974 resultados para Spermatic cord


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Dietetics Rectal Tumours and Pressure Relief Physio and Pilates with Gynae Cancer PatientsPhysio Nordic Walking and Breast CancerNeuro RehabRelaxation and Lung Cancer Physio for a Haematology Exercise Scheme - Cancer Related Fatigue Strategies Physio Classes and Prostate CancerRehab - Malignant Spinal Cord Compression and Rehab needs Seating.


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The main purpose of the present study was to examine if there is difference in terms of incidence rates of congenital toxoplasmosis among populations assisted in public and private hospitals from Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 805 serum samples from cord blood were collected, being 500 from public hospital and 305 from private hospital, and all patients answered a questionnaire about pregnancy and newborns. An indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to detect IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and the positive samples were retested to verify the presence of specific IgM and IgA antibodies in a capture ELISA. We found significant differences among data from both hospitals with respect to maternal age, origin city, gestational age, number of visits to physicians during pregnancy, type of delivery, and birth weight. Seroprevalence of IgG antibodies against T. gondii for patients from public and private hospitals was 57.6% and 41.9% respectively, and this difference was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). In addition, the frequency of congenital toxoplasmosis measured by the presence of IgM and/or IgA antibodies toward T. gondii was exclusively located in samples from public hospital (0.8%), and no positive sample was seen in private hospital (0%). Considering that almost all babies suffering from congenital toxoplasmosis, if undiagnosed and untreated, will develop visual or neurological impairments by adulthood, the results presented herein emphasized the importance to accomplish screening programs for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, particularly in the public hospitals, due to the expressive rate of congenital disease showed in the patients attended at these centers.


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Diffusion-weighted spin-echo imaging of the spine has been successfully implemented for differentiation of benign fracture edema and tumor infiltration of the vertebral body. Nevertheless, this technique still suffers from insufficient image quality in numerous patients due to motion artifacts. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of variable respiratory motion artifact suppression techniques on image quality in diffusion-weighted spin-echo imaging of the spine. In addition to phase-encoding reordering, a newly implemented right hemi-diaphragmaitc navigator for respiratory gating was used. Subjective and objective image quality parameters were compared. Respiratory motion artifact suppression has a major impact on image quality in diffusion-weighted imaging of the spine. Phase-encoding reordering does not enhance image quality while right hemi-diaphragmatic respiratory navigator gating significantly improves image quality at the cost of data acquisition time. Navigator gating should be used if standard spin-echo diffusion-weighted imaging demonstrates insufficient image quality.


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In order to assay the triatomine infestation and domiciliation in the rural area of Jaguaruana district, state of Ceará, Brazil, we studied, from November 2000 to April 2002, 4 localities comprising 158 domiciles as a whole, with an average of 4 inhabitants/house, who are dwelling in there for more than 7 years. Most houses have tile-covered roofs and the walls built with plaster-covered bricks (57%), followed by bricks without plaster (33%), and mud walls (7.5%). A total of 3082 triatomines were captured from different locations, according to the following capture plan: (a) intradomiciles: 238 Triatoma brasiliensis, 6 T. pseudomaculata, 9 Rhodnius nasutus, and 2 Panstrongylus lutzi; (b) peridomiciles (annexes): 2069 T. brasiliensis, 223 T. pseudomaculata, 121 R. nasutus, and 1 P. lutzi; (c) wild, in carnauba palms (Copernicia prunifera): 413 R. nasutus. From the captured triatomines, 1773 (57.5%) were examined. The natural index of Trypanosoma cruzi infection ranged from 10.8% to 30.2% (average of 17%), depending on the species and the location from where the triatomines were captured.


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The medulla oblongata (MO) contains a high density of glycinergic synapses and a particularly high concentration of glycine. The aims of this study were to measure directly in vivo the neurochemical profile, including glycine, in MO using a spin-echo-based (1)H MRS sequence at TE?=?2.8 ms and to compare it with three other brain regions (cortex, striatum and hippocampus) in the rat. Glycine was quantified in MO at TE?=?2.8 ms with a Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of approximately 5%. As a result of the relatively low level of glycine in the other three regions, the measurement of glycine was performed at TE?=?20 ms, which provides a favorable J-modulation of overlapping myo-inositol resonance. The other 14 metabolites composing the neurochemical profile were quantified in vivo in MO with CRLBs below 25%. Absolute concentrations of metabolites in MO, such as glutamate, glutamine, ?-aminobutyrate, taurine and glycine, were in the range of previous in vitro quantifications in tissue extracts. Compared with the other regions, MO had a three-fold higher glycine concentration, and was characterised by reduced (p?<?0.001) concentrations of glutamate (-50?±?4%), glutamine (-54?±?3%) and taurine (-78?±?3%). This study suggests that the functional specialisation of distinct brain regions is reflected in the neurochemical profile.


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The effects of blood components, nerve-cord severance, and ecdysone therapy on the posterior midgut epithelial cells of 5th-instar Rhodnius prolixus nymphs 10 days after feeding were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Cutting the nerve-cord of the blood-fed insects partially reduced the development of microvilli and perimicrovillar membranes (PMM), and produced large vacuoles and small electrondense granules; insects fed on Ringer's saline diet exhibited well developed microvilli and low PMM production; swolled rough endoplasmatic reticulum and electrondense granules; Ringer's saline meal with ecdysone led to PMM development, glycogen particles, and several mitochondria in the cytoplasm; epithelial cells of the insects fed on Ringer's saline meal whose nerve-cord was severed showed heterogeneously distributed microvilli with reduced PMM production and a great quantity of mitochondria and glycogen in the cytoplasm; well developed microvilli and PMM were observed in nerve-cord severed insects fed on Ringer's saline meal with ecdysone; Ringer's saline diet containing hemoglobin recovered the release of PMM; and insects fed on human plasma showed slightly reduced PMM production, although the addition of ecdysone in the plasma led to a normal midgut ultrastructural organization. We suggest that the full development of microvilli and PMM in the epithelial cells depends on the abdominal distension in addition to ingestion of hemoglobin, and the release of ecdysone.


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The involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) by schistosomes may or may not determine clinical manifestations. When symptomatic, neuroschistosomiasis (NS) is one of the most severe presentations of schistosomal infection. Considering the symptomatic form, cerebral involvement is almost always due to Schistosoma japonicum and the spinal cord disease, caused by S. mansoni or S. haematobium. Available evidence suggests that NS depends basically on the presence of parasite eggs in the nervous tissue and on the host immune response. The patients with cerebral NS usually have the clinical manifestations of increased intracranial pressure associated with focal neurological signs; and those with schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) present rapidly progressing symptoms of myelitis involving the lower cord, usually in association with the involvement of the cauda esquina roots. The diagnosis of cerebral NS is established by biopsy of the nervous tissue and SMR is usually diagnosed according to a clinical criterion. Antischistosomal drugs, corticosteroids and surgery are the resourses available for treating NS. The outcome is variable and is better in cerebral disease.


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Functionally naive CD8 T cells in peripheral blood from adult humans can be fully described by their CD45RA(bright)CCR7(+)CD62L(+) cell surface phenotype. Cord blood lymphocytes, from healthy newborns, are homogenously functionally naive. Accordingly, the majority of cord blood CD8 T cells express the same pattern of cell surface molecules. Unexpectedly, however, a significant fraction of cord blood CD8 T cells express neither CCR7 nor CD62L. Yet these cells remain functionally naive as they contain high levels of TCR excision circles, have long telomeres, display highly polyclonal TCRs, and do not exhibit immediate effector functions. In addition, these CD8 T cells already represent a significant fraction of the mature naive CD8 single-positive thymocyte repertoire and may selectively express the cutaneous lymphocyte Ag. We suggest that CD8 single-positive thymocytes comprise two pools of naive precursors that exhibit distinct homing properties. Once seeded in the periphery, naive CCR7(+)CD62L(+) CD8 T cells patrol secondary lymphoid organs, whereas naive CCR7(-)CD62L(-) CD8 T cells selectively migrate to peripheral tissues such as skin.


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Artificial ecotopes of 121 peridomiciliary environments in four rural localities in the state of Ceará, Brazil, were studied and the type of material of the ecotopes was identified as triatomine infestation. Two thousand two hundred and four Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva, 340 Triatoma pseudomaculata Corrêa and Espínola, 121 Rhodnius nasutus Stall, and 5 Panstrongylus lutzi (Neiva and Pinto) were captured. Out of the 323 ecotopes found (X =2.0 ± 1.8 per dwelling) such as pigpens, henhouses, corrals, perches, dovecotes, piles of roofing tiles, bricks, wood, and straw 30.3% were infested by triatomines in all different developmental stages, including eggs. A substantial number of triatomines were found in perches, however the largest infestation took place in roofing materials used in the construction of goat/sheep corrals, henhouses, and pigpens, where 98% of them were captured: 1372 triatomines were located in the roofing tile covers, 285 in the straw, 187 in the perches, 77 in the coverings of roofing tiles and straw, and 13 in the straw and wood. Among all the different pile of materials, roofing tiles were the most infested (50%) followed by bricks (38.9%) and woods (36.1%). T. brasiliensis colonized mainly brick piles (chi2=16.539; p < 0.05) and roofing tiles (chi2=5,090.58; p < 0.05); T. pseudomaculata preferred wood perches (chi2= 472.39; p < 0.05) and woodpiles (chi2=126.0 p < 0.05), and R. nasutus was principally found in roofing straw (chi2=384.43; p < 0.05). These findings suggest that triatomines tend to colonize peridomiciliary ecotopes similar to their original habitats.


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The most critical phase of exposure to schistosomal infection is the infancy, because of the more frequent contact with contaminated water and the immaturity of the immune system. One of the most severe presentations of this parasitosis is the involvement of the spinal cord, which prognosis is largely dependent on early diagnosis and treatment. Reports on this clinical form of schistosomiasis in children are rare in the literature. We present here the clinical-epidemiological profile of schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR) from ten children who were admitted at the Instituto Materno-Infantil de Pernambuco over a five-year period. They were evaluated according to an investigation protocol. Most of these patients presented an acute neurological picture which included as the main clinical manifestations: sphincteral disorders, low back and lower limbs pain, paresthesia, lower limbs muscle weakness and absence of deep tendon reflex, and impairment of the gait. The diagnosis was presumptive in the majority of the cases. This study emphasizes the importance of considering the diagnosis of SMR in pediatric patients coming from endemic areas who present a low cord syndrome, in order to start the appropriate therapy and avoid future complications.


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Investigations, diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal paralysis depend upon history taking and examination of phonation, swallowing and of the pharyngo-larynx. In unilateral paralysis, the main symptom is dysphonia. Dysphagia lasting more than 10 days may indicate a proximal vagus nerve lesion. Voice and swallowing therapy may be undertaken. If this remains insufficient after one month, a temporary or definitive vocal fold medialisation may be considered. Paralysis is considered to be definitive if lasting for more than 12 months. A minimal of one-year follow-up is indicated in case of idiopathic paralysis.


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an inflammatory disease of the brain and spinal cord that is mediated by CD4+ T lymphocytes specific to myelin components. In this study we compared development of EAE in Lewis rats from two colonies, one kept in pathogen-free conditions (CEMIB colony) and the other (Botucatu colony) kept in a conventional animal facility. Female Lewis rats were immunized with 100 µl of an emulsion containing 50 µg of myelin, associated with incomplete Freund's adjuvant plus Mycobacterium butyricum. Animals were daily evaluated for clinical score and weight. CEMIB colony presented high EAE incidence with clinical scores that varied from three to four along with significant weight losses. A variable disease incidence was observed in the Botucatu colony with clinical scores not higher than one and no weight loss. Immunological and histopathological characteristics were also compared after 20 days of immunization. Significant amounts of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-10 were induced by myelin in cultures from CEMIB animals but not from the Botucatu colony. Significantly higher levels of anti-myelin IgG1 were detected in the CEMIB colony. Clear histopathological differences were also found. Cervical spinal cord sections from CEMIB animals showed typical perivascular inflammatory foci whereas samples from the Botucatu colony showed a scanty inflammatory infiltration. Helminths were found in animals from Botucatu colony but not, as expected, in the CEMIB pathogen-free animals. As the animals maintained in a conventional animal facility developed a very discrete clinical, and histopathological EAE in comparison to the rats kept in pathogen-free conditions, we believe that environmental factors such as intestinal parasites could underlie this resistance to EAE development, supporting the applicability of the hygiene hypothesis to EAE.


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We have reported earlier that purified preparations of sheep fetal hemoglobin, but not adult hemoglobin, in concert with non-stimulatory doses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (lipid A), act cooperatively to regulate in vitro production of a number of cytokines, including TNFalpha, TGFbeta and IL-6 from murine and human leukocytes. Following in vivo treatment of mice with the same combination of hemoglobin and LPS, harvested spleen or peritoneal cells showed a similar augmented capacity to release these cytokines into culture supernatants. We report below that genetically cloned gamma-chain of human or sheep fetal hemoglobin, but not cloned alpha- or beta-chains, can produce this cooperative effect, as indeed can HPLC purified, heme-free, gamma-chains derived from cord blood fetal hemoglobin, and that purified haptoglobin completely abolishes the cooperative interaction.


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The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) and to assess the performances of prenatal and neonatal diagnoses. From 1994-2005, in Toulouse University Hospital, France, amniocentesis was performed on 352 pregnant women who were infected during pregnancy. All women were treated with spiramycin and pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine when prenatal diagnosis was positive. Among the 275 foetuses with follow-up, 66 (24%) were infected. The transmission rates of Toxoplasma gondii were 7%, 24% and 59% in the first, second and third trimesters, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of PCR on amniotic fluid (AF) were 91% and 99.5%, respectively. One case was diagnosed by mouse inoculation with AF and six cases were diagnosed by neonatal or postnatal screening. The sensitivity and specificity of PCR on placentas were 52% and 99%, respectively. The sensitivity of tests for the detection of specific IgA and IgM in cord blood was 53% and 64%, respectively, and specificity values were 91% and 92%. In conclusion, PCR performed on AF had the highest levels of sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of CT. This permits an early diagnosis of most cases and should be recommended.


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En los transplantes de progenitores hematopoyéticos, la sangre de cordón umbilical es una fuente establecida de células madre hematopoyéticas que presenta como mayor ventaja una menor incidencia de enfermedades de injerto contra el huésped. Sin embargo, el bajo número de células madre obtenidas de una sola unidad limita su utilización a un número reducido de pacientes. Las células madre hematopoyéticas se definen por su capacidad de automantenimiento y reconstitución de todo el sistema hematopoyético de un huésped trasplantado. En ratón, la combinación de los marcadores de superficie Lin- LSK junto con los marcadores de la familia SLAM, ha permitido establecer una jerarquía en las poblaciones de células madre y progenitores hematopoyéticos. Sin embargo, la población de células madre hematopoyéticas humanas CD34+CD38- es heterogénea y las subpoblaciones de progenitores y células madre no están bien establecidas. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo es determinar si los marcadores de la familia SLAM podrían redefinir la población de células madre hematopoyéticas humanas CD34+CD38- de forma similar a lo sucedido en ratón. En este trabajo se describe una nueva población de progenitores hematopoyéticos en sangre de cordón umbilical caracterizada por el fenotipo CD34+CD38-CD150+CD135-. Lon ensayos realizados tanto in vitro como in vivo han demostrado que esta población esta formada por células con capacidad de autorrenovación, de diferenciación a todos los linajes hematopoyéticos, y de reconstitución a corto y largo plazo de un modelo murino inmunodeficiente irradiado. Por otro lado, con la finalidad de obtener un número suficiente de progenitores hematopoyéticos para ser trasplantados, se han estudiado diferentes sistemas de expansión in vitro. Se ha observado que el ácido valproico (un inhibidor de las histona deacetilasas) y la activación de la vía de Notch, promueven el mantenimiento y expansión de los progenitores hematopoyéticos reduciendo los procesos de diferenciación.