817 resultados para TSUNAMI GENERATION


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Distribution systems with distributed generation require new analysis methods since networks are not longer passive. Two of the main problems in this new scenario are the network reconfiguration and the loss allocation. This work presents a distribution systems graphic simulator, developed with reconfiguration functions and a special focus on loss allocation, both considering the presence of distributed generation. This simulator uses a fast and robust power flow algorithm based on the current summation backward-forward technique. Reconfiguration problem is solved through a heuristic methodology and the losses allocation function, based on the Zbus method, is presented as an attached result for each obtained configuration. Results are presented and discussed, remarking the easiness of analysis through the graphic simulator as an excellent tool for planning and operation engineers, and very useful for training. © 2004 IEEE.


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We discuss the solutions obtained for the gluon propagador in Landau gauge within two distinct approximations for the Schwinger-Dyson equations (SDE). The first, named Mandelstam's approximation, consist in neglecting all contributions that come from fermions and ghosts fields while in the second, the ghosts fields are taken into account leading to a coupled system of integral equations. In both cases we show that a dynamical mass for the gluon propagator can arise as a solution. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Here a multiobjective performance index for distribution systems with distributed generation based on a steady-state analysis of the network is proposed. This index quantifies the distributed generation impact on total losses, voltage profile and short circuit currents, and will be used as objective function in an evolutionary algorithm aimed at searching the best points for connecting distributed generators. Moreover, a loss allocation technique, based on the Zbus method, is applied on the original configuration of the network to obtain a good quality initial population. An IEEE medium voltage distribution network is analysed and results are presented and discussed.


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In this article we study the general structure and special properties of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the gluon propagator constructed with the pinch technique, together with the question of how to obtain infrared finite solutions, associated with the generation of an effective gluon mass. Exploiting the known all-order correspondence between the pinch technique and the background field method, we demonstrate that, contrary to the standard formulation, the non-perturbative gluon self-energy is transverse order-by-order in the dressed loop expansion, and separately for gluonic and ghost contributions. We next present a comprehensive review of several subtle issues relevant to the search of infrared finite solutions, paying particular attention to the role of the seagull graph in enforcing transversality, the necessity of introducing massless poles in the three-gluon vertex, and the incorporation of the correct renormalization group properties. In addition, we present a method for regulating the seagull-type contributions based on dimensional regularization; its applicability depends crucially on the asymptotic behavior of the solutions in the deep ultraviolet, and in particular on the anomalous dimension of the dynamically generated gluon mass. A linearized version of the truncated Schwinger-Dyson equation is derived, using a vertex that satisfies the required Ward identity and contains massless poles belonging to different Lorentz structures. The resulting integral equation is then solved numerically, the infrared and ultraviolet properties of the obtained solutions are examined in detail, and the allowed range for the effective gluon mass is determined. Various open questions and possible connections with different approaches in the literature are discussed. © SISSA 2006.


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This paper presents two discrete sliding mode control (SMC) design. The first one is a discrete-time SMC design that doesn't take into account the time-delay. The second one is a discrete-time SMC design, which takes in consideration the time-delay. The proposed techniques aim at the accomplishment simplicity and robustness for an uncertainty class. Simulations results are shown and the effectiveness of the used techniques is analyzed. © 2006 IEEE.


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We study the necessary conditions for obtaining infrared finite solutions from the Schwinger-Dyson equation governing the dynamics of the gluon propagator. The equation in question is set up in the Feynman gauge of the background field method, thus capturing a number of desirable features. Most notably, and in contradistinction to the standard formulation, the gluon self-energy is transverse order-by-order in the dressed loop expansion, and separately for gluonic and ghost contributions. Various subtle field-theoretic issues, such as renormalization group invariance and regularization of quadratic divergences, are briefly addressed. The infrared and ultraviolet properties of the obtained solutions are examined in detail, and the allowed range for the effective gluon mass is presented.


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A classic problem in the development of Mixed Reality systems is the registration. The correct alignment between virtual objects and the real elements is extremely important for the coherent composition of the resultant scene. Considering this context, this paper describes an approach for the composition of scenes in Mixed Reality environments using the chromakey technique for the extraction of real objects. After that, the scene is mounted in a coherent way related to the depth in OpenGL framebuffer for posterior rendering. ©2007 IEEE.


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This paper presents a mathematical model and a methodology to solve a transmission network expansion planning problem considering uncertainty in demand and generation. The methodology used to solve the problem, finds the optimal transmission network expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately in an environment with uncertainty. The model presented results in an optimization problem that is solved using a specialized genetic algorithm. The results obtained for known systems from the literature show that cheaper plans can be found satisfying the uncertainty in demand and generation. ©2008 IEEE.


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This paper presents a mathematical model and a methodology to solve a transmission network expansion planning problem considering open access. The methodology finds the optimal transmission network expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately in an environment with multiples generation scenarios. The model presented is solved using a specialized genetic algorithm. The methodology is tested in a system from the literature. ©2008 IEEE.


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We have searched for third generation leptoquarks (LQ3) using 1.05fb-1 of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider operating at s=1.96TeV. We set a 95% C.L. lower limit of 210 GeV on the mass of a scalar LQ3 state decaying solely to a b quark and a τ lepton. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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This paper presents a nonlinear model with individual representation of plants for the centralized long-term hydrothermal scheduling problem over multiple areas. In addition to common aspects of long-term scheduling, this model takes transmission constraints into account. The ability to optimize hydropower exchange among multiple areas is important because it enables further minimization of complementary thermal generation costs. Also, by considering transmission constraints for long-term scheduling, a more precise coupling with shorter horizon schedules can be expected. This is an important characteristic from both operational and economic viewpoints. The proposed model is solved by a sequential quadratic programming approach in the form of a prototype system for different case studies. An analysis of the benefits provided by the model is also presented. ©2009 IEEE.


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This paper presents a methodology for the placement and sizing evaluation of distributed generation (DG) in electric power systems. The candidate locations for DG placement are identified on the bases of Locational Marginal Prices (LMP's) obtained from an optimal power flow solution. The problem is formulated for two different objectives: social welfare maximization and profit maximization. For each DG unit an optimal placement is identified for each of the objectives.


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Distribution networks paradigm is changing currently requiring improved methodologies and tools for network analysis and planning. A relevant issue is analyzing the impact of the Distributed Generation penetration in passive networks considering different operation scenarios. Studying DG optimal siting and sizing the planner can identify the network behavior in presence of DG. Many approaches for the optimal DG allocation problem successfully used multi-objective optimization techniques. So this paper contributes to the fundamental stage of multi-objective optimization of finding the Pareto optimal solutions set. It is proposed the application of a Multi-objective Tabu Search and it was verified a better performance comparing to the NSGA-II method. © 2009 IEEE.


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A bilevel programming approach for the optimal contract pricing of distributed generation (DG) in distribution networks is presented. The outer optimization problem corresponds to the owner of the DG who must decide the contract price that would maximize his profits. The inner optimization problem corresponds to the distribution company (DisCo), which procures the minimization of the payments incurred in attending the expected demand while satisfying network constraints. The meet the expected demand the DisCo can purchase energy either form the transmission network through the substations or form the DG units within its network. The inner optimization problem is substituted by its Karush- Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions, turning the bilevel programming problem into an equivalent single-level nonlinear programming problem which is solved using commercially available software. © 2010 IEEE.