962 resultados para THIN CORPUS-CALLOSUM


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La traduction statistique requiert des corpus parallèles en grande quantité. L’obtention de tels corpus passe par l’alignement automatique au niveau des phrases. L’alignement des corpus parallèles a reçu beaucoup d’attention dans les années quatre vingt et cette étape est considérée comme résolue par la communauté. Nous montrons dans notre mémoire que ce n’est pas le cas et proposons un nouvel aligneur que nous comparons à des algorithmes à l’état de l’art. Notre aligneur est simple, rapide et permet d’aligner une très grande quantité de données. Il produit des résultats souvent meilleurs que ceux produits par les aligneurs les plus élaborés. Nous analysons la robustesse de notre aligneur en fonction du genre des textes à aligner et du bruit qu’ils contiennent. Pour cela, nos expériences se décomposent en deux grandes parties. Dans la première partie, nous travaillons sur le corpus BAF où nous mesurons la qualité d’alignement produit en fonction du bruit qui atteint les 60%. Dans la deuxième partie, nous travaillons sur le corpus EuroParl où nous revisitons la procédure d’alignement avec laquelle le corpus Europarl a été préparé et montrons que de meilleures performances au niveau des systèmes de traduction statistique peuvent être obtenues en utilisant notre aligneur.


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Après des décennies de développement, l'ablation laser est devenue une technique importante pour un grand nombre d'applications telles que le dépôt de couches minces, la synthèse de nanoparticules, le micro-usinage, l’analyse chimique, etc. Des études expérimentales ainsi que théoriques ont été menées pour comprendre les mécanismes physiques fondamentaux mis en jeu pendant l'ablation et pour déterminer l’effet de la longueur d'onde, de la durée d'impulsion, de la nature de gaz ambiant et du matériau de la cible. La présente thèse décrit et examine l'importance relative des mécanismes physiques qui influencent les caractéristiques des plasmas d’aluminium induits par laser. Le cadre général de cette recherche forme une étude approfondie de l'interaction entre la dynamique de la plume-plasma et l’atmosphère gazeuse dans laquelle elle se développe. Ceci a été réalisé par imagerie résolue temporellement et spatialement de la plume du plasma en termes d'intensité spectrale, de densité électronique et de température d'excitation dans différentes atmosphères de gaz inertes tel que l’Ar et l’He et réactifs tel que le N2 et ce à des pressions s’étendant de 10‾7 Torr (vide) jusqu’à 760 Torr (pression atmosphérique). Nos résultats montrent que l'intensité d'émission de plasma dépend généralement de la nature de gaz et qu’elle est fortement affectée par sa pression. En outre, pour un délai temporel donné par rapport à l'impulsion laser, la densité électronique ainsi que la température augmentent avec la pression de gaz, ce qui peut être attribué au confinement inertiel du plasma. De plus, on observe que la densité électronique est maximale à proximité de la surface de la cible où le laser est focalisé et qu’elle diminue en s’éloignant (axialement et radialement) de cette position. Malgré la variation axiale importante de la température le long du plasma, on trouve que sa variation radiale est négligeable. La densité électronique et la température ont été trouvées maximales lorsque le gaz est de l’argon et minimales pour l’hélium, tandis que les valeurs sont intermédiaires dans le cas de l’azote. Ceci tient surtout aux propriétés physiques et chimiques du gaz telles que la masse des espèces, leur énergie d'excitation et d'ionisation, la conductivité thermique et la réactivité chimique. L'expansion de la plume du plasma a été étudiée par imagerie résolue spatio-temporellement. Les résultats montrent que la nature de gaz n’affecte pas la dynamique de la plume pour des pressions inférieures à 20 Torr et pour un délai temporel inférieur à 200 ns. Cependant, pour des pressions supérieures à 20 Torr, l'effet de la nature du gaz devient important et la plume la plus courte est obtenue lorsque la masse des espèces du gaz est élevée et lorsque sa conductivité thermique est relativement faible. Ces résultats sont confirmés par la mesure de temps de vol de l’ion Al+ émettant à 281,6 nm. D’autre part, on trouve que la vitesse de propagation des ions d’aluminium est bien définie juste après l’ablation et près de la surface de la cible. Toutefois, pour un délai temporel important, les ions, en traversant la plume, se thermalisent grâce aux collisions avec les espèces du plasma et du gaz.


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Ce mémoire de maitrise vise à dresser un portrait des erreurs syntaxiques des élèves du secondaire en analysant un corpus de textes de cinq groupes du Québec, de la 1re à la 5e secondaire. Les résultats actuels aux épreuves ministérielles des élèves de 5e secondaire nous indiquent que les élèves éprouvent des difficultés avec l’écriture du français. Une analyse approfondie nous permet de comprendre que l’amélioration de la situation passe par une meilleure connaissance des erreurs syntaxiques des élèves. En nous appuyant sur la grille de Boivin et Pinsonneault (2014), nous avons analysé les données provenant du codage des textes d’élèves de la 1re à la 5e secondaire. L’analyse de ces données nous a permis de constater que parmi les sept grandes catégories d’erreurs de la grille, c’est en syntaxe que les élèves commettent le plus d’erreurs. Une incursion au cœur des six sous-catégories de la syntaxe a révélé que la ponctuation causait le plus de problème aux élèves, et ce, à tous les niveaux. Les erreurs liées à la détermination de la catégorie grammaticale des mots (homophones) arrivaient en deuxième place. Par la suite, nous avons précisé davantage l’analyse en déterminant, pour chacun des codes, l’évolution du nombre d’erreurs d’un niveau du secondaire à l’autre. Il est ressorti de cette étude que les deux principales erreurs, basées sur les sous-catégories syntaxiques, sont celles portant sur l’usage de la virgule et celles liées à la confusion qui existe encore un verbe terminant par «er» et un adjectif ou un participe passé terminant par «é-e-s».


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In this paper I compare the habeas corpus systems of El Salvador, the United States and Argentina. My purpose is to develop a general understanding of the procedure for bringing the writ in each country and analyze the substantive law governing the rights of habeas corpus petitioners in each country. I evaluate the systems against the backdrop of each country’s political and legal history with respect to the writ of habeas corpus. The ultimate aim of this paper is to reform the habeas corpus law of El Salvador by analyzing the Salvadoran system as compared to the Argentine and U.S. systems. I conclude that the Argentine habeas corpus system provides a better model for the Salvadoran system than does the U.S. system. I draw this conclusion because the two countries share common foundations for their legal systems, in addition to common histories of civil war, during which there were numerous disappearances and denial of habeas corpus rights. Moreover, Argentina’s habeas corpus law protects the liberty interest of the detained individual more so than U.S. habeas corpus law. This heightened protection of the right to liberty largely results from the country’s past history of forced disappearances and incommunicado detention. Because El Salvador witnessed similar problems in its past, the Argentine model provides a good model for Salvadoran reform.


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Materials and equipment which fail to achieve the design requirements or projected life due to undetected defects may require expensive repair or early replacement. Such defects may also be the cause of unsafe conditions or catastrophic unexpected failure, and will lead to loss of revenue due to plant shutdown. Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) / Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is used for the examination of materials and components without changing or destroying their usefulness. NDT can be applied to each stage of a system’s construction, to monitor the integrity of the system or structure throughout its life.


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This proposed thesis is entitled “Plasma Polymerised Organic Thin Films: A study on the Structural, Electrical, and Nonlinear Optical Properties for Possible Applications. Polymers and polymer based materials find enormous applications in the realm of electronics and optoelectronics. They are employed as both active and passive components in making various devices. Enormous research activities are going on in this area for the last three decades or so, and many useful contributions are made quite accidentally. Conducting polymers is such a discovery, and eversince the discovery of conducting polyacetylene, a new branch of science itself has emerged in the form of synthetic metals. Conducting polymers are useful materials for many applications like polymer displays, high density data storage, polymer FETs, polymer LEDs, photo voltaic devices and electrochemical cells. With the emergence of molecular electronics and its potential in finding useful applications, organic thin films are receiving an unusual attention by scientists and engineers alike. This is evident from the vast literature pertaining to this field appearing in various journals. Recently, computer aided design of organic molecules have added further impetus to the ongoing research activities in this area. Polymers, especially, conducting polymers can be prepared both in the bulk and in the thinfilm form. However, many applications necessitate that they are grown in the thin film form either as free standing or on appropriate substrates. As far as their bulk counterparts are concerned, they can be prepared by various polymerisation techniques such as chemical routes and electrochemical means. A survey of the literature reveals that polymers like polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, have been investigated with a view to studying their structural electrical and optical properties. Among the various alternate techniques employed for the preparation of polymer thin films, the method of plasma polymerisation needs special attention in this context. The technique of plasma polymerisation is an inexpensive method and often requires very less infra structure. This method includes the employment of ac, rf, dc, microwave and pulsed sources. They produce pinhole free homogeneous films on appropriate substrates under controlled conditions. In conventional plasma polymerisation set up, the monomer is fed into an evacuated chamber and an ac/rf/dc/ w/pulsed discharge is created which enables the monomer species to dissociate, leading to the formation of polymer thin films. However, it has been found that the structure and hence the properties exhibited by plasma polymerized thin films are quite different from that of their counterparts produced by other thin film preparation techniques such as electrochemical deposition or spin coating. The properties of these thin films can be tuned only if the interrelationship between the structure and other properties are understood from a fundamental point of view. So very often, a through evaluation of the various properties is a pre-requisite for tailoring the properties of the thin films for applications. It has been found that conjugation is a necessary condition for enhancing the conductivity of polymer thin films. RF technique of plasma polymerisation is an excellent tool to induce conjugation and this modifies the electrical properties too. Both oxidative and reductive doping can be employed to modify the electrical properties of the polymer thin films for various applications. This is where organic thin films based on polymers scored over inorganic thin films, where in large area devices can be fabricated with organic semiconductors which is difficult to achieve by inorganic materials. For such applications, a variety of polymers have been synthesized such as polyaniline, polythiophene, polypyrrole etc. There are newer polymers added to this family every now and then. There are many virgin areas where plasma polymers are yet to make a foray namely low-k dielectrics or as potential nonlinear optical materials such as optical limiters. There are also many materials which are not been prepared by the method of plasma polymerisation. Some of the materials which are not been dealt with are phenyl hydrazine and tea tree oil. The advantage of employing organic extracts like tea tree oil monomers as precursors for making plasma polymers is that there can be value addition to the already existing uses and possibility exists in converting them to electronic grade materials, especially semiconductors and optically active materials for photonic applications. One of the major motivations of this study is to synthesize plasma polymer thin films based on aniline, phenyl hydrazine, pyrrole, tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil by employing both rf and ac plasma polymerisation techniques. This will be carried out with the objective of growing thin films on various substrates such as glass, quartz and indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. There are various properties namely structural, electrical, dielectric permittivity, nonlinear optical properties which are to be evaluated to establish the relationship with the structure and the other properties. Special emphasis will be laid in evaluating the optical parameters like refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), the real and imaginary components of dielectric constant and the optical transition energies of the polymer thin films from the spectroscopic ellipsometric studies. Apart from evaluating these physical constants, it is also possible to predict whether a material exhibit nonlinear optical properties by ellipsometric investigations. So further studies using open aperture z-scan technique in order to evaluate the nonlinear optical properties of a few selected samples which are potential nonlinear optical materials is another objective of the present study. It will be another endeavour to offer an appropriate explanation for the nonlinear optical properties displayed by these films. Doping of plasma polymers is found to modify both the electrical conductivity and optical properties. Iodine is found to modify the properties of the polymer thin films. However insitu iodine doping is tricky and the film often looses its stability because of the escape of iodine. An appropriate insitu technique of doping will be developed to dope iodine in to the plasma polymerized thin films. Doping of polymer thin films with iodine results in improved and modified optical and electrical properties. However it requires tools like FTIR and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy to elucidate the structural and optical modifications imparted to the polymer films. This will be attempted here to establish the role of iodine in the modification of the properties exhibited by the films


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In recent years scientists have made rapid and significant advances in the field of semiconductor physics. One of the most important fields of current interest in materials science is the fundamental aspects and applications of conducting transparent oxide thin films (TCO). The characteristic properties of such coatings are low electrical resistivity and high transparency in the visible region. The first semitransparent and electrically conducting CdO film was reported as early as in 1907 [1]. Though early work on these films was performed out of purely scientific interest, substantial technological advances in such films were made after 1940. The technological interest in the study of transparent semiconducting films was generated mainly due to the potential applications of these materials both in industry and research. Such films demonstrated their utility as transparent electrical heaters for windscreens in the aircraft industry. However, during the last decade, these conducting transparent films have been widely used in a variety of other applications such as gas sensors [2], solar cells [3], heat reflectors [4], light emitting devices [5] and laser damage resistant coatings in high power laser technology [6]. Just a few materials dominate the current TCO industry and the two dominant markets for TCO’s are in architectural applications and flat panel displays. The architectural use of TCO is for energy efficient windows. Fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO), deposited using a pyrolysis process is the TCO usually finds maximum application. SnO2 also finds application ad coatings for windows, which are efficient in preventing radiative heat loss, due to low emissivity (0.16). Pyrolitic tin oxide is used in PV modules, touch screens and plasma displays. However indium tin oxide (ITO) is mostly used in the majority of flat panel display (FPD) applications. In FPDs, the basic function of ITO is as transparent electrodes. The volume of FPD’s produced, and hence the volume of ITO coatings produced, continues to grow rapidly. But the current increase in the cost of indium and the scarcity of this material created the difficulty in obtaining low cost TCOs. Hence search for alternative TCO materials has been a topic of active research for the last few decades. This resulted in the development of binary materials like ZnO, SnO2, CdO and ternary materials like II Zn2SnO4, CdSb2O6:Y, ZnSO3, GaInO3 etc. The use of multicomponent oxide materials makes it possible to have TCO films suitable for specialized applications because by altering their chemical compositions, one can control the electrical, optical, chemical and physical properties. But the advantages of using binary materials are the easiness to control the chemical compositions and depositions conditions. Recently, there were reports claiming the deposition of CdO:In films with a resistivity of the order of 10-5 ohm cm for flat panel displays and solar cells. However they find limited use because of Cd-Toxicity. In this regard, ZnO films developed in 1980s, are very useful as these use Zn, an abundant, inexpensive and nontoxic material. Resistivity of this material is still not very low, but can be reduced through doping with group-III elements like In, Al or Ga or with F [6]. Hence there is a great interest in ZnO as an alternative of ITO. In the present study, we prepared and characterized transparent and conducting ZnO thin films, using a cost effective technique viz Chemical Spray Pyrolysis (CSP). This technique is also suitable for large area film deposition. It involves spraying a solution, (usually aqueous) containing soluble salts of the constituents of the desired compound, onto a heated substrate.


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The increasing interest in the interaction of light with electricity and electronically active materials made the materials and techniques for producing semitransparent electrically conducting films particularly attractive. Transparent conductors have found major applications in a number of electronic and optoelectronic devices including resistors, transparent heating elements, antistatic and electromagnetic shield coatings, transparent electrode for solar cells, antireflection coatings, heat reflecting mirrors in glass windows and many other. Tin doped indium oxide (indium tin oxide or ITO) is one of the most commonly used transparent conducting oxides. At present and likely well into the future this material offers best available performance in terms of conductivity and transmittivity combined with excellent environmental stability, reproducibility and good surface morphology. Although partial transparency, with a reduction in conductivity, can be obtained for very thin metallic films, high transparency and simultaneously high conductivity cannot be attained in intrinsic stoichiometric materials. The only way this can be achieved is by creating electron degeneracy in a wide bandgap (Eg > 3eV or more for visible radiation) material by controllably introducing non-stoichiometry and/or appropriate dopants. These conditions can be conveniently met for ITO as well as a number of other materials like Zinc oxide, Cadmium oxide etc. ITO shows interesting and technologically important combination of properties viz high luminous transmittance, high IR reflectance, good electrical conductivity, excellent substrate adherence and chemical inertness. ITO is a key part of solar cells, window coatings, energy efficient buildings, and flat panel displays. In solar cells, ITO can be the transparent, conducting top layer that lets light into the cell to shine the junction and lets electricity flow out. Improving the ITO layer can help improve the solar cell efficiency. A transparent ii conducting oxide is a material with high transparency in a derived part of the spectrum and high electrical conductivity. Beyond these key properties of transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), ITO has a number of other key characteristics. The structure of ITO can be amorphous, crystalline, or mixed, depending on the deposition temperature and atmosphere. The electro-optical properties are a function of the crystallinity of the material. In general, ITO deposited at room temperature is amorphous, and ITO deposited at higher temperatures is crystalline. Depositing at high temperatures is more expensive than at room temperature, and this method may not be compatible with the underlying devices. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of Indium tin oxide thin films at low processing temperatures. The films are prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering under various deposition conditions. The films are also deposited on to flexible substrates by employing bias sputtering technique. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder x-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UVVIS- NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using vander Pauw four probe technique. The plasma generated during the sputtering of the ITO target was analysed using Langmuir probe and optical emission spectral studies.


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Materials exhibiting transparency and electrical conductivity simultaneously, transparent conductors, Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), which have high transparency through the visible spectrum and high electrical conductivity are already being used in numerous applications. Low-emission windows that allow visible light through while reflecting the infrared, this keeps the heat out in summer, or the heat in, in winter. A thin conducting layer on or in between the glass panes achieves this. Low-emission windows use mostly F-doped SnO2. Most of these TCO’s are n type semiconductors and are utilized in a variety of commercial applications, such as flat-panel displays, photovoltaic devices, and electrochromic windows, in which they serve as transparent electrodes. Novel functions may be integrated into the materials since oxides have a variety of elements and crystal structures, providing great potential for realizing a diverse range of active functions. However, the application of TCOs has been restricted to transparent electrodes, notwithstanding the fact that TCOs are n-type semiconductors. The primary reason is the lack of p-type TCOs, because many of the active functions in semiconductors originate from the nature of the pn-junction. In 1997, H. Kawazoe et al.[2] reported CuAlO2 thin films as a first p-type TCO along with a chemical design concept for the exploration of other p-type TCOs.


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There is an increasing demand for renewable energies due to the limited availability of fossil and nuclear fuels and due to growing environmental problems. Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion has the potential to contribute significantly to the electrical energy generation in the future. Currently, the cost for photovoltaic systems is one of the main obstacles preventing production and application on a large scale. The photovoltaic research is now focused on the development of materials that will allow mass production without compromising on the conversion efficiencies. Among important selection criteria of PV material and in particular for thin films, are a suitable band gap, high absorption coefficient and reproducible deposition processes capable of large-volume and low cost production. The chalcopyrite semiconductor thin films such as Copper indium selenide and Copper indium sulphide are the materials that are being intensively investigated for lowering the cost of solar cells. Conversion efficiencies of 19 % have been reported for laboratory scale solar cell based on CuInSe2 and its alloys. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of materials suitable for the fabrication of solar cell, employing cost effective techniques. A typical heterojunction thin film solar cell consists of an absorber layer, buffer layer and transparent conducting contacts. The most appropriate techniques have been used for depositing these different layers, viz; chemical bath deposition for the window layer, flash evaporation and two-stage process for the absorber layer, and RF magnetron sputtering for the transparent conducting layer. Low cost experimental setups were fabricated for selenisation and sulphurisation experiments, and the magnetron gun for the RF sputtering was indigenously fabricated. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder X-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy i (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using the two probe and four probe electrical measurements. Nature of conductivity of the films was determined by thermoprobe and thermopower measurements. The deposition conditions and the process parameters were optimised based on these characterisations.


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ZnGa2O4:Dy3+ phosphor thin films were deposited on quartz substrates by radio frequency rf magnetron sputtering and the effect of substrate temperature on its structural and luminescent properties was investigated. Polycrystalline film could be deposited even at room temperature. The crystalline behavior, Zn/Ga ratio, and surface morphology of the films were found to be highly sensitive to substrate temperature. Under UV illumination, the as-deposited films at and above 300°C gave white luminescence even without any postdeposition treatments. The photoluminescent PL emission can be attributed to the combined effect of multicolor emissions from the single luminescence center Dy3+ via host-sensitization. Maximum PL emission intensity was observed for the film deposited at 600°C, and the CIE chromaticity coordinates of the emission were determined to be x,y = 0.34, 0.31 .


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ZnGa2O4 spinel is a promising new UV transparent electronic conductor. Enhancing the electrical conductivity of this potential oxide phosphor can make it a promising transparent conducting oxide. In this paper, we have investigated the effects of processing and doping on the conductivity of semiconducting ZnGa2O4, particularly thin films. Crystalline zinc gallate thin films have been deposited on fused quartz substrates employing the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique at room temperature for an oxygen partial pressure of 0.1 Pa (0.001mbar). The films were found to be UV transparent, the band gap of which shifted to 4.75eV on hydrogen annealing. The band gap of the oxygen stoichiometric bulk powder samples (4.55eV) determined from diffuse reflection spectrum (DRS) shifted to 4.81eV on reduction in a hydrogen atmosphere. The electrical conductivity improved when Sn was incorporated into the ZnGa2O4 spinel. The conductivity of ZnGa2O4:Sn thin films was further improved on reduction.


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Structural, electronic, and optical properties of amorphous and transparent zinc tin oxide films deposited on glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) were examined for two chemical compositions of Zn:Sn=1:1 and 2:1 as a function of oxygen partial pressure PO2 used for the film deposition and annealing temperature. Different from a previous report on sputter-deposited films Chiang et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 013503 2005 , the PLD-deposited films crystallized at a lower temperature 450 °C to give crystalline ZnO and SnO2 phases. The optical band gaps Tauc gaps were 2.80−2.85 eV and almost independent of oxygen PO2 , which are smaller than those of the corresponding crystals 3.35−3.89 eV . Films deposited at low PO2 showed significant subgap absorptions, which were reduced by postthermal annealing. Hall mobility showed steep increases when carrier concentration exceeded threshold values and the threshold value depended on the film chemical composition. The films deposited at low PO2 2 Pa had low carrier concentrations. It is thought that the low PO2 produced high-density oxygen deficiencies and generated electrons, but these electrons were trapped in localized states, which would be observed as the subgap absorptions. Similar effects were observed for 600 °C crystallized films and their resistivities were increased by formation of subgap states due to the reducing high-temperature condition. High carrier concentrations and large mobilities were obtained in an intermediate PO2 region for the as-deposited films.