937 resultados para Sewage as fertilizer
本研究采用室外盆栽试验,模拟运动场坪床结构,研究不同氮肥种类、不同施氮频率、施氮和降雨时间间隔对草地早熟禾草坪质量、草坪生长和无机氮淋洗的影响,并探讨在北京地区气候条件下,草坪在不同氮肥管理措施下的氮素去向及环境风险。主要结论如下: 1. 氮肥种类对草坪质量和草坪生长有显著影响。试验前期(春季),草坪颜色和密度质量、草坪草生长速度和草屑全氮含量的排序为尿素 > CU3M(自研包膜尿素)> IBDU(进口缓释肥),而试验后期(秋季)则为CU3M = IBDU > 尿素。草坪合格颜色质量持续时间和成坪速度的排序为尿素 > CU3M > IBDU。在新建草坪选择缓释肥进行早春施肥时,应混施一定比例的速效肥。 2. 施氮频率对草坪外观质量评分、草坪生长速度、草屑总生物量、草屑全氮含量和根系分布状况有显著影响。U6处理的草坪合格颜色质量持续时间最长,增加施氮频率没有降低新建草坪生长速度和草屑全氮含量的波动幅度。 3. 夏季(6~8月)渗漏液体积占全年的比例最高,为75.0%~82.4%。新建草坪初期的淋洗风险较大,渗漏液硝态氮浓度在第1次超过10 mg N•L-1,尿素分6次施用可降低这次的渗漏液硝态氮浓度。在合理施氮量内,草坪成熟后的无机氮淋洗量很小,且草坪对雨水中的无机氮有吸收和过滤作用。 4. 春季施用氮肥的吸收利用率为48.0%~72.6%,草屑吸收量最高,占38.5%~48.7%,地上部吸收量占19.6%~22.1%,根系吸收量在7.3%以下。施肥处理的无机氮淋洗损失量仅为0.23~0.42 g N•m-2,与CK无显著差异,草地早熟禾12 g N•m-2的年施氮量对环境的风险很小。 5. 初秋施氮5 g N•m-2,可以保持草地早熟禾秋季的良好颜色和密度质量,草坪草氮素吸收利用率高达87.4%~99.7%,其中草屑带走量占24.3%~34.2%,地上部吸收量占43.3%~59.6%,根系吸收量占14.2%~19.1%。 6. 施氮和模拟降雨的时间间隔对渗漏液硝态氮浓度有显著影响,间隔6 d和9 d模拟降雨后的渗漏液硝态氮浓度最高,显著高于间隔3 d和12 d模拟降雨的结果。初秋合理施氮的渗漏液硝态氮浓度在1.0 mg N•L-1 以下,环境风险较小。
氮素作为陆地生态系统生产力主要的限制因子,对生态系统过程的调控有着重要的意义。净氮矿化是有机氮素到无机氮素的转变过程,该过程决定了土壤氮素的可利用性。准确估计土壤的供氮能力可以为确定最佳施肥量和施肥时间提供理论依据,并将影响着土地的可持续发展和管理政策。氮矿化潜力N0被定义为在最适温度和湿度下,土壤氮素在无限时间内所能矿化的最大量。由于氮矿化潜力是土壤供氮能力很好的指示值,所以对氮矿化潜力的研究能够使我们更好地了解土壤的氮素矿化动态和其供氮潜力。 为更好地了解天然草原氮素矿化对全球氮沉降背景以及草原施肥管理模式的响应,我们从2000年起在内蒙古羊草草原开展了长期的氮素添加实验,分别设置对照(N0)、添加5g N•m-2(N1.75)、30g N•m-2(N10.5)和80g N•m-2(N28)四个氮肥添加梯度以及对照(control)、添加100g有机肥•m-2(O100)、添加500g有机肥•m-2(O500)、添加1000g有机肥•m-2(O1000)四个有机肥添加梯度。氮肥添加在相邻并同时进行施肥的两个生态系统类型中展开,即成熟羊草草原(A区,1979年围封)和退化的羊草草原(B区,1999年围封),有机肥添加也同时在与之相邻的C区中展开(C区的土地利用历史与B区一致)。 2002年和2006年,从A、B区中进行氮肥处理后的土壤取样;有机肥处理的土壤样品从2002年C区中获得。土样在最佳温度(25℃)和湿度(60%田间持水量(WHC))下进行了5周室内培养,并用阶段淋溶方法来测定氮肥添加和有机肥添加对土壤氮矿化动态的影响。 氮肥添加显著降低了土壤的pH值,但累积氮矿化量与土壤pH值、有机碳、全氮均没有显著的相关性。在两个区内,氮素添加都显著改变了土壤的累积氮矿化量。最高氮素处理N28相对应于最低的累积氮矿化量,而低氮素处理N1.75却使得累积氮矿化量最高。同时,在N0和N1.75处理中硝态氮的含量高于铵态氮,但在N28处理中却表现出相反趋势。实验还表明大多数氮素添加强度处理在A区比B区有更高的土壤累积氮矿化量。 有机肥添加也显著改变了土壤5周内的累积氮矿化量,并且累积氮矿化量随有机肥添加强度的升高而显著增加。培养5周末时土壤的累积铵态氮的含量与有机肥施加强度之间并没有相关性,但是累积硝态氮的含量有随着有机肥施加强度的上升而增加的趋势。 基于前5周土壤培养所得到的结果,我们选择了氮肥添加的N0,N1.75, N28处理以及有机肥添加的control、O100、O1000处理继续进行了长达15周的培养。培养数据与描述土壤氮矿化动态的一级动力学模型--first-order kinetics: Nm=N0(1-exp(-kt))拟合良好( R2=0.893~0.97)。无论是氮肥添加还是有机肥添加都显著增加了土壤的氮矿化潜力N0,并且N0随着氮肥或者机肥添加强度的增加而增加。对于氮肥处理的土壤来说, N0与氮矿化速率常数k之间反向相关,但是在有机氮处理的土壤中N0与k之间却没有相关性。总的结果显示,经有机肥添加的土壤比经氮肥添加的土样有着更大的氮矿化潜力N0值以及氮矿化速率常数k值,较大的k值暗示着土壤氮素较快的周转速率。
草地是我国陆地面积最大的生态系统类型,它在维持我国自然生态系统格 局、功能以及过程方面具有特殊的生态学意义。内蒙古草原是我国北方最重要的自然群落类型,对于维持当地的生态平衡和社会经济的可持续发展起着重要的作用。由于历史上人类的过度放牧以及开垦农田,加上气候的变化使得内蒙古草地大面积退化,并引发了许多生态、环境问题。研究土地利用历史对草地植物群落结构、组成和稳定性的影响对于退化草地的恢复和管理具有重要的意义。通过适当的水、肥管理措施加快退化草地的植被恢复,改善其生态服务功能是当前的紧迫任务,同时也将对理解未来气候变化对草地群落的影响具有重要作用。 本试验进行了内蒙古农牧交错区不同土地利用历史的草地(围封的天然草地和弃耕的草地)植物群落结构和稳定性的对比研究,并且讨论了模拟降水增加和氮、磷添加及其互作效应对群落结构、组成和稳定性的影响。结果表明: 1. 土地利用历史对草地植物群落的结构和稳定性产生了显著的影响。围封的天然草地比农田弃耕地具有更高的物种丰富度、均匀度和植被盖度。历史上草地的垦殖使群落结构发生极大的变化,造成物种多样性和均匀度的明显降低,同时,也降低了群落的稳定性,使弃耕地在环境的变化下更加脆弱。 2. 水分的添加显著地改善了群落的结构和功能。增水的处理增加了物种丰富度、密度、植被盖度和生产力。同时,添加水分也提高了群落的稳定性,对于加快内蒙古退化草地的恢复具有明显的作用。 3. 添加氮肥增加了植被盖度和群落的生产力,同时改变了群落的物种组成,增加了禾本科草的比例,尤其是增加了围封样地中克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii Roshev.)的盖度,在弃耕地主要增加了冰草(Agropyron cristatum (Linn.) Gaertn.)的盖度。不同的氮肥梯度之间只对植被盖度的影响存在差异,在功能群水平上,这种差异则存在于对禾本科草盖度的影响中。添加氮肥增大了物种丰富度在时间上的变异,在一定程度上降低了群落的稳定性。添加磷肥只增加了群落地上生物量,对群落结构和稳定性都没有显著影响。氮、磷肥同时添加增加了草地群落的生产力和植被盖度,在功能群水平上增加了禾草的盖度。二者的共同作用也增大了物种丰富度在时间上的变异,降低了群落的稳定性。 4. 同时添加水分和氮肥增加了植被盖度,在围封样地同时增加了禾草和杂类草的盖度,在弃耕地只增加了禾草的盖度;水分和氮肥结合也降低了群落盖度在时间上的变异。同时添加水分和磷肥改善了群落结构,增加了植被盖度、密度及地上生物量。在功能群水平上,增加了围封样地杂类草的盖度。同时添加水分和磷肥减小了植被盖度的时间变异,有利于群落的稳定。水分、氮肥和磷肥共同添加增加了植被盖度和群落的生产力,并且比其他处理组合效果更显著。在水、氮、磷共同作用下,禾草和杂类草盖度同时增加。同时添加水分、氮肥和磷肥也降低了群落盖度在时间上的变异。 由此可见,水分是决定内蒙古农牧交错区草地植物群落结构和生产力的最主要的环境因子,氮素对群落的结构和生产力起到调节的作用,而磷素只有在水分较为充足的条件下才能对群落产生显著影响。水分和养分的结合能够有效地改善群落的结构和功能,增加群落的稳定性,进而加快退化草地的恢复进程。
A study on mixed culture of mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio Lin.), tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Lin.), silver carp (Hypophthalmicthys molitrix Val.) and Thai sharpunti (Puntius gonionotus Bleeker) in the ratio of 1:2:2:5 was conducted in 12 seasonal mini ponds (30 m² each) for 105 days. There were six treatments each with two replicates and each pond was stocked with a total of 100 fishes. Rice bran and mustard oil cake were used as supplemental feed either in combination or alone in presence or absence of fertilizer. Fertilizers were used in the form of organic, inorganic or both. The best growth performance of mirror carp, tilapia and Thai sharpunti was obtained in treatment III which received both fertilizer (organic+inorganic) and rice bran while the highest growth of silver carp was obtained in treatment VI receiving only inorganic fertilizer. However, the overall best production (2450 Kg/ha) and economic return for the culture period was obtained in treatment VI followed by treatment III. The results are discussed in the light of water quality parameters.
The experiment was conducted at BRRI Regional Station, Habiganj during 1994-95 to evaluate the growth and economic performance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fish reared in the field of irrigated boro rice with different fertilizer levels. Grain yield of rice was not affected by fish culture. It was observed that 50% of recommended fertilizer was enough to produce increased rice yield (8-10 t/ha) at floodplain environment and additional yield was obtained with the increasing fertilizer rates. Results further indicated that O. niloticus could successfully be reared in the field of irrigated boro rice with recommended fertilizer level. Larger size of fingerlings at release had improved recovery percent, body weight gain and higher fish yield. Results also revealed that rice + fish production system produced higher net return than the system with rice alone.
Utilization of wastewater in fish culture is based on nutrient recycling, which enhances primary productivity, planktonic biomass, macrophytes and benthic organisms which determine fish production. Production of fishes could be enhanced to 10 ton/ha through wastewater recycling by judicial stock manipulation and management. The fallow lands around a sewage fish farm could be utilized for agri-horticultural production by recycling both sludge and sewage water, resulting in a total agro production of about 110 ton/ha through rotational vegetable cropping. The potential for additional production of vegetables not only enhances revenue but also creates employment.
The results of two sets of experiments on mono-culture of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and mixed culture of carps (grass carp 50 : catla 20 : rohu 15 : mrigal 15) fed exclusively with vegetable leaves are reported. The experiments were conducted with two replicates each in 0.02 ha ponds of Wastewater Aquaculture Division of the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Rahara during 1991-93. Monoculture of grass carp stocked at 1000/ha demonstrated an average net production of 21.0 kg/ 0.02 ha/8 months (1501 kg/ha/yr). Mixed culture of carps stocked at 5000 /ha recorded an average net production of 22.5 kg/0.02 ha/8 months (1903.7 kg/ha/yr). Field studies revealed that water bind weed (Ipomoea aquatica) is the most preferred feed of grass carp amongst vegetable leaves followed by amaranths (Amaranthus gangeticus and Amaranthus viridis), cauliflower (Brassica oleracia var. votrytis) and cabbage (Brassica oleracia var. capitata) leaves. Through selection of highly productive leaf vegetables and suitable crop planning on fallow fish pond dykes, round the year feeding programme of grass carp has been explored. Recycling of sewage effluent for vegetable production and utilisation of vegetable leaves for fish production is considered an ideal way of integrated resource management for low cost production.
An experiment was conducted in six nursery ponds to determine the effect of different doses of organic fertilizer (chicken droppings) on growth and survival of Labeo rohita spawn. Ponds were stocked with four-days old L. rohita spawn at a density of 25 g/decimal and reared for 25 days. Three doses of organic fertilizer viz. 20kg, 10 kg and 5kg per decimal were tried in treatments Tp T2 and T3 respectively with two replication each. Fry were fed twice a day with a mixture of fine mustard oil cake and rice bran at the ratio of 1:1. The highest growth (6.33 em and 3.33 g) and survival rate (72.30%) were observed for the treatment T2. Physico-chemical and biological parameters were found within the productive range for all the treatments.
A 120-day long experiment was conducted to find out the effects of urea plus triple super
phosphate (UT), cow manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM) having iso-nil:rogen
content on pond productivity and fish yield. Three fertilizer treatments, with three
replicates each, were randomly assigned into nine earthen ponds of 100 m2 each. The
stocking fish were rohu (Labeo ruhita), catla ( Catla catla) and mrigal ( Cirrhinus
mrigala) in each treatment pond at the rate of 10000/ha with the ratio of 1:1:1. All ponds
were fertilized fortnightly at the rate of 125 kg/ha urea plus 100 kg TSP/ha, 7000 kg/ha
cow manure and 3500 kg/ha poultry manure for the treatment of UT, CM and PM,
respectively, having an iso-nitrogen content of 56 kg in each. Though the physicochemical
water quality parameters were more or less similar in all treatment ponds, the
chlorophyll-a content and abundance of total plankton were significantly higher (P <
0.05) in the ponds receiving the treatment PM. Final growth as well as per unit
production of fish was significantly higher (p
A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of phosphorus supplementation in the
formulated fish diet on carcass quality of Nile tilapia in net-cages suspended in fertilized
earthen ponds. In the experiment 3% di-calcium phosphate (DCP), 3% triple supper
phosphate (TSP) and 7% 16:20 inorganic fertilizer were added as phosphorous sources to
three diets containing fish meal as main protein ingredient. Feeding tilapia in net-cages
with these diets significantly (p
The effect of various factors on spawn and fingerlings production in government and private farms was measured in this study. Primary data were collected from 45 private and 11 government farms from 9 selected districts covering major fish seed producing areas of Bangladesh. Results from Cobb-Douglas production function analysis indicated that the included variables had some positive impacts on returns from spawn and fingerlings. No input was found to be over used and increasing returns to scale was observed. Tabular analysis indicated that higher amount of input use produced higher level of yield, gross return and net return. The government farms were under utilized. For increased supply of fish seeds in the country more amount of specified inputs (feed and fertilizer) should be used for producing spawn and fingerlings especially in government farms.
A simple costs and return analysis was done to determine the profitability of pond fish culture in three selected thanas namely Nertakona Sadar, Purbadhala and Kendua under Netrakona district. Cobb-douglas production function model was used to estimate the contribution of key variables to the production process of pond fish culture. It was found that cost of pond fish production was Tk. 10,103/ha/yr and the per hectare fish yield was 943 kgl/yr and the average gross and net return were Tk. 49,515 and Tk. 39,412 respectively. It was found that medium and small farms had the higher yield because of efficient use of production inputs compared to large farms. It was also observed that ownership of pond, number of species and human labour had negative impact on pond fish output, while depth of pond water, farm size, fish seed, fertilizer and artificial feed had significant positive effects on pond fish output.
An experiment was conducted in the laboratory condition to determine the effect of organic (poultry drop, cow dung and mustard oil cake) and inorganic fertilizer (urea) on production, reproduction rate and maturation time of Moina species. Production rate was also determined in both aerated and non-aerated system in plastic containers with carrying capacity of 2.5-liter each. Total production was significantly higher in both aerated (2475 individuals/2.5 l water) and non-aerated (3253 individuals/2.5 l water) containers using poultry manure compared to other fertilizers. Moreover, the reproduction rate and maturation time in poultry drops showed distinct efficacy in Moina species. Reproduction rate of 11 individuals was the maximal while lowest maturation time was found 78 hours. Reproduction and maturation were induced surprisingly in test tube where the aeration system was absent.
To assess the production potentials of small indigenous fish species (SIS) in semi-intensive monoculture system, an experiment was carried out with Amblypharyngadan mala, Chela cachius and Puntius sophore. Three treatments each with three replications were tested with mola, chela and punti individually and the stocking density of each species was 100,000/ha. Organic fertilizer was applied to the ponds at the rate of 1,000 kg/ha at fortnightly and rice bran was supplemented daily at 3% of the total fish biomass. Partial harvesting was made after three months of stocking. Gross production of 805±52.94, 1,120±41.62 and 509±48.81 kg/ha, respectively for mola, chela and punti over a period of six months were obtained. The yield of punti was found to vary significantly (P < 0.05) from that of mola and chela.
A study to measure the heavy metal pollution level in the sediment of coastal and offshore area indicates that high concentration of heavy metals were found around Manora channel and eastern coast of Karachi. In comparison with coastal areas, relatively low concentration of heavy metals was recorded in the offshore area. The result shows that sewage and industrial wastes are the main source of heavy metal pollution in the coastal area. The concentration of heavy metals in the sediments is as follows: Chromium 10.4-33.69, nickel 13.3-47.6, lead 10.0-39.04, cadmium 0.08-0.21, zinc 7.4-73.2 and copper 9.44-18.56 mg/kg. In the offshore areas strong correlation was observed between copper and organic carbon, and calcium carbonate and cadmium. In the shore area such correlation has been recorded among nickel, chromium, zinc, and chromium and copper. The Karachi. coast is viewed as moderately polluted when compared to other continental coastal areas.