989 resultados para Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction
Enhanced sympathetic outflow to the heart and resistance vessels greatly contributes to the onset and maintenance of neurogenic hypertension. There is a consensus that the development of hypertension (clinical and experimental) is associated with an impairment of sympathetic reflex control by arterial baroreceptors. More recently, chronic peripheral chemoreflex activation, as observed in obstructive sleep apnea, has been proposed as another important risk factor for hypertension. In this review, we present and discuss recent experimental evidence showing that changes in the respiratory pattern, elicited by chronic intermittent hypoxia, play a key role in increasing sympathetic activity and arterial pressure in rats. This concept parallels results observed in other models of neurogenic hypertension, such as spontaneously hypertensive rats and rats with angiotensin II-salt-induced hypertension, pointing out alterations in the central coupling of respiratory and sympathetic activities as a novel mechanism underlying the development of neurogenic hypertension.
Costa-Silva JH, Zoccal DB, Machado BH. Glutamatergic antagonism in the NTS decreases post-inspiratory drive and changes phrenic and sympathetic coupling during chemoreflex activation. J Neurophysiol 103: 2095-2106, 2010. First published February 17, 2010; doi: 10.1152/jn.00802.2009. For a better understanding of the processing at the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) level of the autonomic and respiratory responses to peripheral chemoreceptor activation, herein we evaluated the role of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the intermediate (iNTS) and caudal NTS (cNTS) on baseline respiratory parameters and on chemoreflex-evoked responses using the in situ working heart-brain stem preparation (WHBP). The activities of phrenic (PND), cervical vagus (cVNA), and thoracic sympathetic (tSNA) nerves were recorded before and after bilateral microinjections of kynurenic acid (Kyn, 5 nmol/20 nl) into iNTS, cNTS, or both simultaneously. In WHBP, baseline sympathetic discharge markedly correlated with phrenic bursts (inspiration). However, most of sympathoexcitation elicited by chemoreflex activation occurred during expiration. Kyn microinjected into iNTS or into cNTS decreased the postinspiratory component of cVNA and increased the duration and frequency of PND. Kyn into iNTS produced no changes in sympathoexcitatory and tachypneic responses to peripheral chemoreflex activation, whereas into cNTS, a reduction of the sympathoexcitation, but not of the tachypnea, was observed. The pattern of phrenic and sympathetic coupling during the chemoreflex activation was an inspiratory-related rather than an expiratory-related sympathoexcitation. Kyn simultaneously into iNTS and cNTS produced a greater decrease in postinspiratory component of cVNA and increase in frequency and duration of PND and abolished the respiratory and autonomic responses to chemoreflex activation. The data show that glutamatergic neurotransmission in the iNTS and cNTS plays a tonic role on the baseline respiratory rhythm, contributes to the postinspiratory activity, and is essential to expiratory-related sympathoexcitation observed during chemoreflex activation.
Experiments were performed to investigate senses that are essential for mediating fright reaction and food behavior in Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, pintado. The dilemma ""to feed or to flee"" was also analyzed in fishes with intact and sectioned olfactory tracts, stimulated by alarm substance extracts and food. Fishes were arranged into five groups: fish with intact lateral olfactory tracts (LOT), fish with intact medial olfactory tract (MOT), fish with tracts totally sectioned (TOTAL, both LOT and MOT), sham operated, and nonoperated fish. The five groups were submitted to either alarm substance extract and food stimulus or to distilled water (control) and food stimulus. Fish reacted to food independently of which tract (LOT, MOT or TOTAL) was sectioned; vision seems necessary and elemental to detect and deflagrate food response. Latency of the responses to each reaction was different between groups. None of the fish with sectioned tracts reacted to alarm substance extract, while sham- and nonoperated fish showed the typical alarm behavior response, leading to the conclusion that olfaction is essential for mediating alarm response. These results indicate that others sense systems (e.g., vision) are sufficient to trigger and elicit feeding behavior and that olfaction is not necessary to fully maintain food detection to qualitative and quantitative extent. However, olfactory tract integrity seems to be required for mediation of alarm reaction in P. corruscans.
Background: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are one of the main causes of adverse reactions related to medications, being responsible for up to 23% of hospital admissions. However, only a few studies have evaluated this problem in elderly Brazilians. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of potential DDIs (PDDIs) in community-dwelling elderly people in Brazil, analyse these interactions with regard to severity and clinical implications, and identify associated factors. Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out involving 2143 elderly (aged 60 years) residents of the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Data were obtained from the SABE (Saude, Bem estar e Envelhecimento [Health, Well-Being, and Aging]) survey, which is a multicentre study carried out in seven countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, coordinated by the Pan-American Health Organization. PDDIs were analysed using a computerized program and categorized according to level of severity, onset, mechanism and documentation in the literature. The STATA software statistical package was used for data analysis, and logistic regression was conducted to determine whether variables were associated with PDDIs. Results: Analysis revealed that 568 (26.5%) of the elderly population included in the study were taking medications that could lead to a DDI. Almost two-thirds (64.4%) of the elderly population exposed to PDDIs were women, 50.7% were aged >= 75 years, 71.7% reported having fair or poor health and 65.8% took 2-5 medications. A total of 125 different PDDIs were identified; the treatment combination of an ACE inhibitor with a thiazide or loop diuretic (associated with hypotension) was the most frequent cause of PDDIs (n=322 patients; 56.7% of individuals with PDDIs). Analysis of the PDDIs revealed that 70.4% were of moderate severity, 64.8% were supported by good quality evidence and 56.8% were considered of delayed onset. The multivariate analysis showed that the risk of a PDDI was significantly increased among elderly individuals using six or more medications (odds ratio [OR] 3.37) and in patients with hypertension (OR 2.56), diabetes mellitus (OR 1.73) or heart problems (OR 3.36). Conclusions: Approximately one-quarter of the elderly population living in Sao Paulo could be taking two or more potentially interacting medicines. Polypharmacy predisposes elderly individuals to PDDIs. More than half of these drug combinations (57.6%, n = 72) were part of commonly employed treatment regimens and may be responsible for adverse reactions that compromise the safety of elderly individuals, especially at home. Educational initiatives are needed to avoid unnecessary risks.
Background. Play is an indication of a children`s development. Purpose. Organize a culturally adapt the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment to Brazilian population. Method. Translation and cultural adaptation procedures consisted of translation, synthesis, back translation, author`s approval, and pretest of the assessment. For the pretest, 14 typically developing children were assessed. Was evaluated the use of play materials, duration of the assessment, and reliability. Findings. Play materials and duration of the assessment were appropriate for Brazilian children. Analysis of intra-rater reliability showed good agreement ranging from 0.90 to 1.00. Inter-rater reliability showed good to moderate agreement for five items ranging from 0.76 to 0.59. Four items showed chance to poor agreement (rho = -0.13 to 0.50). Implications. Results of the pretest indicate the Brazilian version of the ChIPPA is potentially useful for Brazilian children. ChIPPA training in Portuguese in Brazil with play observation feedback is recommended to improve inter-rater reliability.
HIV-1-infected patients frequently have opportunistic esophageal infections which, when associated with severe immunodeficiency, can be attributed to unusual pathogens. The clinical presentation of several esophageal diseases is similar and the best method for a specific diagnosis of these patients has not been well defined. To evaluate the role of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the etiologic definition of esophageal ulcers in HIV-1-infected patients, 96 esophageal biopsies from 79 HIV-1-infected patients were processed by PCR using specific primers for cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes virus (HSV), human papilloma virus (HPV), HIV-1, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium intracellulare, Treponema pallidum, and Haemophilus ducreyi. The PCR results were compared to the histopathologic results. Seventy-nine patients were studied (mean age: 34 years; 62% men; median CD4 + T cell = 103.59 cells/mu l (range 1-795.2 cells/mu l). The most common endoscopic findings were as follows: esophageal candidiasis (37.1%), esophageal ulcers (24.7%), esophagitis (11.2%), and lugol-negative areas (10.1%). The histopathologic findings in the esophageal ulcers (22 biopsies) were non-specific inflammation (31.8%), HSV (36.4%), Candida (13.6%), CMV (13.6%), or HPV disease (4.5%). In the esophageal ulcer biopsies, the PCR results were negative in 27.6% of cases, and positive for HIV (65.5%), CMV (31%), HPV (20.7%), HSV (10.3%), and H. ducreyi (6.9%). The histopathologic examination did not identify a pathogen or identified only Candida in 15 biopsies of esophageal ulcers. PCR was positive in ten (66.7%) and negative in five (33.3%) of these biopsies (idiopathic ulcers). PCR detected: HIV (53.3%), CMV (20%), HPV (13.3%), and H. ducreyi (6,7%). PCR detected more etiologic agents in esophageal ulcers than histopathology and was able to detect unusual pathogens. On the other hand, sometimes more than one pathogen was detected in the esophageal ulcers, making it difficult to reach an accurate diagnosis. This finding indicates the need for more studies to evaluate the benefit of this method in the routine evaluation of esophageal ulcer biopsies in HIV-1-infected patients.
Described in this article is a novel device that facilitates study of the cross-sectional anatomy of the human head. In designing our device, we aimed to protect sections of the head from the destructive action of handling during anatomy laboratory while also ensuring excellent visualization of the anatomic structures. We used an electric saw to create 15-mm sections of three cadaver heads in the three traditional anatomic planes and inserted each section into a thin, perforated display box made of transparent acrylic material. The thin display boxes with head sections are kept in anatomical order in a larger transparent acrylic storage box containing formaldehyde solution, which preserves the specimens but also permits direct observation of the structures and their anatomic relationships to each other. This box-within-box design allows students to easily view sections of a head in its anatomical position as well as to examine internal structures by manipulating individual display boxes without altering the integrity of the preparations. This methodology for demonstrating cross-section anatomy allows efficient use of cadaveric material and technician time while also giving learners the best possible handling and visualization of complex anatomic structures. Our approach to teaching cross-sectional anatomy of the head can be applied to any part of human body, and the value of our device design will only increase as more complicated understandings of cross-sectional anatomy are required by advances and proliferation of imaging technology. Anat Sci Educ 3: 141-143, 2010. (C) 2010 American Association of Anatomists.
Thirteen goat herds and seven sheep flocks in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil were screened for leptospirosis. From the three herds and three flocks with greatest seroreactivity, 19 goats (16 females and three bucks) and 40 sheep (26 ewes and 14 rams) that were seropositive (specific anti-Leptospira titres >= 400, based on a microscopic agglutination test), were selected for more detailed studies. From those animals, samples of vaginal fluids or semen were collected for bacteriological and molecular assays. For both species of animals, the most prevalent reactions were to serovars Hardjo, Shermani, and Grippotyphosa. Although leptospires were detected by darkfield microscopy in three vaginal fluid samples (from two goats and one ewe), pure isolates were not obtained by bacteriological culture of vaginal fluids or semen. However, seven vaginal fluid samples (from four goats and three ewes) and six semen samples (all from rams) were positive on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Based on these findings, in addition to analogous findings in cattle, we inferred that there is potential for venereal transmission of leptospirosis in small ruminants. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The present study evaluated the reproductive compatibility of the crosses between adult ticks of the following three geographically different populations of Amblyomma cajennense: State of So Paulo (SP), southeastern Brazil; State of Rondnia (RO), northern Brazil; and Colombia (CO). In addition, crosses between A. cajennense ticks from Argentina (AR) and SP ticks were also performed. The Argentinean population (AR) was compatible with SP because their crosses resulted in high % egg hatching (mean values ranging from 71.5 to 93.5%), similarly to all homologous (intrapopulational) crosses. In contrast, the tick populations SP, RO, and CO were shown to be incompatible with each other, since their heterologous (interpopulational) crosses always resulted in very low % egg hatching (range: 0-5%). The F(1) larval offspring derived from some of these females that yielded 5% egg hatching were reared until the F(1) adult stage. In all cases, only adult females molted from engorged nymphs. These F(1) females were likely to be a product of thelytokous parthenogenesis of the SP, RO, and CO females that were used in the heterologous crosses. Reproductive incompatibility is not expected to occur between different populations of a single species. Thus, our results suggest that the taxon A. cajennense might be represented by a complex of different species, whereas SP and AR ticks might represent a single species. Further populational genetic studies, coupled with extensive morphological analyses, are needed to clarify and determine a possible complex of valid species that might have been classified under the taxon A. cajennense.
Multiple lineages of Brazilian strains from 2007 to 2008 of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were detected in flocks of breeders, broilers, and layers. Organs samples from 20 IBV-positive flocks with variable clinical signs were submitted to the partial amplification of S gene (nucleotides 726-1071) of IBV. Fifteen of the 20 sequenced strains segregated in a unique Brazilian cluster subdivided in three subclusters (Brazil 01, 02, and 03). Whereas three strains could be classified as Massachusetts (Mass) genotype, the remaining two strains, originating from flocks with reproductive and respiratory disorders, grouped within the 4/91-793B genotype, a genotype that has not been detected before in Brazil. The potential relevance of the findings to the poultry industry is discussed because the low level of identity of the sequenced part of the S gene from 17 of 20 detected field strains and the vaccines of the Massachusetts serotype used suggest that the level of cross-protection by the Massachusetts vaccines might be low.
Free-living adult Amblyomma incisum ticks were collected in an Atlantic rainforest area at Intervales State Park, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. From an A. incisum specimen, rickettsiae were successfully isolated in Vero cell culture by the shell vial technique. Rickettsial isolation was confirmed by optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and PCRs targeting portions of the rickettsial genes gltA, htrA, rrs, and sca1 on infected cells. Fragments of 1,089, 457, 1,362, and 443 nucleotides of the gltA, htrA, rrs, and sca1 genes, respectively, were sequenced. By BLAST analysis, the partial sequence of rrs of the A. incisum rickettsial isolate was closest to the corresponding sequence of Rickettsia bellii (99.1% similarity). The gltA partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequences of ""Candidatus Rickettsia tarasevichiae"" (96.1% similarity) and Rickettsia canadensis (95.8% similarity). The htrA partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequence of R. canadensis (89.8% similarity). The sca1 partial sequence was closest to the corresponding sequence of R. canadensis (95.2% similarity). Since our rickettsial isolate was genetically distinct from other Rickettsia species, we propose a new species designated Rickettsia monteiroi sp. nov. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that R. monteiroi belongs to the canadensis group within the genus Rickettsia, together with the species R. canadensis and ""Candidatus R. tarasevichiae"". Little or no antibody cross-reaction was observed between sera of R. monteiroi-inoculated guinea pigs and R. bellii-, Rickettsia rickettsii-, or R. canadensis-inoculated guinea pigs.