956 resultados para Stars: peculiar
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo as interações, envolvimentos e percepções de pescadores e veranistas com o local escolhido para morar e visitar: a praia de Atafona. Situada no litoral norte fluminense, no município de São João da Barra, às margens da foz de um dos maiores rios do sudeste brasileiro, o rio Paraíba do Sul, Atafona é uma praia que está sendo engolida pelo mar ao longo dos últimos 60 anos. Mais de 14 quarteirões já foram destruídos pelo mar durante este período, modificando constantemente a configuração e ocupação do espaço praieiro. Junto a esta situação peculiar, existem também outros eventos que modificam a pequena praia em determinados períodos do ano, como a chegada volumosa de veranistas e turistas na festa religiosa da padroeira da praia Nossa Senhora da Penha - e na temporada de verão. Para narrar os vínculos de pescadores e veranistas com a praia, a presente tese centrou-se nas historias pessoais vivenciadas em torno da temporada de verão, da Festa da Penha e das ondas do avanço do mar. Como veremos ao longo das descrições etnográficas, a compreensão de repetições e regularidades de eventos cíclicos, como também a forma de habitar e se relacionar com um espaço, requer entender as movimentações de continuidades em estreita relação com processos de descontinuidades, onde imprevistos, viradas de quadra, atalhos, ruinas e reocupações também orientam e desorientam ritmos e pertencimentos com a praia de Atafona. Ritmo e pertencimento são trabalhados a partir desta perspectiva relacional, trazendo o enfoque para as constantes negociações, reocupações e ações criativas que moradores e visitantes tem com o local. Desse maneira, entender os envolvimentos e pertencimentos de pescadores e veranistas com as transformações anuais e a longo prazo foi também trabalhar com desencontros, desafetos e maragrados revelados nas diferentes historias de vida dos interlocutores da pesquisa.
Com o objetivo de investigar as relações da comunicação com o espaço urbano, a presente dissertação se debruça sobre o bairro de Marechal Hermes, localizado na zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Parte da abordagem da história cultural para refletir sobre as cidades, como propõe Sandra Pesavento, buscando perceber a urbe em suas três dimensões: materialidade, sociabilidade e sensibilidade. O primeiro aspecto atribui relevância ao fato de Marechal Hermes ser um bairro centenário, com uma morfologia singular boa parte do seu traçado e arquitetura originais são ainda mantidos, a despeito das interferências dos usuários. Assim, o bairro acumula diferentes registros, guardando uma memória de múltiplas temporalidades e possibilidades narrativas. A sociabilidade no bairro se manifesta nas práticas de ocupação do espaço e numa convivência cotidiana que se estabelece em relações diretas laços familiares, de amizade, vizinhança mas também em interações que se dão pelas redes de tecnologia e comunicação. Há uma tessitura de vozes consonantes e dissonantes, que não excluem divergências e tensões, mas focalizam sempre o sentido do comum. Tais redes de relações se complementam com as imagens construídas pelo cinema e pela TV, uma vez que o bairro tem sido cenário frequente de inúmeras produções da indústria audiovisual, como filmes, novelas e seriados. Veiculadas na grande mídia e consumidas de maneira peculiar pelos moradores, essas imagens se integram a um imaginário partilhado que legitima o valor do lugar distinguindo sua materialidade e seu espírito. Com um olhar de dentro, buscando sempre a perspectiva dos moradores, manifesta-se neste trabalho passado e presente, num instantâneo de Marechal Hermes que perscruta o futuro em novos sonhos para o lugar
This is the Fisheries survey of the River Otter report produced by South West Water Authority in 1979. This report focuses on the trout fishery in the River Otter and the possible effects of abstraction and/or pollution. A survey was carried out to describe the fish stocks. Trout and eels were the dominant species. The population structure of trout was peculiar, there being relatively few juveniles. Growth was good and there were numerous trout of take able size in the river at the end of the fishing season. Variations in the parameters measured are explained and nothing can be attributed to abstraction or pollution.
As estrelas de nêutrons nascem com altas temperaturas (~ 1011 K) e durante alguns segundos sofrem um rápido resfriamento por emissão de neutrinos. O processo Urca direto é o principal mecanismo para explicar essa perda de energia. O problema do resfriamento das estrelas de nêutrons é um problema de grande interesse porque seu entendimento pode fornecer informações importantes sobre a constituição do interior da estrela. Na literatura existente até o momento, a emissividade de neutrinos é calculada considerando os núcleons como partículas não relativísticas quando considerados todos os níveis de Landau das partículas carregadas. Por outro lado, a emissividade de neutrinos para núcleons relativísticos é calculada considerando somente o primeiro nível de Landau (para campo magnético forte). Para campos magnéticos fracos, onde mais de um nível de Landau é ocupado, é usada a emissividade correspondente à do campo nulo. Neste trabalho aplicamos a teoria de Weinberg-Salan para interações fracas no cálculo da emissividade de neutrinos com e sem campo magnético presente, num cálculo totalmente relativístico para os núcleons e considerando todos os níveis de Landau. Esta é a contribuição original do trabalho. Para descrever a matéria a altas densidades, utilizamos uma teoria relativística de campo médio a temperatura zero que inclui apenas o octeto bariônico e os léptons mais leves. São apresentados os resultados para a emissividade de neutrinos, onde é evidente a ocupação dos diferentes níveis de Landau como função do campo magnético.
Esta dissertação aborda a manifestação contemporânea das turmas de bate-bolas do carnaval do Rio de Janeiro. As turmas de bate-bolas podem ser compreendidas como grupos de foliões que se fantasiam e se comportam de maneiras peculiares. Em relação à visibilidade que outras manifestações carnavalescas alcançam como é o caso, por exemplo, do desfile das escolas de samba pode-se considerar que há poucos estudos voltados para os bate-bolas. Dentre os estudos sobre os bate-bolas, percebe-se uma predominância da compreensão do conceito de cultura popular como o campo da tradição, da pureza e da autonomia cultural, em relação à cultura de massa. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem diferente da convencional, entendendo a manifestação das turmas de bate-bolas contemporâneas pelas suas transformações e diferenças. Para isto, baseia-se nos pressupostos dos Estudos Culturais, que constituem uma disciplina para a qual a impureza cultural é o critério fundamental de estudo da cultura popular, que é vista como uma arena de disputa de significados simbólicos. De forma a aplicar estes preceitos à situação atual das turmas de bate-bolas, este trabalho analisa as diferentes maneiras pelas quais os fantasiados formulam as suas visões particulares da brincadeira, especialmente através das configurações de elementos materiais e de elementos performáticos associados a diferentes tipos de comportamentos relacionados aos bate-bolas contemporâneos.
Esse trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre a relação entre a organização da estrutura hospitalar baseada em sua divisão por enfermarias de especialidades e a perpetuação da lógica fragmentadora própria da Biomedicina, racionalidade médica hegemônica ocidental. O campo estudado foi o Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. Através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com médicos clínicos, especialistas e profissionais responsáveis pela regulação de vagas desse hospital é discutida a existência de dois discursos diferentes: o discurso clínico e o discurso especialista. A partir da análise dessas entrevistas, foi apontada e debatida a profunda relação entre esses discursos, a estrutura hospitalar e a assistência médica oferecida aos pacientes. A análise realizada evidencia que embora os dois discursos estejam absolutamente inseridos no paradigma biomédico, a clínica médica se identifica e é identificada como responsável pelo paciente como um todo, enquanto as especialidades são reconhecidas como responsáveis apenas por uma determinada parte. Essa diferença apresentou influência tanto na forma de cuidar do paciente, como na função de cada serviço dentro do hospital. As enfermarias de clínica se caracterizaram por serem setores consensualmente capazes de conduzir satisfatoriamente a maioria dos pacientes.Se por um lado a abrangência da clínica é motivo de orgulho para os clínicos, por outro, a falta de autonomia decorrente dessa característica determina um sentimento de depreciação por parte desses profissionais. Esse trabalho foi realizado sob perspectiva hermenêutica filosófica proposta por Hans-Georg Gadamer e com o auxílio dos conceitos de paradigma proposto por Thomas Kuhn e estilo de pensamento elaborado por Ludwik Fleck.
NOAA has a mandate to explore and understand deep-sea coral ecology under Magnuson-Stevens Sustainable Fisheries Conservation Act Reauthorization of 2009. Deep-sea corals are increasingly considered a proxy for marine biodiversity in the deep-sea because corals create complex structure, and this structure forms important habitat for associated species of shrimp, crabs, sea stars, brittle stars, and fishes. Yet, our understanding of the nature of the relationships between deep-corals and their associated species is incomplete. One of the primary challenges of conducting any type of deep-sea coral (DSC) research is access to the deep-sea. The deep-sea is a remote environment that often requires long surface transits and sophisticated research vehicles like submersibles and remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). The research vehicles often require substantial crew, and the vehicles are typically launched from large research vessels costing many thousands of dollars a day. To overcome the problem of access to the deep-sea, the Deep Coral and Associated Species Taxonomy and Ecology (DeepCAST) Expeditions are pioneering the use of shore-based submersibles equipped to do scientific research. Shore-based subs alleviate the need for expensive ships because they launch and return under their own power. One disadvantage to the approach is that shore-based subs are restricted to nearby sites. The disadvantage is outweighed, however, by the benefit of repeated observations, and the opportunity to reduce the costs of exploration while expanding knowledge of deep-sea coral ecology.
The Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) was adapted into German to examine its psychometric properties (n = 400). Two validation studies (n = 66, n = 96) were conducted to examine its criterion-related validity. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were very similar to those previously reported for the original English version in various countries and other language versions. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated 2 second-order factors: One was more closely related to anxiety and the other was more closely related to negative attitudes toward statistics. Predictive validity of the STARS was shown both in an experimental exam-like situation in the laboratory and during a real examination situation. Taken together, the findings indicate that statistics anxiety as assessed by the STARS is a useful construct that is more than just an expression of a more general disposition to anxiety.
We report on electrical transport measurements at high current densities on optimally doped YBa 2Cu 3O 7-δ thin films grown on vicinal SrTiO 3 substrates. Data were collected by using a pulsed-current technique in a four-probe arrangement, allowing to extend the current-voltage characteristics to high supercritical current densities (up to 24 MA cm -2) and high electric fields (more than 20 V/cm), in the superconducting state at temperatures between 30 and 80 K. The electric measurements were performed on tracks perpendicular to the vicinal step direction, such that the current crossed between ab planes, under magnetic field rotated in the plane defined by the crystallographic c axis and the current density. At magnetic field orientation parallel to the cuprate layers, evidence for the sliding motion along the ab planes (vortex channeling) was found. The signature of vortex channeling appeared to get enhanced with increasing electric field, due to the peculiar depinning features in the kinked vortex range. They give rise to a current-voltage characteristics steeper than in the more off-plane rectilinear vortex orientations, in the electric field range below approximately 1 V/cm. Roughly above this value, the high vortex channeling velocities (up to 8.6 km/s) could be ascribed to the flux flow, although the signature of ohmic transport appeared to be altered by unavoidable macroscopic self-heating and hot-electron-like effects. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Carbon coatings of thickness down to 2 nanometers are needed to increase the storage density in magnetic hard disks and reach the 100 Gbit/in2 target. Methods to measure the properties of these ultrathin hard films still have to be developed. We show that combining Surface Brillouin Scattering (SBS) andX-ray reflectivity measurements the elastic constants of such films are accessible. Tetrahedral amorphous carbofilms of thickness down to about 2 nm were deposited on Si by an S bend filtered cathodic vacuum arc, achieving a continuous coverage on large areas free of macroparticles. Film thickness and mass density are measured by X-ray reflectivity: densities above 3 g/cm3 are found, indicating a significant sp3 content. The dispersion relations of surface acoustic waves are measured by SBS. We show that for thicknesses above ∼4 nm these waves can be described by a continuum elastic model based on a single homogeneous equivalent film. The elastic constants can then be obtained by fitting the dispersion relations, computed for given film properties, to the measured dispersion relations. For thicknesses of 3 nm or less qualitative differences among films are well measurable, but quantitative results are less reliable. We have thus shown that we can grow and characterise nanometer size tetrahedral amorphous carbon film, which maintain their high density and peculiar mechanical properties down to around 4 nm thickness, satisfying the requirements set for the hard disk coating material.
Deep ocean sediments off the west coast of Africa exhibit a peculiar undrained strength profile in the form of a crust, albeit of exceptionally high water content, overlying normally consolidated clay. Hot-oil pipelines are installed into these crustal sediments, so their origins and characteristics are of great interest to pipeline designers. This paper provides evidence for the presence of burrowing invertebrates in crust material, and for the way sediment properties are modified through their creation of burrows, and through the deposition of faecal pellets. A variety of imaging techniques are used to make these connections, including photography, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray computer tomography. However, the essential investigative technology is simply the wet-sieving of natural cores, which reveals that up to 60% by dry mass of the crustal material can consist of smooth, highly regular, sand-sized capsules that have been identified as the faecal pellets of invertebrates such as polychaetes. Mechanical tests reveal that these pellets are quite robust under effective stresses of the order of 10 kPa, acting like sand grains within a matrix of fines. Their abundance correlates closely with the measured strength of the crust. While this can easily be accepted in the context of a pellet fraction as high as 60%, the question arises how a smaller proportion of pellets, such as 20%, is apparently able to enhance significantly the strength of a sediment that otherwise appears to be normally consolidated. A hypothesis is suggested based on the composition of the matrix of fines around the pellets. These appear to consist of agglomerates of clay platelets, which may be the result of the breakdown of pellets by other organisms. Their continued degradation at depths in excess of 1 m is taken to explain the progressive loss of crustal strength thereafter.
BACKGROUND: A large proportion of students identify statistics courses as the most anxiety-inducing courses in their curriculum. Many students feel impaired by feelings of state anxiety in the examination and therefore probably show lower achievements. AIMS: The study investigates how statistics anxiety, attitudes (e.g., interest, mathematical self-concept) and trait anxiety, as a general disposition to anxiety, influence experiences of anxiety as well as achievement in an examination. SAMPLE: Participants were 284 undergraduate psychology students, 225 females and 59 males. METHODS: Two weeks prior to the examination, participants completed a demographic questionnaire and measures of the STARS, the STAI, self-concept in mathematics, and interest in statistics. At the beginning of the statistics examination, students assessed their present state anxiety by the KUSTA scale. After 25 min, all examination participants gave another assessment of their anxiety at that moment. Students' examination scores were recorded. Structural equation modelling techniques were used to test relationships between the variables in a multivariate context. RESULTS: Statistics anxiety was the only variable related to state anxiety in the examination. Via state anxiety experienced before and during the examination, statistics anxiety had a negative influence on achievement. However, statistics anxiety also had a direct positive influence on achievement. This result may be explained by students' motivational goals in the specific educational setting. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide insight into the relationship between students' attitudes, dispositions, experiences of anxiety in the examination, and academic achievement, and give recommendations to instructors on how to support students prior to and in the examination.
Highly sensitive biosensor for detection of acetylcholine (ACh) and competitive acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor, eserine, is investigated. Peculiar microelectronic configuration of an ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) in addition to a right choice of the pH-transducing nanolayers allows recording a response of the enzyme-modified ISFET (EnFET) to a wide range of ACh concentrations. We demonstrate a remarkable improvement of at least three orders of magnitude in dose response to ACh. Described bioelectronic system reveals clear response, when the catalytic activity of the immobilized AChE is inhibited in a reversible manner by eserine, competitive inhibitor of AChE. ©2007 IEEE.
Among the variety of applications for biosensors one of the exciting frontiers is to utilize those devices as post-synaptic sensing elements in chemical coupling between neurons and solid-state systems. The first necessary step to attain this challenge is to realize highly efficient detector for neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). Herein, we demonstrate that the combination of floating gate configuration of ion-sensitive field effect transistor (ISFET) together with diluted covalent anchoring of enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) onto device sensing area reveals a remarkable improvement of a four orders of magnitude in dose response to ACh. This high range sensitivity in addition to the benefits of peculiar microelectronic design show, that the presented hybrid provides a competent platform for assembly of artificial chemical synapse junction. Furthermore, our system exhibits clear response to eserine, a competitive inhibitor of AChE, and therefore it can be implemented as an effective sensor of pharmacological reagents, organophosphates, and nerve gases as well. © 2007 Materials Research Society.
The objective of this article was the determination of the degree of crystallinity of a series of heat-set poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) films and their study by thermomechanical analysis (TMA) in order to elucidate a peculiar behaviour that takes place around the glass transition region. For this purpose, amorphous cast Mylar films from DuPont were annealed at 115 °C for various periods of time. Four methods were used to study the crystallinity of the samples prepared: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), density measurements (DM), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). From the results obtained, the following conclusions are drawn: amorphous PET Mylar films can be crystallized in a degree of about up to 30% after thermal treatment for 30 min (cold crystallization) above glass transition temperature. When these semicrystalline samples are subjected to TMA, they show a two step penetration of the probe into them, which decreases with the increase of the degree of crystallinity. The first step of penetration was attributed to the shrinkage of the amorphous or semicrystalline sample, which takes place on the glass transition temperature, while the second step was attributed to the continuous softening of the sample, and the reorganization of the matter which takes place on heating run due to cold crystallization. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.