964 resultados para Suppress vibration


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Identification of ways to enhance consistency and proper entrained air content in hardened concrete pavement has long been a goal of state highway agencies and the Federal Highway Administration. The work performed in this study was done under FHWA Work Order No: DTFH71-97-PTP-IA-47 and referred to as Project HR-1068 by the Iowa DOT. The results of this study indicate that the monitoring devices do provide both the contractor and contracting authority and are a good way of controlling the consistent rate of vibration to achieve a quality concrete pavement product. The devices allow the contractor to monitor vibrator operation effectively and consistently. The equipment proved to be reliable under all weather and paver operating conditions. This type of equipment adds one more way of improving the consistency and quality of the concrete pavement.


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INTRODUCTION: Inhibitory control refers to our ability to suppress ongoing motor, affective or cognitive processes and mostly depends on a fronto-basal brain network. Inhibitory control deficits participate in the emergence of several prominent psychiatric conditions, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or addiction. The rehabilitation of these pathologies might therefore benefit from training-based behavioral interventions aiming at improving inhibitory control proficiency and normalizing the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms. The development of an efficient inhibitory control training regimen first requires determining the effects of practicing inhibition tasks. METHODS: We addressed this question by contrasting behavioral performance and electrical neuroimaging analyses of event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded from humans at the beginning versus the end of 1 h of practice on a stop-signal task (SST) involving the withholding of responses when a stop signal was presented during a speeded auditory discrimination task. RESULTS: Practicing a short SST improved behavioral performance. Electrophysiologically, ERPs differed topographically at 200 msec post-stimulus onset, indicative of the engagement of distinct brain network with learning. Source estimations localized this effect within the inferior frontal gyrus, the pre-supplementary motor area and the basal ganglia. CONCLUSION: Our collective results indicate that behavioral and brain responses during an inhibitory control task are subject to fast plastic changes and provide evidence that high-order fronto-basal executive networks can be modified by practicing a SST.


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The hallmark of social insects is their caste system: reproduction is primarily monopolized by queens, whereas workers specialize in the other tasks required for colony growth and survival. Pheromones produced by reining queens have long been believed to be the prime factor inhibiting the differentiation of new reproductive individuals. However, there has been very little progress in the chemical identification of such inhibitory pheromones. Here we report the identification of a volatile inhibitory pheromone produced by female neotenics (secondary queens) that acts directly on target individuals to suppress the differentiation of new female neotenics and identify n-butyl-n-butyrate and 2-methyl-1-butanol as the active components of the inhibitory pheromone. An artificial pheromone blend consisting of these two compounds had a strong inhibitory effect similar to live neotenics. Surprisingly, the same two volatiles are also emitted by eggs, playing a role both as an attractant to workers and an inhibitor of reproductive differentiation. This dual production of an inhibitory pheromone by female reproductives and eggs probably reflects the recruitment of an attractant pheromone as an inhibitory pheromone and may provide a mechanism ensuring honest signaling of reproductive status with a tight coupling between fertility and inhibitory power. Identification of a volatile pheromone regulating caste differentiation in a termite provides insights into the functioning of social insect colonies and opens important avenues for elucidating the developmental pathways leading to reproductive and nonreproductive castes.


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Antibiotic prophylaxis is commonly prescribed to patients with total arthroplasties before a dental intervention. This attitude is not evidence-based for several reasons: 1) the usual pathogens of prosthetic joint infections are not of oral origin; 2) even if given, systemic antibiotic do not completely suppress the occult bacteraemia occurring during dental intervention and 3) humans may have up to twelve episodes of occult bacteraemia of dental origin per day. Routine antibiotic prophylaxis should be clearly distinguished from the antibiotic treatment required in case of established oral cavity infection. A constant optimal oral and dental hygiene is more important in terms of prevention and should be routinely recommended to every patient carrying a joint arthroplasty.


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The prevalence of obesity has markedly increased over the past few decades. Exploration of how hunger and satiety signals influence the reward system can help us understand non-homeostatic feeding. Insulin may act in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a critical site for reward-seeking behavior, to suppress feeding. However, the neural mechanisms underlying insulin effects in the VTA remain unknown. We demonstrate that insulin, a circulating catabolic peptide that inhibits feeding, can induce long-term depression (LTD) of mouse excitatory synapses onto VTA dopamine neurons. This effect requires endocannabinoid-mediated presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release. Furthermore, after a sweetened high-fat meal, which elevates endogenous insulin, insulin-induced LTD is occluded. Finally, insulin in the VTA reduces food anticipatory behavior in mice and conditioned place preference for food in rats. Taken together, these results suggest that insulin in the VTA suppresses excitatory synaptic transmission and reduces anticipatory activity and preference for food-related cues.


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The performance of Pseudomonas biocontrol agents may be improved by applying mixtures of strains which are complementary in their capacity to suppress plant diseases. Here, we have chosen the combination of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 with another well-characterized biocontrol agent, P. fluorescens Q2-87, as a model to study how these strains affect each other's expression of a biocontrol trait. In both strains, production of the antimicrobial compound 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) is a crucial factor contributing to the suppression of root diseases. DAPG acts as a signaling compound inducing the expression of its own biosynthetic genes. Experimental setups were developed to investigate whether, when combining strains CHA0 and Q2-87, DAPG excreted by one strain may influence expression of DAPG-biosynthetic genes in the other strain in vitro and on the roots of wheat. DAPG production was monitored by observing the expression of lacZ fused to the biosynthetic gene phlA of the respective strain. Dual-culture assays in which the two strains were grown in liquid medium physically separated by a membrane revealed that Q2-87 but not its DAPG-negative mutant Q2-87::Tn5-1 strongly induced phlA expression in a DeltaphlA mutant of strain CHA0. In the same way, phlA expression in a Q2-87 background was induced by DAPG produced by CHA0. When coinoculated onto the roots of wheat seedlings grown under gnotobiotic conditions, strains Q2-87 and CHA0, but not their respective DAPG-negative mutants, were able to enhance phlA expression in each other. In summary, we have established that two nonrelated pseudomonads may stimulate each other in the expression of an antimicrobial compound important for biocontrol. This interpopulation communication occurs in the rhizosphere, i.e., at the site of pathogen inhibition, and is mediated by the antimicrobial compound itself acting as a signal exchanged between the two pseudomonads.


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AIM: This study evaluates the effect of front suspension (FS) and dual suspension (DS) mountain-bike on performance and vibrations during off-road uphill riding. METHODS: Thirteen male cyclists (27+/-5 years, 70+/-6 kg, VO(2max)59+/-6 mL.kg(-1).min(-1), mean+/-SD) performed, in a random sequence, at their lactate threshold, an off-road uphill course (1.69 km, 212 m elevation gain) with both type of bicycles. Variable measured: a) VO(2) consumption (K4b2 analyzer, Cosmed), b) power output (SRM) c) gain in altitude and d) 3-D accelerations under the saddle and at the wheel (Physilog, EPFL, Switzerland). Power spectral analy- sis (Fourier) was performed from the vertical acceleration data. RESULTS: Respectively for the FS and DS mountain bike: speed amounted to 7.5+/-0.7 km.h(-1) and 7.4+/-0.8 km.h(-1), (NS), energy expenditure 1.39+/-0.16 kW and 1.38+/-0.18, (NS), gross efficiency 0.161+/-0.013 and 0.159+/-0.013, (NS), peak frequency of vibration under the saddle 4.78+/-2.85 Hz and 2.27+/-0.2 Hz (P<0.01) and median-frequency of vertical displacements of the saddle 9.41+/-1.47 Hz and 5.78+/-2.27 Hz (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Vibrations at the saddle level of the DS bike are of low frequencies whereas those of the FS bike are mostly of high frequencies. In the DS bike, the torque produced by the cyclist at the pedal level may generate low frequency vibrations. We conclude that the DS bike absorbs more high frequency vibrations, is more comfortable and performs as well as the FS bicycle.


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L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és comparar els efectes de dos mitjans de treball sobre la força explosiva en 9 atletes de nivell autonòmic i nacional (19,6 ± 2,6 anys, 1,76 ± 7 m i 68,9 ± 3,5 kg) que entrenaren durant el període competitiu, 6 setmanes amb una freqüència de 2 cops per setmana, seguint una periodització creixent. Els subjectes varen ser dividits en 3 grups de 3 atletes cada un, però utilitzant diferents mitjans d’entrenament: el grup experimental combinant la plataforma vibratòria i les màquines inercials (1), amb un temps d’exposició a la vibració de 30’’, a una intensitat de 45 Hz i una amplitud de 5 mm amb una pausa d’1’. I de 3 sèries de 8 repeticions executades a màxima velocitat en la fase concèntrica i controlant aquesta en la fase excèntrica, amb una pausa de 3’ en les màquines io-io. El grup experimental de pesos lliures (2), va realitzar 4 exercicis: ½ squat, pliometria (CEE), multisalts horitzontals i acceleracions, seguint les pautes d’un treball de força explosiva proposat per Badillo i Gorostiaga (1995). I un grup control (3), que no realitzà cap entrenament de força. Abans i després del període d’intervenció és realitzaren els següents tests: salt sense contramoviment (SJ) i salt amb contramoviment (CMJ). Els resultats indicaren que el grup (1), (2) i (3) disminuïren significativament el SJ i el CMJ. Es conclou que l’entrenament, tant en el de combinació d’estímuls vibratoris amb màquines inercials com el de pesos lliures pareix ser un mitja que s’ha de controlar i perioditzar molt bé ja que en el període competitiu l’atleta acumula uns nivells de fatiga tant muscular com fisiològics molt superiors que en altres períodes de la temporada.


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Due to the low workability of slipform concrete mixtures, the science of rheology is not strictly applicable for such concrete. However, the concept of rheological behavior may still be considered useful. A novel workability test method (Vibrating Kelly Ball or VKelly test) that would quantitatively assess the responsiveness of a dry concrete mixture to vibration, as is desired of a mixture suitable for slipform paving, was developed and evaluated. The objectives of this test method are for it to be cost-effective, portable, and repeatable while reporting the suitability of a mixture for use in slipform paving. The work to evaluate and refine the test was conducted in three phases: 1. Assess whether the VKelly test can signal variations in laboratory mixtures with a range of materials and proportions 2. Run the VKelly test in the field at a number of construction sites 3. Validate the VKelly test results using the Box Test developed at Oklahoma State University for slipform paving concrete The data collected to date indicate that the VKelly test appears to be suitable for assessing a mixture’s response to vibration (workability) with a low multiple operator variability. A unique parameter, VKelly Index, is introduced and defined that seems to indicate that a mixture is suitable for slipform paving when it falls in the range of 0.8 to 1.2 in./√s.


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The use of antimycotic drugs in fungal infections is based on the concept that they suppress fungal growth by a direct killing effect. However, amphotericin and nystatin have been reported to also trigger interleukin-1β (IL-1β) secretion in monocytes but the molecular mechanism is unknown. Here we report that only the polyene macrolides amphotericin B, nystatin, and natamycin but none of the tested azole antimycotic drugs induce significant IL-1β secretion in-vitro in dendritic cells isolated from C57BL/6 mouse bone marrow. IL-1β release depended on Toll-like receptor-mediated induction of pro-IL-1β as well as the NLRP3 inflammasome, its adaptor ASC, and caspase-1 for enzymatic cleavage of pro-IL-1β into its mature form. All three drugs induced potassium efflux from the cells as a known mechanism for NLRP3 activation but the P2X7 receptor was not required for this process. Natamycin-induced IL-1β secretion also involved phagocytosis, as cathepsin activation as described for crystal-induced IL-1β release. Together, the polyene macrolides amphotericin B, nystatin, and natamycin trigger IL-1β secretion by causing potassium efflux from which activates the NLRP3-ASC-caspase-1. We conclude that beyond their effects on fungal growth, these antifungal drugs directly activate the host's innate immunity.


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The Iowa DOT has been using blended cements in ternary mixes since 1999. Use of these supplementary cementitious materials gives concrete with higher strengths and much lower permeability. Use of these materials has been incorporated for use in High Performance Concrete (HPC) decks to achieve lower permeability and thus long term performance. Since we have been using these materials in paving, it would be informative to determine what concrete pavement properties are enhanced as related to high performance concrete. The air void system was excellent at a spacing factor of 0.0047 in (0.120 mm). AVA spacing factor results are much higher than the hardened air void analysis. Although only 3 samples were tested between the image analysis air content and the RapidAir457, there is pretty good agreement between those test methods. Air void analysis indicates that excessive vibration was not required to place the concrete. Vibration was well within the specification limits with an average of 6683 vpm’s with a standard deviation of 461. Overall ride of the project was very good. The average smoothness for the project was 2.1 in/mile (33.8 mm/km). The International Roughness Index (IRI) was 81 in/mi (1.29 m/km). The compressive strength was 6260 psi (43.2 MPa) at 28 days and 6830 (47.1 MPa) at 56 days. The modulus of rupture by third point loading (MOR-TPL) tested at 28 days was 660 psi (4.55 MPa). The AASHTO T277 rapid chloride permeability results at 28 days using the Virginia cure method correlate fairly well with the 56 and 90 day results with standard curing. The Virginia cure method 28 day results were 2475 coulombs and the standard cure 56 and 90 day test results were 2180 and 2118, respectively.


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In 1990, early distress had shown up on US 20 in Hamilton/Webster counties, three years after paving. Since that time, over a dozen more projects, constructed between 1984 and 1994, have been found to exhibit similar early distress. Several changes to the concrete and Portland cement specifications occurred in 1994 and 1996. This study was undertaken to investigate in place concrete pavements before and after specification changes were implemented. The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of Portland cement and concrete specification changes made in 1994 and 1996 on PCC durability. Cores were obtained in 1998 and 2003 from projects constructed in 1992, before specification changes, and 1997 after specification changes. The following is a brief summary of the conclusions: 1. The pavements in the study constructed under the new specifications are performing much better after 5 years of service than the pavements constructed under the old specifications. 2. According to ISU, micro-cracking is evident in all concrete that has been in service, due to thermal stresses and loading stresses. Also, the low vacuum SEM will desiccate the concrete enough to cause micro-cracking. The SEM should not be used as a tool to indicate micro-cracking. 3. Use of Type II cement (C3A <8%) and a 3.0% SO3 limit does not completely eliminate ettringite infilling in air voids, as indicated in the bottom of the 1997 cores. 4. In areas of high moisture (bottom of the core), infilling is present in most of the 1997 cores. 5. Low air content and high spacing factor in the top of 1992 cores apparently causes F/T cycling cracking and then increased moisture paths from cracking causes infilling. 6. Use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and fly ash reduces ettringite infilling either by diluting the aluminate (C3A) or lowering permeability, which slows ingress of moisture. 7. The specification changes that made the biggest impact on pavement durability are the limits on vibration and increase in air content in September 1994. 8. Investigations of cores from pavements placed in 2002 and 2003 indicate improved air contents and spacing factors. In-place air content and spacing factors should be monitored to determine if appropriate air void parameters are being met.


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Large Dynamic Message Signs (DMSs) have been increasingly used on freeways, expressways and major arterials to better manage the traffic flow by providing accurate and timely information to drivers. Overhead truss structures are typically employed to support those DMSs allowing them to provide wider display to more lanes. In recent years, there is increasing evidence that the truss structures supporting these large and heavy signs are subjected to much more complex loadings than are typically accounted for in the codified design procedures. Consequently, some of these structures have required frequent inspections, retrofitting, and even premature replacement. Two manufacturing processes are primarily utilized on truss structures - welding and bolting. Recently, cracks at welding toes were reported for the structures employed in some states. Extremely large loads (e.g., due to high winds) could cause brittle fractures, and cyclic vibration (e.g., due to diurnal variation in temperature or due to oscillations in the wind force induced by vortex shedding behind the DMS) may lead to fatigue damage, as these are two major failures for the metallic material. Wind and strain resulting from temperature changes are the main loads that affect the structures during their lifetime. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specification defines the limit loads in dead load, wind load, ice load, and fatigue design for natural wind gust and truck-induced gust. The objectives of this study are to investigate wind and thermal effects in the bridge type overhead DMS truss structures and improve the current design specifications (e.g., for thermal design). In order to accomplish the objective, it is necessary to study structural behavior and detailed strain-stress of the truss structures caused by wind load on the DMS cabinet and thermal load on the truss supporting the DMS cabinet. The study is divided into two parts. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) component and part of the structural analysis component of the study were conducted at the University of Iowa while the field study and related structural analysis computations were conducted at the Iowa State University. The CFD simulations were used to determine the air-induced forces (wind loads) on the DMS cabinets and the finite element analysis was used to determine the response of the supporting trusses to these pressure forces. The field observation portion consisted of short-term monitoring of several DMS Cabinet/Trusses and long-term monitoring of one DMS Cabinet/Truss. The short-term monitoring was a single (or two) day event in which several message sign panel/trusses were tested. The long-term monitoring field study extended over several months. Analysis of the data focused on trying to identify important behaviors under both ambient and truck induced winds and the effect of daily temperature changes. Results of the CFD investigation, field experiments and structural analysis of the wind induced forces on the DMS cabinets and their effect on the supporting trusses showed that the passage of trucks cannot be responsible for the problems observed to develop at trusses supporting DMS cabinets. Rather the data pointed toward the important effect of the thermal load induced by cyclic (diurnal) variations of the temperature. Thermal influence is not discussed in the specification, either in limit load or fatigue design. Although the frequency of the thermal load is low, results showed that when temperature range is large the restress range would be significant to the structure, especially near welding areas where stress concentrations may occur. Moreover stress amplitude and range are the primary parameters for brittle fracture and fatigue life estimation. Long-term field monitoring of one of the overhead truss structures in Iowa was used as the research baseline to estimate the effects of diurnal temperature changes to fatigue damage. The evaluation of the collected data is an important approach for understanding the structural behavior and for the advancement of future code provisions. Finite element modeling was developed to estimate the strain and stress magnitudes, which were compared with the field monitoring data. Fatigue life of the truss structures was also estimated based on AASHTO specifications and the numerical modeling. The main conclusion of the study is that thermal induced fatigue damage of the truss structures supporting DMS cabinets is likely a significant contributing cause for the cracks observed to develop at such structures. Other probable causes for fatigue damage not investigated in this study are the cyclic oscillations of the total wind load associated with the vortex shedding behind the DMS cabinet at high wind conditions and fabrication tolerances and induced stresses due to fitting of tube to tube connections.


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Cells, including endothelial cells, continuously sense their surrounding environment and rapidly adapt to changes in order to assure tissues and organs homeostasis. The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides a physical scaffold for cell positioning and represents an instructive interface allowing cells to communicate over short distances. Cell surface receptors of the integrin family emerged through evolution as essential mediators and integrators of ECM-dependent communication. In preclinical studies, pharmacological inhibition of vascular integrins suppressed angiogenesis and inhibited tumor progression. alpha(V)beta(3) and alpha(V)beta(5) were the first integrins targeted to suppress tumor angiogenesis. Subsequently, additional integrins, in particular alpha(1)beta(1), alpha(2)beta(1), alpha(5)beta(1), and alpha(6)beta(4), emerged as potential therapeutic targets. Integrin inhibitors are currently tested in clinical trials for their safety and antiangiogenic/antitumor activity. In this chapter, we review the role of integrins in angiogenesis and present recent advances in the use of integrin antagonists as potential therapeutics in cancer and discuss future perspectives.