999 resultados para Thévenot, Arsène (1828-19..)
This year, IFLA's World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) was held in Durban, South Africa, under the title ¿Libraries for the future: progress, development and partnerships¿. The association thus continued its policy of holding the event in different continents: Buenos Aires (South America) 2004, Oslo (Europe) 2005, Seoul (Asia) 2006, Durban (Africa) 2007, Quebec (North America) 2008, Milan (Europe) 2009 and Brisbane (Oceania) 2010.
Après avoir complété la nomenclature par lettres des différents caryotypes des musaraignes du genre Sorex rattachées au groupe araneus, lequel est caractérisé par un trivalent sexuel, les auteurs discutent le statut taxonomique du type A. Sur la base de l'examen cytologique et morphologique de 3 individus, récoltés dans la localité type de Sorex coronatus Millet, 1828,ils proposent ce nom pour désigner l'espèce chromosomique A. Sorex gemellus Ott, 1968 tombe alors en synonymie. L'espèce est décrite et le statut des sous-espèces reconnues dans son aire de distribution examiné.
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the State University of Iowa BuildUI System for the period June 14, 2010 through July 19, 2010
Highlights: * New Iowan Center 10th Anniversary Open House........................................pg. 2 * New ICAP Workforce Services Center Held Open House.............................pg. 2 * Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS Hosts Career Fair...............................................pg. 3 * New Hours for Washington IowaWORKS office.............................pg. 3 * Regional Update.................................pg. 4 * Regional Veteran’s Day Events & Photos ...............................................pg. 5
The objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of ultrasound scanning to the prenatal detection of trisomy 21 in a large unselected European population. Data from 19 congenital malformation registers in 11 European countries were included. The prenatal ultrasound screening programs in the countries ranged from no routine screening to three ultrasound investigations per patient. Routine serum screening was offered in four of the 11 countries and routine screening on the basis of maternal age amniocentesis in all. The results show that overall 53% of cases of trisomy 21 were detected prenatally with a range from 3% in Lithuania to 88% in Paris. Ninety-eight percent of women whose babies were diagnosed before 24 weeks gestation chose to terminate the pregnancy. Centres/countries that offer serum screening do not have a significantly higher detection rate of trisomy 21 when compared to those that offer maternal age amniocentesis and anomaly scanning only. Fifty percent of trisomy 21 cases were born to women aged 35 years or more. In conclusions, second trimester ultrasound plays an important role in the prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21. Of those cases prenatally diagnosed, 64% of cases in women <35 years and 36% of those in women >or=35 years were detected because of an ultrasound finding. Ultrasound soft markers accounted for 84% of the scan diagnoses. There is evidence of increasing maternal age across Europe with 50% of cases of trisomy 21 born to women aged 35 years or more.
Source: Description: pKM-19 is a 1.0 kb EcoRI human genomic fragment inserted in pUC13, that detects a Scrfl (CC/NGG) RFLP (1, 2). We report here the primer sequences suitable for the detection of this RFLP by PCR...