989 resultados para State Medicine
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is the most important imaging modality for the evaluation of traumatic or degenerative cartilaginous lesions in the knee. It is a powerful noninvasive tool for detecting such lesions and monitoring the effects of pharmacologic and surgical therapy. The specific MR imaging techniques used for these purposes can be divided into two broad categories according to their usefulness for morphologic or compositional evaluation. To assess the structure of knee cartilage, standard spin-echo (SE) and gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequences, fast SE sequences, and three-dimensional SE and GRE sequences are available. These techniques allow the detection of morphologic defects in the articular cartilage of the knee and are commonly used in research for semiquantitative and quantitative assessments of cartilage. To evaluate the collagen network and proteoglycan content in the knee cartilage matrix, compositional assessment techniques such as T2 mapping, delayed gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging of cartilage (or dGEMRIC), T1 rho imaging, sodium imaging, and diffusion-weighted imaging are available. These techniques may be used in various combinations and at various magnetic field strengths in clinical and research settings to improve the characterization of changes in cartilage. (C)RSNA, 2011 , radiographics.rsna.org
We assessed the repair of transverse, 3-mm wide bone gaps created at the distal radius in 28 dogs that were randomly divided into two 14-animal groups; one was the control group and the other received a daily, 20-min application of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for 100 days. Sequential radiographs, histomorphometrics, bone fluorescent histology and bone vascularity assessments found that all animals from both groups obtained a stage of hypertrophic-type nonunion with fibrocartilage tissue formation throughout the region of osteotomy. However, treated animals exhibited areas of endochondral ossification within the fibrocartilage region. There was no difference in type of vascularity or the newly formed bone process obtained by tetracycline labeling. Application of low-intensity ultrasound was not capable of significantly changing the reparative process and it may not be sufficiently powerful to overcome a combination of local deleterious effects on bone healing, created by gapping, excessive motion and periosteal resection. (E-mail: jbvolpon@fmrp.usp.br) (C) 2010 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
The present study investigated Ehrlichia species in blood samples from dogs suspected of clinical ehrlichiosis, using molecular and isolation techniques in cell culture. From a total of 310 canine blood samples analyzed by 16S rRNA nested PCR, 148 (47.7%) were positive for Ehrlichia canis. DNA from Ehrlichia chaffeensis or Ehrlichia ewingii was not detected in any sample using species-specific primers in separated reactions. Leukocytes from five PCR-positive dogs were inoculated into DH82 cells; successful isolation of E. canis was obtained in four samples. Partial sequence of the dsb gene of eight canine blood samples (including the five samples for in vitro isolation) was obtained by PCR and their analyses through BLAST showed 100% of identity with the corresponding sequence of E. canis in GenBank. This study represents the first molecular diagnosis, isolation, and molecular characterization of E. canis in dogs from Costa Rica. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rickettsia species antibodies have been detected in some cats but it is unknown whether infected cats develop clinical signs. The prevalence of Rickettsia species deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in blood from clinically ill cats has not been determined. The objective of this study was to determine if cats with fever (body temperature >= 102.5 degrees F [39.2 degrees C]) were more likely to have evidence of rickettsial infection than healthy, age-matched, control cats with a body temperature < 102.5 degrees F. Rickettsia species polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were performed to detect rickettsial DNA extracted from blood (71 paired samples), indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFA) were performed to detect serum antibodies against Rickettsia felis (90 paired samples) and Rickettsia rickettsii (91 paired samples), and the results between pairs were compared. All samples were negative for Rickettsia species DNA. More cats with fever were seropositive for R felis or R rickettsii than control cats, but results were not statistically significant. Results of this pilot study failed to show an association between Rickettsia species DNA or Rickettsia species antibodies and fever. (c) 2008 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In a recent ecological study of the ticks on animal trails within an area of Atlantic rainforest in south-eastern Brazil, Amblyomma aureolatum, A. brasiliense, A. incisum, A. ovale and Haemaphysalis juxtakochi were found questing on the vegetation. Most of the ticks recorded by a small, man-made dam on the forest border were A. dubitatum but a few A. brasiliense and A. cajennense, one A. incisum and one H. juxtakochi were also found. The seasonal activity of the ticks indicated that A. incisum and A. brasiliense had one generation/year. On the animal trails, most tick species and stages quested on the vegetation at a height of 30-40 cm above ground level. The questing larvae and adults of A. incisum tended to be found higher, however, with the greatest numbers recorded 40-50 cm (larvae) or 60-70 cm (adults) above ground level. Most of the adult ticks (81.1% -100%), nymphs (78.6%-100%) and larval clusters (100%) found on a forest trail remained questing at the same location over a 24-h period. Carbon-dioxide traps in the rainforest attracted, 50% of the ticks observed questing on the nearby vegetation and, curiously, the CO(2) traps set deep in the forest attracted far fewer ticks than similar traps set by the dam. The ecological relationships between the ticks, their hosts and the rainforest environment are discussed.
Introduction. Capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are considered amplifying hosts of Rickettsia sp. These rodents are usually parasitized by the tick vector, Amblyomma cajennense, the main vector of rickettsioses in humans and animals in South America. Capybaras can be used as sentinels in detection of circulation of rickettsiae. Objective. Antibodies to rickettsiae of spotted fever group were detected in capybaras in a rural area of Cordoba Province, northern Colombia. Materials and methods. Sera were analyzed from 36 capybaras in a rural area of Monteria (village of San Jeronimo) in Cordoba. For the detection of IgG antibodies, indirect immunofluorescence was performed. The antigens were derived from R. rickettsia strain Taiacu isolated in Brazil. Capybara sera were diluted 1:64 for IFA analysis. Ticks were collected from each capybara (also known as chiguiro) and identified to species. Results. The seroprevalence of spotted fever group Rickettsia was 22% (8 capybaras). Four sera had a titer of 1:64, 3 had a titer of 1:128 and one serum had a titer of 1:512. All ticks removed from the capybaras (n=933) were taxonomically identified as Amblyomma cajennense. Conclusion. Colombia has areas endemic for rickettsioses, as indicated by confirmed annual outbreaks. The current study reports the first evidence of natural rickettsial infection of the spotted fever group in capybaras from Colombia. The findings suggest that capybaras can be used as sentinels for the circulation of rickettsiae and can identify endemic areas for the transmission of rickettsial diseases.
This study evaluated the infection caused by Rickettsia and Ehrlichia agents among dogs in southern Brazil. A total of 389 dogs were tested by the indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) for Rickettsia rickettsii, Rickettsia parkeri, Rickettsia amblyommii, Rickettsia rhipicephali, Rickettsia bellii, and Ehrlichia canis. Overall, 42.4% (165/389) of the dogs were seroreactive to at least one Rickettsia species, but only 11 canine sera reacted with another Rickettsia species without reacting with R. parkeri. A total of 100 (25.7%) canine sera showed titers to R. parkeri at least 4-fold higher than those to any of the other rickettsial antigens, allowing us to consider that these dogs were infected by R. parkeri. Dogs that had direct contact with pasture or forest areas were > 2 times more likely to be seroreactive to Rickettsia than dogs with no such direct contact. Only 19 (4.8%) of the 389 dogs were seroreactive to E. canis.
During field work in Nazare Paulista, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, we found 13 (56.5%) of 23 birds (mostly Passeriformes) to be infested by 28 larvae and I nymph of Amblyomma spp. Two larvae were reared to the adult stage, being taxonomically identified as Amblyomma parkeri Fonseca and Aragao, whereas five larvae and one nymph were identified as Amblyomma longirostre Koch. All six A. longirostre specimens were shown to be infected by rickettsia, as demonstrated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting two rickettsial genes (gltA and ompA) or isolation of rickettsia in cell culture from one of the ticks. This isolate was designated as strain AL, which was established in Vero cell culture and was molecularly characterized by DNA sequencing fragments of the rickettsial genes gltA, htrA, ompA, and ompB. Phylogenetic analyses inferred from ompA and ompB partial sequences showed a high degree of similarity of strain AL with Rickettsia sp. strain ARANHA, previously detected by PCR in A. longirostre ticks from Rondonia, northern Brazil. We conclude that strain AL is a new rickettsia genotype belonging to the same species of strain ARANHA, which are closely related to Candidatus `R. amblyomniii`. Further studies should elucidate if strains AL and ARANHA are different strains of Candidatus `R. amblyommii` or are a new species.
The aim of this study was to understand the current epidemiology of rickettsial diseases in two rickettsial-endemic regions in Brazil. In the municipalities of Pingo D`Agua and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, among serum samples obtained from horses and dogs, reactivity by immunofluorescent assay against spotted fever group rickettsiae was verified. In some serum samples from opossums (Didelphis aurita) captured in Santa Cruz do Escalvado, serologic response against rickettsiae was also verified. Polymerase chain reaction identified rickettsiae only in ticks and fleas obtained in Santa Cruz do Escalvado. Rickettsiae in samples had 100% sequence homology with Rickettsia fells. These results highlight the importance of marsupials in maintenance of the sylvatic cycle of rickettsial disease and potential integration with the domestic cycle. Our data also support the importance of horses and dogs as sentinels in monitoring circulation of rickettsiae in an urban area.
Spotted fever is a disease caused by bacteria from the genus Rickettsia of the spotted fever group (SFG). Rickettsia rickettsii is likely the main agent of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF). With the objective of gathering information on the circulation of SFG rickettsiae in Londrina, Parana state, ticks from dogs and horses and also blood from dogs, horses and humans were collected in a neighbourhood of the city which presented potential for circulation of rickettsiae between hosts and vectors. Amblyomma cajennense, Dermacentor nitens, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks were subjected to Polymerase Chain Reaction targeting a fragment of the Rickettsia gltA gene. This specific gene encodes the enzyme citrate synthase of Rickettsia spp., and results on all ticks were negative. Human and animal sera were tested by Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay in which R. rickettsii and R. parkeri were used as antigens. Sera from 4.7% human, 2.7% canine and 38.5% equine were positive for R. rickettsii. For R. parkeri, 0.9% human, 2.7% canine and 11.5% equine samples were positive. All samples reactive to R. parkeri also reacted to R. rickettsii. An epidemiological questionnaire was applied, but there were no statistically significant results. Comparison of our serological results with previous studies in Brazil, among BSF endemic and non-endemic areas, indicates that there is no established rickettsial infection in the study area, a statement corroborated with our molecular analysis. Nonetheless, as humans of the present study are highly exposed to tick infestations, health education within the population is needed to obtain efficient tick control. Zoonoses and Public Health 416 (C) 2011 Blackwell Verlag GmbH . Zoonoses Public Health. 58 (2011) 416-423