877 resultados para Selling--Clothing
ArtInTec es una organización creativa que ofrece servicios complementarios de apoyo pedagógico mediante instalaciones artísticas que integran arte y tecnología, unión que permite abarcar tres conceptos fundamentales: interactividad, lograda a través de herramientas tecnológicas convencionales y no convencionales; experiencias cognitivas significativas, mediante la generación de procesos de aprendizaje innovadores que permitan la construcción de saberes de trascendencia, y desarrollo de contenidos de diferentes temáticas que fortalezcan el aprendizaje. En su primera etapa, ArtInTec estará enfocada en el diseño, producción, comercialización, divulgación y venta de servicios transversales de apoyo pedagógico que impliquen la intermediación del arte y la tecnología, partiendo del concepto de instalación artística como género del arte contemporáneo que utiliza directamente el espacio de exposición como escenario para ser transitado por el espectador, logrando así una experiencia interactiva. Los tres servicios comparten características que se constituyen como columna vertebral de su naturaleza: tienen un objetivo altamente pedagógico, las temáticas son desarrolladas previo consenso entre la institución y ArtInTec, su componente artístico es el hilo conductor de la experiencia y se desarrollan en las instalaciones de la institución contratante. A continuación se enuncia cada uno de los servicios ofrecidos: a. Taller asistido por nuevas tecnologías. b. Instalación interactiva en gran formato. c. Instalación interactiva para dispositivos móviles.
Entendemos que desde el área de Educación Artística podemos trabajar el arte de cientos de culturas y en cualquier momento de la historia, un aspecto que nos permite sensibilizar al alumnado hacia la comprensión de las distintas manifestaciones que adquiere un mismo aspecto cultural, el arte, como fenómeno universal. Hemos centrado el objetivo principal de nuestra investigación en la exploración de los caminos y las posibilidades que nos ofrece la educación artística en relación a la diversidad (cultural, de clase, minusvalía, de edad, raza, de género, etc.). Partíamos de la percepción que, en el ámbito de la educación artística y de la cultura en general, existe una tendencia que describe los hechos artísticos y las prácticas estéticas a partir de unas categorías únicas y universalmente válidas. Estas provocan a menudo el olvido de algunos valores específicos y sobre todo la falta de reconocimiento de otras propuestas artísticas igual de interesantes (oficios artísticos, arte de las/os niñas/os, arte popular, artesanias, etc. Hemos buscado caminos que nos conduzcan a asumir una visión contemporánea del hecho artístico y una concepción incluyente del arte (diseño, indumentaria, decoración, artes funcionales, arte popular, arte de las mujeres, net art, gastronomia, etc.). Entendemos que la educación es el lugar desde donde avanzar hacia otra forma de mirar y comprender el mundo. Una visión que, desde el arte, facilite elementos para el encuentro y las relaciones sociales, donde la propia diferencia y la conservación "crítica" de las propias identidades culturales sean celebradas desde la convicción del verdadero enriquecimiento cultural. Estas consideraciones y la ausencia de un marco teórico previo que nos permitiera analizar, desarrollar y evaluar la perspectiva multicultural en la educación artística fueron la causa y la coyuntura para dirigir este trabajo hacia lo que podríamos llamar "educador artístico culturalmente competente" (Andrus, 2001). En esa perspectiva de comptencia es donde hemos ubicado nuestro trabajo, así como en las necesidades de formación de las maestras y los maestros, con la convicción de que cualquier mejora en la etapa educativa donde estos actúan, redundará en todo el proceso educativo.
El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi presenta un profund estudi i proveïx solucions innovadores en el camp dels sistemes recomanadors. Els mètodes que usen aquests sistemes per a realitzar les recomanacions, mètodes com el Filtrat Basat en Continguts (FBC), el Filtrat Col·laboratiu (FC) i el Filtrat Basat en Coneixement (FBC), requereixen informació dels usuaris per a predir les preferències per certs productes. Aquesta informació pot ser demogràfica (Gènere, edat, adreça, etc), o avaluacions donades sobre algun producte que van comprar en el passat o informació sobre els seus interessos. Existeixen dues formes d'obtenir aquesta informació: els usuaris ofereixen explícitament aquesta informació o el sistema pot adquirir la informació implícita disponible en les transaccions o historial de recerca dels usuaris. Per exemple, el sistema recomanador de pel·lícules MovieLens (http://movielens.umn.edu/login) demana als usuaris que avaluïn almenys 15 pel·lícules dintre d'una escala de * a * * * * * (horrible, ...., ha de ser vista). El sistema genera recomanacions sobre la base d'aquestes avaluacions. Quan els usuaris no estan registrat en el sistema i aquest no té informació d'ells, alguns sistemes realitzen les recomanacions tenint en compte l'historial de navegació. Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com) realitza les recomanacions tenint en compte les recerques que un usuari a fet o recomana el producte més venut. No obstant això, aquests sistemes pateixen de certa falta d'informació. Aquest problema és generalment resolt amb l'adquisició d'informació addicional, se li pregunta als usuaris sobre els seus interessos o es cerca aquesta informació en fonts addicionals. La solució proposada en aquesta tesi és buscar aquesta informació en diverses fonts, específicament aquelles que contenen informació implícita sobre les preferències dels usuaris. Aquestes fonts poden ser estructurades com les bases de dades amb informació de compres o poden ser no estructurades com les pàgines web on els usuaris deixen la seva opinió sobre algun producte que van comprar o posseïxen. Nosaltres trobem tres problemes fonamentals per a aconseguir aquest objectiu: 1 . La identificació de fonts amb informació idònia per als sistemes recomanadors. 2 . La definició de criteris que permetin la comparança i selecció de les fonts més idònies. 3 . La recuperació d'informació de fonts no estructurades. En aquest sentit, en la tesi proposada s'ha desenvolupat: 1 . Una metodologia que permet la identificació i selecció de les fonts més idònies. Criteris basats en les característiques de les fonts i una mesura de confiança han estat utilitzats per a resoldre el problema de la identificació i selecció de les fonts. 2 . Un mecanisme per a recuperar la informació no estructurada dels usuaris disponible en la web. Tècniques de Text Mining i ontologies s'han utilitzat per a extreure informació i estructurar-la apropiadament perquè la utilitzin els recomanadors. Les contribucions del treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi doctoral són: 1. Definició d'un conjunt de característiques per a classificar fonts rellevants per als sistemes recomanadors 2. Desenvolupament d'una mesura de rellevància de les fonts calculada sobre la base de les característiques definides 3. Aplicació d'una mesura de confiança per a obtenir les fonts més fiables. La confiança es definida des de la perspectiva de millora de la recomanació, una font fiable és aquella que permet millorar les recomanacions. 4. Desenvolupament d'un algorisme per a seleccionar, des d'un conjunt de fonts possibles, les més rellevants i fiable utilitzant les mitjanes esmentades en els punts previs. 5. Definició d'una ontologia per a estructurar la informació sobre les preferències dels usuaris que estan disponibles en Internet. 6. Creació d'un procés de mapatge que extreu automàticament informació de les preferències dels usuaris disponibles en la web i posa aquesta informació dintre de l'ontologia. Aquestes contribucions permeten aconseguir dos objectius importants: 1 . Millorament de les recomanacions usant fonts d'informació alternatives que sigui rellevants i fiables. 2 . Obtenir informació implícita dels usuaris disponible en Internet.
The ISO norm line 9241 states some criteria for ergonomics of human system interaction. In markets with a huge variety of offers and little possibility of differentiation, providers can gain a decisive competitive advantage by user oriented interfaces. A precondition for this is that relevant information can be obtained for entrepreneurial decisions in this regard. To test how users of universal search result pages use those pages and pay attention to different elements, an eye tracking experiment with a mixed design has been developed. Twenty subjects were confronted with search engine result pages (SERPs) and were instructed to make a decision while conditions “national vs. international city” and “with vs. without miniaturized Google map” were used. Different parameters like fixation count, duration and time to first fixation were computed from the eye tracking raw data and supplemented by click rate data as well as data from questionnaires. Results of this pilot study revealed some remarkable facts like a vampire effect on miniaturized Google maps. Furthermore, Google maps did not shorten the process of decision making, Google ads were not fixated, visual attention on SERPs was influenced by position of the elements on the SERP and by the users’ familiarity with the search target. These results support the theory of Amount of Invested Mental Effort (AIME) and give providers empirical evidence to take users’ expectations into account. Furthermore, the results indicated that the task oriented goal mode of participants was a moderator for the attention spent on ads. Most important, SERPs with images attracted the viewers’ attention much longer than those without images. This unique selling proposition may lead to a distortion of competition on markets.
RESUMO: Objetivo - apresentar o contributo da Escola Mãe Hilda para a afirmação da identidade afro-brasileira na população estudantil da Cidade do Salvador. Especificamente: a) conhecer os fundamentos pedagógicos-curricular da Escola Mãe Hilda; b) analisar os materiais didáticos utilizados pela Escola Mãe Hilda; c) apresentar as metodologias de trabalho da Escola Mãe Hilda. Metodologia - quanto ao percurso metodológico, em razão da questão básica desta dissertação, optou-se por realizar pesquisa qualitativa de natureza etnográfica, envolvendo uma abordagem empírica voltada para a abordagem de distúrbios identitários, em suas diversas dimensões na auto-estima de afro-descendentes. Foram estudados aspectos que envolvem o currículo, a sala de aula e atividades a que estão expostas as crianças da Escola Mãe Hilda. Resultados - examinando- se os conteúdos dos Cadernos de Educação do Ilê Aiyê como proposta pedagógica da Escola Mãe Hilda, observou- se que seus fudamentos dão ressignificação aos alunos, em termos de superação de distúrbios identitários, isto é , proporcionar o desenvolvimento e construção da identidade negra naqueles afro-descendentes, devido à valorização estética do universo cultural africano e afro-brasileiro, reconhecendo a África como uma das matrizes legítimas da cultura humana, em geral, e da brasileira, em particular. Conclusão- a pedagogia da (re) construção da identidade negra na Escola Mãe Hilda pode contribuir para a desconstrução dos distúrbios identitários; sendo assim, recomendada para escolas em Salvador-Bahia e em outras regiões do Brasil. ABSTRACT: Objective- study Escola Mãe Hilda (EMH - Mother Hilda School) contribution to the affirmation of an African-Brazilian identity in Bahia’s black student population. In particular: a) understand EMH’s pedagogical and curricula core; b) analyze teaching materials used at EMH; c) show EMH’s work methodology. Methodology- due to the very nature of this dissertation’s basic inquiry, ethnography in nature qualitative research targeted at identity disturbances in its various dimensions regarding African descendents self-esteem was performed. Aspects regarding EMH curriculum and classroom activities were studied. The choice of ethnography as an observation tool followed empirical analysis of whether Ilê Aiyê’s Educational Booklets as adopted by EMH aids students with identity disturbances and how it promotes the development of a black identity in those black descendants. Results- it has been observed that EMH utilizes methodological and pedagogical resources such as: story-telling, written reports, images, objects, dances, music, letters, myths, gestures, legends, craftsmanship, and clothing as vehicles to re-assign students self esteem, as well as, build their critical and self-aware knowledge of black descendants identity. Conclusion.- EMH pedagogical work, by encompassing various types of cultural and artistic expressions, as detailed in the aforementioned booklets, values African and Brazilian-African references. This aesthetic valuation therefore promotes an identity ressignification and the reintegration of the black descendent since it works within the symbolic and cultural universe of the African and African-Brazilian culture recognizing Africa as a legitimate matrix of human culture, in general, and of Brazilian in particular. Conclusively, EMH black identity (re)construction pedagogy can contribute to deconstruct identity disturbances; and as such, can be recommended to be adopted at other schools in Salvador, Bahia and other regions in Brazil.
O presente estudo tem como objetivo traçar um panorama geral sobre o trabalho infantil, no povoado de Lagoinha, Paraíba, Brasil. Para isso, fez-se necessário investigar e demonstrar as estatísticas de trabalho infantil no município de Lagoinha, investigar e demonstrar as repercussões de ações de erradicação no município de Lagoinha, verificar a procedência familiar das crianças trabalhadoras investigadas, verificar as atividades de lazer, educação e de trabalho que são executadas pelas crianças investigadas, averiguar os riscos a que estas crianças estão sujeitas, bem como suas perspectivas de futuro. Participaram deste estudo 12 crianças e adolescentes, entre 8 e 15 anos, dando ênfase às atividades por eles realizadas no comércio (venda de picolé) e carrinho de mão (carregando frutas e verduras), carvoeiras, serralharia e trabalho doméstico. Para uma melhor assimilação do estudo, a análise dos dados foi dividida por períodos. Cada período, (com a ajuda dos nossos teóricos), foi analisado sob aspectos psicológicos, social e físico, no decorrer dos 18 (dezoito) meses, visando compreender e identificar as principais problemáticas relativas à exclusão social no campo do trabalho infantil e suas formas de ressonâncias no espaço familiar, escolar e social.
A exposição à radiação ultravioleta (UV) está associada a uma variedade de efeitos negativos causados no organismo humano. Este espectro de radiação UV divide-se em UVA (320-400nm), responsável pelo aparecimento dos sinais do envelhecimento cutâneo e danos indiretos no DNA, em UVB (290-320nm), responsável pelo eritema solar e danos diretos no DNA, e em UVC (100-290nm), cuja radiação fica retida na camada de ozono. A pele apresenta um mecanismo de defesa natural contra a radiação UV, mas este confere uma proteção limitada, tornando-se indispensável o recurso à fotoproteção. A utilização de vestuário adequado, chapéu e óculos de sol durante a exposição solar têm sido reconhecidas como medidas importantes de fotoproteção, em complementaridade com um protetor solar. Os filtros dos protetores solares são selecionados e aprovados por agências reguladoras da região em que o produto é comercializado. Na União Europeia existem atualmente 28 filtros para radiação UV aprovados. Esta dissertação aborda as últimas tendências na área da fotoproteção. Os últimos desenvolvimentos na área dos protetores solares sugerem filtros solares que compreendam ação sobre a radiação UVA e UVB e IV, em associação com outros compostos que demonstram propriedades reparadoras a nível tópico, como é o caso dos antioxidantes. Assim, os avanços nesta área incluem os suplementos alimentares, os agentes estimulantes da melanogénese e os novos filtros solares.
iLearn is a Web 2.0 tool developed in Blackboard to help students with Personal Development Planning (PDP). This paper describes a case study on how the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP benefits the students. The e-Portfolio tool benefits students as it enables them to create and share portfolios, record achievements and reflections that support future job applications and promotion. Students find it beneficial because they can make use of iLearn e-Portfolio to keep academic records and achievements, activities and interests, work experience, reflective practice, employer information and some other useful resources, and also to tailor their CV and covering letters including evidence to support their CV, transferable skills and selling points. Useful information for preparing for an interview, reflecting after an event and any thoughts and evaluation can be kept in iLearn e-Portfolio. Keeping assessment and feedback records in iLearn e-Portfolio enables students to know their progress, to identify any gaps they need to fill to develop their study practices and areas for development. The key points from the feedback on the assignments and assessments are beneficial for future improvement. The reflections on the assignments and how students make use of the advice are particularly useful to improve their overall performance. In terms of pedagogical benefits, the “Individual Learner Profile” records and reviews evidence in verbal communication, basic and higher academic skills, time management, numeracy skill and IT skills, students become increasingly aware of their own strengths and any weaker areas that may require development. The e-Portfolio also provides opportunity for students to reflect on the experience and skills they have gained whilst participating in activities outside their studies. As the iLearn e-Portfolio is a reflective practice tool, it is consistent with the principle of Schon's reflective practitioner to reframe problems and to explore the consequences of actions. From the students’ feedback, for those who engage regularly in iLearn, they are better able to set agendas for their Personal Tutorial meetings and provide their Personal Tutor with a unique record of their achievements, skills and attributes which help them writing effective references for them. They make the most of their student experience in general. They also enhance their transferable skills and employability overall. The iLearn e-Portfolio prepares for the workplace and life beyond University including continuing professional development. Students are aware of their transferable skills, evidence of the skills and skill level, including award or accreditation, and their personal reflection on their transferable skills. It is beneficial for students to be aware of their transferable skills, to produce evidence of the skills and skills level such as award and accreditation, and to record their personal reflection on their transferable skills. Finally, the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP will improve their employability.
iLearn is a quasi-Web 2.0 tool developed in Blackboard to help users with Personal Development Planning (PDP). This paper describes a case study on how the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP benefits the users, who are training to be professionals in construction management and surveying, The e-Portfolio tool benefits users as it enables them to create and share portfolios, record achievements and reflections that support future job applications and promotion. Users find it beneficial because they can make use of iLearn e-Portfolio to keep academic records and achievements, activities and interests, work experience, reflective practice, employer information and some other useful resources, and also to tailor their CV and covering letters including evidence to support their CV, transferable skills and selling points. Useful information for preparing for an interview, reflecting after an event and any thoughts and evaluation can be kept in iLearn e-Portfolio. Keeping assessment and feedback records in iLearn e-Portfolio enables learners to know their progress, to identify any gaps they need to fill to develop their study practices and areas for development. The key points from the feedback on the assignments and assessments are beneficial for future improvement. The reflections on the tasks and how they make use of the advice are particularly useful to improve their overall performance. In terms of pedagogical benefits, the “Individual Learner Profile” records and reviews evidence in verbal communication, basic and higher academic skills, time management, numeracy skill and IT skills, learners become increasingly aware of their own strengths and any weaker areas that may require development. The e-Portfolio also provides opportunity for them to reflect on the experience and skills they have gained whilst participating in activities outside their studies. As the iLearn e-Portfolio is a reflective practice tool, it is consistent with the principle of Schon's reflective practitioner to reframe problems and to explore the consequences of actions. From the users’ feedback, for those who engage regularly in iLearn, they are better able to set agendas for their supervision meetings and provide their supervisor with a unique record of their achievements, skills and attributes which help them writing effective references for them. They make the most of their learning experience in general. They also enhance their transferable skills and employability overall. The iLearn e-Portfolio prepares them for the workplace including continuing professional development. Users are aware of their transferable skills, evidence of the skills and skill level, including award or accreditation, and their personal reflection on their transferable skills. It is beneficial for them to be aware of their transferable skills, to produce evidence of the skills and skills level such as award and accreditation, and to record their personal reflection on their transferable skills. Finally, the innovative use of mobile digital technology in iLearn e-Portfolio for developing reflective portfolios for PDP will improve their employability.
The effects of intercropping wheat with faba bean (Denmark, Germany, Italy and UK) and wheat with pea (France), in additive and replacement designs on grain nitrogen and sulphur concentrations were studied in field experiments in the 2002/03, 2003/04 and 2004/05 growing seasons. Intercropping wheat with grain legumes regularly increased the nitrogen concentration of the cereal grain, irrespective of design or location. Sulphur concentration of the cereal was also increased by intercropping, but less regularly and to a lesser extent compared with effects on nitrogen concentration. Nitrogen concentration (g/kg) in wheat additively intercropped with faba bean was increased by 8% across all sites (weighted for inverse of variance), but sulphur concentration was only increased by 4%, so N:S ratio was also increased by 4%. Intercropping wheat with grain legumes increased sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-sedimentation volume. The effect of intercropping on wheat nitrogen concentration was greatest when intercropping had the most deleterious effect on wheat yield and the least deleterious effect on pulse yield. Over all sites and seasons, and irrespective of whether the design was additive or replacement, increases in crude protein concentration in the wheat of 10 g/kg by intercropping with faba bean were associated with 25-30% yield reduction of the wheat, compared with sole-cropped wheat. It was concluded that the increase in protein concentration of wheat grain in intercrops could be of economic benefit when selling wheat for breadmaking, but only if the bean crop was also marketed effectively.
Rationalizing non-participation as a resource deficiency in the household, this paper identifies strategies for milk-market development in the Ethiopian highlands. The additional amounts of covariates required for Positive marketable surplus -'distances-to market'-are computed from a model in which production and sales are correlated; sales are left-censored at some Unobserved thresholds production efficiencies are heterogeneous: and the data are in the form of a panel. Incorporating these features into the modeling exercise ant because they are fundamental to the data-generating environment. There are four reasons. First, because production and sales decisions are enacted within the same household, both decisions are affected by the same exogenous shocks, and production and sales are therefore likely to be correlated. Second. because selling, involves time and time is arguably the most important resource available to a subsistence household, the minimum Sales amount is not zero but, rather, some unobserved threshold that lies beyond zero. Third. the Potential existence of heterogeneous abilities in management, ones that lie latent from the econometrician's perspective, suggest that production efficiencies should be permitted to vary across households. Fourth, we observe a single set of households during multiple visits in a single production year. The results convey clearly that institutional and production) innovations alone are insufficient to encourage participation. Market-precipitating innovation requires complementary inputs, especially improvements in human capital and reductions in risk. Copyright (c) 20 08 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, so-called 'blue box' support measures were exempted from reduction commitments, provided they were delivered under 'production-limiting' programs. Although classified as 'blue box', the EU system of direct payments (DP) to beef farmers imposes 'claim-limiting' restrictions rather than 'production-limiting' restrictions, allowing farmers to keep additional animals over and above the number upon which they are eligible to claim DP. The present paper provides empirical evidence that EU direct payments capitalise into the market prices of male calves and young steers in Ireland. It is also likely that DP capitalises into the prices of beef cows and heifers. Given this capitalisation process, some farmers can obtain 'capitalised' DP on animals produced over and above the 'claim-limiting' restrictions, by selling these animals through auction markets. Thus, 'capitalised' DP probably encourages production over and above the limiting measures.
Unusually among the mammals, humans lack an outer layer of protective fur or hair. We propose the hypothesis that humans evolved hairlessness to reduce parasite loads, especially ectoparasites that may carry disease. We suggest that hairlessness is maintained by these naturally selected benefits and by sexual selection operating on both sexes. Hairlessness is made possible in humans owing to their unique abilities to regulate their environment via fire, shelter and clothing. Clothes and shelters allow a more flexible response to the external environment than a permanent layer of fur and can be changed or cleaned if infested with parasites. Naked mole-rats, another hairless and non-aquatic mammal species, also inhabit environments in which ectoparasite transmission is expected to be high, but in which temperatures are closely regulated. Our hypothesis explains features of human hairlessness-such as the marked sex difference in body hair, and its retention in the pubic regions-that are not explained by other theories.
A year-long field study of the thermal environment in university classrooms was conducted from March 2005 to May 2006 in Chongqing, China. This paper presents the occupants’ thermal sensation votes and discusses the occupants’ adaptive response and perception of the thermal environment in a naturally conditioned space. Comparisons between the Actual Mean Vote (AMV) and Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) have been made as well as between the Actual Percentage of Dissatisfied (APD) and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD). The adaptive thermal comfort zone for the naturally conditioned space for Chongqing, which has hot summer and cold winter climatic characteristics, has been proposed based on the field study results. The Chongqing adaptive comfort range is broader than that of the ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 in general, but in the extreme cold and hot months, it is narrower. The thermal conditions in classrooms in Chongqing in summer and winter are severe. Behavioural adaptation such as changing clothing, adjusting indoor air velocity, taking hot/cold drinks, etc., as well as psychological adaptation, has played a role in adapting to the thermal environment.
Classical risk assessment approaches for animal diseases are influenced by the probability of release, exposure and consequences of a hazard affecting a livestock population. Once a pathogen enters into domestic livestock, potential risks of exposure and infection both to animals and people extend through a chain of economic activities related to producing, buying and selling of animals and products. Therefore, in order to understand economic drivers of animal diseases in different ecosystems and to come up with effective and efficient measures to manage disease risks from a country or region, the entire value chain and related markets for animal and product needs to be analysed to come out with practical and cost effective risk management options agreed by actors and players on those value chains. Value chain analysis enriches disease risk assessment providing a framework for interdisciplinary collaboration, which seems to be in increasing demand for problems concerning infectious livestock diseases. The best way to achieve this is to ensure that veterinary epidemiologists and social scientists work together throughout the process at all levels.