987 resultados para Talvio, Tuukka: Coins and coin finds in Finland AD 800-1200


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Aspartate kinase (AK, EC, homoserine dehydrogenase (HSDH, EC and dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS, EC were isolated and partially purified from immature Chenopodium quinoa Willd seeds. Enzyme activities were studied in the presence of the aspartate-derived amino acids lysine, threonine and methionine and also the lysine analogue S-2-aminoethyl-L-cysteine (AEC), at 1 mM and 5 mM. The results confirmed the existence of, at least, two AK isoenzymes, one inhibited by lysine and the other inhibited by threonine, the latter being predominant in quinoa seeds. HSDH activity was also shown to be partially inhibited by threonine, whereas some of the activity was resistant to the inhibitory effect, indicating the presence of two isoenzymes, one resistant and another sensitive to threonine inhibition. Only one DHDPS isoenzyme highly sensitive to lysine inhibition was detected. The results suggest that the high concentration of lysine observed in quinoa seeds is possibly due to a combined effect of increased lysine, synthesis and accumulation in the soluble form and/or as protein lysine. Nitrogen assimilation was also investigated and based on nitrate content, nitrate reductase activity, amino acid distribution and ureide content, the leaves were identified as the predominant site of nitrate reduction in this plant species. The amino acid profile analysis in leaves and roots also indicated an important role of soluble glutamine as a nitrogen transporting compound. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The export of nitrogen (N) from senescent plant parts is important for the efficient use of this macronutrient. The objective of this study was to establish correlations among the photosynthetic pigment content, total N, and the photosynthetic variables with the SPAD-502 readings in Coffea arabica leaves. Correlations were established among the chlorophyll content, N content, and chlorophyll a and b with SPAD-502 readings taken on coffee leaves at different months. The results show that all variables decreased with time. However, correlation increased linearly with N doses. Total chlorophyll presented a direct linear correlation with readings of the portable chlorophyll meter. The SPAD readings have shown to be a good tool to diagnose the integrity of the photosynthetic system in coffee leaves. Thus, the portable chlorophyll SPAD-502 instrument can be used to evaluate the N status and can also help to evaluate the photosynthetic process in coffee plants.


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The short-term effects of surface lime application and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) residues, with or without N fertilization, were evaluated in a long-term no-till (NT) system on a sandy clay loam, a kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox from the state of Parana, Brazil. The main plot treatments were: control and dolomitic lime applied on soil surface at 8 Mg ha(-1). Three treatments with crop residues were evaluated on the subplots: (i) fallow, (ii) black oat residues, and (iii) black oat residues aft er N fertilization at 180 kg ha(-1). Black oat dry biomass was not affected by the treatments during 3 yr. Surface liming increased soil pH, microbial biomass, microbial activity, and bacterial/fungal ratio at the soil surface (0-5 cm), resulting in increased amino acid turnover, water-soluble humic substances formation, and N mineralization and nitrification. While the application of black oat did increase the soil pH, overall it had much less effect on soil biological processes and C and N pools than did lime. We concluded that black oat cannot replace the need for lime to optimize crop production in these tropical NT systems. In the long term, however, black oat should aid in the amelioration of acidity and replenishment of soil organic C pools and should help reduce erosion. Overall, this study suggests that overapplication of inorganic fertilizer N may occur in some tropical NT systems. Further experiments are required in NT systems to investigate the use of slow-release N fertilizers in combination with lime and black oat as a mechanism to reduce acidification and promote sustainability.


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No-till (NT) system with crop rotation is one of the most effective strategies to improve agricultural sustainability in tropical and subtropical regions. To control soil acidity in NT, lime is broadcast on the surface without incorporation. The increase in soil pH due to surface liming may decrease zinc (Zn) availability and its uptake by crops. A field experiment was performed in Parana State, Brazil, on a loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox to evaluate Zn bioavailability in a NT system after surface liming and re-liming. Dolomitic lime was surface applied on the main plots in July 1993 at the rates of 0, 2, 4, and 6 Mg ha-1. In June 2000, the main plots were divided in two subplots to study of the effect of surface re-liming at the rates of 0 and 3 Mg ha-1. The cropping sequence was soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] (2001-2 and 2002-3), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (2003), soybean (2003-4), corn (Zea mays L.) (2004-5), and soybean (2005-6). Soil samples were collected at the following depths: 0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20m, 10 years after surface liming and 3 years after surface re-liming. Soil Zn levels were extracted by four extractants: (i) 0.005molL-1 diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) + 0.1molL-1 triethanolamine (TEA) + 0.01molL-1 calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution at pH7.3 (DTPA-TEA), (ii) 0.1molL-1 hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution, (iii) Mehlich 1 solution, and (iv) Mehlich 3 solution. Zinc concentrations in leaves and grains of soybean, wheat, and corn were also determined. Soil pH (0.01molL-1 CaCl2 suspension) varied from 4.4 to 6.1, at the 0- to 0.05-m depth, from 4.2 to 5.3 at the 0.05- to 0.10-m depth, and from 4.2 to 4.8 at the 0.10- to 0.20-m depth, after liming and re-liming. Zinc concentrations evaluated by DTPA-TEA, 0.1molL-1 HCl, Mehlich 1, and Mehlich 3 solutions were not changed as a result of lime rate application. Re-liming increased Zn concentrations extracted by 0.1molL-1 HCl at 0-0.05m deep and by DTPA-TEA at 0.05-0.10m deep. Surface-applied lime promoted a decrease in Zn concentrations of the crops, mainly in grains, because of increased soil pH at the surface layers. Regardless of the liming treatments, levels of Zn were sufficient to soybean, wheat, and corn nutrition under NT.


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Hydrochemical processes involved in the development of hydromorphic Podzols are a major concern for the upper Amazon Basin because of the extent of the areas affected by such processes and the large amounts of organic carbon and associated metals exported to the rivers. The dynamics and chemical composition of ground and surface waters were studied along an Acrisol-Podzol sequence lying in an open depression of a plateau. Water levels were monitored along the sequence over a period of 2 years by means of piezometers. Water was sampled in zero-tension lysimeters for groundwater and for surface water in the drainage network of the depression. The pH and concentrations of organic carbon and major elements (Si, Fe and Al) were determined. The contrasted changes reported for concentrations of Si, organic carbon and metals (Fe, Al) mainly reflect the dynamics of the groundwater and the weathering conditions that prevail in the soils. Iron is released by the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides, mostly in the Bg horizons of the upslope Acrisols. It moves laterally under the control of hydraulic gradients and migrates through the iron-depleted Podzols where it is exported to the river network. Aluminium is released from the dissolution of Al-bearing minerals (gibbsite and kaolinite) at the margin of the podzolic area but is immobilized as organo-Al complexes in spodic horizons. In downslope positions, the quick recharge of the groundwater and large release of organic compounds lead to acidification and a loss of metals (mainly Al), previously stored in the Podzols.


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This article reports major results from collaborative research between France and Brazil on soil and water systems, carried out in the Upper Amazon Basin. It reveals the weathering processes acting in the partly inundated, low elevation plateaus of the Basin, mostly covered by evergreen forest. Our findings are based on geochemical data and mineral spectroscopy that probe the crystal chemistry of Fe and Al in mineral phases (mainly kaolinite, Al- and Fe-(hydr)oxides) of tropical soils (laterites). These techniques reveal crystal alterations in mineral populations of different ages and changes of metal speciation associated with mineral or organic phases. These results provide an integrated model of soil formation and changes (from laterites to podzols) in distinct hydrological compartments of the Amazon landscapes and under altered water regimes. (C) 2010 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The application of tannery sludge to soils is a form of recycling; however, few studies have examined the impacts of this practice on soil microbial properties. We studied effects of two applications (2006 and 2007) of tannery sludge (with a low chromium content) on the structure of the bacterial community and on the microbial activity of soils. We fertilized an agricultural area in Rolandia, Parana state, Brazil with different doses of sludge based on total N content, which ranged from 0 to 1200 kg N ha(-1). Sludge remained on the soil surface for three months before being plowed. Soils were sampled seven times during the experiment. Bacterial community structure, assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), was modified by the application of tannery sludge. Soon after the first application, there was clear separation between the bacterial communities in different treatments, such that each dose of sludge was associated with a specific community. These differences remained until 300 days after application and also after the second sludge application, but 666 days after the beginning of the experiment no differences were found in the bacterial communities of the lowest doses and the control. The principal response curve (PRC) analysis showed that the first sludge application strongly stimulated biological activity even 300 days after application. The second application also stimulated activity, but at a lower magnitude and for a shorter time, given that 260 days after the second application there was no difference in biological activity among treatments. PRC also showed that the properties most influenced by the application of tannery sludge were enzymatic activities related to N cycling (asparaginase and urease). The redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that tannery sludge`s influence on microbial activity is mainly related to increases in inorganic N and soil pH. Results showed that changes in the structure of the bacterial community in the studied soils were directly related to changes of their biological activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Porphyromonas gingivalis and Tannerella forsythia are anaerobic bacteria commonly involved in root canal infections. Although previous investigations have assessed these species by strictly qualitative approaches, accurate determination of their cell levels by a sensitive quantitative technique may contribute with additional information regarding relevance in pain of endodontic origin. Method: The root canal levels of P gingivalis, T forsythia, and total bacteria were investigated by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay based on unique copy molecular markers. A total of 32 symptomatic (n = 14) and asymptomatic (n = 18) cases of endodontic infections were analyzed. Root canal samples were collected; genomic DNA was extracted and submitted to SYBR Green I real-time PCR targeting the rgpB (P gingivalis), bspA (T forsythia), and rpoB (total bacteria) single copy genes. Results: Overall, R gingivalis, T forsythia, and the coexistence of both species were encountered in 28%, 66%, and 22% of the subjects, respectively. P gingivalis and T forsythia levels ranged from 5.65 x 10(-6) to 1.20 x 10(-2) and from 5.76 x 10(-6) to 1.35 x 10(-1). T forsythia was highly prevalent and numerous in the study groups, whereas P gingivalis was moderately frequent and less abundant, displaying 19-fold lower average levels than the former. Conclusions: The endodontic levels of P gingivalis and T forsythia, individually or in conjunction, did not display significant associations with the manifestation of pain of endodontic origin. (J Endod 2009,35:1518-1524)


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The effects of drying and rewetting (DRW) have been studied extensively in non-saline soils, but little is known about the impact of DRW in saline soils. An incubation experiment was conducted to determine the impact of 1-3 drying and re-wetting events on soil microbial activity and community composition at different levels of electrical conductivity in the saturated soil extract (ECe) (ECe 0.7, 9.3, 17.6 dS m(-1)). A non-saline sandy loam was amended with NaCl to achieve the three EC levels 21 days prior to the first DRW; wheat straw was added 7 days prior to the first DRW. Each DRW event consisted of 1 week drying and 1 week moist (50% of water holding capacity, WHC). After the last DRW, the soils were maintained moist until the end of the incubation period (63 days after addition of the wheat straw). A control was kept moist (50% of WHC) throughout the incubation period. Respiration rates on the day after rewetting were similar after the first and the second DRW, but significantly lower after the third DRW. After the first and second DRW, respiration rates were lower at EC17.6 compared to the lower EC levels, whereas salinity had little effect on respiration rates after the third DRW or at the end of the experiment when respiration rates were low. Compared to the continuously moist treatment, respiration rates were about 50% higher on day 15 (d15) and d29. On d44, respiration rates were about 50% higher at EC9.7 than at the other two EC levels. Cumulative respiration was increased by DRW only in the treatment with one DRW and only at the two lower EC levels. Salinity affected microbial biomass and community composition in the moist soils but not in the DRW treatments. At all EC levels and all sampling dates, the community composition in the continuously moist treatment differed from that in the DRW treatments, but there were no differences among the DRW treatments. Microbes in moderately saline soils may be able to utilise substrates released after multiple DRW events better than microbes in non-saline soil. However, at high EC (EC17.6), the low osmotic potential reduced microbial activity to such an extent that the microbes were not able to utilise substrate released after rewetting of dry soil.


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The soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 produces two siderophores, a pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin, and its proteome includes 45 TonB-dependent outer-membrane proteins, which commonly function in uptake of siderophores and other substrates from the environment. The 45 proteins share the conserved beta-barrel and plug domains of TonB-dependent proteins but only 18 of them have an N-terminal signaling domain characteristic of TonB-dependent transducers (TBDTs), which participate in cell-surface signaling systems. Phylogenetic analyses of the 18 TBDTs and 27 TonB-dependent receptors (TBDRs), which lack the N-terminal signaling domain, suggest a complex evolutionary history including horizontal transfer among different microbial lineages. Putative functions were assigned to certain TBDRs and TBDTs in clades including well-characterized orthologs from other Pseudomonas spp. A mutant of Pf-5 with deletions in pyoverdine and enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis genes was constructed and characterized for iron-limited growth and utilization of a spectrum of siderophores. The mutant could utilize as iron sources a large number of pyoverdines with diverse structures as well as ferric citrate, heme, and the siderophores ferrichrome, ferrioxamine B, enterobactin, and aerobactin. The diversity and complexity of the TBDTs and TBDRs with roles in iron uptake clearly indicate the importance of iron in the fitness and survival of Pf-5 in the environment.


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Copaifera langsdorffii is a Neotropical tree with wide distribution in the Brazilian Atlantic rain forest and savanna. Although eight microsatellite loci (SSR) were developed in 2000 and have been widely used since then, there is yet no information about their inheritance, linkage and linkage disequilibrium (LD). Through the analysis of 28 open-pollinated (OP) progenies, the SSR loci revealed Mendelian inheritance and independent assortment. Using these progenies, young and adult trees LD was mainly detected in OP progenies. Our results show clear evidence that the eight SSR loci can be used without restriction in genetic diversity, mating system and parentage analysis.


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Potassium (K) is an essential nutrient for higher plants. Information on K uptake and use efficiency of upland rice under Brazilian conditions is limited. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with the objective to evaluate influence of K on yield, K uptake, and use efficiency of six upland rice genotypes grown on Brazilian Oxisol. The K rate used was zero (natural soil level) and 200 mg K kg-1 of soil. Shoot dry weight and grain yield were significantly influenced by K level and genotype treatments. However, K x genotype interactions were not significant, indicating similar responses of genotypes at two K levels for shoot dry weight and grain yield. Genotypes produced grain yield in the order of BRS Primavera BRA 01596 BRSMG Curinga BRS 032033 BRS Bonanca BRA 02582. Potassium concentration in shoot was about sixfold greater compared to grain, across two K levels and six genotypes. However, K utilization efficiency ratio (KUER) (mg shoot or grain yield / mg K uptake in shoot or root) was about 6.5 times greater in grain compared to shoot, across two K level and six genotypes. Potassium uptake in shoot and grain and KUER were significantly and positively associated with grain yield. Soil calcium (Ca), K, base saturation, acidity saturation, Ca saturation, K saturation, Ca/K ratio, and magnesium (Mg)/K ratio were significantly influenced by K application rate.


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Nutrition in bean plants and anthracnose intensity in function of silicon and copper application. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of calcium silicate and copper sulfate on anthracnose intensity and nutrition of bean plants. The experiment was conducted using an experimental design in randomized blocks following a 4 x 4 factorial arrangement , (four levels of calcium silicate and four levels of copper sulfate) and two additional treatments (plants without inoculation and plants sprinkled with Benomyl). Four evaluations of the incidence and severity of anthracnose were done, in addition to measuring, total leaf area. At the end of the evaluations, incidence: and data were integrated over time, obtaining the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC). Contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Si and lignin were determined in the aerial Part. A linear decrease of the intensity AUDPC was observed with the increase of the doses of calcium silicate. The severity AUDPC was influenced by the doses of copper, obtaining a reduction of 35% on the higher dosage. The supply of silicon and copper altered the content of the K, mg, S, Zn, Ca and Si in the aerial part of the bean plants.


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An analytical procedure for the determination of Hg in otter (Lontra longicaudis) feces was developed, to separate fish scales for the identification of the animal diet. Samples were washed with ultra-pure water and the suspension was sampled and transferred for digestion. The solubilization was performed with nitric-perchloric acid mixture, and detection carried out by the atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS). The quality of the analytical procedure was assessed by analyzing in-house standard solutions and certified reference materials. Total Hg concentrations were in the range of 7.6-156 ng g(-1) (July 2004), 25.6-277 ng g(-1) (January 2005) and 14.6-744 ng g(-1) (May 2005) that is approximately the same order of magnitude for all samples collected in two reservoirs at the Tiete River, Brazil. Although Hg concentrations varied with sampling periods and diet, high levels were correlated to the percentage of carnivorous fish scales present in the otter feces. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sensory analysis is one of the most suitable processes for measuring oxidative damage and determining the shelf-life of nuts, but it is an expensive and time-consuming methodology. Thus, our objective was to correlate sensory data and chemical markers obtained during the accelerated oxidation of Brazil nuts and to determine the chemical parameters values associated with the sensory shelf-life of the nuts as established by the consumers. Brazil nuts were kept at 80 A degrees C for 21 days. At intervals of 2 days, the oxidized odor of the samples was analyzed by nine trained panelists using a discriminative scale, and the oil was extracted to quantify the chemical parameters. A high (r > 0.95) and significant correlation (p < 0.05) was observed between the sensory data and the hydroperoxide concentration (PV), para-anisidine value (pAV), hexanal content, and alpha- and gamma-tocopherol concentrations. When compared with fresh samples, sensory identification of oxidized odor occurred on the 4th day, noticeably earlier than changes in chemical markers (12th day). Consumers rejected the nuts after 12 days of storage, which corresponded to PV = 18.8 meq kg(-1) oil, pAV = 7.68, hexanal = 48.95 mu mol 100 g(-1) oil, alpha-tocopherol = 15.01 mg kg(-1) oil, and gamma + beta-tocopherol = 73.88 mg kg(-1) oil. Our study suggests that simple spectrometric methods, such as PV and pAV, can be used to estimate the oxidative shelf-life of nuts based on sensory analysis.