884 resultados para TiO2 modification
El gran desarrollo industrial y demográfico de las últimas décadas ha dado lugar a un consumo crecientemente insostenible de energía y materias primas, que influye negativamente en el ambiente por la gran cantidad de contaminantes generados. Entre las emisiones tienen gran importancia los compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV), y entre ellos los compuestos halogenados como el tricloroetileno, debido a su elevada toxicidad y resistencia a la degradación. Las tecnologías generalmente empleadas para la degradación de estos compuestos presentan inconvenientes derivados de la generación de productos tóxicos intermedios o su elevado coste. Dentro de los procesos avanzados de oxidación (Advanced Oxidation Processes AOP), la fotocatálisis resulta una técnica atractiva e innovadora de interés creciente en su aplicación para la eliminación de multitud de compuestos orgánicos e inorgánicos, y se ha revelado como una tecnología efectiva en la eliminación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles clorados como el tricloroetileno. Además, al poder aprovechar la luz solar como fuente de radiación UV permite una reducción significativa de costes energéticos y de operación. Los semiconductores más adecuados para su empleo como fotocatalizadores con aprovechamiento de la luz solar son aquellos que tienen una banda de energía comparable a la de los fotones de luz visible o, en su defecto, de luz ultravioleta A (Eg < 3,5 eV), siendo el más empleado el dióxido de titanio (TiO2). El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el estudio de polímeros orgánicos comerciales como soporte para el TiO2 en fotocatálisis heterogénea y su ensayo para la eliminación de tricloroetileno en aire. Para ello, se han evaluado sus propiedades ópticas y su resistencia a la fotodegradación, y se ha optimizado la fijación del fotocatalizador para conseguir un recubrimiento homogéneo, duradero y con elevada actividad fotocatalítica en diversas condiciones de operación. Los materiales plásticos ensayados fueron el polietileno (PE), copolímero de etil vinil acetato con distintos aditivos (EVA, EVA-H y EVA-SH), polipropileno (PP), polimetil (metacrilato) fabricado en colada y extrusión (PMMA-C y PMMA-E), policarbonato compacto y celular (PC-C y PC-Ce), polivinilo rígido y flexible (PVC-R y PVC-F), poliestireno (PS) y poliésteres (PET y PETG). En base a sus propiedades ópticas se seleccionaron el PP, PS, PMMA-C, EVA-SH y PVC-R, los cuales mostraron un valor de transmitancia superior al 80% en el entorno de la región estudiada (λ=365nm). Para la síntesis del fotocatalizador se empleó la tecnología sol-gel y la impregnación multicapa de los polímeros seleccionados por el método de dip-coating con secado intermedio a temperaturas moderadas. Con el fin de evaluar el envejecimiento de los polímeros bajo la radiación UV, y el efecto sobre éste del recubrimiento fotoactivo, se realizó un estudio en una cámara de exposición a la luz solar durante 150 días, evaluándose la resistencia química y la resistencia mecánica. Los resultados de espectroscopía infrarroja y del test de tracción tras el envejecimiento revelaron una mayor resistencia del PMMA y una degradación mayor en el PS, PVC-R y EVA SH, con una apreciable pérdida del recubrimiento en todos los polímeros. Los fotocatalizadores preparados sobre soportes sin tratamiento y con tres capas de óxido de titanio mostraron mejores resultados de actividad con PMMA-C, PET y PS, con buenos resultados de mineralización. Para conseguir una mayor y mejor fijación de la película al soporte se realizaron tratamientos químicos abrasivos con H2SO4 y NaOH y tratamientos de funcionalización superficial por tecnología de plasma a presión atmosférica (APP) y a baja presión (LPP). Con los tratamientos de plasma se consiguió una excelente mojabilidad de los soportes, que dio lugar a una distribución uniforme y más abundante del fotocatalizador, mientras que con los tratamientos químicos no se obtuvo una mejora significativa. Asimismo, se prepararon fotocatalizadores con una capa previa de dióxido de silicio con la intervención de surfactantes (PDDA-SiO2-3TiO2 y SiO2FC-3TiO2), consiguiéndose buenas propiedades de la película en todos los casos. Los mejores resultados de actividad con tratamiento LPP y tres capas de TiO2 se lograron con PMMA-C (91% de conversión a 30 ppm de TCE y caudal 200 ml·min-1) mejorando significativamente también la actividad fotocatalítica en PVC-R y PS. Sin embargo, el material más activo de todos los ensayados fue el PMMA-C con el recubrimiento SiO2FC-3TiO2, logrando el mejor grado de mineralización, del 45%, y una velocidad de 1,89 x 10-6 mol· m-2 · s-1, que dio lugar a la eliminación del 100 % del tricloroetileno en las condiciones anteriormente descritas. A modo comparativo se realizaron ensayos de actividad con otro contaminante orgánico tipo, el formaldehído, cuya degradación fotocatalítica fue también excelente (100% de conversión y 80% de mineralización con 24 ppm de HCHO en un caudal de aire seco de 200 ml·min-1). Los buenos resultados de actividad obtenidos confirman las enormes posibilidades que ofrecen los polímeros transparentes en el UV-A como soportes del dióxido de titanio para la eliminación fotocatalítica de contaminantes en aire. ABSTRACT The great industrial and demographic development of recent decades has led to an unsustainable increase of energy and raw materials consumption that negatively affects the environment due to the large amount of waste and pollutants generated. Between emissions generated organic compounds (VOCs), specially the halogenated ones such as trichloroethylene, are particularly important due to its high toxicity and resistance to degradation. The technologies generally used for the degradation of these compounds have serious inconveniences due to the generation of toxic intermediates turn creating the problem of disposal besides the high cost. Among the advanced oxidation processes (AOP), photocatalysis is an attractive and innovative technique with growing interest in its application for the removal of many organic and inorganic compounds, and has emerged as an effective technology in eliminating chlorinated organic compounds such as trichloroethylene. In addition, as it allows the use of sunlight as a source of UV radiation there is a significant reduction of energy costs and operation. Semiconductors suitable to be used as photocatalyst activated by sunlight are those having an energy band comparable to that of the visible or UV-A light (Eg <3,5 eV), being titanium dioxide (TiO2), the most widely used. The main objective of this study is the test of commercial organic polymers as supports for TiO2 to be applied in heterogeneous photocatalysis and its assay for removing trichloroethylene in air. To accomplish that, its optical properties and resistance to photooxidation have been evaluated, and different operating conditions have been tested in order to optimize the fixation of the photocatalyst to obtain a homogeneous coating, with durable and high photocatalytic activity. The plastic materials tested were: polyethylene (PE), ethyl vinyl acetace copolymers with different additives (EVA, EVA-H and EVA -SH), polypropylene (PP), poly methyl (methacrylate) manufactured by sheet moulding and extrusion (PMMA-C and PMMA-E), compact and cellular polycarbonates (PC-C PC-Ce), rigid and flexible polyvinyl chloride (PVC-R and PVC-F), polystyrene (PS) and polyesters (PET and PETG). On the basis of their optical properties PP, PS, PMMA-C, EVA-SH and PVC-R were selected, as they showed a transmittance value greater than 80% in the range of the studied region (λ = 365nm). For the synthesis of the photocatalyst sol-gel technology was employed with multilayers impregnation of the polymers selected by dip-coating, with intermediate TiO2 drying at moderate temperatures. To evaluate the polymers aging due to UV radiation, and the effect of photoactive coating thereon, a study in an sunlight exposure chamber for 150 days was performed, evaluating the chemical resistance and the mechanical strength. The results of infrared spectroscopy and tensile stress test after aging showed the PMMA is the most resistant sample, but a greater degradation in PS, PVC-R and EVA SH, with a visible loss of the coating in all the polymers tested. The photocatalysts prepared on the untreated substrates with three layers of TiO2 showed better activity results when PMMA-C, PET and PS where used. To achieve greater and better fixation of the film to the support, chemical abrasive treatments, with H2SO4 and NaOH, as well as surface functionalization treatments with atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) and low pressure plasma (LPP) technologies were performed. The plasma treatment showed the best results, with an excellent wettability of the substrates that lead to a better and uniform distribution of the photocatalyst compared to the chemical treatments tested, in which no significant improvement was obtained. Also photocatalysts were prepared with the a silicon dioxide previous layer with the help of surfactants (SiO2- 3TiO2 PDDA-and-3TiO2 SiO2FC), obtaining good properties of the film in all cases. The best activity results for LPP-treated samples with three layers of TiO2 were achieved with PMMA-C (91% conversion, in conditions of 30 ppm of TCE and 200 ml·min-1 air flow rate), with a significant improvement of the photocatalytic activity in PVC-R and PS samples too. However, among all the materials assayed, PMMA-C with SiO2FC-3TiO2 coating was the most active one, achieving the highest mineralization grade (45%) and a reaction rate of 1,89 x 10-6 mol· m-2 · s-1, with total trichloroethylene elimination in the same conditions. As a comparative assay, an activity test was also performed with another typical organic contaminant, formaldehyde, also with good results (100% conversion with 24 ppm of HCHO and 200 ml·min-1 gas flow rate). The good activity results obtained in this study confirm the great potential of organic polymers which are transparent in the UV-A as supports for titanium dioxide for photocatalytic removal of air organic pollutants.
This paper presents a new form of the one-dimensional Reynolds equation for lubricants whose rheological behaviour follows a modified Carreau rheological model proposed by Bair. The results of the shear stress and flow rate obtained through a new Reynolds–Carreau equation are shown and compared with the results obtained by other researchers.
Recientes publicaciones han mostrado propiedades fotocatalíticas interesantes en sistemas basados en TiO2 y ZnO. En unos casos hay presentes fases de ambos óxidos binarios en íntimo contacto [1] y en otros se tienen óxidos mixtos (titanatos de Zn) de distintas estequiometrías [2]; estos últimos, además, se han podido dopar con nitrógeno para obtener actividad con luz visible [3]. Las características electrónicas relevantes de estos sistemas (posición relativa de los niveles de ambas fases en el primero, estructura de bandas para los titanatos con o sin N) se conocen muy poco. Aquí se realiza un estudio teórico cuántico de estos materiales, usando para mayor exactitud funcionales híbridos (pues es sabido que la DFT estándar predice mal los bandgaps). Además se tienen en cuenta desarrollos teóricos recientes que permiten determinar ab initio, para semiconductores de gap alto, el coeficiente más adecuado de mezcla de intercambio HF [4, 5], y formular reglas para obtener con más exactitud el alineamiento de bandas que se establece a través de una interfaz [5, 6].
Eutectic temperature and composition in the CuO–TiO2 pseudobinary system have been experimentally determined in air by means differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetry (TG) and hot-stage microscopy (HSM). Samples of the new eutectic composition treated at different temperatures have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption near-edge structural spectroscopy (XANES) to identify phases and to determine the Cu valence state, respectively. The results show that the eutectic temperature in air is higher by 100 °C (∼1000 °C) for a Ti-richer composition (XTiO2=25 mol%) than the one calculated in the literature. The reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ takes places at about 1030 °C. The existence of Cu2TiO3 and Cu3TiO4 has been confirmed by XRD in the temperature range between 1045 and 1200 °C.
Background: Healthy diet and regular physical activity are powerful tools in reducing diabetes and cardiometabolic risk. Various international scientific and health organizations have advocated the use of new technologies to solve these problems. The PREDIRCAM project explores the contribution that a technological system could offer for the continuous monitoring of lifestyle habits and individualized treatment of obesity as well as cardiometabolic risk prevention. Methods: PREDIRCAM is a technological platform for patients and professionals designed to improve the effectiveness of lifestyle behavior modifications through the intensive use of the latest information and communication technologies. The platform consists of a web-based application providing communication interface with monitoring devices of physiological variables, application for monitoring dietary intake, ad hoc electronic medical records, different communication channels, and an intelligent notification system. A 2-week feasibility study was conducted in 15 volunteers to assess the viability of the platform. Results: The website received 244 visits (average time/session: 17 min 45 s). A total of 435 dietary intakes were recorded (average time for each intake registration, 4 min 42 s ± 2 min 30 s), 59 exercises were recorded in 20 heart rate monitor downloads, 43 topics were discussed through a forum, and 11 of the 15 volunteers expressed a favorable opinion toward the platform. Food intake recording was reported as the most laborious task. Ten of the volunteers considered long-term use of the platform to be feasible. Conclusions: The PREDIRCAM platform is technically ready for clinical evaluation. Training is required to use the platform and, in particular, for registration of dietary food intake.
TiO2 nanoparticles (TiO2NPs) prepared by the sol–gel method have been incorporated to cement paste with the aim of creating a photocatalytic system capable of compensating, through degradation of hazardous molecules, the envi- ronmental impact associated to the production of the clinker. Doping was carried out at different mass ratios with TiO2NPs precursor solutions within a fresh ce- ment paste, which was then characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The photocatalytic performance was evaluated by the degradation of Methylene Blue (MB) using a 125W UV lamp as irradiating source. Main cement properties such as hydration degree and C-S-H content are affected by TiO2NPs doping level. Cement containing TiO2NPs exhibited an increasing photocatalytic activity for increasing doping, while the pure cement paste control could hardly degrade MB. The kinetics of the system where also studied and their second order behavior related to microstructural aspects of the system.
Los altos niveles de emisión de contaminantes en las grandes ciudades son causa principal de la suciedad y deterioro de la imagen estética de las edificaciones que las conforman y de la mala calidad del aire. Indudablemente, lo primordial es reducir al máximo dichas emisiones, y hoy en día ya se tratan de reducir por debajo de los límites tolerables a la salud, pero esta reducción sigue siendo insuficiente ante el deterioro estético de los edificios que requieren de intervenciones periódicas de limpieza con el consiguiente gasto. El trabajo trata de investigar y acotar los mecanismos fotocatalíticos por los que el TiO2 confiere propiedades autolimpiantes, descontaminantes y antifúngicos en materiales a base de cemento. Se trata de definir la influencia de la concentración de TiO2 y los mecanismos de activación fotocatalítica mediante luz visible y luz ultra violeta; implementación hidrófoba de la superficie; rendimientos autolimpiantes, descontaminantes y su duración e influencia en las propiedades mecánicas de la matriz. En primer lugar se revisa la situación actual en las investigaciones sobre las propiedades autolimpiantes que el TiO2 desarrolla sobre diversos materiales. A partir de ahí se han definido los procedimientos y dosificaciones teóricas más adecuadas para poder experimentar en el laboratorio, y poder discutir los resultados. Para poder evaluar la influencia del TiO2 en los materiales a base de cemento se han realizado una serie de probetas de mortero de cemento con diferentes concentraciones de TiO2 que se comparan con otras realizadas con un mortero convencional de referencia. Se realiza una campaña experimental que incluye: ensayos de resistencia, porosimetría, análisis y térmico diferencial, para evaluar su influencia en la estructura interna; ensayos de ángulo de escurrimiento, ángulo de contacto y auto limpieza, sin y con activación del TiO2 bajo rayos UV para poder evaluar el mecanismo fotocatalítico y el incremento de actividad de la auto limpieza. Una vez realizados los ensayos se ha procedido a analizar los resultados y a partir de ellos se han obtenido conclusiones acerca de la influencia del TiO2 en la matriz cementícia, así como de sus efectos en términos de auto limpieza. Finalmente, se proponen unas líneas de investigación futuras con el fin de poder profundizar más en la evaluación del rendimiento de los procesos fotocatalíticos que rigen su comportamiento y en el análisis de otros materiales que produzcan el del mismo efecto en la superficie cementícia y con el propósito también de poder explicar fenómenos que hayan podido quedar insuficientemente tratados en el presente trabajo.
An engineering modification of blade element/momentum theory is applied to describe the vertical autorotation of helicopter rotors. A full non‐linear aerodynamic model is considered for the airfoils, taking into account the dependence of lift and drag coefficients on both the angle of attack and the Reynolds number. The proposed model, which has been validated in previous work, has allowed the identification of different autorotation modes, which depend on the descent velocity and the twist of the rotor blades. These modes present different radial distributions of driven and driving blade regions, as well as different radial upwash/downwash patterns. The number of blade sections with zero tangential force, the existence of a downwash region in the rotor disk, the stability of the autorotation state, and the overall rotor autorotation efficiency, are all analyzed in terms of the flight velocity and the characteristics of the rotor. It is shown that, in vertical autorotation, larger blade twist leads to smaller values of descent velocity for a given thrust generated by the rotor in the autorotational state.
An engineering modification of blade element/momentum theory is applied to describe the vertical autorotation of helicopter rotors. A full non-linear aerodynamic model is considered for the airfoils, taking into account the dependence of lift and drag coefficients on both the angle of attack and the Reynolds number. The proposed model, which has been validated in previous work, has allowed the identification of different autorotation modes, which depend on the descent velocity and the twist of the rotor blades. These modes present different radial distributions of driven and driving blade regions, as well as different radial upwash/downwash patterns. The number of blade sections with zero tangential force, the existence of a downwash region in the rotor disk, the stability of the autorotation state, and the overall rotor autorotation efficiency, are all analyzed in terms of the flight velocity and the characteristics of the rotor. It is shown that, in vertical autorotation, larger blade twist leads to smaller values of descent velocity for a given thrust generated by the rotor in the autorotational state.
Posttranslational modifications such as ubiquitination and phosphorylation play an important role in the regulation of cellular protein function. Homeodomain-interacting protein kinase 2 (HIPK2) is a member of the recently identified family of nuclear protein kinases that act as corepressors for homeodomain transcription factors. Here, we show that HIPK2 is regulated by a ubiquitin-like protein, SUMO-1. We demonstrate that HIPK2 localizes to nuclear speckles (dots) by means of a speckle-retention signal. This speckle-retention signal contains a domain that interacts with a mouse ubiquitin-like protein conjugating (E2) enzyme, mUBC9. In cultured cells, HIPK2 is covalently modified by SUMO-1, and the SUMO-1 modification of HIPK2 correlates with its localization to nuclear speckles (dots). Thus, our results provide firm evidence that the nuclear protein kinase HIPK2 can be covalently modified by SUMO-1, which directs its localization to nuclear speckles (dots).
Viral proteins are not naturally selected for high affinity major histocompatibility complex (MHC) binding sequences; indeed, if there is any selection, it is likely to be negative in nature. Thus, one should be able to increase viral peptide binding to MHC in the rational design of synthetic peptide vaccines. The T1 helper peptide from the HIV-1 envelope protein was made more immunogenic for inducing T cell proliferation to the native sequence by replacing a residue that exerts an adverse influence on peptide binding to an MHC class II molecule. Mice immunized with vaccine constructs combining the more potent Th helper (Th) epitope with a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) determinant developed greatly enhanced CTL responses. Use of class II MHC-congenic mice confirmed that the enhancement of CTL response was due to class II-restricted help. Thus, enhanced T cell help is key for optimal induction of CTL, and, by modification of the native immunogen to increase binding to MHC, it is possible to develop second generation vaccine constructs that enhance both Th cell activation and CTL induction.
In sulfatases a Cα-formylglycine residue is found at a position where their cDNA sequences predict a cysteine residue. In multiple sulfatase deficiency, an inherited lysosomal storage disorder, catalytically inactive sulfatases are synthesized which retain the cysteine residue, indicating that the Cα-formylglycine residue is required for sulfatase activity. Using in vitro translation in the absence or presence of transport competent microsomes we found that newly synthesized sulfatase polypeptides carry a cysteine residue and that the oxidation of its thiol group to an aldehyde is catalyzed in the endoplasmic reticulum. A linear sequence of 16 residues surrounding the Cys-69 in arylsulfatase A is sufficient to direct the oxidation. This novel protein modification occurs after or at a late stage of cotranslational protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum when the polypeptide is not yet folded to its native structure.
During reverse transcription of retroviral RNA, synthesis of (−) strand DNA is primed by a cellular tRNA that anneals to an 18-nt primer binding site within the 5′ long terminal repeat. For (+) strand synthesis using a (−) strand DNA template linked to the tRNA primer, only the first 18 nt of tRNA are replicated to regenerate the primer binding site, creating the (+) strand strong stop DNA intermediate and providing a 3′ terminus capable of strand transfer and further elongation. On model HIV templates that approximate the (−) strand linked to natural modified or synthetic unmodified tRNA3Lys, we find that a (+) strand strong stop intermediate of the proper length is generated only on templates containing the natural, modified tRNA3Lys, suggesting that a posttranscriptional modification provides the termination signal. In the presence of a recipient template, synthesis after strand transfer occurs only from intermediates generated from templates containing modified tRNA3Lys. Reverse transcriptase from Moloney murine leukemia virus and avian myoblastosis virus shows the same requirement for a modified tRNA3Lys template. Because all retroviral tRNA primers contain the same 1-methyl-A58 modification, our results suggest that 1-methyl-A58 is generally required for termination of replication 18 nt into the tRNA sequence, generating the (+) strand intermediate, strand transfer, and subsequent synthesis of the entire (+) strand. The possibility that the host methyl transferase responsible for methylating A58 may provide a target for HIV chemotherapy is discussed.
Peroxynitrite-dependent formation of nitrotyrosine has been associated with inactivation of various enzymes and proteins possessing functionally important tyrosines. We have previously reported an enzymatic activity modifying the nitrotyrosine residues in nitrated proteins. Here we are describing a nonenzymatic reduction of nitrotyrosine to aminotyrosine, which depends on heme and thiols. Various heme-containing proteins can mediate the reaction, although the reaction also is catalyzed by heme. The reaction is most effective when vicinal thiols are used as reducing agents, although ascorbic acid also can replace thiols with lesser efficiency. The reaction could be inhibited by (z)-1-[2-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl)amino]diazen-1-ium-1, but not other tested NO donors. HPLC with electrochemical detection analysis of the reaction identified aminotyrosine as the only reaction product. The reduction of nitrotyrosine was most effective at a pH close to physiological and was markedly decreased in acidic conditions. Various nitrophenol compounds also were modified in this reaction. Understanding the mechanism of this reaction could help define the enzymatic modification of nitrotyrosine-containing proteins. Furthermore, this also could assist in understanding the role of nitrotyrosine formation and reversal in the regulation of various proteins containing nitrotyrosine. It also could help define the role of nitric oxide and other reactive species in various disease states.
In general, the transcriptional competence of a chromatin domain is correlated with increased sensitivity to DNase I cleavage. A recent observation that actively transcribing RNA polymerase II piggybacks a histone acetyltranferase activity [Wittschieben, B., Otero, G., de Bizemont, T., Fellows, J., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Ohba, R., Li, Y., Allis, C. D., Tempst, P. & Svejstrup, J. Q. (1999) Mol. Cell 4, 123–128] implies that the state of histone acetylation, and hence the ability of chromatin to fold, can be altered by a processive mechanism. In this article, it is proposed that tracking-mediated chromatin modification could create and/or maintain an open configuration in a complete chromatin domain including both intra- and extragenic regions. This mechanism suggests a putative functional role for the extragenic transcription observed at the β-globin and other loci in vertebrate cells.