910 resultados para Serum-lipids
American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), caused by Leishmania infantum chagasi (L.i.chagasi), stands as a public health problem in Brazil, with human and canine cases related in all states..Lipid metabolism can be modified in several status of infection. For example, experimental studies show that the cholesterol is necessary to internalization and replication of L.i.chagasi in macrophages through caveolar domains. Patients with AVL present low levels of cholesterol and a visible triglycerides increase. This work aimed to evaluate the lipid metabolism in several post-infection status by L.i.chagasi, including individuals with symptomatic infection (AVL), and asymptomatic. The levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and reactive C protein, were measured. Individuals with AVL were compared with individuals with assymptomatic infection and presented low levels of total cholesterol (128 ± 6.180 mg/dL vs. 158 ±5.733 mg/dL, p=0.0001), HDL (29 ± 1.746 mg/dL vs. 37 ± 1.647 mg/dL, p=0.0001), increased levels of triglycerides (149.5 mg/dL ± 12.72 vs. 78.00 ± 10.43 mg/dL, p=0.0095) and higher levels of reactive C protein (1.750± 0.4939 mg/dL vs. 0.40 ± 0.1707 mg/dL; p=0.0001). The expression of genes related to lipid metabolism, such as LXR-a, LXR-b, PPAR-a, PPAR-d, PPAR-g and APOE was evaluated by real time PCR. A reduction in the expression of those genes was found in the group of AVL patients corroborating the serum levels of the metabolites earlier quantified. Our findings suggest a modulation of metabolism of lipids, in the chronic phase of AVL, this could facilitate the survival of leishmania, due to the known reduction on the ability of macrophages in presenting antigens efficiently to the T cells due to the reduction in the cholesterol available, it results in a subversion of the host immunity.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this study was to assess the acute and chronic effects of zinc in serum iron profile of children aged 6-9 years in relation to nutritional status and dietary intake. The study participants were 11 children regardless of sex, aged 6-9 years. They were selected from three public schools of the city of Natal, Brazil. Body mass index was used to assess nutritional status. In order to determine the patterns of childhood growth and ideal weight we used the standards of the World Health Organization. The dietary intake assessment was based on information from a three-day prospective food survey. The variables were energy intake, protein, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron and zinc. All children underwent an intravenous administration of zinc (IVAZn) before and after oral administration of zinc (OAZn) (5 mg Zn / day) for three months. We measured serum iron, hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein, before and after the use of oral zinc. The analysis of hematocrit, hemoglobin and total protein was performed using standard methods of clinical laboratory. Zinc levels and serum iron were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The project was evaluated and approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Results: All children had normal weight. The consumption of energy, fat, fiber, calcium and iron were below recommended levels. However, the levels of protein and carbohydrates were high. Protein and zinc increased significantly after OAZn. Carbohydrate and protein were elevated in the blood. After OAZn, both protein and zinc increased, being statistically significant. Conclusion: The potential inhibitory effect of physiological or pharmacological doses of zinc on the profile of serum iron was observed in children with healthy weight and aged between 6 and 9 years. This negative effect of zinc did not affect the levels of hematocrit or hemoglobin, and therefore did not cause anemia. This was a multidisciplinary study, involving researchers from medicine, nutrition and pharmacy. This met the requirements of multidisciplinarity of the Post Graduate Program in Health Sciences of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.
The lipid profile is a group of lab tests that include triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). However, serum non-HDL-C, Apo A-I and Apo B levels, as well as the lipids ratios (TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C and Apo B/Apo A-I), have been described as better predictors of cardiovascular diseases. Reference intervals are tools often used to help the evaluation of the people s health state. These days, Brazilian studies still use the reference intervals of lipids and lipoproteins from other countries, ignoring differences between the populations. Therefore, this study aimed to establish reference intervals for lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in adults of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. Healthy individuals (96 men and 283 women) between 18 and 59years old formed the reference sample group. The samples were collected after fasting 12 to 14 hours. Information on lifestyle and dietary habits of the participants were obtained through questionnaire. The serum glucose level and renal and liver activity were evaluated by laboratory testing. The results of lipid profile were analyzed according to sex, age and mesoregion of Rio Grande do Norte, with significance level of 5% (p < 0,05). The lower and upper reference limits were identified by the 2.5 percentile and 97.5 percentile, respectively, and assurance intervals of 90% was calculated for each of these limits. Among the determinants of lipid profile analyzed, only a few significant differences were observed according to sex, but in terms of age, the groups of smaller and older ages were most likely different. When evaluated by region, the means of West region shown the most significant variations. Not many studies were useful to compare the reference intervals determined in this study. Thus, it becomes necessary to carry out similar studies in other regions of Brazil and of the world given the clinical importance of reference intervals
Foram examinados 10 bezerros da raça Holandesa com duas a quatro semanas de idade, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, controle e infectado. Os bezerros do grupo-controle foram inoculados por via intrabronquial com 5ml de solução salina fosfato-tamponada Dulbecco (DPBSS). Os do grupo infectado receberam um inóculo contendo 5x10(9) unidades formadoras de colônia-UFC de Mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica, suspensas em 5ml de DPBSS. As amostras de sangue foram colhidas 15 minutos antes e uma, duas, quatro e seis horas após a inoculação. O proteinograma sérico foi obtido por eletroforese em gel de acrilamida. As concentrações séricas das proteínas de pesos moleculares 125.000 D (ceruloplasmina), 60.000 D (a1-antitripsina), 45.000 D (haptoglobina) e 40.000 D (glicoproteína ácida) foram significativamente maiores em bezerros infectados do que nos do grupo-controle. Os resultados indicam que as concentrações das proteínas de fase aguda se elevaram mais rapidamente que o previamente imaginado. O proteinograma sérico pode ser útil no monitoramento da evolução da pneumonia de bezerros causada por M. haemolytica.
Foram examinados 100 bezerros da raça Nelore com 6 a 12 meses de idade, distribuídos em: grupo controle (G1; 50 bezerros sadios) e grupo fotossensibilização (G2; n= 50). As amostras de sangue foram coletadas 12 a 24 horas após o início da dermatite (M1) e 15 a 30 dias após (M2), época da cura das lesões cutâneas. O proteinograma sérico foi obtido por eletroforese em gel de acrilamida. em todos os bezerros foram identificadas 18 proteínas com pesos moleculares (PM) entre 16.000 a 189.000 dáltons (Da). em M1 e M2, as concentrações séricas das proteínas de PM 115.000Da (ceruloplasmina), 61.000Da (1-antitripsina), 45.000Da (haptoglobina) e 40.000Da (glicoproteína ácida) foram significativamente maiores em bezerros com fotossensibilização hepatógena em comparação com aquelas dos animais do grupo-controle. A determinação dos teores séricos de proteínas de fase aguda pode ser útil no monitoramento da progressão da fotossensibilização hepatógena em bovinos, inclusive orientando possíveis alterações em procedimentos terapêuticos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cisplatin is an antineoplastic drug that is used to treat carcinomas and osteosarcomas in dogs. However, it can cause kidney damage which in turn leads to the loss of electrolytes. Concentration of magnesium was evaluated in the blood serum of eight dogs that had undergone therapy with cisplatin. The dogs were divided into two groups. Group 1 was supply with cisplatin (70 mg/m(2), iv) and to prevent nephrotoxcity, saline solution at 0.9% was administered (25 ml/kg/hour, iv in three hours). The animals in Group 2 were not supplied with cisplatin. There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) between the two groups and the results obtained indicated that the protocol used for Group 1 did not cause changes in the serum concentrations of magnesium. Therefore, it can be concluded that the administration of cisplatin does not cause variations if it is combined with the fluid therapy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Trinta gatas, saudáveis, foram submetidas à ovariectomia pela técnica convencional e por videolaparoscopia. Amostras de sangue foram obtidas com o objetivo de verificar a intensidade da resposta inflamatória por meio da análise das concentrações de proteinas de fase aguda e contagem de leucócitos antes e até 144 horas após procedimento cirúrgico. As proteínas que apresentaram aumento significativo 24 horas após a cirurgia foram: ceruloplasmina, hemopexina, haptoglobina e α1-glicoproteína ácida, 69,8%, 103,5%, 117,3% e 199,0%, respectivamente, para ovariectomia convencional, e 22,3%, 46,1%, 79,8% e 74,6%, respectivamente, para ovariectomia por videolaparoscopia. A resposta inflamatória foi mais evidente nas gatas submetidas à ovariectomia convencional. Os resultados mostram aumento e diminuição na concentração de proteínas de fase aguda e na contagem de leucócitos, podendo ser utilizados na avaliação da resposta inflamatória induzida por procedimentos cirúrgicos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of nutritional supplementation offered during the pre- and postpartum periods on serum cholesterol, triglycerides and total lipids of Canchim beef cows and their relationship with folliculogenesis. Thirty cows with predicted calving date between September and October, kept in pastures of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu together with their calves, were randomly distributed into three experimental groups: the first received only a mineral mixture (Control Group, CG); the second group received a concentrate with 16% crude protein/kg dry matter (DM) and 3000 kcal digestible energy/kg DM offered for 45 days prepartum and 120 days postpartum (PREG); the third group received the concentrate from parturition until the 120th day postpartum (POSG). Consumption was estimated at 1% of body weight, and each cow received approximately 4.0 kg/day (fresh weight) of supplement. Blood samples were taken and an ultrasound examination of the ovaries was performed twice a week until the 60th day postpartum. The body condition score (BCS) and the weight of the cows were recorded at 15-day intervals from calving until the 60th day postpartum. Data are presented as mean +/- SEM. Mean weight and BCS at calving were, respectively, 448 +/- 54.9 kg and 6.2 +/- 0.25 (PREG); 432 +/- 71.1 kg and 5.5 +/- 0.69 (POSG); and 434 +/- 66.4 kg and 5.5 +/- 0.69 (CG). Total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TRIG) and total lipids (TLIP) were measured using colorimetry until the 60th day postpartum. TC averages were PREG 186 +/- 62.6 mg/dL, POSG 159 +/- 43.1 mg/dL and CG 133 +/- 35.1 mg/dL (P < 0.05). For TRIG, the means were PREG 29 +/- 11.3 mg/dL (P < 0.05), POSG 24 +/- 8.1 mg/dL and CG 26 +/- 12.1 mg/dL (P > 0.05). Serum concentrations of TLIP were PREG 588 +/- 145.6 mg/dL, POSG 512 +/- 137.6 mg/dL and CG 452 +/- 122.4 mg/dL (P < 0.05). The first dominant follicle (DF) was identified on Day 21 +/- 10.3 (PREG), 36 +/- 28.5 (POSG) and 51 +/- 32.8 (CG) after calving. The difference between PREG and CG was significant (P < 0.05). TC was positively correlated with the calving to first estrus interval (P < 0.05). Results showed that nutritional supplementation before parturition assured good body condition at calving and suggested that it was effective at increasing cholesterol availability to maintain ovarian follicle function and to favor earlier resumption of ovarian activity. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)