934 resultados para Time-domain Method
A novel all-optical time domain regeneration technique using nonlinear pulse broadening and flattening in normal dispersion fiber and subsequent temporal slicing by an amplitude modulator (or a device performing a similar function) is proposed. Substantial suppression of the timing jitter of jitter-degraded optical signals is demonstrated using the proposed approach.
A novel all-optical time domain regeneration technique using nonlinear pulse broadening and flattening in normal dispersion fiber and subsequent temporal slicing by an amplitude modulator (or a device performing a similar function) is proposed. Substantial suppression of the timing jitter of jitter-degraded optical signals is demonstrated using the proposed approach. © 2005 IEEE.
A distributed fiber sensing system based on ultraweak FBGs (UWFBGs) assisted polarization optical time-domain reflectometry (POTDR) is proposed for load and vibration sensing with improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and sensitivity. UWFBGs with reflectivity higher than Rayleigh scattering coefficient per pulse are induced into a POTDR system to increase the intensity of the back signal. The performance improvement of the system has been studied. The numerical analysis has shown that the SNR and sensitivity of the system can be effectively improved by integrating UWFBGs along the whole sensing fiber, which has been clearly proven by the experiment. The experimental results have shown that by using UWFBGs with 1.1 x 10-5 reflectivity and 10-m interval distance, the SNR is improved by 11 dB, and the load and vibration sensitivities of the POTDR are improved by about 10.7 and 9 dB, respectively.
During the last decade, microfabrication of photonic devices by means of intense femtosecond (fs) laser pulses has emerged as a novel technology. A common requirement for the production of these devices is that the refractive index modification pitch size should be smaller than the inscribing wavelength. This can be achieved by making use of the nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses. Nonlinear propagation of intense fs laser pulses is an extremely complicated phenomenon featuring complex multiscale spatiotemporal dynamics of the laser pulses. We have utilized a principal approach based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) modeling of the full set of Maxwell's equations coupled to the conventional Drude model for generated plasma. Nonlinear effects are included, such as self-phase modulation and multiphoton absorption. Such an approach resolves most problems related to the inscription of subwavelength structures, when the paraxial approximation is not applicable to correctly describe the creation of and scattering on the structures. In a representative simulation of the inscription process, the signature of degenerate four wave mixing has been found. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
BACKGROUND: Contrast detection is an important aspect of the assessment of visual function; however, clinical tests evaluate limited spatial frequencies and contrasts. This study validates the accuracy and inter-test repeatability of a swept-frequency near and distance mobile app Aston contrast sensitivity test, which overcomes this limitation compared to traditional charts. METHOD: Twenty subjects wearing their full refractive correction underwent contrast sensitivity testing on the new near application (near app), distance app, CSV-1000 and Pelli-Robson charts with full correction and with vision degraded by 0.8 and 0.2 Bangerter degradation foils. In addition repeated measures using the 0.8 occluding foil were taken. RESULTS: The mobile apps (near more than distance, p = 0.005) recorded a higher contrast sensitivity than printed tests (p < 0.001); however, all charts showed a reduction in measured contrast sensitivity with degradation (p < 0.001) and a similar decrease with increasing spatial frequency (interaction > 0.05). Although the coefficient of repeatability was lowest for the Pelli-Robson charts (0.14 log units), the mobile app charts measured more spatial frequencies, took less time and were more repeatable (near: 0.26 to 0.37 log units; distance: 0.34 to 0.39 log units) than the CSV-1000 (0.30 to 0.93 log units). The duration to complete the CSV-1000 was 124 ± 37 seconds, Pelli-Robson 78 ± 27 seconds, near app 53 ± 15 seconds and distance app 107 ± 36 seconds. CONCLUSIONS: While there were differences between charts in contrast levels measured, the new Aston near and distance apps are valid, repeatable and time-efficient method of assessing contrast sensitivity at multiple spatial frequencies.
We experimentally demonstrate Anderson localization for optical pulses in time domain, using a photonic mesh lattice implemented with coupled optical fiber loops. We also discuss interplay of photonic band-gaps and disorder in such lattices. © OSA 2015.
Background: Electrosurgery units are widely employed in modern surgery. Advances in technology have enhanced the safety of these devices, nevertheless, accidental burns are still regularly reported. This study focuses on possible causes of sacral burns as complication of the use of electrosurgery. Burns are caused by local densifications of the current, but the actual pathway of current within patient's body is unknown. Numerical electromagnetic analysis can help in understanding the issue. Methods: To this aim, an accurate heterogeneous model of human body (including seventy-seven different tissues), electrosurgery electrodes, operating table and mattress was build to resemble a typical surgery condition. The patient lays supine on the mattress with the active electrode placed onto the thorax and the return electrode on his back. Common operating frequencies of electrosurgery units were considered. Finite Difference Time Domain electromagnetic analysis was carried out to compute the spatial distribution of current density within the patient's body. A differential analysis by changing the electrical properties of the operating table from a conductor to an insulator was also performed. Results: Results revealed that distributed capacitive coupling between patient body and the conductive operating table offers an alternative path to the electrosurgery current. The patient's anatomy, the positioning and the different electromagnetic properties of tissues promote a densification of the current at the head and sacral region. In particular, high values of current density were located behind the sacral bone and beneath the skin. This did not occur in the case of non-conductive operating table. Conclusion: Results of the simulation highlight the role played from capacitive couplings between the return electrode and the conductive operating table. The concentration of current density may result in an undesired rise in temperature, originating burns in body region far from the electrodes. This outcome is concordant with the type of surgery-related sacral burns reported in literature. Such burns cannot be immediately detected after surgery, but appear later and can be confused with bedsores. In addition, the dosimetric analysis suggests that reducing the capacity coupling between the return electrode and the operating table can decrease or avoid this problem. © 2013 Bifulco et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
We present novel Terahertz (THz) emitting optically pumped Quantum Dot (QD) photoconductive (PC) materials and antenna structures on their basis both for pulsed and CW pumping regimes. Full text Quantum dot and microantenna design - Presented here are design considerations for the semiconductor materials in our novel QD-based photoconductive antenna (PCA) structures, metallic microantenna designs, and their implementation as part of a complete THz source or transceiver system. Layers of implanted QDs can be used for the photocarrier lifetime shortening mechanism[1,2]. In our research we use InAs:GaAs QD structures of varying dot layer number and distributed Bragg reflector(DBR)reflectivity range. According to the observed dependence of carrier lifetimes on QD layer periodicity [3], it is reasonable to assume that electron lifetimes can be potentially reduced down to 0.45ps in such structures. Both of these features; long excitation wavelength and short carriers lifetime predict possible feasibility of QD antennas for THz generation and detection. In general, relatively simple antenna configurations were used here, including: coplanar stripline (CPS); Hertzian-type dipoles; bow-ties for broadband and log-spiral(LS)or log-periodic(LP)‘toothed’ geometriesfor a CW operation regime. Experimental results - Several lasers are used for antenna pumping: Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser, as well as single-[4], double-[5] wavelength, and pulsed [6] QD lasers. For detection of the THz signal different schemes and devices were used, e.g. helium-cooled bolometer, Golay cell and a second PCA for coherent THz detection in a traditional time-domain measurement scheme.Fig.1shows the typical THz output power trend from a 5 um-gap LPQD PCA pumped using a tunable QD LD with optical pump spectrum shown in (b). Summary - QD-based THz systems have been demonstrated as a feasible and highly versatile solution. The implementation of QD LDs as pump sources could be a major step towards ultra-compact, electrically controllable transceiver system that would increase the scope of data analysis due to the high pulse repetition rates of such LDs [3], allowing real-time THz TDS and data acquisition. Future steps in development of such systems now lie in the further investigation of QD-based THz PCA structures and devices, particularly with regards to their compatibilitywith QD LDs as pump sources. [1]E. U. Rafailov et al., “Fast quantum-dot saturable absorber for passive mode-locking of solid-State lasers,”Photon.Tech.Lett., IEEE, vol. 16 pp. 2439-2441(2004) [2]E. Estacio, “Strong enhancement of terahertz emission from GaAs in InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures. Appl.Phys.Lett., vol. 94 pp. 232104 (2009) [3]C. Kadow et al., “Self-assembled ErAs islands in GaAs: Growth and subpicosecond carrier dynamics,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 75 pp. 3548-3550 (1999) [4]T. Kruczek, R. Leyman, D. Carnegie, N. Bazieva, G. Erbert, S. Schulz, C. Reardon, and E. U. Rafailov, “Continuous wave terahertz radiation from an InAs/GaAs quantum-dot photomixer device,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 101(2012) [5]R. Leyman, D. I. Nikitichev, N. Bazieva, and E. U. Rafailov, “Multimodal spectral control of a quantum-dot diode laser for THz difference frequency generation,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 99 (2011) [6]K.G. Wilcox, M. Butkus, I. Farrer, D.A. Ritchie, A. Tropper, E.U. Rafailov, “Subpicosecond quantum dot saturable absorber mode-locked semiconductor disk laser, ” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol 94, 2511 © 2014 IEEE.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): J.2.
The theory and experimental applications of optical Airy beams are in active development recently. The Airy beams are characterised by very special properties: they are non-diffractive and propagate along parabolic trajectories. Among the striking applications of the optical Airy beams are optical micro-manipulation implemented as the transport of small particles along the parabolic trajectory, Airy-Bessel linear light bullets, electron acceleration by the Airy beams, plasmonic energy routing. The detailed analysis of the mathematical aspects as well as physical interpretation of the electromagnetic Airy beams was done by considering the wave as a function of spatial coordinates only, related by the parabolic dependence between the transverse and the longitudinal coordinates. Their time dependence is assumed to be harmonic. Only a few papers consider a more general temporal dependence where such a relationship exists between the temporal and the spatial variables. This relationship is derived mostly by applying the Fourier transform to the expressions obtained for the harmonic time dependence or by a Fourier synthesis using the specific modulated spectrum near some central frequency. Spatial-temporal Airy pulses in the form of contour integrals is analysed near the caustic and the numerical solution of the nonlinear paraxial equation in time domain shows soliton shedding from the Airy pulse in Kerr medium. In this paper the explicitly time dependent solutions of the electromagnetic problem in the form of time-spatial pulses are derived in paraxial approximation through the Green's function for the paraxial equation. It is shown that a Gaussian and an Airy pulse can be obtained by applying the Green's function to a proper source current. We emphasize that the processes in time domain are directional, which leads to unexpected conclusions especially for the paraxial approximation.
We investigated 50 young patients with a diagnosis of Rolandic Epilepsy (RE) for the presence of abnormalities in autonomic tone compared with 50 young patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy with absences and 50 typically developing children of comparable age. We analyzed time domain (N-N interval, pNN50) and frequency domain (High Frequency (HF), Low Frequency (LF) and LF/HF ratio) indices from ten-minute resting EKG activity. Patients with RE showed significantly higher HF and lower LF power and lower LF/HF ratio than controls, independent of the epilepsy group, and did not show significant differences in any other autonomic index with respect to the two control groups. In RE, we found a negative relationship between both seizure load and frequency of sleep interictal EEG abnormalities with parasympathetic drive levels. These changes might be the expression of adaptive mechanisms to prevent the excessive sympathetic drive seen in patients with refractory epilepsies. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.
Fluctuation-induced escape (FIE) from a metastable state with probability controlled by external force is a process inherent in many physical phenomena such as diffusion in crystals, protein folding, activated chemical reactions etc. [1-3]. In this work we present a novel example of FIE problem, considering a very practical nonlinear system recently emerged in the area of fibre telecommunications. Unlike the standard FIE problems where noise is time-dependent, in fibre Raman amplifier (FRA) the role of noise is played by frozen fluctuations of parameters (random birefringence) along the fibre span which result from the breaking of cylindrical symmetry during the fibre drawing [4-6]. The role of periodic forcing in this problem is played by the periodic fibre spinning, leading to key model that is formally similar to the time-domain equations for periodically forced escape [1-3]. © 2011 IEEE.
We review some recent results on the application of distributed Raman amplification schemes, including ultralong lasers, to the extension of the operating range and contrast in Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) distributed sensing systems. © 2010 IEEE.
It is shown that an electromagnetic wave equation in time domain is reduced in paraxial approximation to an equation similar to the Schrodinger equation but in which the time and space variables play opposite roles. This equation has solutions in form of time-varying pulses with the Airy function as an envelope. The pulses are generated by a source point with an Airy time varying field and propagate in vacuum preserving their shape and magnitude. The motion is according to a quadratic law with the velocity changing from infinity at the source point to zero in infinity. These one-dimensional results are extended to the 3D+time case when a similar Airy-Bessel pulse is excited by the field at a plane aperture. The same behaviour of the pulses, the non-diffractive preservation and their deceleration, is found. © 2011 IEEE.
We make an comprehensive experimental and theoretical study of an effect of localization of light in photonic lattices realized in time domain with random optical potential. We show that localization occurs in whole range of disorder strength in full agreement with Anderson localization in 1D model. The disorder influence on modes structure is also discussed.