimental electromagnetic setups featuring metamaterials.
Reaching the strong coupling regime of light-matter interaction has led to an impressive development in fundamental quantum physics and applications to quantum information processing. Latests advances in different quantum technologies, like superconducting circuits or semiconductor quantum wells, show that the ultrastrong coupling regime (USC) can also be achieved, where novel physical phenomena and potential computational benefits have been predicted. Nevertheless, the lack of effective decoupling mechanism in this regime has so far hindered control and measurement processes. Here, we propose a method based on parity symmetry conservation that allows for the generation and reconstruction of arbitrary states in the ultrastrong coupling regime of light-matter interactions. Our protocol requires minimal external resources by making use of the coupling between the USC system and an ancillary two-level quantum system.
Systems of interacting quantum spins show a rich spectrum of quantum phases and display interesting many-body dynamics. Computing characteristics of even small systems on conventional computers poses significant challenges. A quantum simulator has the potential to outperform standard computers in calculating the evolution of complex quantum systems. Here, we perform a digital quantum simulation of the paradigmatic Heisenberg and Ising interacting spin models using a two transmon-qubit circuit quantum electrodynamics setup. We make use of the exchange interaction naturally present in the simulator to construct a digital decomposition of the model-specific evolution and extract its full dynamics. This approach is universal and efficient, employing only resources that are polynomial in the number of spins, and indicates a path towards the controlled simulation of general spin dynamics in superconducting qubit platforms.
Circuit quantum electrodynamics, consisting of superconducting artificial atoms coupled to on-chip resonators, represents a prime candidate to implement the scalable quantum computing architecture because of the presence of good tunability and controllability. Furthermore, recent advances have pushed the technology towards the ultrastrong coupling regime of light-matter interaction, where the qubit-resonator coupling strength reaches a considerable fraction of the resonator frequency. Here, we propose a qubit-resonator system operating in that regime, as a quantum memory device and study the storage and retrieval of quantum information in and from the Z(2) parity-protected quantum memory, within experimentally feasible schemes. We are also convinced that our proposal might pave a way to realize a scalable quantum random-access memory due to its fast storage and readout performances.
The interest of HACFRA (self compacting concrete reinforced with steel fibers), is the combination of the residual strength increase and cracking decrease compared to plain concrete by the introduction of steel fibers in the mass with the advantages of the self-compacting. The paper presents an analysis of the influence of different components of the HACRFA and provides their selection, refered to the granular skeleton and to different steel fiber types and amount, in order to obtain an optimization of its features and structural behavior.
Economic analysis and performance of the integrated rice-prawn farming systems in the Mekong Delta (Vietnam) are reviewed, including the problems and constraints of this integrated system technology.
Este documento rescata un manuscrito de origen incierto, en el cuál se describe un tramo de la vida de un religioso muy cercano, tanto en su espíritu cómo a través de sus escritos, al vasto mundo de la Ictiología Neotropical. La calificación de “origen incierto” a este documento, se basa en que, en nuestros archivos, no hemos encontrado ninguna referencia sobre el autor; sí sobre P. J. Holartes (ver López et al., 1981), así como la existencia de objetos artesanales que testimonian la presencia de este domínico en el centro y NO de nuestro país. Sólo podemos especular que su paso por el Valle de Traslasierra no sería casual, ya que seguramente, entre sus objetivos estaba el reunirse con el hoy beato J. G. Brochero. Nosotros pensamos, quizás sin demasiados fundamentos, que Clementino Agassi es un pseudónimo utilizado para plasmar este relato intemporal, ya que como dijo Henri Bergson “El tiempo es invención o no es nada en absoluto”
Esta serie tiene como propósito mostrar diferentes expresiones artísticas relacionadas con la Ictiología nacional y regional, generadas en diferentes épocas y que surgen por diversas motivaciones personales que, en algún caso, muestran casi con exactitud a los modelos que inspiraron la obra, en otras, por lo contrario, responden a la imaginación y creatividad del autor. En este caso tomamos una imagen de Tomás Gurvich artista uruguayo de origen lituano quién fuera uno de los discípulos preferidos del maestro oriental Joaquín Torres García. Sólo me resta invitar a quienes quieran sumarse a esta iniciativa, se acerquen con sus aportes para consolidar esta idea, ya que podría ser otro instrumento de difusión del conocimiento de nuestra disciplina a los diferentes estamentos de la sociedad.
在对江汉平原钻孔中属晚更新世地层的化石硅藻进行鉴定时,发现1个新种:Geissleria jianghanensis sp.nov.Li,2个中国新记录属:Geissleria和Aneumast us,6个中国新记录:Cymbella neuquina var.fastigata(Krasske)Krammer,Maidana et Villanueva,Cymbella perfossilis Krammer,Cymbella neocistula Krammer,Cym-bella neocistul
Temporal trends in total ozone for the St. Lawrence estuary were estimated from ground-based measurements at the NOAA/CMDL station in Caribou, Maine. Linear regression analysis showed that from 1979 to 1999 total ozone has decreased by about 3.3% per decade on an annual basis and ≤6.2% per decade on a monthly basis relative to unperturbed (pre-CFC) levels. The influence of increased ultraviolet-B (280–320 nm) radiation associated with ozone depletion on water column photochemical processes was evaluated by modeling the photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic material (CDOM). Linear regression analysis showed small (<0.5% per decade), but statistically significant upward trends in maximum noontime photobleaching rates. Most notably, positive trends in relative rates for May, June, and July, when maximum absolute rates are expected, were predicted. A global model based on TOMS ozone data revealed increases in photobleaching of ≤3% per decade at high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere. Radiation amplification factors for increases in photochemically weighted UV (280–400 nm) in response to ozone depletion were estimated at 0.1 and 0.08 for photobleaching of CDOM absorbance at 300 and 350 nm, respectively. Application of the laboratory-based model to conditions that more closely resembled those in situ were variable with both overestimation and underestimation of measured rates. The differences between modeled rates and observed rates under quasi-natural conditions were as large or larger than the predicted increases due to ozone depletion. These comparisons suggest that biological activity and mixing play an important, but as yet ill-defined, role in modifying photochemical processes.
We monitored UVA, UVB, and solar radiation from August 2001 to 2003 on the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau to characterize the diurnal and seasonal variations of UV radiation on the world's highest plateau. Daily UVB radiation and the ratio of UVB to total solar radiation increased significantly when the atmospheric ozone concentration decreased as estimated by the total ozone mapping spectrometer (TOMS), as well as when cloud coverage decreased. The UVB/UVA ratio also showed a significant increase when the TOMS ozone concentration decreased in the morning. The seasonal variation pattern of UVB, however, was closely correlated with solar elevation but was little affected by the seasonal pattern of the atmospheric ozone amount. Compared to observations from the central plateau, the magnitude of the UVB increase attributed to ozone depletion was smaller at the northern edge. The study suggests that the temporal variation of ground UV radiation is determined by both solar elevation and the ozone amount, but the spatial difference on the plateau is likely to be ascribed mainly to the spatial variation of the ozone amount. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.
O Pantanal é a maior planície alagável do mundo, com 140.000 km² de extensão, e está inserido na Bacia do Alto Paraguai, nos estado do Mato Grosso (35%) e Mato Grosso do Sul (65%), com pequenas porções na Bolívia e no Paraguai. A região é conhecida pela abundância e diversidade de fauna, além de ser considerado o ?bioma? cuja paisagem foi, até agora, a menos alterada no Brasil. A diversidade de vegetação é influenciada por quatro biomas sul-americanos: Floresta Amazônica, Cerrado, Chaco e Mata Atlântica (ADÁMOLI, 1981; ALHO et al., 1987; HARRIS et al., 2005). Apesar de estar bem conservado o Pantanal já sofre impactos ambientais visíveis como assoreamento de rios, mudanças no pulso de inundações, poluição, e remoção da vegetação nativa (HARRIS et al., 2005). Um dos maiores problemas para a conservação do Pantanal sempre foi o desmatamento nas regiões de planalto circundante, nas últimas 40 décadas, mas atualmente esse tipo de intervenção nos ecossistemas tem avançado para dentro da planície inundável (MONITORAMENTO..., 2013).
El presente artículo es un documento conjunto de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, la Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos y la Sección de Cardiología Geriátrica de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Su objetivo es paliar la laguna que existe en España en lo que respecta al manejo de los desfibriladores automáticos implantables (DAI) en las fases finales de la vida. Cada vez es más frecuente encontrarse enfermos portadores de DAI en fase terminal de una enfermedad avanzada, como insuficiencia cardíaca refractaria, enfermedades oncológicas, otras insuficiencias orgánicas o enfermedades neurodegenerativas con mal pronóstico a corto plazo. La enorme mayoría de estos pacientes tiene más de 65 años, por ello el documento se enfoca de forma particular a los ancianos que se encuentran en esta situación, aunque el proceso de toma de decisiones es similar en portadores de DAI más jóvenes que están en la fase final de su vida.
El presente artículo es un documento conjunto de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, la Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos y la Sección de Cardiología Geriátrica de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Su objetivo es paliar la laguna que existe en España en lo que respecta al manejo de los desfibriladores automáticos implantables (DAI) en las fases finales de la vida. Cada vez es más frecuente encontrarse enfermos portadores de DAI en fase terminal de una enfermedad avanzada, como insuficiencia cardíaca refractaria, enfermedades oncológicas, otras insuficiencias orgánicas o enfermedades neurodegenerativas con mal pronóstico a corto plazo. La enorme mayoría de estos pacientes tiene más de 65 años, por ello el documento se enfoca de forma particular a los ancianos que se encuentran en esta situación, aunque el proceso de toma de decisiones es similar en portadores de DAI más jóvenes que están en la fase final de su vida.
McArdle disease, caused by inherited deficiency of the enzyme muscle glycogen phosphorylase (GP-MM), is arguably the paradigm of exercise intolerance. The recent knock-in (p.R50X/p.R50X) mouse disease model allows an investigation of the phenotypic consequences of muscle glycogen unavailability and the physiopathology of exercise intolerance. We analysed, in 2-month-old mice [wild-type (wt/wt), heterozygous (p.R50X/wt) and p.R50X/p.R50X)], maximal endurance exercise capacity and the molecular consequences of an absence of GP-MM in the main glycogen metabolism regulatory enzymes: glycogen synthase, glycogen branching enzyme and glycogen debranching enzyme, as well as glycogen content in slow-twitch (soleus), intermediate (gastrocnemius) and glycolytic/fast-twitch (extensor digitorum longus; EDL) muscles.