997 resultados para Tobacco--Poetry


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During the last three decades considerable attention has been placed on the reduction of tobacco use due to cigarette smoking. During this time, studies have been funded and programs have been developed that focus on both prevention and cessation of cigarette smoking. This intense focus has led to a significant decline in cigarette smoking. But now, use of another form of tobacco--smokeless tobacco--is gaining in popularity.^ In 1989, the National Cancer Institute funded a research study at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, called Working Well, to develop, implement, and evaluate worksite health promotion programs aimed at reducing cancer risks. As part of this program, a behavioral intervention for smokeless tobacco use was developed. This dissertation evaluates the impact of that behavioral change intervention for smokeless tobacco use.^ Data collected during the Working Well program were analyzed to determine the effect of the intervention. The primary outcomes analyzed were smokeless tobacco cessation, stages of change movement, and prevalence. The secondary outcomes analyzed included the prediction of smokeless tobacco use, stage movement, and cessation. Primary outcome analyses were conducted using the worksite as the unit of analysis, while the secondary analyses were conducted using the individual as the unit of analysis.^ Approximately 20% of the male population used smokeless tobacco. Results of intervention analyses indicate that the Working Well program produced no intervention effect on any of the primary outcomes. At the final observation, the experimental worksites achieved a quit rate of 27%, while the control worksites achieved a quit rate of 26% (P = 0.78). Stage movement for the experimental worksites was 49%, while the control worksites experienced stage movement of 43% (P = 0.20). The results of the analyses on smokeless tobacco prevalence followed the same pattern. Predictors of smokeless tobacco use, cessation, and stage movement were also identified.^ Based on the results found in this study, smokeless tobacco should remain a research priority. Future research should focus on smokeless tobacco use, including the identification of the determinants of smokeless tobacco use and the development of measures and effective intervention strategies. ^


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Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is an important indoor air pollutant associated with adverse effects on the respiratory health of the general population, especially people with asthma. ETS consists mainly of sidestream smoke from burning cigarettes and a smaller quantity of mainstream smoke which is exhaled by the smoker. At least one out of every three children is frequently exposed to ETS. ^ This paper reviewed the literature for studies on the role of ETS in the development and exacerbation of asthma among children in developing countries, specifically the low and middle income countries from the year 1980 to the present. The databases searched in this systematic review were: Ovid Medline; PubMed (National Library of Medicine); and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL) (EBSCOhost). Out of a total of 197 articles initially identified, only four studies (two from China, one from Macedonia and one from Brazil) were rated by two independent raters as being of high quality, and were selected for final abstraction, synthesis and evidence weighting. Results from these four studies suggests that, in developing countries, ETS exposure is associated with childhood asthma, and that asthma prevalence increases with an increase in the amount and duration of exposure to ETS. Similarly, exposure to ETS is associated with persistent cough, current night dry cough, and exacerbation of asthma symptoms. ^ Therefore, as is the case in developed nations, there is suggestive evidence in the literature that ETS exposure plays substantial role in the development and/or exacerbation of asthma among children in developing countries. To decrease the likelihood of new asthma development, enhance asthma control, and reduce the rate of medical service utilization in children exposed to ETS, smoking should be eliminated at home and in public places.^


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Smoking is major cause of premature mortality and morbidity in the United States. The health consequences of tobacco usage are increasingly concentrated in minority and lower socioeconomic groups. One of the most effective means of deterring tobacco consumption and generating revenue to fund prevention activities is the levying of excise taxes. In 2007 the state of Texas increased the excise tax on cigarettes by $1.00 per pack. This study sought to determine if there was a significant effect on smoking prevalence in the state by examining Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data for two years leading up to the tax increase-2005 and 2006- and two years post tax increase -2007 and 2008. Results were compared against a chi square distribution and three multiple logistic regression models were created to adjust for race/ethnicity, age, education and income. Results from this study show that there was not a significant decrease in smoking prevalence for most of the groups stratified by age, income and ethnicity. There was not a significant decrease in the younger adults aged 18-34 by income, ethnicity, or education. Smoking prevalence increased for some groups, e.g., Hispanic females. In the regression models, the tax effect was not significant. While overall prevalence decreased by 9%, there were not significant reductions among non-White or Hispanic survey participants. Taxed sales dropped by approximately 17% according to the Texas Comptroller. Without BRFSS data measuring daily cigarette consumption among current smokers, now not assessed, it is impossible to determine whether the discrepancy in reported prevalence and taxes sales is attributable to consumption of fewer cigarettes among smokers or tax avoidance.^


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Even the best school health education programs will be unsuccessful if they are not disseminated effectively in a manner that encourages classroom adoption and implementation. This study involved two components: (1) the development of a videotape intervention to be used in the dissemination phase of a 4-year, NCI-funded diffusion study and (2) the evaluation of that videotape intervention strategy in comparison with a print (information transfer) strategy. Conceptualization has been guided by Social Learning Theory, Diffusion Theory, and communication theory. Additionally, the PRECEDE Framework has been used. Seventh and 8th grade classroom teachers from Spring Branch Independent School District in west Houston participated in the evaluation of the videotape and print interventions using a 57-item preadoption survey instrument developed by the UT Center for Health Promotion Research and Development. Two-way ANOVA was used to study individual score differences for five outcome variables: Total Scale Score (comprised of 57 predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing items), Adoption Characteristics Subscale, Attitude Toward Innovation Subscale, Receptivity Toward Innovation, and Reinforcement Subscale. The aim of the study is to compare the effect upon score differences of video and print interventions alone and in combination. Seventy-three 7th and 8th grade classroom teachers completed the study providing baseline and post-intervention measures on factors related to the adoption and implementation of tobacco-use prevention programs. Two-way ANOVA, in relation to the study questions, found significant scoring differences for those exposed to the videotape intervention alone for both the Attitude Toward Innovation Subscale and the Receptivity to Adopt Subscale. No significant results were found to suggest that print alone influences favorable scoring differences between baseline and post-intervention testing. One interaction effect was found suggesting video and print combined are more effective for influencing favorable scoring differences for the Reinforcement for the Adoption Subscale.^ This research is unique in that it represents a newly emerging field in health promotion communications research with implications for Social Learning Theory, Diffusion Theory, and communication science that are applicable to the development of improved school health interventions. ^


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The use of smokeless tobacco products is undergoing an alarming resurgence in the United States. Several national surveys have reported a higher prevalence of use among those employed in blue-collar occupations. National objectives now target this group for health promotion programs which reduce the health risks associated with tobacco use.^ Drawn from a larger data set measuring health behaviors, this cross-sectional study tested the applicability of two related theories, the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), to smokeless tobacco (SLT) cessation in a blue-collar population of gas pipeline workers. In order to understand the determinants of SLT cessation, measures were obtained of demographic and normative characteristics of the population and specific constructs. Attitude toward the act of quitting (AACT) and subjective norm (SN) are constructs common to both models, perceived behavioral control (PBC) is unique to the TPB, and the number of past quit attempts is not contained in either model. In addition, a self-reported measure was taken of SLT use at two-month follow-up.^ The study population was comprised of all male SLT users who were field employees in a large gas pipeline company with gas compressor stations extending from Texas to the Canadian border. At baseline, 199 employees responded to the SLT portion of the survey, 118 completed some portion of the two-month follow-up, and 101 could be matched across time.^ As hypothesized, significant correlations were found between constructs antecedent to AACT and SN, although crossover effects occurred. Significant differences were found between SLT cessation intenders and non-intenders with regard to their personal and normative beliefs about quitting as well as their outcome expectancies and motivation to comply with others' beliefs. These differences occurred in the expected direction, with the mean intender score consistently higher than that of the non-intender.^ Contrary to hypothesis, AACT predicted intention to quit but SN did not. However, confirmatory of the TPB, PBC, operationalized as self-efficacy, independently contributed to the prediction of intention. Statistically significant relationships were not found between intention, perceived behavioral control, their interactive effects, and use behavior at two-month follow-up. The introduction of number of quit attempts into the logistic regression model resulted in insignificant findings for independent and interactive effects.^ The findings from this study are discussed in relation to their implications for program development and practice, especially within the worksite. In order to confirm and extend the findings of this investigation, recommendations for future research are also discussed. ^


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Este artículo estudia dos antologías de poesía estadounidense publicadas en su país de origen en 1960 y en 2006, respectivamente: The New American Poetry, compilada por Donald Allen, y Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century, por Michael Dumanis y Cate Marvin. A cincuenta años de la aparición de la primera, la crítica reconoce la función rupturista, renovadora y, a la vez, seminal de la selección de Allen, quien presentaba su texto como una colección de poetas y poemas opuestos al “verso académico". Del mismo modo, Dumanis y Marvin presentan una antología que busca difundir autores jóvenes cuya poesía propone el riesgo como valor fundamental. Nuestro enfoque compara y contrasta ambas antologías, para señalar los aspectos comunes, las declaraciones de principios y las poéticas subyacentes a ambas, y los procesos de canonización que llevan a cabo.


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La traducción se planta como el medio para que un público ajeno a la lengua de origen de un texto pueda acceder a él. En el caso de la poesía, debido a su difícil traducción y a su escasa publicación, la problemática de la traducción se torna doble. A partir de entonces, la presentación de una antología poética argentina en inglés como carta de presentación de la literatura nacional en el mundo resulta una obra interesante en cuanto a sus contenidos y repercusiones en el canon internacional


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Fil: Errecalde, Alejandro Martín. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Errecalde, Alejandro Martín. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Zecchin de Fasano, Graciela Cristina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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La traducción se planta como el medio para que un público ajeno a la lengua de origen de un texto pueda acceder a él. En el caso de la poesía, debido a su difícil traducción y a su escasa publicación, la problemática de la traducción se torna doble. A partir de entonces, la presentación de una antología poética argentina en inglés como carta de presentación de la literatura nacional en el mundo resulta una obra interesante en cuanto a sus contenidos y repercusiones en el canon internacional


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La traducción se planta como el medio para que un público ajeno a la lengua de origen de un texto pueda acceder a él. En el caso de la poesía, debido a su difícil traducción y a su escasa publicación, la problemática de la traducción se torna doble. A partir de entonces, la presentación de una antología poética argentina en inglés como carta de presentación de la literatura nacional en el mundo resulta una obra interesante en cuanto a sus contenidos y repercusiones en el canon internacional


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Fil: Errecalde, Alejandro Martín. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.