864 resultados para Socio economic background Scheduled Caste


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O principal objectivo desta dissertao expor a problemtica das reas residenciais clandestinas na cidade da Praia. Este processo de produo do espao urbano acompanhou o desenvolvimento da urbe, em resultado das razes sociais, econmicas, polticas e institucionais tendo consequncias urbansticas e sociais graves. Surge porque as diferentes estruturas no souberam ou no foram capazes de dar resposta aos anseios da populao em matria de habitao e solo para construo. Este estudo apresenta um conjunto de informao acerca da realidade das reas residenciais clandestinas que visa dar a dimenso da problemtica na cidade da Praia, seguido de uma anlise mais detalhada de duas reas residenciais. A caracterizao scio-econmica e a anlise do processo construtivo permitiram produzir conhecimentos mais profundos sobre estes fragmentos do tecido urbano. Na dissertao procurmos articular a questo do planeamento com a habitao e as reas residenciais clandestinas atravs da anlise dos diferentes planos propostos ou aplicados na urbe. Procurmos perceber como os planos abordaram esta problemtica e as solues apresentadas para a sua superao. Da mesma forma, a apreciao feita em relao habitao e poltica de solos atravs das resolues legais propostas para contornar a situao urbanstica da cidade. Para uma melhor compreenso do tema discutimos a sua abrangncia terica na perspectiva de diferentes autores e efectuamos o entrosamento entre a componente emprica da produo do espao urbano com a reflexo terica. Perante a fragmentao da urbe em ncleos planeados e espontneos, partimos na auscultao do poder local para a problemtica. A interveno deste em reverter o actual panorama e a poltica preconizada em relao a reconverso das reas residenciais clandestinas visando a sua integrao no quadro do ordenamento da aglomerao


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Post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) is the most frequent chronic complication of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with an estimated prevalence of 30-50%. PTS is a significant cause of disability, especially when complicated by venous ulcers. Therefore, PTS has important socio-economic consequences for both the patient and the health care system. Actually, the efficacy of PTS treatment is very limited; therefore, best treatment remains prevention. Compression therapy, particularly by graduated compression stockings (GCS) has a pivotal role in PTS prophylaxis. Aim of this article is to resume state of the art literature on this subject. Recommendations on PTS prevention have even been reported.


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Cape Verde is considered part of Sahelian Africa, where drought and desertification are common occurrences. The main activity of the rural population is rain-fed agriculture, which over time has been increasingly challenged by high temporal and spatial rainfall variability, lack of inputs, limited land area, fragmentation of land, steep slopes, pests, lack of mechanization and loss of top soil by water erosion. Human activities, largely through poor farming practices and deforestation (Gomez, 1989) have accelerated natural erosion processes, shifting the balance between soil erosion and soil formation (Norton, 1987). According to previous studies, vegetation cover is one of the most important factors in controlling soil loss (Cyr et al., 1995; Hupy, 2004; Zhang et al., 2004; Zhou et al., 2006). For this reason, reforestation is a touchstone of the Cape Verdean policy to combat desertification. After Independence in 1975, the Cape Verde government had pressing and closely entangled environmental and socio-economic issues to address, as long-term desertification had resulted in a lack of soil cover, severe soil erosion and a scarcity of water resources and fuel wood. Across the archipelago, desertification was resulting from a variety of processes including poor farming practices, soil erosion by water and wind, soil and water salinity in coastal areas due to over pumping and seawater intrusion, drought and unplanned urbanization (DGA-MAAP, 2004). All these issues directly affected socio-economic vulnerability in rural areas, where about 70% of people depended directly or indirectly on agriculture in 1975. By becoming part of the Inter- State Committee for the Fight against Drought in the Sahel in 1975, the government of Cape Verde gained structured support to address these issues more efficiently. Presentday policies and strategies were defined on the basis of rational use of resources and human efforts and were incorporated into three subsequent national plans: the National Action Plan for Development (NDP) (19821986), the NDP (19861990) and the NDP (19911995) (Carvalho


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The archipelago of Cape Verde is made up of ten islands and nine islets and is located between latitudes 14 28' N and 17 12' N and longitudes 22 40' W and 25 22' W. It is located approximately 500 km from the Senegal coast in West Africa (Figure 1). The islands are divided into two groups: Windward and Leeward. The Windward group is composed of the islands of Santo Anto, So Vicente, Santa Luzia, So Nicolau, Sal and Boavista; and the Leeward group is composed of the islands Maio, Santiago, Fogo and Brava. The archipelago has a total land surface of 4,033 km2 and an Economic Exclusive Zone (ZEE) that extends for approximately 734,000 km2. In general, the relief is very steep, culminating with high elevations (e.g. 2,829 m on Fogo and 1,979 m on Santo Anto). The surface area, geophysical configuration and geology vary greatly from one island to the next. Cape Verde, due to its geomorphology, has a dense and complex hydrographical network. However, there are no permanent water courses and temporary water courses run only during the rainy season. These temporary water courses drain quickly towards the main watersheds, where, unless captured by artificial means, continue rapidly to lower areas and to the sea. This applies equally to the flatter islands. The largest watershed is Rabil with an area of 199.2 km2. The watershed areas on other islands extend over less than 70 km2. Cape Verde is both a least developed country (LDC) and a small island development state (SIDS). In 2002, the population of Cape Verde was estimated at approximately 451,000, of whom 52% were women and 48% men. The population was growing at an average 2.4% per year, and the urban population was estimated at 53.7 %. Over the past 15 years, the Government has implemented a successful development strategy, leading to a sustained economic growth anchored on development of the private sector and the integration of Cape Verde into the world economy. During this period, the tertiary sector has become increasingly important, with strong growth in the tourism, transport, banking and trade sectors. Overall, the quality of life indicators show substantial improvements in almost all areas: housing conditions, access to drinking water and sanitation, use of modern energy in both lighting and cooking, access to health services and education. Despite these overall socio-economic successes, the primary sector has witnessed limited progress. Weak performance in the primary sector has had a severe negative impact on the incomes and poverty risks faced by rural workers1. Moreover, relative poverty has increased significantly during the past decade. The poverty profile shows that: (i) extreme poverty is mostly found in rural areas, although it has also increased in urban areas; (ii) poverty is more likely to occur when the head of the household is a woman; (iii) poverty increases with family size; (iv) education significantly affects poverty; (v) the predominantly agricultural islands of Santo Anto and Fogo have the highest poverty rates; (vi) unemployment affects the poor more than the nonpoor; (vii) agriculture and fisheries workers are more likely to be poor than those in other sectors. Therefore, the fight against poverty and income inequalities remains one of the greatest challenges for Cape Verde authorities. The various governments of Cape Verde over the last decade have demonstrated a commitment to improving governance, notably by encouraging a democratic culture that guarantees stability and democratic changes without conflicts. This democratic governance offers a space for a wider participation of citizens in public management and consolidates social cohesion. However, there are some remaining challenges related to democratic governance and the gains must be systematically monitored. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the countrys insularity has stimulated a movement to decentralized governance, although social inequalities and contrasts from one island to the next constitute, at the same time, challenges and opportunities.


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Os sucessivos anos de seca tm agravado a crnica falta de gua que marca o quadro hdrico de Cabo Verde. No arquiplago verifica-se a perda de um grande volume de gua que se escoa para o mar, aquando das grandes chuvadas, e que estimado em milhes de m3/ano. Para atenuar a problemtica da falta de gua, principalmente no setor agrcola, o Governo Cabo-verdiano tem apostado na poltica de construo de barragens. No ano de 2006 com o objetivo de aumentar os recursos hdricos disponveis e concomitantemente alargar a rea irrigada e diminuir a pobreza, foi inaugurada a barragem do Poilo, a primeira do arquiplago, no interior da ilha de Santiago no concelho de So Loureno dos rgos. Baseado no pressuposto que as barragens so estruturas de grande impacte ambiental e socioeconmico, antes, durante e depois da sua construo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal avaliar o desempenho ambiental, socioeconmico e cultural da Barragem de Poilo. Para tal, o trabalho segue uma metodologia DPSIR1e a aplicao de inquritos e entrevistas, procurando integrar o conhecimento e a perceo da paisagem na rea de influncia da albufeira por parte de diversos atores locais. Espera-se colher subsdios que sirvam de base para os estudos futuros das demais barragens projetadas e a serem construdas em Cabo Verde.


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Dans cet article, lauteur caractrise leau et lagriculture des les du Cap Vert et analyse les dfis de leau aprs la construction du barrage de Poilao dans la Valle de Ribeira Seca, sur lle de Santiago, en se servant de lapproche GIRE (Gestion Intgre des Ressources en Eau). Au niveau de la lgislation, il savre ncessaire de proposer de nouvelles lois, dcrets et rglements qui soient en accord avec notre ralit, en opposition un important lot dinstruments juridiques inapplicables, obsoltes et de comprhension difficile. La construction du barrage de Poilo a produit des impacts environnementaux, socio-conomiques et sur lirrigation. Il sagit de trouver un modle de gestion qui sadapte la ralit du Cap Vert et de lle de Santiago, regroupant tous les partenaires pour une gestion durable de la valle de Ribeira Seca et qui puisse servir dexemple aux futurs barrages construire.


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The number of hypothesis trying to explain which are the reasons behind the decision to migrate to work into a developed country are diverse and at the same time, difficult to test due to the multiplicity of factors which affect it. This papers attempts to move forward trying to disentangle which are the socio-economic factors that explain the differences in the figures of immigrants in the OECD countries. We show empirical evidence about the determinants of the migratory flows to 17 OECD countries from 65 countries in the 1980-2000 period. Our results reveal the importance to differentiate the inflows composition by at least income in the origin countries. Thus, regarding inflows from non-high-income countries, the results suggest that there is a pull effect from monetary and not real income, and then, the welfare magnets hypothesis should be rejected. This group reacts more to the migratory policy than the inflows coming from high-income countries, although those policies designed to slow down the inflows have not been able, in the aggregate, to reduce them.


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Objective: We assessed the 15-year trends in the distribution of body mass index (BMI) categories in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean, African Region) and the relationship with sex, age and socio-economic status (SES). Methods: We conducted three population-based examination surveys in 1989 (n=1,081; participation rate: 86.4%), in 1994 (n=1,067; 87.0%), and in 2004 (n=1,255; 80.2%). Occupation was categorized as "laborer", "intermediate" or "professional". Results are adjusted to the population of 2002. Results: Between 1989 and 2004, mean BMI increased markedly in all sex and age categories (overall: ∼0.15 kg/m2/calendar year). The prevalence of overweight and obesity combined ("excess weight", BMI ≥25 kg/m2) increased from 29% to 52% in men and from 50% to 67% in women. The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) increased from 4% to 15% in men and from 23% to 34% in women. Mean BMI - respectively the prevalence of excess weight- was lower in laborers than professionals in men but higher in laborers that professionals in women and this pattern was similar in the three surveys. Odds ratios for excess weight in professionals vs. laborers were 2.10 (95% CI: 1.94-2.17) in men and 0.51 (0.48-0.53) in women, adjusting for calendar year and participants' age and smoking habits. Conclusion: The prevalence of overweight/obesity increased markedly during a 15- year period. Similar increase of BMI over time in all age and sex categories suggests common environment obesogenic factors. The association between SES and excess weight was in opposite directions in men and women. The study emphasizes the need for prevention measures in all sex, age and SES groups, and suggests that they should be tailored according to sex and SES categories.


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Recent years have seen an emerging knowledge base and increasing public interest and awareness of sexual-economic relationships between local men and Western women, in different touristic regions around the world. However, to date, Western perspectives on the phenomenon make up the bulk of the existent literature. Questioning the dominant discourse of 'romance tourism' and representations of male participants as 'victims-opportunists', this dissertation explores male beach workers' experiences with, and perspectives on sexual-economic relationships between Kenyan men and visiting Western women in Kenya's South Coast region. The men were not considered in isolation; their experiences and perspectives are situated in relation to their family ties, social networks and the political economy of beach tourism. The study shows that locally these relationships are clearly understood as livelihood strategies for the visited. Men seek to establish long-term intimate relationships with female tourists as a means to accessing life's basic necessities for themselves and for their families and overall to improve their standards of living. It is argued that these relationships are a response to the poverty and inequalities generated by socio-economic changes over time. They are also a response to local gender role prescriptions that hinge male social value on men's capacity to marry, procreate and provide intergenerational social and economic support. The men's parallel quest for non-sexual economically motivated friendships with visiting foreign tourists termed "family friends" is a salient finding, that serves to reinforce the finding that the sexual- economic relationships are above all livelihood strategies. Rsum Ces dernires annes ont vu l'mergence d'une base de connaissance, ainsi que d'un intrt et d'une prise de conscience accrue du public, l'gard des relations conomico-sexuelles entre hommes locaux et femmes occidentales, dans diffrentes rgions touristiques du monde. Cependant, ce jour, des perspectives occidentales sur ce phnomne constituent l'essentiel de la littrature existante. En remettant en question le discours dominant du romance tourism (tourisme sentimental) et les reprsentations qui conoivent les hommes participants comme tant 'victimes-opportunistes', cette thse explore les expriences, et les visions qu'ont les travailleurs de plage sur les relations conomico-sexuelles entre hommes Kenyans et femmes Occidentales dans la rgion de la cte sud du Kenya. Les hommes n'ont pas t considrs de manire isole; leurs expriences et leurs perspectives sont situes par rapport leur liens familiaux, leur rseaux sociaux et aussi par rapport l'conomie politique du tourisme balnaire. L'tude montre que sur place ces relations sont clairement conues comme des stratgies de survie pour les participants htes. Les hommes cherchent tablir des relations de long dure avec des femmes touristes comme moyen d'accder des biens et des services qui constituent des ncessits de bases, pour eux et pour leur familles et globalement pour relever leur niveau de vie! L'tude fait valoir que ces relations sont une rponse la pauvret et aux ingalits sociales cres par des dynamiques socio-conomiques au fil du temps. Elles sont aussi une rponse au prescriptions sociales locales par lesquelles la valeur sociale masculine est dfinie travers la capacit des hommes se marier, procrer et d'assurer un soutien intergnrationnel social et conomique. La qute, en parallle, de relations d'amitis non-sexuelles motivation conomique, dnomm family friends , par des hommes, est un rsultat saillant de cette tude qui vient renforcer l'observation que les relations conomico-sexuelles relvent avant tout des stratgies de survie.


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The research performed a sustainability assessment of supply chains of the anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) in Peru. The corresponding fisheries lands 6.5 million t per year, of which <2% is rendered into products for direct human consumption (DHC) and 98% reduced into feed ingredients (fishmeal and fish oil, FMFO), for export. Several industries compete for the anchoveta resources, generating local and global impacts. The need for understanding these dynamics, towards sustainability-improving management and policy recommendations, determined the development of a sustainability assessment framework: 1) characterisation and modelling of the systems under study (with Life Cycle Assessment and other tools) including local aquaculture, 2) calculation of sustainability indicators (i.e. energy efficiency, nutritional value, socio-economic performances), and 3) sustainability comparison of supply chains; definition and comparison of alternative exploitation scenarios. Future exploitation scenarios were defined by combining an ecosystem and a material flow models: continuation of the status quo (Scenario 1), shift towards increased proportion of DHC production (Scenario 2), and radical reduction of the anchoveta harvest in order for other fish stocks to recover and be exploited for DHC (Scenario 3). Scenario 2 was identified as the most sustainable. Management and policy recommendations include improving of: controls for compliance with management measures, sanitary conditions for DHC, landing infrastructure for small- and medium-scale (SMS) fisheries; the development of a national refrigerated distribution chain; and the assignation of flexible tolerances for discards from different DHC processes.


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[cat] Una qesti clau sobre la producci de salut relativament poc explorada es refereix a la influncia dels factors socioeconmics i mediambientals sobre el pes i lobesitat. Aquesta problemtica adquireix particular rellevncia quan es comparen dos pasos Mediterranis com Itlia i Espanya. s interessant adonar-se que lobesitat a Espanya s 5 punts percentual ms elevada al 2003 mentre que a lany 1990 era aproximadament la mateixa en ambds pasos. Aquesta article presenta una descomposici no lineal dels gaps o diferencials en taxes de sobreps (ndex de massa corporal IMC- entre 25 i 29.9 9 kg/m2), obesitat classe 1 (IMC30 kg/m2) i classe 2 (IMC35 kg/m2) entre Espanya i Itlia per gnere i grups dedat. En explicar aquests gaps entre pasos allem les influncies dels estils de vida, els efectes socioeconmics i els mediambientals. Els nostres resultats indiquen que quan no es controla pels efectes mediambientals (efectes de grup o peer effects) els hbits alimentaris i el nivell educatiu sn els principals predictors del gaps totals entre pasos (36-52%), si b aquests dos factors exerceixen un impacte diferenciat segons gnere i edat. Un tant paradoxalment, quan controlem pels efectes de grup aquests predictors perden la seva capacitat explicativa i els efectes de grup passen a explicar entre el 46-76% dels gaps en sobreps i obesitat i mostren un patr creixent amb ledat.


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The historically-reactive approach to identifying safety problems and mitigating them involves selecting black spots or hot spots by ranking locations based on crash frequency and severity. The approach focuses mainly on the corridor level without taking the exposure rate (vehicle miles traveled) and socio-demographics information of the study area, which are very important in the transportation planning process, into consideration. A larger study analysis unit at the Transportation Analysis Zone (TAZ) level or the network planning level should be used to address the needs of development of the community in the future and incorporate safety into the long-range transportation planning process. In this study, existing planning tools (such as the PLANSAFE models presented in NCHRP Report 546) were evaluated for forecasting safety in small and medium-sized communities, particularly as related to changes in socio-demographics characteristics, traffic demand, road network, and countermeasures. The research also evaluated the applicability of the Empirical Bayes (EB) method to network-level analysis. In addition, application of the United States Road Assessment Program (usRAP) protocols at the local urban road network level was investigated. This research evaluated the applicability of these three methods for the City of Ames, Iowa. The outcome of this research is a systematic process and framework for considering road safety issues explicitly in the small and medium-sized community transportation planning process and for quantifying the safety impacts of new developments and policy programs. More specifically, quantitative safety may be incorporated into the planning process, through effective visualization and increased awareness of safety issues (usRAP), the identification of high-risk locations with potential for improvement, (usRAP maps and EB), countermeasures for high-risk locations (EB before and after study and PLANSAFE), and socio-economic and demographic induced changes at the planning-level (PLANSAFE).


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La prsente tude est la fois une valuation du processus de la mise en oeuvre et des impacts de la police de proximit dans les cinq plus grandes zones urbaines de Suisse - Ble, Berne, Genve, Lausanne et Zurich. La police de proximit (community policing) est la fois une philosophie et une stratgie organisationnelle qui favorise un partenariat renouvel entre la police et les communauts locales dans le but de rsoudre les problmes relatifs la scurit et l'ordre public. L'valuation de processus a analys des donnes relatives aux rformes internes de la police qui ont t obtenues par l'intermdiaire d'entretiens semi-structurs avec des administrateurs cls des cinq dpartements de police, ainsi que dans des documents crits de la police et d'autres sources publiques. L'valuation des impacts, quant elle, s'est base sur des variables contextuelles telles que des statistiques policires et des donnes de recensement, ainsi que sur des indicateurs d'impacts construit partir des donnes du Swiss Crime Survey (SCS) relatives au sentiment d'inscurit, la perception du dsordre public et la satisfaction de la population l'gard de la police. Le SCS est un sondage rgulier qui a permis d'interroger des habitants des cinq grandes zones urbaines plusieurs reprises depuis le milieu des annes 1980. L'valuation de processus a abouti un Calendrier des activits visant crer des donnes de panel permettant de mesurer les progrs raliss dans la mise en oeuvre de la police de proximit l'aide d'une grille d'valuation six dimensions des intervalles de cinq ans entre 1990 et 2010. L'valuation des impacts, effectue ex post facto, a utilis un concept de recherche non-exprimental (observational design) dans le but d'analyser les impacts de diffrents modles de police de proximit dans des zones comparables travers les cinq villes tudies. Les quartiers urbains, dlimits par zone de code postal, ont ainsi t regroups par l'intermdiaire d'une typologie ralise l'aide d'algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique (machine learning). Des algorithmes superviss et non superviss ont t utiliss sur les donnes haute dimensionnalit relatives la criminalit, la structure socio-conomique et dmographique et au cadre bti dans le but de regrouper les quartiers urbains les plus similaires dans des clusters. D'abord, les cartes auto-organisatrices (self-organizing maps) ont t utilises dans le but de rduire la variance intra-cluster des variables contextuelles et de maximiser simultanment la variance inter-cluster des rponses au sondage. Ensuite, l'algorithme des forts d'arbres dcisionnels (random forests) a permis la fois d'valuer la pertinence de la typologie de quartier labore et de slectionner les variables contextuelles cls afin de construire un modle parcimonieux faisant un minimum d'erreurs de classification. Enfin, pour l'analyse des impacts, la mthode des appariements des coefficients de propension (propensity score matching) a t utilise pour quilibrer les chantillons prtest-posttest en termes d'ge, de sexe et de niveau d'ducation des rpondants au sein de chaque type de quartier ainsi identifi dans chacune des villes, avant d'effectuer un test statistique de la diffrence observe dans les indicateurs d'impacts. De plus, tous les rsultats statistiquement significatifs ont t soumis une analyse de sensibilit (sensitivity analysis) afin d'valuer leur robustesse face un biais potentiel d des covariables non observes. L'tude relve qu'au cours des quinze dernires annes, les cinq services de police ont entam des rformes majeures de leur organisation ainsi que de leurs stratgies oprationnelles et qu'ils ont nou des partenariats stratgiques afin de mettre en oeuvre la police de proximit. La typologie de quartier dveloppe a abouti une rduction de la variance intra-cluster des variables contextuelles et permet d'expliquer une partie significative de la variance inter-cluster des indicateurs d'impacts avant la mise en oeuvre du traitement. Ceci semble suggrer que les mthodes de gocomputation aident quilibrer les covariables observes et donc rduire les menaces relatives la validit interne d'un concept de recherche non-exprimental. Enfin, l'analyse des impacts a rvl que le sentiment d'inscurit a diminu de manire significative pendant la priode 2000-2005 dans les quartiers se trouvant l'intrieur et autour des centres-villes de Berne et de Zurich. Ces amliorations sont assez robustes face des biais dus des covariables inobserves et covarient dans le temps et l'espace avec la mise en oeuvre de la police de proximit. L'hypothse alternative envisageant que les diminutions observes dans le sentiment d'inscurit soient, partiellement, un rsultat des interventions policires de proximit semble donc tre aussi plausible que l'hypothse nulle considrant l'absence absolue d'effet. Ceci, mme si le concept de recherche non-exprimental mis en oeuvre ne peut pas compltement exclure la slection et la rgression la moyenne comme explications alternatives. The current research project is both a process and impact evaluation of community policing in Switzerland's five major urban areas - Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, and Zurich. Community policing is both a philosophy and an organizational strategy that promotes a renewed partnership between the police and the community to solve problems of crime and disorder. The process evaluation data on police internal reforms were obtained through semi-structured interviews with key administrators from the five police departments as well as from police internal documents and additional public sources. The impact evaluation uses official crime records and census statistics as contextual variables as well as Swiss Crime Survey (SCS) data on fear of crime, perceptions of disorder, and public attitudes towards the police as outcome measures. The SCS is a standing survey instrument that has polled residents of the five urban areas repeatedly since the mid-1980s. The process evaluation produced a "Calendar of Action" to create panel data to measure community policing implementation progress over six evaluative dimensions in intervals of five years between 1990 and 2010. The impact evaluation, carried out ex post facto, uses an observational design that analyzes the impact of the different community policing models between matched comparison areas across the five cities. Using ZIP code districts as proxies for urban neighborhoods, geospatial data mining algorithms serve to develop a neighborhood typology in order to match the comparison areas. To this end, both unsupervised and supervised algorithms are used to analyze high-dimensional data on crime, the socio-economic and demographic structure, and the built environment in order to classify urban neighborhoods into clusters of similar type. In a first step, self-organizing maps serve as tools to develop a clustering algorithm that reduces the within-cluster variance in the contextual variables and simultaneously maximizes the between-cluster variance in survey responses. The random forests algorithm then serves to assess the appropriateness of the resulting neighborhood typology and to select the key contextual variables in order to build a parsimonious model that makes a minimum of classification errors. Finally, for the impact analysis, propensity score matching methods are used to match the survey respondents of the pretest and posttest samples on age, gender, and their level of education for each neighborhood type identified within each city, before conducting a statistical test of the observed difference in the outcome measures. Moreover, all significant results were subjected to a sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of these findings in the face of potential bias due to some unobserved covariates. The study finds that over the last fifteen years, all five police departments have undertaken major reforms of their internal organization and operating strategies and forged strategic partnerships in order to implement community policing. The resulting neighborhood typology reduced the within-cluster variance of the contextual variables and accounted for a significant share of the between-cluster variance in the outcome measures prior to treatment, suggesting that geocomputational methods help to balance the observed covariates and hence to reduce threats to the internal validity of an observational design. Finally, the impact analysis revealed that fear of crime dropped significantly over the 2000-2005 period in the neighborhoods in and around the urban centers of Bern and Zurich. These improvements are fairly robust in the face of bias due to some unobserved covariate and covary temporally and spatially with the implementation of community policing. The alternative hypothesis that the observed reductions in fear of crime were at least in part a result of community policing interventions thus appears at least as plausible as the null hypothesis of absolutely no effect, even if the observational design cannot completely rule out selection and regression to the mean as alternative explanations.


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The proportion of population living in or around cites is more important than ever. Urban sprawl and car dependence have taken over the pedestrian-friendly compact city. Environmental problems like air pollution, land waste or noise, and health problems are the result of this still continuing process. The urban planners have to find solutions to these complex problems, and at the same time insure the economic performance of the city and its surroundings. At the same time, an increasing quantity of socio-economic and environmental data is acquired. In order to get a better understanding of the processes and phenomena taking place in the complex urban environment, these data should be analysed. Numerous methods for modelling and simulating such a system exist and are still under development and can be exploited by the urban geographers for improving our understanding of the urban metabolism. Modern and innovative visualisation techniques help in communicating the results of such models and simulations. This thesis covers several methods for analysis, modelling, simulation and visualisation of problems related to urban geography. The analysis of high dimensional socio-economic data using artificial neural network techniques, especially self-organising maps, is showed using two examples at different scales. The problem of spatiotemporal modelling and data representation is treated and some possible solutions are shown. The simulation of urban dynamics and more specifically the traffic due to commuting to work is illustrated using multi-agent micro-simulation techniques. A section on visualisation methods presents cartograms for transforming the geographic space into a feature space, and the distance circle map, a centre-based map representation particularly useful for urban agglomerations. Some issues on the importance of scale in urban analysis and clustering of urban phenomena are exposed. A new approach on how to define urban areas at different scales is developed, and the link with percolation theory established. Fractal statistics, especially the lacunarity measure, and scale laws are used for characterising urban clusters. In a last section, the population evolution is modelled using a model close to the well-established gravity model. The work covers quite a wide range of methods useful in urban geography. Methods should still be developed further and at the same time find their way into the daily work and decision process of urban planners. La part de personnes vivant dans une rgion urbaine est plus lev que jamais et continue crotre. L'talement urbain et la dpendance automobile ont supplant la ville compacte adapte aux pitons. La pollution de l'air, le gaspillage du sol, le bruit, et des problmes de sant pour les habitants en sont la consquence. Les urbanistes doivent trouver, ensemble avec toute la socit, des solutions ces problmes complexes. En mme temps, il faut assurer la performance conomique de la ville et de sa rgion. Actuellement, une quantit grandissante de donnes socio-conomiques et environnementales est rcolte. Pour mieux comprendre les processus et phnomnes du systme complexe "ville", ces donnes doivent tre traites et analyses. Des nombreuses mthodes pour modliser et simuler un tel systme existent et sont continuellement en dveloppement. Elles peuvent tre exploites par le gographe urbain pour amliorer sa connaissance du mtabolisme urbain. Des techniques modernes et innovatrices de visualisation aident dans la communication des rsultats de tels modles et simulations. Cette thse dcrit plusieurs mthodes permettant d'analyser, de modliser, de simuler et de visualiser des phnomnes urbains. L'analyse de donnes socio-conomiques trs haute dimension l'aide de rseaux de neurones artificiels, notamment des cartes auto-organisatrices, est montr travers deux exemples aux chelles diffrentes. Le problme de modlisation spatio-temporelle et de reprsentation des donnes est discut et quelques bauches de solutions esquisses. La simulation de la dynamique urbaine, et plus spcifiquement du trafic automobile engendr par les pendulaires est illustre l'aide d'une simulation multi-agents. Une section sur les mthodes de visualisation montre des cartes en anamorphoses permettant de transformer l'espace gographique en espace fonctionnel. Un autre type de carte, les cartes circulaires, est prsent. Ce type de carte est particulirement utile pour les agglomrations urbaines. Quelques questions lies l'importance de l'chelle dans l'analyse urbaine sont galement discutes. Une nouvelle approche pour dfinir des clusters urbains des chelles diffrentes est dveloppe, et le lien avec la thorie de la percolation est tabli. Des statistiques fractales, notamment la lacunarit, sont utilises pour caractriser ces clusters urbains. L'volution de la population est modlise l'aide d'un modle proche du modle gravitaire bien connu. Le travail couvre une large panoplie de mthodes utiles en gographie urbaine. Toutefois, il est toujours ncessaire de dvelopper plus loin ces mthodes et en mme temps, elles doivent trouver leur chemin dans la vie quotidienne des urbanistes et planificateurs.


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Depression and suicidal ideation are tightly linked to the lack of hope in the future. Hopelessness begins with the occurrence of negative life events and develops through the perception that negative outcomes are stable and pervasive. Most of the research has investigated individual factors predicting hopelessness. However, other studies have shown that the social context may also play an important role: disadvantaged contexts exacerbate the feeling that future is unreachable and hopeless. In this study we investigate the role of shared emotions (emotional climates) on the sense of hopelessness during the second half of the life. Emotional climates have been defined as the emotional relationships constructed between members of a society and describe the quality of the environment within a particular community. We present results of multilevel analyses using data from the NCCR-LIVES769 project Vulnerability and growth, the Swiss Household Panel and official statistics, that explore the relationship between characteristics of the Swiss cantons and hopelessness. Although hopelessness is mainly affected by individual factors as life events and personality, results show that canton socio-economic conditions and climates of optimism or pessimism have an effect on the individual perception of hopelessness. Individuals are more likely to feel hopeless after having experienced critical events (i.e., loss of the partner in the late life) in cantons with high rates of unemployment and with a high share of negative emotions. On the contrary, positive emotional climates play a protective role against hopelessness.