974 resultados para Strictly Positive Measure


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Understanding relationship between environmental protection and economic development is crucial to form practical environmental policy. At micro level, implementation of environmental regulations often causes production mills adjustment of technology which might leads to change of productive efficiency and cost, which, in turn, determine effort level of mills and even local government in pollution control. Using a stochastic frontier production model and a set of survey data on 126 paper mills from six provinces of China, we measure the technical efficiency changes and analyze the determinants of efficiency. in particular, we examine impact of environmental policy on paper mills' efficiency, using an indicator of environmental policy-the levy ratio of COD. We also estimate a simultaneous-equation model in which the levy rate and emission are jointly determined. The results indicate that there have been efficiency improvements during 1999-2003, when enforcement of environmental regulations have been tightened. The impacts, nevertheless, are different for different types of mills. We also find the levy ratio, which is influenced by both the local social and economic conditions and the characters of paper mills, such as scale, has strong impact on the abatement of the pollutant-COD. Additionally, paper mills' technical efficiency has positive effect on the reduction of the emission intensity of the pollutant-COD. These results lead a set of implications pertinent to policy improvement.


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In order to analyze the test anxiety of Beijing's high school students, relevant factors affecting test anxiety and how those factors have effect on the test anxiety of those high school students, a cross-sectional study had been conducted among 2,089 students randomly selected from 15 high schools in Beijing, using the Test Anxiety Scale(TAS), Parenting Style Scale (PSS) and Academic Aggregate Graphic (AAG). Five months later, 194 students from one of those high schools were retested with TAS with students remaining anonymous. In the retest, the classes and birth dates of those students were strictly matched. This paper is composed of three parts to examine the issue. The first part examines the test anxiety among high school students in Beijing and establishes the model; the second part conducts a comparative study of issues related to test anxiety and academic performance; the third part examines the factors affecting test anxiety and establishes the model. Results showed that: 1. The reliability and validity of TAS are satisfied and can meet survey requirement. The 25-item version of TAS turned out to have equal or even better performance compared with the original 37-item version. 2. Incidence of test anxiety in high schools of Beijing: 57.9 percent of samples have an overall score at or higher 15. 55 percent of male student samples have a score at or higher than 15 while that for female student samples is 61 percent. A score of 20 refers to fairly serious test anxiety and 31.9 percent of samples have a score over 20. 28.1 percent of the male student samples have a score of over 20 while that for female student samples is 35.9 percent. 3. The effect of grade and sex and the interaction between the two factors are statistically significant. Female students have higher test anxiety than male students and the level of test anxiety varies from grade to grade. 4. Samples are divided into two groups, one with test anxiety and the other without. The academic performance gap between the two groups is very significant. There is a significant negative correlation between academic score and test anxiety. 5. There is a negative correlation between test anxiety and mastery goal orientation and a positive correlation between test anxiety and performance goal orientation. Students with higher academic self-efficiency have lower test anxiety. The more one thinks study is valuable, the lower his/her test anxiety is. Those whose parents communicate smoothly with them have lower test anxiety. Those whose parents have an inconsistent communication style have higher test anxiety. 6. Achievement goal is mediate variable for the effect of lack of values on test anxiety. 7. The indirect effect of introduction of achievement goal and parenting style, including communication, monitoring and communication consistence, on test anxiety is significant. Key words: Test anxiety,reliability, validity, self-efficiency,parenting style,achievement goal orientation, academic values, academic score


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Stigma is defined as a sign of disgrace or discredit that sets a person apart from others. Stigmatized individuals had been significantly influenced by their group-based stigma. Through the methods of laboratory experiment and questionnaire surveys, the current study started with examining the attitudes of middle school students to the students with learning disabilities (LD), systemly explored the characteristics of perceived stigma and self-stigma of LD students, the mechanism that the influences of stigma on students with LD, and the mental control required to cope with the stigma. The results of the present studies had significant implications for the understanding of the LD phenomenon and the intervention of LD adolescents. The results indicate that: 1. Generally, middle school students had negative implicit attitude and negative explicit attitudes towards the LD students. The effect size of the phenomenon of this study is large. The LD students showed a more positive attitude than others on the explicit attitude measure; all students consistently had negative attitudes toward LD students on the implicit attitude indices, in addition, no group differences and gender differences were observed in the implicit attitude. 2. Eight hundred and seventy two students were surveyed to test the reliability and validity of the new developed perceived stigma scale and self-stigma scale. Both questionnaires showed sufficient content validity, construct validity, criterion-related validity and adequate internal consistency reliability. Then, both questionnaires were administered to student with high academic achievement (high achiever), students with middle academic achievement (middle achiever), and LD students. Results revealed that the LD students mildly stigmatized by the social culture. The LD students had more stigma perception and self-stigma than the middle achievers and high achievers. The results also indicated that there were more stigma perception and self-stigma for LD students in grade two than that of LD students in grade one and grade three; meanwhile, male LDstudent hade more stigma perception and self-stigma than female LD students in all grades. 3. A latent variable path analysis was conducted to investigate how the stigma affect the academic goals using the data collected from 186 LD students. The results suggested that the LD-related stigma did not have direct influence on academic goals. The LD-related stigma indirectly influenced the academic goals through mediating effects of self-stigma and academic efficacy. 4. Stereotype threat could have some influences on the relationship between the task feedback and self-esteem. The results of study using eighty-four LD students showed that: when the negative stereotype was not primed, the self-esteem of the LD students was significantly influenced by the feedback of the task: an enhance self-esteem following a positive feedback and a lower self-esteem following a negative feedback. When the negative stereotype was primed, there was no significantly difference between the positive feedback group and negative feedback group. All the results showed that priming the negative stereotype could weaken the influence of feedback to the self-esteem of LD students. 5. There was more cognitive and behavioral control when LD students tried to cope with the stigma by concealing negative academic achievement during an individual interview with an unfamilar expert. The LD students whose academic achievements could be concealed had more thought suppression and thought intrusion and reported more self-monitoring behavior than the participants in the other experimental conditions.


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With the emergence and development of positive psychology, happiness has been the focus of academia and business. However, there is no uniform measure of happiness, because of many different theories of happiness, which are not compatible with others. It bounds the further development of happiness theory. It is also the same with the research of work well-being, which refers to the emotional experience and quality of psychological functioning of employee in the workplace. Subjective well-being (SWB) and psychological well-being (PWB) are two major theories of happiness. Prior research has demonstrated the integration of these two theories theoretically, but still needs more empirical support. Besides, in line with the development of positive psychology, a body of knowledge about positive leadership is advocated. Transformational leadership is treated as one kind of positive leadership, since it emphasizes the leader’s motivational and elevating effect on followers. But the extent to which the transformational leadership can enhance work well-being, and what the mechanism is, these are the questions need to be explored. Based on the integration of SWB and PWB, this research tried to investigate the structure, measurement and mechanism of work well-being, and combining with the theory of transformational leadership, this study also tried to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and work well-being. The structure and measurement of work well-being, the relationships between work well-being and job characteristics (including job resources and job demands), the relationships among transformational leadership, job resources, work well-being and corresponding outcomes, the relationships among transformational leadership, job demands, work well-being and corresponding outcomes, and the relationships among transformational leadership, group job characteristics, group work well-being and corresponding group outcomes were explored by using content analysis, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) discussion, and structural questionnaire surveys. More than 7000 subjects were surveyed, and Explore Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirm Factor Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) and other statistics methods were used. The following is the major conclusions. Firstly, work well-being is a two high-order factors structure, which includes affective well-being (AWB) and cognitive well-being (CWB). AWB is similar to SWB, and CWB is similar to PWB. Besides, the construct of AWB includes sub-dimensions of positive emotional experience and negative emotional experience. And the construct of CWB consists of work autonomy, personal growth, work competent, and work significance. Secondly, the relationships between job characteristics and AWB and CWB are different. On one hand job demands are directly related to AWB, and are indirectly related to CWB through the full mediation of AWB, on the other job resources are directly related to CWB, and are indirectly related to AWB through the full mediation of CWB, which means AWB and CWB reciprocally influences each other in the model of job demands-resources. These results were concluded as the process model of work well-being. Thirdly, AWB and CWB are positively related to many workplace outcomes, including job satisfaction, group satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, job performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and general psychological health and general physiological health. Fourthly, transformational leadership is indirectly related to CWB through the full mediation of job resources, and is related to AWB through the partial mediation of job demands. Meanwhile, transformational leadership is related to many workplace outcomes through the mediation of job characteristics and work well-being. These results implied that transformational leadership is indeed one kind of positive leadership. Fifthly, in the group level, transformational leadership is indirectly related to group CWB through the full mediation of group job resources, and is related to group AWB through the full mediation of group job demands. Group AWB has positive influence on group CWB, but not vice versa. Group job characteristics and group work well-being fully mediate the relationships between transformational leadership and intragroup cooperation and group performance.


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This research systematically compared Chinese undergraduates with American undergraduates on four kinds of attributional bias: correspondent bias, siuational overattribution, intergroup attributional bias and self-serving attributional bias, and examined the effect of the implicit theories reflecting the cultures on attributional bias. First is analyzed three pairs of opposite implicit theories: dispositionalist theory and situationalist theory, generality and particularity, stressing the positive evaluation of self and despising the positive evaluation of self. It developed the Modern Implicit Theories Inventory and Traditional Implicit Theories Inventory to measure these implicit theories, and the results showed these inventories had satisfactory validity and reliability, and they were suitable for the group comparison of Chinese implicit theories with European-American. At the same time through the test it found Chinese undergraduates agreed all these opposite implicit theories more than American undergraduates. Second, it studied Chinese and American undergraduates' attributional accuracy on locus of causality. The results showed: Chinese and American undergraduates both had the correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints, and the degree of Chinese and American undergraduates' correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints had no significant difference' Chinese and American undergraduates both showed the situational overattribution; Chinese undergraduates had more the correspondent bias and situational overattribution than American undergraduates. Third, on the research of Chinese and American undergraduates' intergroup attributional bias, it found Chinese and American undergraduates both had no intergroup attributional bias among kin, friends and strangers, while they both show some favorable outcome effects for these three group actors. The favorable outcome effects were significant on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality and controllability for strangers' behavior, and stability for kin and friends' behavior rating by Chinese undergraduates, and stability for friends' behavior rating by American undergraduates. Fourth, it explored Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias, and the result indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates both showed significant self-serving attributional bias: for outcome effects, Chinese undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability, controllability and globality, and American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality; for categorization effects, both Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on attributional difference between self's negative behavior and others', but Chinese undergraduates were embodied on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality while American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of stability and globality. It also found Chinese undergraduates had more self-serving attributional bias than American undergraduates. This was reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and controllability for outcome effects, and for categorization effects, locus of causality, stability and globality rating for self and others' negative behavior. All studies indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates' implicit theories had no significant effects on all their four attributional bias. These findings' potentially important implications were discussed and the further research was suggested.


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O pôrometro de pós-colheita é um instrumento para medir transpiração, resistência difusiva e déficit de pressão de vapor por manometria a volume constante e por volumetria a pressão constante. É constituído de uma câmara de transpiração com fechamento hermético contendo um suporte de amostras sobre um ventilador e externamente um manômetro de coluna de água com pipeta graduada móvel. Sob temperatura constante, o déficit de pressão de vapor (.P), e o volume de vapor de água (.V) foram proporcionais aos volumes de água vaporizados. Com o uso de um excesso de água este aumento da pressão de vapor iguala-se, em módulo, ao déficit de pressão de vapor do ar na câmara de transpiração. Para amostras do ar atmosférico no laboratório, o déficit de pressão de vapor foi calculado a partir das temperaturas de bulbo seco e úmido em um psicrômetro ventilado e por manometria. A correlação entre estes dois métodos foi de 0,976. A acurácia das medidas de transpiração é tal que o produto do volume morto da câmara (V) pela declividade (.P/ .V) determinada pelo vapor de água liberado no processo iguala-se à pressão barométrica, com erro inferior a 1%. Um exemplo experimental do uso do porômetro de pós-colheita em cenoura é apresentado juntamente e os detalhes para obter a resistência difusiva e espessura da camada laminar. O porômetro de pós-colheita é um porômetro de difusão simples, robusto, que poderá ser usado em estudos de efeito de cêras, na seleção de cultivares e em variados outros estudos de fisiologia de pós-colheita.


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Breast region measurements are important for research, but they may also become significant in the legal field as a quantitative tool for preoperative and postoperative evaluation. Direct anthropometric measurements can be taken in clinical practice. the aim of this study was to compare direct breast anthropometric measurements taken with a tape measure and a compass.Forty women, aged 18-60 years, were evaluated. They had 14 anatomical landmarks marked on the breast region and arms. the union of these points formed eight linear segments and one angle for each side of the body. the volunteers were evaluated by direct anthropometry in a standardized way, using a tape measure and a compass.Differences were found between the tape measure and the compass measurements for all segments analyzed (p > 0.05).Measurements obtained by tape measure and compass are not identical. Therefore, once the measurement tool is chosen, it should be used for the pre- and postoperative measurements in a standardized way.This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. for a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266.


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Huws, C., The Welsh Language Act 1993 - A Measure of Success?, Language Policy, 5(2) pp.141-160 RAE2008


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Iantchenko, A., (2007) 'Scattering poles near the real axis for two strictly convex obstacles', Annales of the Institute Henri Poincar? 8 pp.513-568 RAE2008


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Plakhov, A.Y., (2004) 'Precise solutions of the one-dimensional Monge-Kantorovich problem', Sbornik: Mathematics 195(9) pp.1291-1307 RAE2008


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Gohm, Rolf, (2003) 'A probabilistic index for completely positive maps and an application', Journal of Operator Theory 54(2) pp.339-361 RAE2008


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Phage-mediated transfer of microbial genetic elements plays a crucial role in bacterial life style and evolution. In this study, we identify the RinA family of phage-encoded proteins as activators required for transcription of the late operon in a large group of temperate staphylococcal phages. RinA binds to a tightly regulated promoter region, situated upstream of the terS gene, that controls expression of the morphogenetic and lysis modules of the phage, activating their transcription. As expected, rinA deletion eliminated formation of functional phage particles and significantly decreased the transfer of phage and pathogenicity island encoded virulence factors. A genetic analysis of the late promoter region showed that a fragment of 272 bp contains both the promoter and the region necessary for activation by RinA. In addition, we demonstrated that RinA is the only phage-encoded protein required for the activation of this promoter region. This region was shown to be divergent among different phages. Consequently, phages with divergent promoter regions carried allelic variants of the RinA protein, which specifically recognize its own promoter sequence. Finally, most Gram-postive bacteria carry bacteriophages encoding RinA homologue proteins. Characterization of several of these proteins demonstrated that control by RinA of the phage-mediated packaging and transfer of virulence factor is a conserved mechanism regulating horizontal gene transfer.


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Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Językoznawstwa


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Islamic prayer (du’a, dhikr, and Qur’anic recitation) on Muslim patients. Relying on the Qur’an and sunnah, Islamic scholars state that prayer has positive effects on patients’ psychological and physical well-being. To examine this, the principal investigator recruited 60 adult in-patients at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Patients completed questionnaires that were used to assess the respondents’ psychological/emotional well being as well as determine the level of religiosity or spirituality (from an Islamic perspective). Vital sign recordings and self-report surveys were used before and after prayer sessions to measure effects of prayer. A non-religious text served as a control. Results support the hypothesis of the positive effects of prayer. A greater degree of religiosity/spirituality was associated with better psychological health. Physical changes were clinically insignificant but statistically meaningful.