886 resultados para Television scripts.
The relationship between the mass media and sport has reached a state of symbiosis. The great media companies and sports organizations have combined synergies to get the best return on their products, both communicationrelated and sports-related. To define this situation, some authors have spoken of the “new sport oligopoly” or of the “global media sports complex”. This article analyzes the formation of this complex based on real examples of financial relations between media companies and sports organizations and, finally, draws attention to how these relations took place in the Premier League during the 2009-2010 season, taking into account the fact that this was the European football league which consolidated the process of international commercialization the soonest, which has the most highly valued football brand (Manchester United) and which has the clubs that make the most money from television rights and commercials.
Many concepts have been developed to describe the convergence of media, languages, and formats in contemporary media systems. This article is a theoretical reflection on “transmedia storytelling” from a perspective that integrates semiotics and narratology in the context of media studies. After dealing with the conceptual chaos around transmedia storytelling, the article analyzes how these new multimodal narrative structures create different implicit consumers and construct a narrative world. The analysis includes a description of the multimedia textual structure created around the Fox television series 24. Finally, the article analyzes transmedia storytelling from the perspective of a semiotics of branding.
Previous research suggests that female physicians may not receive appropriate credit in patients' eyes for their patient-centered skills compared to their male counterparts. An experiment was conducted to determine whether a performance of higher (versus lower) verbal patient-centeredness would result in a greater difference in analogue patient satisfaction for male than female physicians. Two male and two female actors portrayed physicians speaking to a patient using high or low patient-centered scripts while not varying their nonverbal cues. One hundred ninety-two students served as analogue patients by assuming the patient role while watching one of the videos and rating their satisfaction and other evaluative responses to the physician. Greater verbal patient-centeredness had a stronger positive effect on satisfaction and evaluations for male than for female physicians. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis that the different associations between patient-centeredness and patients' satisfaction for male versus female physicians occur because of the overlap between stereotypical female behavior and behaviors that comprise patient-centered medical care. If this is the case, high verbal patient-centered behavior by female physicians is not recognized as a marker of clinical competence, as it is for male physicians, but is rather seen as expected female behavior.
This paper analyses the determinants of broadband Internet access prices in a group of 15 EU countries between 2008 and 2011. Using a rich panel dataset of broadband plans, we show the positive effect of downstream speed on prices, and report that cable and fibre-to-the-home technologies are available at lower prices per Mbps than x DSL technology. Operators’marketing strategies are also analysed as we show how much prices rise when the broadband service is offered in a bundle with voice telephony and/or television, and how much they fall when download volume caps are included. The most insightful results of this study are provided by a group of metrics that represent the situation of competition and entry patterns in the broadband market. We show that consumer segmentation positively affects prices. On the other hand, broadband prices are higher in countries where entrants make greater use of bitstream access and lower when they use more intensively direct access -local loop unbundling-. However, we do not find a significant effect of inter-platform competition on prices.
Current-day web search engines (e.g., Google) do not crawl and index a significant portion of theWeb and, hence, web users relying on search engines only are unable to discover and access a large amount of information from the non-indexable part of the Web. Specifically, dynamic pages generated based on parameters provided by a user via web search forms (or search interfaces) are not indexed by search engines and cannot be found in searchers’ results. Such search interfaces provide web users with an online access to myriads of databases on the Web. In order to obtain some information from a web database of interest, a user issues his/her query by specifying query terms in a search form and receives the query results, a set of dynamic pages that embed required information from a database. At the same time, issuing a query via an arbitrary search interface is an extremely complex task for any kind of automatic agents including web crawlers, which, at least up to the present day, do not even attempt to pass through web forms on a large scale. In this thesis, our primary and key object of study is a huge portion of the Web (hereafter referred as the deep Web) hidden behind web search interfaces. We concentrate on three classes of problems around the deep Web: characterization of deep Web, finding and classifying deep web resources, and querying web databases. Characterizing deep Web: Though the term deep Web was coined in 2000, which is sufficiently long ago for any web-related concept/technology, we still do not know many important characteristics of the deep Web. Another matter of concern is that surveys of the deep Web existing so far are predominantly based on study of deep web sites in English. One can then expect that findings from these surveys may be biased, especially owing to a steady increase in non-English web content. In this way, surveying of national segments of the deep Web is of interest not only to national communities but to the whole web community as well. In this thesis, we propose two new methods for estimating the main parameters of deep Web. We use the suggested methods to estimate the scale of one specific national segment of the Web and report our findings. We also build and make publicly available a dataset describing more than 200 web databases from the national segment of the Web. Finding deep web resources: The deep Web has been growing at a very fast pace. It has been estimated that there are hundred thousands of deep web sites. Due to the huge volume of information in the deep Web, there has been a significant interest to approaches that allow users and computer applications to leverage this information. Most approaches assumed that search interfaces to web databases of interest are already discovered and known to query systems. However, such assumptions do not hold true mostly because of the large scale of the deep Web – indeed, for any given domain of interest there are too many web databases with relevant content. Thus, the ability to locate search interfaces to web databases becomes a key requirement for any application accessing the deep Web. In this thesis, we describe the architecture of the I-Crawler, a system for finding and classifying search interfaces. Specifically, the I-Crawler is intentionally designed to be used in deepWeb characterization studies and for constructing directories of deep web resources. Unlike almost all other approaches to the deep Web existing so far, the I-Crawler is able to recognize and analyze JavaScript-rich and non-HTML searchable forms. Querying web databases: Retrieving information by filling out web search forms is a typical task for a web user. This is all the more so as interfaces of conventional search engines are also web forms. At present, a user needs to manually provide input values to search interfaces and then extract required data from the pages with results. The manual filling out forms is not feasible and cumbersome in cases of complex queries but such kind of queries are essential for many web searches especially in the area of e-commerce. In this way, the automation of querying and retrieving data behind search interfaces is desirable and essential for such tasks as building domain-independent deep web crawlers and automated web agents, searching for domain-specific information (vertical search engines), and for extraction and integration of information from various deep web resources. We present a data model for representing search interfaces and discuss techniques for extracting field labels, client-side scripts and structured data from HTML pages. We also describe a representation of result pages and discuss how to extract and store results of form queries. Besides, we present a user-friendly and expressive form query language that allows one to retrieve information behind search interfaces and extract useful data from the result pages based on specified conditions. We implement a prototype system for querying web databases and describe its architecture and components design.
El TFM ha consistit en participar i conèixer de prop tots el passos de desenvolupament d’una aplicació: elaboració d’un guió, realització de la part gràfica, programació i màrqueting. Per aquest motiu he realitzat unes hores de pràctiques a l'empresa Factoria Interactive SL. Durant aquest periòde vaig realitzar diversos guions per diferents apps relacionades amb continguts matemàtics i vaig participar en el programació de l'app "Dress up". I l'últim pas va consistir en penjar l'app a la botiga de Google Play. Per poder accedir a l'aplicació cal seguir el següent enllaç de Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.lafactoria.dressup&hl=es
Opinnäytetyö on monimuototyö, jonka teososa on synopsis minisarjaan Perhonen ja käsikirjoituksen ensimmäinen versio ensimmäisestä jaksosta. Tutkimus käsittelee televisiosarjan erityispiirteitä, mikä tekee minisarjasta televisiota eikä elokuvaa. Minisarja on jatkuvajuoninen, kohti sulkeumaa kulkeva televisiosarja, joka koostuu 3-6 jaksosta. Sen erottaa elokuvasta pidempi kesto. Pidemmän ajan ansiosta minisarjassa voi olla useampia henkilöitä ja juonia ja painotuksien vaihtelut voivat olla suurempia kuin elokuvassa. Muuten ne ovat rakenteeltaan hyvin samankaltaisia. Aluksi minisarjaa tarkastellaan omassa ympäristössään, televisiossa. Televisiosarjat voidaan jakaa järjestys- ja integraatiogenreihin sisällön mukaan ja series- tai serial-sarjoihin rakenteen mukaan. Minisarjassa pystytään yhdistämään elementtejä eri genreistä ja tyyleistä yhteen paremmin kuin muissa televisiosarjan lajeissa. Kolmannessa luvussa esitellään elokuvatutkija Syd Fieldin kolmen näytöksen rakenneteoria, jossa ensimmäinen näytös on esittelyjakso, toinen näytös on kehittelyjakso ja kolmannessa näytöksessä tapahtuu elokuvan ratkaisu. Näytöksien pituudet toteuttavat kaavaa 1:2:1. Tätä teoriaa käytetään hyväksi minisarjojen analyyseissä viimeisissä luvuissa. Analyysin kohteena ovat minisarjat Ilonen talo ja Fitz ratkaisee. Molemmat minisarjat toteuttavat Fieldin kaavaa sekä tarinan tasolla että jaksokohtaisesti. Erot rakenteessa ovat lähinnä viimeisten näytöksien sisällöissä. Minisarjan ja elokuvan samankaltaisuus näkyy myös siinä, että kumpikaan ei aseta suuria sisällöllisiä rajoja tarinassa. Minisarja tuntuu elokuvan tavoin kutsuvan muuta televisioviihdettä enemmän vielä tekijöitään ottamaan kantaa ja kokeileman uutta.
Context awareness is emerging on mobile devices. Context awareness can be used to improve usability of a mobile device. Context awareness is particularly important on mobile devices due the limitations they have. At first in this work, a literature review on context awareness and mobile environment is made. For aiding context awareness there exist an implementation of a Context Framework for Symbian S60 devices. It provides a possibility for exchanging the contexts inside the device between the client applications of the local Context Framework. The main contribution of this thesis is to design and implement an enhancement to the S60 Context Framework for providing possibility to exchange context over device boundaries. Using the implemented Context Exchange System, the context exchange is neither depending on the type of the context nor the type of the client. In addition, the clients and the contexts can reside on any interconnected device. The usage of the system is independent of the programming language since in addition to using only Symbian C++ function interfaces it can also be utilized using XML scripts. The Meeting Sniffer application, which uses the Context Exchange System, was also developed in this work. Using this application, it is possible to recognize a meeting situation and suggest device profile change to a user.
Es dissenya una eina per configurar Iptables en una distribució de xarxa. L'eina permet a través d'una interfície gràfica definir una tipologia de xarxa i generar automàticament els scripts de configuració.
This thesis considers aspects related to the design and standardisation of transmission systems for wireless broadcasting, comprising terrestrial and mobile reception. The purpose is to identify which factors influence the technical decisions and what issues could be better considered in the design process in order to assess different use cases, service scenarios and end-user quality. Further, the necessity of cross-layer optimisation for efficient data transmission is emphasised and means to take this into consideration are suggested. The work is mainly related terrestrial and mobile digital video broadcasting systems but many of the findings can be generalised also to other transmission systems and design processes. The work has led to three main conclusions. First, it is discovered that there are no sufficiently accurate error criteria for measuring the subjective perceived audiovisual quality that could be utilised in transmission system design. Means for designing new error criteria for mobile TV (television) services are suggested and similar work related to other services is recommended. Second, it is suggested that in addition to commercial requirements there should be technical requirements setting the frame work for the design process of a new transmission system. The technical requirements should include the assessed reception conditions, technical quality of service and service functionalities. Reception conditions comprise radio channel models, receiver types and antenna types. Technical quality of service consists of bandwidth, timeliness and reliability. Of these, the thesis focuses on radio channel models and errorcriteria (reliability) as two of the most important design challenges and provides means to optimise transmission parameters based on these. Third, the thesis argues that the most favourable development for wireless broadcasting would be a single system suitable for all scenarios of wireless broadcasting. It is claimed that there are no major technical obstacles to achieve this and that the recently published second generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting system provides a good basis. The challenges and opportunities of a universal wireless broadcasting system are discussed mainly from technical but briefly also from commercial and regulatory aspect
The social activity of nurse teacher – a part of teacherhood Every nurse teacher must know the current health policy in order to use it in teaching. The conception of the role of health policy in curriculum and the concrete teaching of social activity are quite unclear. The purpose of this study was to describe the social activity of nurse teachers. The data were collected by a structured questionnaire (Paltta 1998) via E-mail. The questionnaire included background factors and nine items for society activities. The respondents were nurse teachers, teachers for emergency nursing, public health nurse and midwifery teachers from all polytechnics in Finland. Response rate was 46 % (n = 342). The data were analysed by using descriptive statistics. The results of this study showed that 36 % of nurse teachers evaluated themselves quite active in society activities and 43 % of them evaluated themselves inactive. 32 % of nurse teachers was member and involved to working in general organisations. 28 % of nurse teachers worked or have been worked in local commission or trustees. Nurse teachers evaluated their knowledge about health policy quite good (mean 3.75, Std 0.99). Their knowledge about education policy was also quite good (mean 3.57, Std 1.04). Nurse teachers updated their knowledge about health policy and education policy by reading professional journals, newspapers, internet and following television and radio. According to results nurse teachers are quite active in society activities even tough almost half of them evaluated themselves quite inactive. Although nurse teachers’ knowledge about health policy was quite good by their opinion, they must update and improve the knowledge. In the future it is important to study how nurse teachers use health policy in their teaching and how nurse students’ participation in society activities can be improved.
En aquest article descrivim les tendències entonatives que caracteritzen la locució dels titulars de les notícies per mitjà de sis de les veus més conegudes de la televisió catalana (tv3 i 3/24): Xavier Coral, Agnès Marquès, Ramon Pellicer, Joan Carles Peris, Raquel Sans i Núria Solé. Per portar a terme la investigació, ens hem basat en el mètode Anàlisi Melòdica de la Parla, descrit a Cantero (2002), i hem utilitzat l'aplicació d'anàlisi i síntesi de veu Praat. Prenent com a base els patrons melòdics i els èmfasis de la parla espontània del català, hem constatat que per a aquest tipus de locució, pròpia d'un registre formal, solament es fan servir de forma continuada i repetitiva una part dels trets melòdics ja descrits, amb la qual cosa s'aconsegueix un efecte característic que la fa singular i la distancia de la parla espontània. També hem descrit els trets melòdics que tenen en comú els sis locutors i els trets en què difereixen.
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