996 resultados para Structural database
Selectome (http://selectome.unil.ch/) is a database of positive selection, based on a branch-site likelihood test. This model estimates the number of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN) and synonymous substitutions (dS) to evaluate the variation in selective pressure (dN/dS ratio) over branches and over sites. Since the original release of Selectome, we have benchmarked and implemented a thorough quality control procedure on multiple sequence alignments, aiming to provide minimum false-positive results. We have also improved the computational efficiency of the branch-site test implementation, allowing larger data sets and more frequent updates. Release 6 of Selectome includes all gene trees from Ensembl for Primates and Glires, as well as a large set of vertebrate gene trees. A total of 6810 gene trees have some evidence of positive selection. Finally, the web interface has been improved to be more responsive and to facilitate searches and browsing.
Heat straightening of steel beams on bridges struck by over height trucks has become common practice in recent years in Iowa. A study of the effects of this heat straightening on the steel beams thus straightened is needed. Appropriate samples for mechanical and metallurgical tests were cut from the same rolled beam from the end which was heated and the end which was not heated and the test results were compared. The test results showed beyond doubt that the steel was being heated beyond the permitted temperature and that the impact properties are being drastically reduced by the current method of heat straightening.
PURPOSE: To study the influence of retinal structural changes on oxygen saturation in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients. METHODS: Oximetry measurements were performed on 21 eyes of 11 RP patients and compared to 24 eyes of 12 controls. Retinal oxygen saturation was measured in all major retinal arterioles (A-SO₂) and venules (V-SO₂) with an oximetry unit of the retinal vessel analyser (IMEDOS Systems UG, Jena, Germany). Oximetry data were compared with morphological changes measured by Cirrus optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA, USA, macular thickness protocol). RESULTS: In RP patients, the retinal A-SO₂ and V-SO₂ levels were higher at 99.3% (p = 0.001, anova based on mixed-effects model) and 66.8% (p < 0.001), respectively, and the difference between the two (A-V SO₂) was lower at 32.5% (p < 0.001), when compared to the control group (92.4%; 54.0%; 38.4%, respectively). With the RP group, the A-V SO₂ correlated positively, not only with central macular thickness, but also with retinal thickness, in zones 2 and 3 (p = 0.006, p = 0.007, p = 0.014). CONCLUSION: These data indicate that oxygen metabolism was altered in RP patients. Based on our preliminary results, retinal vessel saturation correlated with structural alterations in RP. This method could be valuable in monitoring disease progression and evaluating a potential therapeutic response.
This report describes the field application of the tilt sensing method for monitoring movement of the Black Hawk and Karl King Bridges. The study objectives were: to design a data acquisition system for tilt sensing equipment utilizing a telephone telemetry system; to monitor possible movement of the main span pier, Pier No. 2, on the Black Hawk Bridge in Lansing and the possible long-term movement of Pier No. 4 on the Karl King Bridge in Fort Dodge; and to assess the feasibility, reliability, and accuracy of the instrumentation system used in this study.
The Iowa State Highway Commission has adopted a number of rigid safety requirements that the Bureau of Public Roads has set forth as standards for road construction. One of these safety requirements is the elimination of two piers on Interstate grade separations, thus leaving two long spans. These longer spans lower the ability of prestressed concrete beams to compete economically with steel beams. In an effort to be more competitive, the prestressing companies have been studying the use of lightweight aggregate in structural concrete.
In this work, the calcium-induced aggregation of phosphatidylserine liposomes is probed by means of the analysis of the kinetics of such process as well as the aggregate morphology. This novel characterization of liposome aggregation involves the use of static and dynamic light-scattering techniques to obtain kinetic exponents and fractal dimensions. For salt concentrations larger than 5 mM, a diffusion-limited aggregation regime is observed and the Brownian kernel properly describes the time evolution of the diffusion coefficient. For slow kinetics, a slightly modified multiple contact kernel is required. In any case, a time evolution model based on the numerical resolution of Smoluchowski's equation is proposed in order to establish a theoretical description for the aggregating system. Such a model provides an alternative procedure to determine the dimerization constant, which might supply valuable information about interaction mechanisms between phospholipid vesicles.
Salicylate is a precursor of pyochelin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and both compounds display siderophore activity. To elucidate the salicylate biosynthetic pathway, we have cloned and sequenced a chromosomal region of P. aeruginosa PAO1 containing two adjacent genes, designated pchB and pchA, which are necessary for salicylate formation. The pchA gene encodes a protein of 52 kDa with extensive similarity to the chorismate-utilizing enzymes isochorismate synthase, anthranilate synthase (component I) and p-aminobenzoate synthase (component I), whereas the 11 kDa protein encoded by pchB does not show significant similarity with other proteins. The pchB stop codon overlaps the presumed pchA start codon. Expression of the pchA gene in P. aeruginosa appears to depend on the transcription and translation of the upstream pchB gene. The pchBA genes are the first salicylate biosynthetic genes to be reported. Salicylate formation was demonstrated in an Escherichia coli entC mutant lacking isochorismate synthase when this strain expressed both the pchBA genes, but not when it expressed pchB alone. By contrast, an entB mutant of E. coli blocked in the conversion of isochorismate to 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate formed salicylate when transformed with a pchB expression construct. Salicylate formation could also be demonstrated in vitro when chorismate was incubated with a crude extract of P. aeruginosa containing overproduced PchA and PchB proteins; salicylate and pyruvate were formed in equimolar amounts. Furthermore, salicylate-forming activity could be detected in extracts from a P. aeruginosa pyoverdin-negative mutant when grown under iron limitation, but not with iron excess. Our results are consistent with a pathway leading from chorismate to isochorismate and then to salicylate plus pyruvate, catalyzed consecutively by the iron-repressible PchA and PchB proteins in P. aeruginosa.
This report describes the field application of the tilt sensing method for monitoring movement of the Black Hawk and Karl King Bridges. The study objectives were: to design a data acquisition system for tilt sensing equipment utilizing a telephone telemetry system; to monitor possible movement of the main span pier, Pier No. 2, on the Black Hawk Bridge in Lansing and the possible long-term movement of Pier No. 4 on the Karl King Bridge in Fort Dodge; and to assess the feasibility, reliability, and accuracy of the instrumentation system used in this study.
Purpose: To perform in vivo imaging of the cerebellum with an in-plane resolution of 120 mm to observe its cortical granular and molecular layers by taking advantage of the high signal-to-noise ratio and the increased magnetic susceptibility-related contrast available at high magnetic field strength such as 7 T. Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the institutional review board, and all patients provided written consent. Three healthy persons (two men, one woman; mean age, 30 years; age range, 28-31 years) underwent MR imaging with a 7-T system. Gradient-echo images (repetition time msec/echo time msec, 1000/25) of the human cerebellum were acquired with a nominal in-plane resolution of approximately 120 mum and a section thickness of 1 mm. Results: Structures with dimensions as small as 240 mum, such as the granular and molecular layers in the cerebellar cortex, were detected in vivo. The detection of these structures was confirmed by comparing the contrast obtained on T2*-weighted and phase images with that obtained on images of rat cerebellum acquired at 14 T with 30 mum in-plane resolution. Conclusion: In vivo cerebellar imaging at near-microscopic resolution is feasible at 7 T. Such detailed observation of an anatomic area that can be affected by a number of neurologic and psychiatric diseases, such as stroke, tumors, autism, and schizophrenia, could potentially provide newer markers for diagnosis and follow-up in patients with such pathologic conditions. (c) RSNA, 2010.
An understanding of details of the interaction mechanisms of bacterial endotoxins (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) with the oxygen transport protein hemoglobin is still lacking, despite its high biological relevance. Here, a biophysical investigation into the endotoxin:hemoglobin interaction is presented which comprises the use of various rough mutant LPS as well as free lipid A; in addition to the complete hemoglobin molecule from fetal sheep extract, also the partial structure alpha-chain and the heme-free sample are studied. The investigations comprise the determination of the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase behaviour of the acyl chains of LPS, the ultrastructure (type of aggregate structure and morphology) of the endotoxins, and the incorporation of the hemoglobins into artificial immune cell membranes and into LPS. Our data suggest a model for the interaction between Hb and LPS in which hemoglobins do not react strongly with the hydrophilic or with the hydrophobic moiety of LPS, but with the complete endotoxin aggregate. Hb is able to incorporate into LPS with the longitudinal direction parallel to the lipid A double-layer. Although this does not lead to a strong disturbance of the LPS acyl chain packing, the change of the curvature leads to a slightly conical molecular shape with a change of the three-dimensional arrangement from unilamellar into cubic LPS aggregates. Our previous results show that cubic LPS structures exhibit strong endotoxic activity. The property of Hb on the physical state of LPS described here may explain the observation of an increase in LPS-mediating endotoxicity due to the action of Hb.
Biomolecular structures are assemblies of emergent anisotropic building modules such as uniaxial helices or biaxial strands. We provide an approach to understanding a marginally compact phase of matter that is occupied by proteins and DNA. This phase, which is in some respects analogous to the liquid crystal phase for chain molecules, stabilizes a range of shapes that can be obtained by sequence-independent interactions occurring intra- and intermolecularly between polymeric molecules. We present a singularity-free self-interaction for a tube in the continuum limit and show that this results in the tube being positioned in the marginally compact phase. Our work provides a unified framework for understanding the building blocks of biomolecules.