993 resultados para Sediments lacustres


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Late Cretaceous (100-73 Ma) pelagic limestones were measured for helium concentration and isotopic composition to characterize the interplanetary dust flux using 3He as a tracer. In the Bottaccione section near Gubbio, Italy, three intervals of elevated 3He concentration were detected: K1 in the Campanian stage at ~79 Ma, K2 in the Santonian stage at ~ 85 Ma, and K3 in the Turonian stage at ~91 Ma. All three of these episodes are associated with high 3He/4He and 3He/non-carbonate ratios, consistent with their derivation from an enhanced extraterrestrial 3He flux rather than decreased carbonate sedimentation or dissolution. While K2 is modest in magnitude and duration and thus is of limited significance, K1 and K3 are each identified by a few myr interval with an ~4-fold enhancement in mean 3He flux compared with pre-event levels. Samples from ODP Hole 762C in the Indian Ocean spanning both K2 and K3 (93-83 Ma) confirm the presence of a peak in the Turonian stage, suggesting that K3 is a global event. The K1 and K3 3He events are similar in most respects to the two peaks previously detected in the Cenozoic, suggesting a similar origin. These have been attributed to a major asteroid collision in the Late Miocene and to a shower of either comets or asteroids in the Late Eocene. Based on the age and temporal evolution of K1, we suggest that it most likely records the collision which produced the Baptistina asteroid family independently dated at ~80 Ma. The K3 event is less easily explained. It is characterized by an unusually spiky and erratic temporal progression, suggesting an unusual abundance of very 3He rich particles not previously seen in the sedimentary 3He record. We suggest this episode arises either from a comet shower or from an asteroid shower possibly associated with dust-producing lunar impacts.


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The highly depleted intra-oceanic Tonga-Kermadec island arc forms an endmember of arc systems and a unique location in which to isolate the effects of the slab flux. High precision TIMS uranium, thorium, strontium, neodymium, and lead isotopes, along with complete major and trace element data, have been obtained on an extensive sample set comprising fifty-eight lavas along the arc as well as nineteen samples of the subducting sediments at DSDP site 204 just to the east of the Tonga-Kermadec trench. Ca/Ti and Al/Ti ratios extend from values appropriate to an N-MORB source in the southern Kermadecs to very high ratios in Tonga interpreted to reflect increasing degrees of depletion of the mantle wedge due to backarc basalt extraction. The isotope data emphasize the need for four components in the petrogenesis of the lavas: (1) the mantle wedge; (2) a component with elevated 207Pb/204Pb towards which the Kermadec and southern Tongan lavas extend; (3) a component characterised by high 206Pb/204Pb, Ta/Nd, and low 143Nd/144Nd observed only in the northernmost Tongan islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu; (4) a fluid component characterised by strong enrichments of Rb, Ba, U, K, Ph, and Sr, relative to Th, Zr, and the REE and producing large 238U excesses ((230Th/238U) = 0.8-0.5) in the more depleted lavas. The mantle wedge (Component 1) is isotopically similar to the source of the Lau BABB. Component 2 is average pelagic sediment on the downgoing Pacific plate as observed at DSDP sites 595/596 and in the upper sections of the sediment pile at DSDP site 204. Mass balance calculations indicate that less than 0.5% is recycled into the arc lavas; essentially all the subducted sediment is returned to the upper mantle (~0.03 km**3/yr). Exceptionally low concentrations of Ta and Nb relative to Th and the LREE requires that this sediment component is added as a partial melt which was in equilibrium with residual rutile or ilmenite. Component 3 is identified as volcaniclastics from the Louisville Ridge which comprise the lower 44 m of the sediment section intersected at DSDP site 204. These volcaniclastics are spatially restricted to the vicinity of the Louisville Ridge and provide a unique sediment tracer which can be used to show that it takes 4 Myr from the time of subduction to its first appearance in the arc lava signature. Component 4, the fluid contribution to the lava source is inferred to contribute ~1 ppm Rb, 10 ppm Ba, 0.02 ppm U, 600 ppm K, 0.2 ppm Ph, and 30 ppm Sr. It has 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7035 and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.5 and thus it is inferred to have been derived from dehydration of the subducting altered oceanic crust. U-Th isotope disequilibria reflect the time since fluid release from the subducting slab and a reference line through the lowest (230Th/232Th) lavas constrains this to be 30000-50000 yr. The U-Th and Th-Ra isotope systematics are decoupled, and it is suggested that Th-Ra isotope disequilibria record the time since partial melting and thus indicate rapid channelled magma ascent. Olivine gabbro xenoliths from Raoul are interpreted as cumulates to their host lavas with which they form zero age U-Th isochrons indicating that minimal time was spent in magma chambers. The subduction signature is not observed in lavas from the backarc island of Niuafo'ou. These were derived from partial melting of fertile peridotite at 130-160 km depth with melt rates around 0.0002 kg/m**3/yr.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 210 is one of very few deep-sea legs drilled along the eastern Canadian continental margin. Most other drilling on this margin has been carried out by the petroleum industry on the shallow-water regions of the Scotian shelf and the Grand Banks (see Doeven, 1983, for nannofossil studies). Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 12 Site 111 and ODP Leg 105 Site 647 were drilled in the general vicinity of Leg 210 but recovered no appreciable Lower Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) sediments. Site 111 yielded indurated limestones dated tentatively as late Albian-early Cenomanian, whereas Site 647 encountered no Albian-Cenomanian sediments. Two sites (Sites 1276 and 1277) were drilled during Leg 210 in the Newfoundland Basin with the primary objective of recovering basement rocks to elucidate the rifting history of the North Atlantic Basin. The location for Leg 210 was selected because it is conjugate to the Iberia margin, which was drilled extensively during DSDP/ODP Legs 47B, 103, 149, and 173. A secondary but equally important objective was to recover the overlying sediments with the purpose of studying the postrift sedimentation history of this margin.


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57Fe Mössbauer spectra for 26 sediment and 6 carbonate concretion samples from Sites 798 and 799 were recorded at 293 K. Most spectra were deconvolved to two quadrupole doublets without magnetic hyperfine structure. Typical Mössbauer parameters were: isomer shift (I.S.) = 0.34 mm/s and quadrupole splitting (Q.S.) = 0.64 mm/s for the paramagnetic Fe3+ component (partly, pyrite); I.S. = 1.13 mm/s and Q.S. = 2.64 mm/s for the high-spin Fe2+ component derived from iron-bearing aluminosilicates. A few spectra included other high-spin Fe2+ components ascribed to iron-bearing carbonate minerals (e.g., ferroan magnesite), according to the Mössbauer parameters for Fe2+ in the carbonate concretions. We present the distribution of iron among different chemical forms as a function of depth. These data might indicate changes of depositional and diagenetic conditions.


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Cretaceous sediments were recovered at all four sites (Sites 463-466) of the central North Pacific drilled during Leg 62 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. One of the objectives was to get more information about the development of ocean plankton communities and early evolution of planktonic groups of the Mesozoic. In this article, the Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from two areas of the central North Pacific (Mid-Pacific Mountains and Hess Rise) are listed and discussed. (The Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils are discussed by R. Schmidt 1981). Coring was continuous at all sites. Mesozoic calcareous nannoplankton assemblages range on the Mid-pacific Mountains from Barremian to Early Maastrichtian, and on Hess Rise from Albian to Late Maastrichtian. (No calcareous nannofossils older than Barremian or Albian respectively were found).


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Siliceous sponge spicules were found in Quaternary sediments recovered during drilling of Leg 180. The assemblage consists mainly of monaxon forms. Relative abundances of the various types are tabulated.


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Erstmals quantitativ bearbeitete Rutschungen aus dem Tiefseebereich des äquatorialen Ostatlantiks liegen auf Hängen von 0,4 Grad und 0,7 Grad - das ist sehr viel flacher als die für statische Rutschungsauslösung benötigte kritische Hangneigung (14 Grad bis 16 Grad ). Im Gegensatz zu Flachwassergebieten kann bei Wassertiefen von über 4000 m natürlich der Einfluß von Wellenwirkung und Tidenhub auf die Hangstabilität vernachlässigt werden. Die Sedimentationsraten sind in diesem Bereich zur Bildung eines Porenwasserüberdruckes vielfach zu niedrig. Nach den Hangstabilitätsanalysen bilden hier Erdbeben den wirksamsten Auslösemechanismus für die Rutschungen. Dies gilt auch für Rutschungen an den Kontinentalrändern von Nordwest- und Westafrika sowie für das europäische Nordmeer und für Rutschungen im nördlichen Fidji-Becken. Das Alter der besonders gut datierten Rutschungen vom nordwestafrikanischen Kontinentalrand und der Tiefsee des äquatorialen Ostatlantiks schwankt zwischen 16,000 J.v.h. und 18,000 J.v.h. sowie etwa 130,000 J.v.h.. Es handelt sich dabei um Phasen des Beginns besonders starker Meeresspiegelschwankungen. Ein Vergleich der Meeresspiegelkurve mit dem Alter älterer Rutschungen zeigt ebenfalls eine Parallele mit Zeiten von Regressionen und Transgressionen. Durch die Meeresspiegelschwankungen werden isostatische Vertikalbewegungen des Tiefseebodens von bis zu 30 m bewirkt, die Spannungen in den Lithosphärenplatten erzeugen. Sie allein sind jedoch nicht groß genug, um Brüche in intakten Plattenbereichen zu verursachen. Entlang alter, ehemals aktiver Transform-Bruchzonen (Fracture Zones) können jedoch die aufgebauten Spannungen eher wieder abgebaut werden. Dabei entstehen kleinere Erdstösse und führen zur Auslösung von Rutschungen. Ein Vergleich der Verbreitung von Transform-Störungen und Rutschungen vor Norwegen, Nordwest- und Westafrika sowie vor dem südlichen Afrika zeigt, daß in diesen Gebieten Rutschmassen tatsächlich besonders häufig entlang und in der Verlängerung von Fracture Zones auftreten. Modellrechnungen, die mit typischen Werten für Hangwinkel (0,5 Grad bis 3 Grad) von Tiefseeböschungen und passive Kontinentalränder sowie für häufig ermittelte Scherfestigkeitsgradienten im Sediment (0,5 kPa/m bis 1,7 kPa/m) durchgeführt wurden, ergaben, daß in Gebieten mit normal konsolidierten Sedimenten (ohne Porenwasserüberdruck) nur Erdbeben Rutschungen ausgelöst haben können.


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Benthic fluxes and pore-water compositions of silicic acid, nitrate and phosphate were investigated for surface sediments of the abyssal Arabian Sea during four cruises (1995-1998). Five sites located in the northern (NAST), western (WAST), central (CAST), eastern (EAST), and southern (SAST) Arabian Sea were revisited during intermonsoonal periods after the NE- and SW-Monsoon. At these sites, benthic fluxes of remineralized nutrients from the sediment to the bottom water of 36-106, 102-350 and 4-16 mmol/m**2/yr were measured for nitrate, silicic acid and phosphate, respectively. The benthic fluxes and pore-water compositions showed a distinct regional pattern. Highest fluxes were observed in the western and northern region of the Arabian Sea, whereas decreasing fluxes were derived towards the southeast. At WAST, the general temporal pattern of primary production, related to the NE- and SW-Monsoon, is reflected by benthic fluxes. In contrast, at sites NAST, SAST, CAST, and EAST a temporal pattern of fluxes in response to the monsoon is not obvious. Our results reveal a clear coupling between the general regional pattern of production in surface waters and the response of the benthic environment, as indicated by the flux of remineralized nutrients, though a spatially differing degree of decoupling during transport and remineralization of particulate organic matter and biogenic opal was observed. This has to be taken into account regarding budget calculations and paleoceanographic topics.


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From October to December in 1996, Sites 1039 through 1043 were drilled on the lower continental slope and the bottom of the Middle American Trench. Planktonic foraminifers were obtained from 377 samples of the total 487 examined. The Pliocene- to Pleistocene-age sediments of Sites 1039 and 1043 are continuous from Zones N19 through N23. At Sites 1039 and 1040, middle Miocene sediments are also continuous, encompassing Zones N8 through N12. The sequences of the upper part of Sites 1040, 1041, 1042, and 1043 are décollements, tentatively assignable to Zone N19 for Sites 1040, 1041, and 1042 and to Zone N22 for Site 1043. The oldest sediments of these sites are assigned to Zone N7 (latest early Miocene), ~17 Ma in age.


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This study quantitatively addresses the significance of porosity within radiolarian tests in the décollement zone at the toe of the northern Barbados accretionary prism. Quantification was accomplished using scanning electron microscope images of core samples taken from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 671 and 672, representing the décollement and proto-décollement, respectively. The décollement is localized to a radiolarian claystone, and its depth correlates with a low-density anomaly that has been attributed to high porosity at all relevant ODP drilling sites in the area (Moore, Klaus, et al., 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.171A.1998; Shipley, Ogawa, Blum, et al., 1995, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.153.1995; Mascle, Moore, et al., 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.110.1988). Porosity in the décollement zone is presumably lost between Sites 672 and 671 because of shear enhanced consolidation (Moore et al., 1998, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0811:CPDIAE>2.3.CO;2).


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Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles in sediment at Site 1063 are characterized by distinct fluctuations in physical properties. Stadials are marked by low bulk density and interstadials by high bulk density. Compressional (P-)wave velocity is in phase with bulk density over some but not all depth intervals. Four of the D-O cycles straddling the oxygen isotope Stage 4/5 boundary have been studied in detail to understand the origin of the physical properties changes. Sediment on the Bermuda Rise is comprised of three main components: calcite, aluminosilicate minerals, and biogenic silica. Calcite concentrations vary from 1% to 43% of bulk sediment and are highest during interstadials. Aluminosilicate concentrations vary from 52% to 92% of bulk sediment and are highest during stadials. The major element ratios Al2O3/TiO2 and K2O/Al2O3 show increases across bulk density cycles, suggesting a change in the composition of aluminosilicates. This interpretation is supported by mineralogical analyses, which show a subtle change in clay composition. Biogenic silica concentrations vary from 0% to 23% of bulk sediment and are also highest during stadials. However, the abundance of silica varies significantly from one D-O cycle to another. Silt and fine sand abundance also increase during the first of the four stadials. This coarsening of sediment coincides with the increase in biogenic silica. The low grain density and high porosity associated with biogenic silica result in intervals of low bulk-sediment density. The abundance of biogenic silica closely matches P-wave velocity, suggesting that silica imparts a greater rigidity to the sediment.


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Inoceramus is an epibenthic bivalve which lived in a wide variety of paleoenvironments encompassing a broad range of paleodepths. A survey of all Cretaceous sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project legs 1-69 and 75 revealed over 500 Inoceramus specimens at twenty sites. Of these, 47 well-preserved Late Cretaceous specimens from the South Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans were analyzed for oxygen and carbon isotopes. The specimens exhibit small internal isotopic variability and oxygen isotopic paleotemperatures that are consistent with a deep-sea habitat. Paleotemperatures ranging from 5 to 16°C show that Late Cretaceous oceans were significantly warmer than the present oceans. The data suggest that deep water was formed both by cooling at high latitudes and by evaporation in the subtropics.


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The Lesser Antilles arc is a particularly interesting island arc because it is presently very active, it is located perpendicular to the South American continent and its chemical and isotopic compositions display a strong north-south gradient. While the presence in the south of a thick pile of sedimentary material coming from the old South American continent has long been suspected to explain the geochemical gradient, previous studies failed to demonstrate unambiguously a direct link between the arc lava compositions and the subducted sediment compositions. Here, we present new Nd, Sm, Th, U and Pb concentrations and Nd-Pb isotopic data for over 60 sediments from three sites located in the fore arc region of the Lesser Antilles arc. New data for DSDP Site 543 drill core located east of Dominica Island complement the data published by White et al. (1985, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(85)90082-1) and confirm their relatively uniform isotopic compositions (i.e., 206Pb/204Pb between 19.13 and 19.53). In contrast, data obtained on DSDP Site 144 located further south, on the edge of the South American Rise and on sediments from Barbados Island are much more variable (206Pb/204Pb ranges from 18.81 to 27.69). The very radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions are found in a 60 m thick black shale unit, which has no age equivalent in the Site 543 drill core. We interpret the peculiar composition of the southern sediments as being due to two factors, (a) the proximity of the South American craton, which contributes coarse grain old detrital material that does not travel far from the continental shelf, and (b) the presence of older sediments including the thick black shale unit formed during Oceanic Anoxic events 2 and 3. The north-south isotopic change known along the Lesser Antilles arc can be explained by the observed geographical changes in the composition of the subducted sediments. About 1% contamination of the mantle wedge by Site 543 sediments explains the composition of the northern islands while up to 10% sediments like those of Site 144 is required in the source of the southern island lavas. The presence of black shales in the subducted pile provides a satisfactory explanation for the very low Delta8/4 values that characterize the Lesser Antilles arc.


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Distribution trace element contents in the upper (up to 5 m) Holocene-Upper Pleistocene sediment layer along the northern and southern sublatitudinal profiles in the northern part of the Deryugin Trough is discussed. Mathematical processing of chemical analysis data has been made. On the basis of the cluster analysis 16 elements have been combined into 5 geochemical groups. Two of them (1 - Ag-Mo group and 2 - Mn-Ba-Ni-Sr group) were considered in detail. Analysis of Ag and Mo distributions in the sediments and findings of molybdenite permitted to conclude that enrichment of the sediments by these elements resulted from edaphic washing of magmatic rocks containing Ag-Mo mineralization and probably located on the northwestern slope of the Deryugin trough. The second geochemical group is most likely connected with hydrothermal barite mineralization found in the northeastern part of the Deryugin trough. Considering Mn distribution in bottom sediment cores supply of Mn was pulsating. This allows concluding that during Holocene - Late Pleistocene three cycles of hydrothermal activity occurred in the Deryugin Trough, and the most intensive one was in Holocene.