1000 resultados para Tensão psicológica


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With the progress of devices technology, generation and use of energy ways, power quality parameters start to influence more significantly the various kinds of power consumers. Currently, there are many types of devices that analyze power quality. However, there is a need to create devices, and perform measurements and calculate parameters, find flaws, suggest changes, and to support the management of the installation. In addition, you must ensure that such devices are accessible. To maintain this balance, one magnitude measuring method should be used which does not require great resources processing or memory. The work shows that application of the Goertzel algorithm, compared with the commonly used FFT allows measurements to be made using much less hardware resources, available memory space to implement management functions. The first point of the work is the research of troubles that are more common for low voltage consumers. Then we propose the functional diagram indicate what will be measured, calculated, what problems will be detected and that solutions can be found. Through the Goertzel algorithm simulation using Scilab, is possible to calculate frequency components of a distorted signal with satisfactory results. Finally, the prototype is assembled and tests are carried out by adjusting the parameters necessary for one to maintain a reliable device without increasing its cost.


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Psychology is a relatively new scientific branch and still lacks consistent methodological foundation to support its investigations. Given its immaturity, this science finds difficulties to delimit its ontological status, which spawnes several epistemological and methodological misconceptions. Given this, Psychology failed to demarcate precisely its object of study, leading, thus, the emergence of numerous conceptions about the psychic, which resulted in the fragmentation of this science. In its constitution, psychological science inherited a complex philosophical problem: the mind-body issue. Therefore, to define their status, Psychology must still face this problem, seeking to elucidate what is the mind, the body and how they relate. In light of the importance of this issue to a strict demarcation of psychological object, it was sought in this research, to investigate the mind-body problem in the Phenomenological Psychology of Edith Stein (1891-1942), phenomenologist philosopher who undertook efforts for a foundation of Psychology. For that, the discussion was subsidized from the contributions of the Philosophy of Mind and the support of the phenomenological method to the mind-body problem. From there, by a qualitative bibliographical methodology, it sought to examine the problem of research through the analysis of some philosophical-psychological philosopher's works, named: "Psychic Causality” (Kausalität Psychische, 1922) and “Introduction to Philosophy" (Einführung in die Philosophie, 1920). For this investigation, it was made, without prejudice to the discussion, a terminological equivalence between the terms mind and psyche, as the philosopher used the latter to refer to the object of Psychology. It sought to examine, therefore, how Stein conceived the psyche, the body and the relationship between them. Although it wasn't the focus of the investigation, it also took into account the spiritual dimension, as the philosopher conceived the human person as consisting of three dimensions: body, psyche and spirit. Given this, Stein highlighted the causal mechanism of the psyche, which is based on the variations of the vital force that emerges from the vital sphere. In relation to the corporeal dimension, the philosopher, following the analysis of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), highlighted the dual aspect of the body, because it is at the same time something material (Körper) and also a linving body (Leib). On the face of it, it is understood that the psyche and the body are closely connected, so that it constitutes a dual-unit which is manifested in the Leib. This understanding of the problem psyche-mind/body provides a rich analysis of this issue, enabling the overcoming of some inconsistencies of the monistic and dualistic positions. Given this, it allows a strict elucidation of the Psychology object, contributing to the foundation of this science.


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The increasing demand in electricity and decrease forecast, increasingly, of fossil fuel reserves, as well as increasing environmental concern in the use of these have generated a concern about the quality of electricity generation, making it well welcome new investments in generation through alternative, clean and renewable sources. Distributed generation is one of the main solutions for the independent and selfsufficient generating systems, such as the sugarcane industry. This sector has grown considerably, contributing expressively in the production of electricity to the distribution networks. Faced with this situation, one of the main objectives of this study is to propose the implementation of an algorithm to detect islanding disturbances in the electrical system, characterized by situations of under- or overvoltage. The algorithm should also commonly quantize the time that the system was operating in these conditions, to check the possible consequences that will be caused in the electric power system. In order to achieve this it used the technique of wavelet multiresolution analysis (AMR) for detecting the generated disorders. The data obtained can be processed so as to be used for a possible predictive maintenance in the protection equipment of electrical network, since they are prone to damage on prolonged operation under abnormal conditions of frequency and voltage.


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O presente trabalho, destinou-se à validação do Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth - AFQ- Y( Greco, Baer, & Lambert, 2008), traduzido por Questionário de Evitamento Experiencial e Fusão Cognitiva para Adolescentes. Isto porque, na prática clínica, se verifica uma escassez de instrumentos de auto-resposta que avaliam estes contructos, caracterizadores da inflexibilidade psicológica. A amostra do nosso estudo consiste em 461 adolescentes, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos, a frequentar o 3º ciclo do ensino básio e ensino secundário de escolas situadas em meio rural e urbano. Para além do citado instrumento a validar, os jovens preencheram também outras medidas de sintomas psicopatológicos e de percepção do seu auto-conceito social; nomeadamente, o Inventário Depressivo para Crianças (CDI; Kovacs, 1985), a Escala Revista de Ansiedade Manifesta para Crianças (RCMAS; Reynolds & Richmond, 1978) e a Escala de Comparação Social (SCS; Allan, & Gilbert, 1995), bem como uma medida de um construto semelhante referente à aceitação e mindfulness em crianças(CAMM; Greco, Baer & Lambert, 2008). Os resultados obtidos mostram que o questionário possui uma boa consistência interna, uma adequada estabilidade temporal, assim como uma boa validade. Sugerem ainda tratar-se de uma escala unidimensional. Estes dados permitem o avanço da psicologia, no que diz respeito à prática clínica com adolescentes, nomeadamente no domínio das chamadas terapias de terceira geração em Portugal. São apresentados e discutidos os dados normativos para a população portuguesa. Não obstante às limitações apontadas, os resultados sugerem que o AFQ-Y é um questionário útil na avaliação da inflexibilidade psicológica em adolescentes. /


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O presente estudo de caso agregado teve como objetivo primordial avaliar em que medida os recursos terapêuticos utilizados durante o tempo de avaliação psicodiagnóstica (psicométrica e projetiva) das crianças encaminhadas para o serviço de psicologia escolar, tem impacto positivo na criança em processo de avaliação, no duplo plano comportamental e cognitivo. O protocolo da investigação foi composto por: desenho de família, WISC-III e CAT, com recurso a algumas sessões de ludoterapia. Os meios utilizados no processo de avaliação permitiram a superação de algumas dificuldades apresentadas pelas crianças, tendo sido, muito particularmente, identificados os contributos que a psicanálise e a psicologia psicodinâmica podem oferecer à psicopedagogia. / The main objective of this aggregated case study was the assessment of the impact of psycho-diagnostic evaluation (psychometric and projective testing) on the improvement of the school-aged children oriented to the cabinet of psychology of their school. The research protocol included: family picture test, WISC -III and CAT, plus some play therapy sessions. Some of the children overcame part of the learning and behavioral difficulties after the evaluation period. Such a result proves, most particularly, the contributions of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychology to psycho-pedagogy.


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O envelhecimento constitui-se como um fenómeno recente e universal nos países desenvolvidos. Assistimos simultaneamente ao aumento da prevalência de doenças crónicas, pelo que, é premente realizarem-se avaliações geriátricas eficazes, apostando-se em diagnósticos precoces e completos. Deste modo, na presente tese iremos debruçar-nos sobre a avaliação psicológica de adultos, com particular incidência na população idosa, apresentando alguns dos instrumentos mais utilizados para proceder a uma plena avaliação funcional, com enfoque nas pessoas com mais de 65 anos. / Aging constitutes a recent and universal phenomenon in the developed countries Simultaneously, we bear witness of the increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases being thus urgent to carry out effective geriatric assessments, focussing on early and comprehensive diagnoses. Thus, in this dissertation we shall address the adults' psychological evaluation with particular emphasis on the elderly population, presenting some of the most used instruments/tools to make a full functional assessment, with special focus on people over 65 years.


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Il lavoro di indagine che è stato sviluppato nella presente tesi è volto a valutare, attraverso metodi FEM, ossia tecniche numeriche computazionali, le sollecitazioni e le deformazioni che agiscono sul telaio di uno "Stampo", macchina che realizza l'operazione di calandratura della lamiera nella produzione di tubi di acciaio a saldatura elicoidale. In particolare l’analisi riportata in questo documento può ritenersi uno studio preliminare che ha lo scopo di creare un simulatore tenso-deformativo che permetta di realizzare un futuro lavoro di validazione del modello, quindi esso è stato realizzato nel modo più flessibile possibile, in modo che sia agevole, anche in un secondo tempo, introdurvi delle modifiche. Il Software utilizzato per la realizzazione dell'analisi FEM è Salomé-Meca accompagnato dal risolutore Code Aster. Oltre all'analisi sul Telaio dello Stampo si è effettuato uno studio preliminare, di validità generale, in cui si riportano in dettaglio le operazioni da effettuare per lo studio degli Assembly. In particolare è stato utilizzato il software Efficient per la creazione del file di comando.


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Este trabajo de graduación describe el diseño y aplicación de una propuesta de intervención psicológica en el colectivo deportivo juvenil de futbolistas categoría sub 19 del Club Deportivo Cuenca, comprende por lo tanto la investigación, el análisis y el estudio de los principales fundamentos contemporáneos de la psicopedagogía del deporte con énfasis especial en la caracterización psicológica de la preparación física, técnica y táctica del futbolista juvenil; así como las respectivas del psicodiagnóstico deportivo como referente evaluatorio de la preparación psicológica, las tensiones psíquicas excesivas como la principal situación problémica a solucionar y las recomendaciones psicológicas y psicohigiénicas como la herramienta fundamental de la propuesta de intervención; así arribamos a los objetivos propuestos y demostramos mediante este proyecto la validez de la preparación psicológica deportiva y la pertinencia del proyecto de intervención ejecutado


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrónica Industrial


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ABSTRACT Background: The school needs proficiar education able to meet the needs of every child regardless of the social and physical condition linguistically. Objective: This study aims to identify the sense of psychological belonging as a contribution to inclusive social education in the city of Arapiraca / al. Method: The methodology used to conduct this study was triangulated. The quantitative, descriptive and explorative, it was .desenvolvido at a school in Arapiraca - AL, in the period from January 2014 to March 2014, having been asked 38 students and their teachers with special necessidaes. With regard to the qualitative study was chosen for conducting interviews with teachers and students. Results: We questioned 38 students with special educational needs and 20 teachers, and it was found that 25% of teachers have specific training and 75% have no specific training. As for the students most had needs intellectual level. As for the teachers felt unprepared to meet students with special educational needs. On the other hand, it is important to note that among the students surveyed most are affected by stress and depression and reported that such things happen because you often see in the classroom in situations that do not know how to solve and when they seek help, found. Conclusion: The school, set in this context has an important role follow the changes, preparing their students more consciously to exercise citizenship by providing means proficionais skilled resources to this function. It is within the perspectiva of inclusive education we believe to achieve in the future, a society where everyone has their rights respected. The sense of psychological belonging experienced by educators in the classroom has special students is part of their lives. School social inclusion is a process that involves access, retention and success of students, but that requires a lot of educator and many times that is not prepared to answer all the expectations of the particular student. Focusing on the issue of the current situation that the public school experience, is undoubtedly recognize the need for changes in their practices. The search we are undertaking it is to carry on with this discussion in order to build the mission of educators grounded in a conscious inclusion within the educational possibilities available today. Key - words: Education. Inclusion. Citizenship. Psychological, Feeling of belonging.