991 resultados para Stellar atmospheres
We analyse a sample of 71 triplets of luminous galaxies derived from the work of O’Mill et al. We compare the properties of triplets and their members with those of control samples of compact groups, the 10 brightest members of rich clusters and galaxies in pairs. The triplets are restricted to have members with spectroscopic redshifts in the range 0.01 ≤ z ≤ 0.14 and absolute r-band luminosities brighter than Mr = −20.5. For these member galaxies, we analyse the stellar mass content, the star formation rates, the Dn(4000) parameter and (Mg − Mr) colour index. Since galaxies in triplets may finally merge in a single system, we analyse different global properties of these systems. We calculate the probability that the properties of galaxies in triplets are strongly correlated. We also study total star formation activity and global colours, and define the triplet compactness as a measure of the percentage of the system total area that is filled by the light of member galaxies. We concentrate in the comparison of our results with those of compact groups to assess how the triplets are a natural extension of these compact systems. Our analysis suggests that triplet galaxy members behave similarly to compact group members and galaxies in rich clusters. We also find that systems comprising three blue, star-forming, young stellar population galaxies (blue triplets) are most probably real systems and not a chance configuration of interloping galaxies. The same holds for triplets composed of three red, non-star-forming galaxies, showing the correlation of galaxy properties in these systems. From the analysis of the triplet as a whole, we conclude that, at a given total stellar mass content, triplets show a total star formation activity and global colours similar to compact groups. However, blue triplets show a high total star formation activity with a lower stellar mass content. From an analysis of the compactness parameter of the systems we find that light is even more concentrated in triplets than in compact groups. We propose that triplets composed of three luminous galaxies, should not be considered as an analogous of galaxy pairs with a third extra member, but rather they are a natural extension of compact groups.
We have completed a high-contrast direct imaging survey for giant planets around 57 debris disk stars as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. We achieved median H-band contrasts of 12.4 mag at 0.''5 and 14.1 mag at 1'' separation. Follow-up observations of the 66 candidates with projected separation <500 AU show that all of them are background objects. To establish statistical constraints on the underlying giant planet population based on our imaging data, we have developed a new Bayesian formalism that incorporates (1) non-detections, (2) single-epoch candidates, (3) astrometric and (4) photometric information, and (5) the possibility of multiple planets per star to constrain the planet population. Our formalism allows us to include in our analysis the previously known β Pictoris and the HR 8799 planets. Our results show at 95% confidence that <13% of debris disk stars have a ≥5 M Jup planet beyond 80 AU, and <21% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet outside of 40 AU, based on hot-start evolutionary models. We model the population of directly imaged planets as d 2 N/dMdavpropm α a β, where m is planet mass and a is orbital semi-major axis (with a maximum value of a max). We find that β < –0.8 and/or α > 1.7. Likewise, we find that β < –0.8 and/or a max < 200 AU. For the case where the planet frequency rises sharply with mass (α > 1.7), this occurs because all the planets detected to date have masses above 5 M Jup, but planets of lower mass could easily have been detected by our search. If we ignore the β Pic and HR 8799 planets (should they belong to a rare and distinct group), we find that <20% of debris disk stars have a ≥3 M Jup planet beyond 10 AU, and β < –0.8 and/or α < –1.5. Likewise, β < –0.8 and/or a max < 125 AU. Our Bayesian constraints are not strong enough to reveal any dependence of the planet frequency on stellar host mass. Studies of transition disks have suggested that about 20% of stars are undergoing planet formation; our non-detections at large separations show that planets with orbital separation >40 AU and planet masses >3 M Jup do not carve the central holes in these disks.
We have carried out high contrast imaging of 70 young, nearby B and A stars to search for brown dwarf and planetary companions as part of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign. Our survey represents the largest, deepest survey for planets around high-mass stars (≈1.5-2.5 M ☉) conducted to date and includes the planet hosts β Pic and Fomalhaut. We obtained follow-up astrometry of all candidate companions within 400 AU projected separation for stars in uncrowded fields and identified new low-mass companions to HD 1160 and HIP 79797. We have found that the previously known young brown dwarf companion to HIP 79797 is itself a tight (3 AU) binary, composed of brown dwarfs with masses 58$^{+21}_{-20}$ M Jup and 55$^{+20}_{-19}$ M Jup, making this system one of the rare substellar binaries in orbit around a star. Considering the contrast limits of our NICI data and the fact that we did not detect any planets, we use high-fidelity Monte Carlo simulations to show that fewer than 20% of 2 M ☉ stars can have giant planets greater than 4 M Jup between 59 and 460 AU at 95% confidence, and fewer than 10% of these stars can have a planet more massive than 10 M Jup between 38 and 650 AU. Overall, we find that large-separation giant planets are not common around B and A stars: fewer than 10% of B and A stars can have an analog to the HR 8799 b (7 M Jup, 68 AU) planet at 95% confidence. We also describe a new Bayesian technique for determining the ages of field B and A stars from photometry and theoretical isochrones. Our method produces more plausible ages for high-mass stars than previous age-dating techniques, which tend to underestimate stellar ages and their uncertainties.
Background and Objective: Periodontopathogens experience several challenges in the oral cavity that may influence their transcription profile and resulting phenotype. This study evaluated the effect of environmental changes on phenotype and gene expression in a serotype b Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans isolate. Material and Methods: Cultures in early exponential phase and at the start of stationary growth phase in microaerophilic and anaerobic atmospheres were evaluated. Cell hydrophobic properties were measured by adherence to n-hexadecane; in addition, adhesion to, and the ability to invade, KB cells was evaluated. Relative transcription of 12 virulence-associated genes was determined by real-time reverse transcritption quantitative PCR. Results: The culture conditions tested in this study were found to influence the phenotypic and genotypic traits of A. actinomycetemcomitans. Cells cultured in microaerophilic conditions were the most hydrophobic, reached the highest adhesion efficiency and showed up-regulation of omp100 (which encodes an adhesion) and pga (related to polysaccharide synthesis). Cells grown anaerobically were more invasive to epithelial cells and showed up-regulation of genes involved in host-cell invasion or apoptosis induction (such as apaH, omp29, cagE and cdtB) and in adhesion to extracellular matrix protein (emaA). Conclusion: Environmental conditions of different oral habitats may influence the expression of factors involved in the binding of A. actinomycetemcomitans to host tissues and the damage resulting thereby, and thus should be considered in in-vitro studies assessing its pathogenic potential.
Context. Be stars are rapidly rotating stars with a circumstellar decretion disk. They usually undergo pressure and/or gravity pulsation modes excited by the κ-mechanism, i.e. an effect of the opacity of iron-peak elements in the envelope of the star. In the Milky Way, p-modes are observed in stars that are hotter than or equal to the B3 spectral type, while g-modes are observed at the B2 spectral type and cooler. Aims. We observed a B0IVe star, HD51452, with the high-precision, high-cadence photometric CoRoT satellite and high-resolution, ground-based HARPS and SOPHIE spectrographs to study its pulsations in great detail. We also used the lower resolution spectra available in the BeSS database. Methods. We analyzed the CoRoT and spectroscopic data with several methods: Clean-NG, FreqFind, and a sliding window method. We also analyzed spectral quantities, such as the violet over red (V/R) emission variations, to obtain information about the variation in the circumstellar environment. We calculated a stellar structure model with the ESTER code to test the various interpretation of the results. Results. We detect 189 frequencies of variations in the CoRoT light curve in the range between 0 and 4.5 c d−1. The main frequencies are also recovered in the spectroscopic data. In particular we find that HD51452 undergoes gravito-inertial modes that are not in the domain of those excited by the κ-mechanism. We propose that these are stochastic modes excited in the convective zones and that at least some of them are a multiplet of r-modes (i.e. subinertial modes mainly driven by the Coriolis acceleration). Stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes had never been observed in any star, and theory predicted that their very low amplitudes would be undetectable even with CoRoT. We suggest that the amplitudes are enhanced in HD51452 because of the very rapid stellar rotation. In addition, we find that the amplitude variations of these modes are related to the occurrence of minor outbursts. Conclusions. Thanks to CoRoT data, we have detected a new kind of pulsations in HD51452, which are stochastically excited gravito-inertial modes, probably due to its very rapid rotation. These modes are probably also present in other rapidly rotating hot Be stars.
The orbits of the stars in the disk of the Galaxy, and their passages through the Galactic spiral arms, are a rarely mentioned factor of biosphere stability which might be important for long-term planetary climate evolution, with a possible bearing on mass extinctions. The Sun lies very near the co-rotation radius, where stars revolve around the Galaxy in the same period as the density wave perturbations of the spiral arms. conventional wisdom generally considers that this status makes for few passages through the spiral arms. Controversy still surrounds whether time spent inside or around spiral arms is dangerous to biospheres and conductive to mass extinctions. Possible threats include giant molecular clouds disturbing the Oort comet cloud and provoking heavy bombardment: a higher exposure to cosmic rays near star forming regions triggering increased cloudiness in Earth atmosphere and ice ages; and the desctruction of Earth's ozone layer posed by supernova explosiosn. We present detailed calculations of the history of spiral arm passages for all 212 solar-type stars nearer than 20 parsecs, including the total time spent inside armsin the last 500 Myr, when the spiral arm position can be traced with good accuracy. We found that there is a large diversity of stellar orbits in the solar neighborhood, and the time fraction spent inside spiral arms can vary from a few percent to nearly half the time. The Sun, despite its proximity to the galactic co-rotation radius, has exceptionally low eccentricity and a low vertical velocity component, and therefore spends 30% of its lifetime crossing the spiral arms, more than most nearby stars. We discuss the possible implications of this fact to the long-term habitability of the Earth, and possible correlations of the Sun's passage through the spiral arms with the five great mass extinctions of the Earth's biosphere from the Late Ordovician to the Cretaceous-Tertiary.
This Thesis is devoted to the study of the optical companions of Millisecond Pulsars in Galactic Globular Clusters (GCs) as a part of a large project started at the Department of Astronomy of the Bologna University, in collaboration with other institutions (Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari and Bologna, University of Virginia), specifically dedicated to the study of the environmental effects on passive stellar evolution in galactic GCs. Globular Clusters are very efficient “Kilns” for generating exotic object, such as Millisecond Pulsars (MSP), low mass X-ray binaries(LMXB) or Blue Straggler Stars (BSS). In particular MSPs are formed in binary systems containing a Neutron Star which is spun up through mass accretion from the evolving companion (e.g. Bhattacharia & van den Heuvel 1991). The final stage of this recycling process is either the core of a peeled star (generally an Helium white dwarf) or a very light almos exhausted star, orbiting a very fast rotating Neutron Star (a MSP). Despite the large difference in total mass between the disk of the Galaxy and the Galactic GC system (up a factor 103), the percentage of fast rotating pulsar in binary systems found in the latter is very higher. MSPs in GCs show spin periods in the range 1.3 ÷ 30ms, slowdown rates ˙P 1019 s/s and a lower magnetic field, respect to ”normal” radio pulsars, B 108 gauss . The high probability of disruption of a binary systems after a supernova explosion, explain why we expect only a low percentage of recycled millisecond pulsars respect to the whole pulsar population. In fact only the 10% of the known 1800 radio pulsars are radio MSPs. Is not surprising, that MSP are overabundant in GCs respect to Galactic field, since in the Galactic Disk, MSPs can only form through the evolution of primordial binaries, and only if the binary survives to the supernova explosion which lead to the neutron star formation. On the other hand, the extremely high stellar density in the core of GCs, relative to most of the rest of the Galaxy, favors the formation of several different binary systems, suitable for the recycling of NSs (Davies at al. 1998). In this thesis we will present the properties two millisecond pulsars companions discovered in two globular clusters, the Helium white dwarf orbiting the MSP PSR 1911-5958A in NGC 6752 and the second case of a tidally deformed star orbiting an eclipsing millisecond pulsar, PSR J1701-3006B in NGC6266
Maintaining the postharvest quality of whole and fresh-cut fruit during storage and distribution is the major challenge facing fruit industry. For this purpose, industry adopt a wide range of technologies to enable extended shelf-life. Many factors can lead to loss of quality in fresh product, hence the common description of these products as ‘perishable’. As a consequence normal factors such as transpiration and respiration lead ultimately to water loss and senescence of the product. Fruits and vegetables are living commodities and their rate of respiration is of key importance to maintenance of quality. It has been commonly observed that the greater the respiration rate of a product, the shorter the shelf-life. The principal problem for fresh-cut fruit industries is the relative shorter shelf-life of minimally processed fruit (MPF) compared to intact product. This fact is strictly connected with the higher ethylene production of fruit tissue stimulated during fresh-cut processing (peeling, cutting, dipping). 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) is an inhibitor of ethylene action and several researches have shown its effectiveness on the inhibition of ripening and senescence incidence for intact fruit and consequently on their shelf-life extension. More recently 1-MCP treatment has been tested also for shelf-life extension of MPF but discordant results have been obtained. Considering that in some countries 1-MCP is already a commercial product registered for the use on a number of horticultural products, the main aim of this actual study was to enhance our understanding on the effects of 1-MCP treatment on the quality maintenance of whole and fresh-cut climacteric and non-climacteric fruit (apple, kiwifruit and pineapple). Concerning the effects of 1-MCP on whole fruit, was investigated the effects of a semi-commercial postharvest treatment with 1-MCP on the quality of Pink Lady apples as functions of fruit ripening stage, 1-MCP dose, storage time and also in combination with controlled atmospheres storage in order to better understand what is the relationship among these parameters and if is possible to maximize the 1-MCP treatment to meet the market/consumer needs and then in order to put in the market excellent fruit. To achieve this purpose an incomplete three-level three-factor design was adopted. During the storage were monitored several quality parameters: firmness, ripening index, ethylene and carbon dioxide production and were also performed a sensory evaluations after 6 month of storage. In this study the higher retention of firmness (at the end of storage) was achieved by applying the greatest 1-MCP concentration to fruits with the lowest maturity stage. This finding means that in these semi-commercial conditions we may considerate completely blocked the fruit softening. 1-MCP was able to delay also the ethylene and CO2 production and the maturity parameters (soluble solids content and total acidity). Only in some cases 1-MCP generate a synergistic effect with the CA storage. The results of sensory analyses indicated that, the 1-MCP treatment did not affect the sweetness and whole fruit flavour while had a little effect on the decreasing cut fruit flavour. On the contrary the treated apple was more sour, crisp, firm and juicy. The effects of some treatment (dipping and MAP) on the nutrient stability were also investigated showing that in this case study the adopted treatments did not have drastic effects on the antioxidant compounds on the contrary the dipping may enhance the total antioxidant activity by the accumulation of ascorbic acid on the apple cut surface. Results concerning the effects of 1-MCP in combination with MAP on the quality parameters behaviour of the kiwifruit were not always consistent and clear: in terms of colour maintenance, it seemed to have a synergistic effect with N2O MAP; as far as ripening index is concerned, 1-MCP had a preservative effect, but just for sample packed in air.
Se il lavoro dello storico è capire il passato come è stato compreso dalla gente che lo ha vissuto, allora forse non è azzardato pensare che sia anche necessario comunicare i risultati delle ricerche con strumenti propri che appartengono a un'epoca e che influenzano la mentalità di chi in quell'epoca vive. Emergenti tecnologie, specialmente nell’area della multimedialità come la realtà virtuale, permettono agli storici di comunicare l’esperienza del passato in più sensi. In che modo la storia collabora con le tecnologie informatiche soffermandosi sulla possibilità di fare ricostruzioni storiche virtuali, con relativi esempi e recensioni? Quello che maggiormente preoccupa gli storici è se una ricostruzione di un fatto passato vissuto attraverso la sua ricreazione in pixels sia un metodo di conoscenza della storia che possa essere considerato valido. Ovvero l'emozione che la navigazione in una realtà 3D può suscitare, è un mezzo in grado di trasmettere conoscenza? O forse l'idea che abbiamo del passato e del suo studio viene sottilmente cambiato nel momento in cui lo si divulga attraverso la grafica 3D? Da tempo però la disciplina ha cominciato a fare i conti con questa situazione, costretta soprattutto dall'invasività di questo tipo di media, dalla spettacolarizzazione del passato e da una divulgazione del passato parziale e antiscientifica. In un mondo post letterario bisogna cominciare a pensare che la cultura visuale nella quale siamo immersi sta cambiando il nostro rapporto con il passato: non per questo le conoscenze maturate fino ad oggi sono false, ma è necessario riconoscere che esiste più di una verità storica, a volte scritta a volte visuale. Il computer è diventato una piattaforma onnipresente per la rappresentazione e diffusione dell’informazione. I metodi di interazione e rappresentazione stanno evolvendo di continuo. Ed è su questi due binari che è si muove l’offerta delle tecnologie informatiche al servizio della storia. Lo scopo di questa tesi è proprio quello di esplorare, attraverso l’utilizzo e la sperimentazione di diversi strumenti e tecnologie informatiche, come si può raccontare efficacemente il passato attraverso oggetti tridimensionali e gli ambienti virtuali, e come, nel loro essere elementi caratterizzanti di comunicazione, in che modo possono collaborare, in questo caso particolare, con la disciplina storica. La presente ricerca ricostruisce alcune linee di storia delle principali fabbriche attive a Torino durante la seconda guerra mondiale, ricordando stretta relazione che esiste tra strutture ed individui e in questa città in particolare tra fabbrica e movimento operaio, è inevitabile addentrarsi nelle vicende del movimento operaio torinese che nel periodo della lotta di Liberazione in città fu un soggetto politico e sociale di primo rilievo. Nella città, intesa come entità biologica coinvolta nella guerra, la fabbrica (o le fabbriche) diventa il nucleo concettuale attraverso il quale leggere la città: sono le fabbriche gli obiettivi principali dei bombardamenti ed è nelle fabbriche che si combatte una guerra di liberazione tra classe operaia e autorità, di fabbrica e cittadine. La fabbrica diventa il luogo di "usurpazione del potere" di cui parla Weber, il palcoscenico in cui si tengono i diversi episodi della guerra: scioperi, deportazioni, occupazioni .... Il modello della città qui rappresentata non è una semplice visualizzazione ma un sistema informativo dove la realtà modellata è rappresentata da oggetti, che fanno da teatro allo svolgimento di avvenimenti con una precisa collocazione cronologica, al cui interno è possibile effettuare operazioni di selezione di render statici (immagini), di filmati precalcolati (animazioni) e di scenari navigabili interattivamente oltre ad attività di ricerca di fonti bibliografiche e commenti di studiosi segnatamente legati all'evento in oggetto. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è far interagire, attraverso diversi progetti, le discipline storiche e l’informatica, nelle diverse opportunità tecnologiche che questa presenta. Le possibilità di ricostruzione offerte dal 3D vengono così messe a servizio della ricerca, offrendo una visione integrale in grado di avvicinarci alla realtà dell’epoca presa in considerazione e convogliando in un’unica piattaforma espositiva tutti i risultati. Divulgazione Progetto Mappa Informativa Multimediale Torino 1945 Sul piano pratico il progetto prevede una interfaccia navigabile (tecnologia Flash) che rappresenti la pianta della città dell’epoca, attraverso la quale sia possibile avere una visione dei luoghi e dei tempi in cui la Liberazione prese forma, sia a livello concettuale, sia a livello pratico. Questo intreccio di coordinate nello spazio e nel tempo non solo migliora la comprensione dei fenomeni, ma crea un maggiore interesse sull’argomento attraverso l’utilizzo di strumenti divulgativi di grande efficacia (e appeal) senza perdere di vista la necessità di valicare le tesi storiche proponendosi come piattaforma didattica. Un tale contesto richiede uno studio approfondito degli eventi storici al fine di ricostruire con chiarezza una mappa della città che sia precisa sia topograficamente sia a livello di navigazione multimediale. La preparazione della cartina deve seguire gli standard del momento, perciò le soluzioni informatiche utilizzate sono quelle fornite da Adobe Illustrator per la realizzazione della topografia, e da Macromedia Flash per la creazione di un’interfaccia di navigazione. La base dei dati descrittivi è ovviamente consultabile essendo contenuta nel supporto media e totalmente annotata nella bibliografia. È il continuo evolvere delle tecnologie d'informazione e la massiccia diffusione dell’uso dei computer che ci porta a un cambiamento sostanziale nello studio e nell’apprendimento storico; le strutture accademiche e gli operatori economici hanno fatto propria la richiesta che giunge dall'utenza (insegnanti, studenti, operatori dei Beni Culturali) di una maggiore diffusione della conoscenza storica attraverso la sua rappresentazione informatizzata. Sul fronte didattico la ricostruzione di una realtà storica attraverso strumenti informatici consente anche ai non-storici di toccare con mano quelle che sono le problematiche della ricerca quali fonti mancanti, buchi della cronologia e valutazione della veridicità dei fatti attraverso prove. Le tecnologie informatiche permettono una visione completa, unitaria ed esauriente del passato, convogliando tutte le informazioni su un'unica piattaforma, permettendo anche a chi non è specializzato di comprendere immediatamente di cosa si parla. Il miglior libro di storia, per sua natura, non può farlo in quanto divide e organizza le notizie in modo diverso. In questo modo agli studenti viene data l'opportunità di apprendere tramite una rappresentazione diversa rispetto a quelle a cui sono abituati. La premessa centrale del progetto è che i risultati nell'apprendimento degli studenti possono essere migliorati se un concetto o un contenuto viene comunicato attraverso più canali di espressione, nel nostro caso attraverso un testo, immagini e un oggetto multimediale. Didattica La Conceria Fiorio è uno dei luoghi-simbolo della Resistenza torinese. Il progetto è una ricostruzione in realtà virtuale della Conceria Fiorio di Torino. La ricostruzione serve a arricchire la cultura storica sia a chi la produce, attraverso una ricerca accurata delle fonti, sia a chi può poi usufruirne, soprattutto i giovani, che, attratti dall’aspetto ludico della ricostruzione, apprendono con più facilità. La costruzione di un manufatto in 3D fornisce agli studenti le basi per riconoscere ed esprimere la giusta relazione fra il modello e l’oggetto storico. Le fasi di lavoro attraverso cui si è giunti alla ricostruzione in 3D della Conceria: . una ricerca storica approfondita, basata sulle fonti, che possono essere documenti degli archivi o scavi archeologici, fonti iconografiche, cartografiche, ecc.; . La modellazione degli edifici sulla base delle ricerche storiche, per fornire la struttura geometrica poligonale che permetta la navigazione tridimensionale; . La realizzazione, attraverso gli strumenti della computer graphic della navigazione in 3D. Unreal Technology è il nome dato al motore grafico utilizzato in numerosi videogiochi commerciali. Una delle caratteristiche fondamentali di tale prodotto è quella di avere uno strumento chiamato Unreal editor con cui è possibile costruire mondi virtuali, e che è quello utilizzato per questo progetto. UnrealEd (Ued) è il software per creare livelli per Unreal e i giochi basati sul motore di Unreal. E’ stata utilizzata la versione gratuita dell’editor. Il risultato finale del progetto è un ambiente virtuale navigabile raffigurante una ricostruzione accurata della Conceria Fiorio ai tempi della Resistenza. L’utente può visitare l’edificio e visualizzare informazioni specifiche su alcuni punti di interesse. La navigazione viene effettuata in prima persona, un processo di “spettacolarizzazione” degli ambienti visitati attraverso un arredamento consono permette all'utente una maggiore immersività rendendo l’ambiente più credibile e immediatamente codificabile. L’architettura Unreal Technology ha permesso di ottenere un buon risultato in un tempo brevissimo, senza che fossero necessari interventi di programmazione. Questo motore è, quindi, particolarmente adatto alla realizzazione rapida di prototipi di una discreta qualità, La presenza di un certo numero di bug lo rende, però, in parte inaffidabile. Utilizzare un editor da videogame per questa ricostruzione auspica la possibilità di un suo impiego nella didattica, quello che le simulazioni in 3D permettono nel caso specifico è di permettere agli studenti di sperimentare il lavoro della ricostruzione storica, con tutti i problemi che lo storico deve affrontare nel ricreare il passato. Questo lavoro vuole essere per gli storici una esperienza nella direzione della creazione di un repertorio espressivo più ampio, che includa gli ambienti tridimensionali. Il rischio di impiegare del tempo per imparare come funziona questa tecnologia per generare spazi virtuali rende scettici quanti si impegnano nell'insegnamento, ma le esperienze di progetti sviluppati, soprattutto all’estero, servono a capire che sono un buon investimento. Il fatto che una software house, che crea un videogame di grande successo di pubblico, includa nel suo prodotto, una serie di strumenti che consentano all'utente la creazione di mondi propri in cui giocare, è sintomatico che l'alfabetizzazione informatica degli utenti medi sta crescendo sempre più rapidamente e che l'utilizzo di un editor come Unreal Engine sarà in futuro una attività alla portata di un pubblico sempre più vasto. Questo ci mette nelle condizioni di progettare moduli di insegnamento più immersivi, in cui l'esperienza della ricerca e della ricostruzione del passato si intreccino con lo studio più tradizionale degli avvenimenti di una certa epoca. I mondi virtuali interattivi vengono spesso definiti come la forma culturale chiave del XXI secolo, come il cinema lo è stato per il XX. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di suggerire che vi sono grosse opportunità per gli storici impiegando gli oggetti e le ambientazioni in 3D, e che essi devono coglierle. Si consideri il fatto che l’estetica abbia un effetto sull’epistemologia. O almeno sulla forma che i risultati delle ricerche storiche assumono nel momento in cui devono essere diffuse. Un’analisi storica fatta in maniera superficiale o con presupposti errati può comunque essere diffusa e avere credito in numerosi ambienti se diffusa con mezzi accattivanti e moderni. Ecco perchè non conviene seppellire un buon lavoro in qualche biblioteca, in attesa che qualcuno lo scopra. Ecco perchè gli storici non devono ignorare il 3D. La nostra capacità, come studiosi e studenti, di percepire idee ed orientamenti importanti dipende spesso dai metodi che impieghiamo per rappresentare i dati e l’evidenza. Perché gli storici possano ottenere il beneficio che il 3D porta con sè, tuttavia, devono sviluppare un’agenda di ricerca volta ad accertarsi che il 3D sostenga i loro obiettivi di ricercatori e insegnanti. Una ricostruzione storica può essere molto utile dal punto di vista educativo non sono da chi la visita ma, anche da chi la realizza. La fase di ricerca necessaria per la ricostruzione non può fare altro che aumentare il background culturale dello sviluppatore. Conclusioni La cosa più importante è stata la possibilità di fare esperienze nell’uso di mezzi di comunicazione di questo genere per raccontare e far conoscere il passato. Rovesciando il paradigma conoscitivo che avevo appreso negli studi umanistici, ho cercato di desumere quelle che potremo chiamare “leggi universali” dai dati oggettivi emersi da questi esperimenti. Da punto di vista epistemologico l’informatica, con la sua capacità di gestire masse impressionanti di dati, dà agli studiosi la possibilità di formulare delle ipotesi e poi accertarle o smentirle tramite ricostruzioni e simulazioni. Il mio lavoro è andato in questa direzione, cercando conoscere e usare strumenti attuali che nel futuro avranno sempre maggiore presenza nella comunicazione (anche scientifica) e che sono i mezzi di comunicazione d’eccellenza per determinate fasce d’età (adolescenti). Volendo spingere all’estremo i termini possiamo dire che la sfida che oggi la cultura visuale pone ai metodi tradizionali del fare storia è la stessa che Erodoto e Tucidide contrapposero ai narratori di miti e leggende. Prima di Erodoto esisteva il mito, che era un mezzo perfettamente adeguato per raccontare e dare significato al passato di una tribù o di una città. In un mondo post letterario la nostra conoscenza del passato sta sottilmente mutando nel momento in cui lo vediamo rappresentato da pixel o quando le informazioni scaturiscono non da sole, ma grazie all’interattività con il mezzo. La nostra capacità come studiosi e studenti di percepire idee ed orientamenti importanti dipende spesso dai metodi che impieghiamo per rappresentare i dati e l’evidenza. Perché gli storici possano ottenere il beneficio sottinteso al 3D, tuttavia, devono sviluppare un’agenda di ricerca volta ad accertarsi che il 3D sostenga i loro obiettivi di ricercatori e insegnanti. Le esperienze raccolte nelle pagine precedenti ci portano a pensare che in un futuro non troppo lontano uno strumento come il computer sarà l’unico mezzo attraverso cui trasmettere conoscenze, e dal punto di vista didattico la sua interattività consente coinvolgimento negli studenti come nessun altro mezzo di comunicazione moderno.
With the goal of studying ML along the RGB, mid-IR observations of a carefully selected sample of 17 Galactic globular clusters (GGCs) with different metallicity and horizontal branch (HB) morphology have been secured with IRAC on board Spitzer: a global sample counting about 8000 giant has been obtained. Suitable complementary photometry in the optical and near-IR has been also secured in order to properly characterize the stellar counterparts to the Spitzer sources and their photospheric parameters. Stars with color (i.e. dust) excess have been identified, their likely circumstellar emission quantified and modelled, and empirical estimates of mass loss rates and timescales obtained. We find that mass loss rates increases with increasing stellar luminosity and decreasing metallicity. For a given luminosity, we find that ML rates are systematically higher than the prediction by extrapolating the Reimers law. CMDs constructed from ground based near-IR and IRAC bands show that at a given luminosity some stars have dusty envelopes and others do not. From this, we deduce that the mass loss is episodic and is ``on'' for some fraction of the time. The total mass lost on the RGB can be easily computed by multiplying ML rates by the ML timescales and integrating over the evolutionary timescale. The average total mass lost moderately increases with increasing metallicity, and for a given metallicity is systematically higher in clusters with extended blue HB.
This PhD Thesis is devoted to the accurate analysis of the physical properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and the AGN/host-galaxy interplay. Due to the broad-band AGN emission (from radio to hard X-rays), a multi-wavelength approach is mandatory. Our research is carried out over the COSMOS field, within the context of the XMM-Newton wide-field survey. To date, the COSMOS field is a unique area for comprehensive multi-wavelength studies, allowing us to define a large and homogeneous sample of QSOs with a well-sampled spectral coverage and to keep selection effects under control. Moreover, the broad-band information contained in the COSMOS database is well-suited for a detailed analysis of AGN SEDs, bolometric luminosities and bolometric corrections. In order to investigate the nature of both obscured (Type-2) and unobscured (Type-1) AGN, the observational approach is complemented with a theoretical modelling of the AGN/galaxy co-evolution. The X-ray to optical properties of an X-ray selected Type-1 AGN sample are discussed in the first part. The relationship between X-ray and optical/UV luminosities, parametrized by the spectral index αox, provides a first indication about the nature of the central engine powering the AGN. Since a Type-1 AGN outshines the surrounding environment, it is extremely difficult to constrain the properties of its host-galaxy. Conversely, in Type-2 AGN the host-galaxy light is the dominant component of the optical/near-IR SEDs, severely affecting the recovery of the intrinsic AGN emission. Hence a multi-component SED-fitting code is developed to disentangle the emission of the stellar populationof the galaxy from that associated with mass accretion. Bolometric corrections, luminosities, stellar masses and star-formation rates, correlated with the morphology of Type-2 AGN hosts, are presented in the second part, while the final part concerns a physically-motivated model for the evolution of spheroidal galaxies with a central SMBH. The model is able to reproduce two important stages of galaxy evolution, namely the obscured cold-phase and the subsequent quiescent hot-phase.
Mitochondria have a central role in energy supply in cells, ROS production and apoptosis and have been implicated in several human disease and mitochondrial dysfunctions in hypoxia have been related with disorders like Type II Diabetes, Alzheimer Disease, inflammation, cancer and ischemia/reperfusion in heart. When oxygen availability becomes limiting in cells, mitochondrial functions are modulated to allow biologic adaptation. Cells exposed to a reduced oxygen concentration readily respond by adaptive mechanisms to maintain the physiological ATP/ADP ratio, essential for their functions and survival. In the beginning, the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway is activated, but the responsiveness to prolonged hypoxia requires the stimulation of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). In this work we report a study of the mitochondrial bioenergetics of primary cells exposed to a prolonged hypoxic period . To shine light on this issue we examined the bioenergetics of fibroblast mitochondria cultured in hypoxic atmospheres (1% O2) for 72 hours. Here we report on the mitochondrial organization in cells and on their contribution to the cellular energy state. Our results indicate that prolonged hypoxia cause a significant reduction of mitochondrial mass and of the quantity of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes. Hypoxia is also responsible to damage mitochondrial complexes as shown after normalization versus citrate synthase activity. HIF-1α plays a pivotal role in wound healing, and its expression in the multistage process of normal wound healing has been well characterized, it is necessary for cell motility, expression of angiogenic growth factor and recruitment of endothelial progenitor cells. We studied hypoxia in the pathological status of diabetes and complications of diabetes and we evaluated the combined effect of hyperglycemia and hypoxia on human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) and human dermal micro-vascular endothelial cells (HDMECs) that were grown in high glucose, low glucose concentrations and mannitol as control for the osmotic challenge.
The dissertation presented here deals with high-precision Penning trap mass spectrometry on short-lived radionuclides. Owed to the ability of revealing all nucleonic interactions, mass measurements far off the line of ß-stability are expected to bring new insight to the current knowledge of nuclear properties and serve to test the predictive power of mass models and formulas. In nuclear astrophysics, atomic masses are fundamental parameters for the understanding of the synthesis of nuclei in the stellar environments. This thesis presents ten mass values of radionuclides around A = 90 interspersed in the predicted rp-process pathway. Six of them have been experimentally determined for the first time. The measurements have been carried out at the Penning-trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP using the destructive time-of-fligh ion-cyclotron-resonance (TOF-ICR) detection technique. Given the limited performance of the TOF-ICR detection when trying to investigate heavy/superheavy species with small production cross sections (σ< 1 μb), a new detection system is found to be necessary. Thus, the second part of this thesis deals with the commissioning of a cryogenic double-Penning trap system for the application of a highly-sensitive, narrow-band Fourier-transform ion-cyclotron-resonance (FT-ICR) detection technique. With the non-destructive FT-ICR detection method a single singly-charged trapped ion will provide the required information to determine its mass. First off-line tests of a new detector system based on a channeltron with an attached conversion dynode, of a cryogenic pumping barrier, to guarantee ultra-high vacuum conditions during mass determination, and of the detection electronics for the required single-ion sensitivity are reported.
This thesis is devoted to the study of the properties of high-redsfhit galaxies in the epoch 1 < z < 3, when a substantial fraction of galaxy mass was assembled, and when the evolution of the star-formation rate density peaked. Following a multi-perspective approach and using the most recent and high-quality data available (spectra, photometry and imaging), the morphologies and the star-formation properties of high-redsfhit galaxies were investigated. Through an accurate morphological analyses, the built up of the Hubble sequence was placed around z ~ 2.5. High-redshift galaxies appear, in general, much more irregular and asymmetric than local ones. Moreover, the occurrence of morphological k-correction is less pronounced than in the local Universe. Different star-formation rate indicators were also studied. The comparison of ultra-violet and optical based estimates, with the values derived from infra-red luminosity showed that the traditional way of addressing the dust obscuration is problematic, at high-redshifts, and new models of dust geometry and composition are required. Finally, by means of stacking techniques applied to rest-frame ultra-violet spectra of star-forming galaxies at z~2, the warm phase of galactic-scale outflows was studied. Evidence was found of escaping gas at velocities of ~ 100 km/s. Studying the correlation of inter-stellar absorption lines equivalent widths with galaxy physical properties, the intensity of the outflow-related spectral features was proven to depend strongly on a combination of the velocity dispersion of the gas and its geometry.
Blue straggler stars (BSSs) are brighter and bluer (hotter) than the main-sequence (MS) turnoff and they are known to be more massive than MS stars.Two main scenarios for their formation have been proposed:collision-induced stellar mergers (COL-BSSs),or mass-transfer in binary systems (MT-BSSs).Depleted surface abundances of C and O are expected for MT-BSSs,whereas no chemical anomalies are predicted for COL-BSSs.Both MT- and COL-BSSs should rotate fast, but braking mechanisms may intervene with efficiencies and time-scales not well known yet,thus preventing a clear prediction of the expected rotational velocities.Within this context,an extensive survey is ongoing by using the multi-object spectrograph FLAMES@VLT,with the aim to obtain abundance patterns and rotational velocities for representative samples of BSSs in several Galactic GCs.A sub-population of CO-depleted BSSs has been identified in 47 Tuc,with only one fast rotating star detected.For this PhD Thesis work I analyzed FLAMES spectra of more than 130 BSSs in four GCs:M4,NGC 6397,M30 and ω Centauri.This is the largest sample of BSSs spectroscopically investigated so far.Hints of CO depletion have been observed in only 4-5 cases (in M30 and ω Centauri),suggesting either that the majority of BSSs have a collisional origin,or that the CO-depletion is a transient phenomenon.Unfortunately,no conclusions in terms of formation mechanism could be drawn in a large number of cases,because of the effects of radiative levitation. Remarkably,however,this is the first time that evidence of radiative levitation is found in BSSs hotter than 8200 K.Finally, we also discovered the largest fractions of fast rotating BSSs ever observed in any GCs:40% in M4 and 30% in ω Centauri.While not solving the problem of BSS formation,these results provide invaluable information about the BSS physical properties,which is crucial to build realistic models of their evolution.