975 resultados para Sciatic Nerve
In postnatal tissues, angiogenesis occurs in nontumoral conditions on appropriate stimuli. In the nervous tissue, hypoxia, neural graft, increased neural function, and synaptic activity are associated with neoangiogenesis. We have investigated the occurrence of neoangiogenesis in the superior cervical ganglia (scg) of newborn rats treated for 8–21 days with 6-hydroxy-dopamine (6-OHDA), nerve growth factor (NGF), or 6-OHDA + NGF. The two latter treatments induced a significant increase in scg size. However, the increase after combined treatment far exceeded that of NGF alone. Similarly, histological and histochemical analysis revealed neuronal hypertrophy and endothelial cell hyperplasia associated with stromal hypertrophy (as described by laminin immunostaining) and increased vascular bed (as revealed by platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 immunostaining) in 6-OHDA + NGF-treated pups. NGF, either alone or associated with 6-OHDA, also induced a significant up-regulation of NADPH diaphorase, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in scg neurons. The present investigation suggests that the increase of scg size induced by NGF and 6-OHDA + NGF is associated with neoangiogenesis, and that the induction of vasoactive and angiogenic factors in neurons represents a further and previously undisclosed effect of NGF.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a polypeptide which, in addition to its effect on nerve cells, is believed to play a role in inflammatory responses and in tissue repair. Because fibroblasts represent the main target and effector cells in these processes, to investigate whether NGF is involved in lung and skin tissue repair, we studied the effect of NGF on fibroblast migration, proliferation, collagen metabolism, modulation into myofibroblasts, and contraction of collagen gel. Both skin and lung fibroblasts were found to produce NGF and to express tyrosine kinase receptor (trkA) under basal conditions, whereas the low-affinity p75 receptor was expressed only after prolonged NGF exposure. NGF significantly induced skin and lung fibroblast migration in an in vitro model of wounded fibroblast and skin migration in Boyden chambers. Nevertheless NGF did not influence either skin or lung fibroblast proliferation, collagen production, or metalloproteinase production or activation. In contrast, culture of both lung and skin fibroblasts with NGF modulated their phenotype into myofibroblasts. Moreover, addition of NGF to both fibroblast types embedded in collagen gel increased their contraction. Fibrotic human lung or skin tissues displayed immunoreactivity for NGF, trkA, and p75. These data show a direct pro-fibrogenic effect of NGF on skin and lung fibroblasts and therefore indicate a role for NGF in tissue repair and fibrosis.
We review the mechanical origin of auditory-nerve excitation, focusing on comparisons of the magnitudes and phases of basilar-membrane (BM) vibrations and auditory-nerve fiber responses to tones at a basal site of the chinchilla cochlea with characteristic frequency ≈ 9 kHz located 3.5 mm from the oval window. At this location, characteristic frequency thresholds of fibers with high spontaneous activity correspond to magnitudes of BM displacement or velocity in the order of 1 nm or 50 μm/s. Over a wide range of stimulus frequencies, neural thresholds are not determined solely by BM displacement but rather by a function of both displacement and velocity. Near-threshold, auditory-nerve responses to low-frequency tones are synchronous with peak BM velocity toward scala tympani but at 80–90 dB sound pressure level (in decibels relative to 20 microPascals) and at 100–110 dB sound pressure level responses undergo two large phase shifts approaching 180°. These drastic phase changes have no counterparts in BM vibrations. Thus, although at threshold levels the encoding of BM vibrations into spike trains appears to involve only relatively minor signal transformations, the polarity of auditory-nerve responses does not conform with traditional views of how BM vibrations are transmitted to the inner hair cells. The response polarity at threshold levels, as well as the intensity-dependent phase changes, apparently reflect micromechanical interactions between the organ of Corti, the tectorial membrane and the subtectorial fluid, and/or electrical and synaptic processes at the inner hair cells.
The anatomical and biophysical specializations of octopus cells allow them to detect the coincident firing of groups of auditory nerve fibers and to convey the precise timing of that coincidence to their targets. Octopus cells occupy a sharply defined region of the most caudal and dorsal part of the mammalian ventral cochlear nucleus. The dendrites of octopus cells cross the bundle of auditory nerve fibers just proximal to where the fibers leave the ventral and enter the dorsal cochlear nucleus, each octopus cell spanning about one-third of the tonotopic array. Octopus cells are excited by auditory nerve fibers through the activation of rapid, calcium-permeable, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate receptors. Synaptic responses are shaped by the unusual biophysical characteristics of octopus cells. Octopus cells have very low input resistances (about 7 MΩ), and short time constants (about 200 μsec) as a consequence of the activation at rest of a hyperpolarization-activated mixed-cation conductance and a low-threshold, depolarization-activated potassium conductance. The low input resistance causes rapid synaptic currents to generate rapid and small synaptic potentials. Summation of small synaptic potentials from many fibers is required to bring an octopus cell to threshold. Not only does the low input resistance make individual excitatory postsynaptic potentials brief so that they must be generated within 1 msec to sum but also the voltage-sensitive conductances of octopus cells prevent firing if the activation of auditory nerve inputs is not sufficiently synchronous and depolarization is not sufficiently rapid. In vivo in cats, octopus cells can fire rapidly and respond with exceptionally well-timed action potentials to periodic, broadband sounds such as clicks. Thus both the anatomical specializations and the biophysical specializations make octopus cells detectors of the coincident firing of their auditory nerve fiber inputs.
The Rab3 small G protein family consists of four members, Rab3A, -3B, -3C, and -3D. Of these members, Rab3A regulates Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter release. These small G proteins are activated by Rab3 GDP/GTP exchange protein (Rab3 GEP). To determine the function of Rab3 GEP during neurotransmitter release, we have knocked out Rab3 GEP in mice. Rab3 GEP−/− mice developed normally but died immediately after birth. Embryos at E18.5 showed no evoked action potentials of the diaphragm and gastrocnemius muscles in response to electrical stimulation of the phrenic and sciatic nerves, respectively. In contrast, axonal conduction of the spinal cord and the phrenic nerve was not impaired. Total numbers of synaptic vesicles, especially those docked at the presynaptic plasma membrane, were reduced at the neuromuscular junction ∼10-fold compared with controls, whereas postsynaptic structures and functions appeared normal. Thus, Rab3 GEP is essential for neurotransmitter release and probably for formation and trafficking of the synaptic vesicles.
mRNA localization is a complex pathway. Besides mRNA sorting per se, this process includes aspects of regulated translation. It requires protein factors that interact with defined sequences (or sequence motifs) of the transcript, and the protein/RNA complexes are finally guided along the cytoskeleton to their ultimate destinations. The mRNA encoding the vasopressin (VP) precursor protein is localized to the nerve cell processes in vivo and in primary cultured nerve cells. Sorting of VP transcripts to dendrites is mediated by the last 395 nucleotides of the mRNA, the dendritic localizer sequence, and it depends on intact microtubules. In vitro interaction studies with cytosolic extracts demonstrated specific binding of a protein, enriched in nerve cell tissues, to the radiolabeled dendritic localizer sequence probe. Biochemical purification revealed that this protein is the multifunctional poly(A)-binding protein (PABP). It is well known for its ability to bind with high affinity to poly(A) tails of mRNAs, prerequisite for mRNA stabilization and stimulation of translational initiation, respectively. With lower affinities, PABP can also associate with non-poly(A) sequences. The physiological consequences of these PABP/RNA interactions are far from clear but may include functions such as translational silencing. Presumably, the translational state of mRNAs subject to dendritic sorting is influenced by external stimuli. PABP thus could be a component required to regulate local synthesis of the VP precursor and possibly of other proteins.
To test the hypothesis that the nonrandom organization of the contents of interphase nuclei represents a compartmentalization of function, we examined the relative, spatial relationship of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) and of DNase I hypersensitive chromatin (DHC) in rat pheochromocytoma cells. In controls, DHC and snRNPs colocalized as pan-nuclear speckles. During nerve growth factor-induced differentiation, both snRNPs and DHC migrated to the nuclear periphery with the migration of DHC preceding that of snRNPs, resulting in their transient separation. The formation of DHC shells temporally coincided with an up-regulation of neurofilament light chain mRNA. This indicates that the expression of this sequence may be associated with its spatial transposition to the nuclear periphery.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) serum levels were measured in 49 patients with asthma and/or rhinoconjunctivitis and/or urticaria-angioedema. Clinical and biochemical parameters, such as bronchial reactivity, total and specific serum IgE levels, and circulating eosinophil cationic protein levels, were evaluated in relation to NGF values in asthma patients. NGF was significantly increased in the 42 allergic (skin-test- or radioallergosorbent-test-positive) subjects (49.7 +/- 28.8 pg/ml) versus the 18 matched controls (3.8 +/- 1.7 pg/ml; P < 0.001). NGF levels in allergic patients with asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and urticaria-angioedema were 132.1 +/- 90.8, 17.6 +/- 6.1, and 7.6 +/- 1.8 pg/ml (P < 0.001, P < 0.002, and P < 0.05 versus controls), respectively. Patients with more than one allergic disease had higher NGF serum values than those with a single disease. When asthma patients were considered as a group, NGF serum values (87.6 +/- 59.8 pg/ml) were still significantly higher than those of control groups (P < 0.001), but allergic asthma patients had elevated NGF serum levels compared with nonallergic asthma patients (132.1 +/- 90.8 versus 4.9 +/- 2.9 pg/ml; P < 0.001). NGF serum levels correlate to total IgE serum values (rho = 0.43; P < 0.02). The highest NGF values were found in patients with severe allergic asthma, a high degree of bronchial hyperreactivity, and high total IgE and eosinophil cationic protein serum levels. This study represents the first observation (that we know of) that NGF is increased in human allergic inflammatory diseases and asthma.
The gap junctional protein connexin32 is expressed in hepatocytes, exocrine pancreatic cells, Schwann cells, and other cell types. We have inactivated the connexin32 gene by homologous recombination in the mouse genome and have generated homozygous connexin32-deficient mice that were viable and fertile but weighed on the average approximately 17% less than wild-type controls. Electrical stimulation of sympathetic nerves in connexin32-deficient liver triggered a 78% lower amount of glucose mobilization from glycogen stores, when compared with wild-type liver. Thus, connexin32-containing gap junctions are essential in mouse liver for maximal intercellular propagation of the noradrenaline signal from the periportal (upstream) area, where it is received from sympathetic nerve endings, to perivenous (downstream) hepatocytes. In connexin32-defective liver, the amount of connexin26 protein expressed was found to be lower than in wild-type liver, and the total area of gap junction plaques was approximately 1000-fold smaller than in wild-type liver. In contrast to patients with connexin32 defects suffering from X chromosome-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMTX) due to demyelination in Schwann cells of peripheral nerves, connexin32-deficient mice did not show neurological abnormalities when analyzed at 3 months of age. It is possible, however, that they may develop neurodegenerative symptoms at older age.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulates functional recovery from cognitive impairments associated with aging, either when administered as a purified protein or by means of gene transfer to the basal forebrain. Because gene transfer procedures need to be tested in long-term experimental paradigms to assess their in vivo efficiency, we have used ex vivo experimental gene therapy to provide local delivery of NGF to the aged rat brain over a period of 2.5 months by transplanting immortalized central nervous system-derived neural stem cells genetically engineered to secrete NGF. By grafting them at two independent locations in the basal forebrain, medial septum and nucleus basalis magnocellularis, we show that functional recovery as assessed in the Morris water maze can be achieved by neurotrophic stimulation of any of these cholinergic cell groups. Moreover, the cholinergic neurons in the grafted regions showed a hypertrophic response resulting in a reversal of the age-associated atrophy seen in the learning-impaired aged control rats. Long-term expression of the transgene lead to an increased NGF tissue content (as determined by NGF-ELISA) in the transplanted regions up to at least 10 weeks after grafting. We conclude that the gene transfer procedure used here is efficient to provide the brain with a long-lasting local supply of exogenous NGF, induces long-term functional recovery of cognitive functions, and that independent trophic stimulation of the medial septum or nucleus basalis magnocellularis has similar consequences at the behavioral level.
We report on a procedure for tissue preparation that combines thoroughly controlled physical and chemical treatments: quick-freezing and freeze-drying followed by fixation with OsO4 vapors and embedding by direct resin infiltration. Specimens of frog cutaneous pectoris muscle thus prepared were analyzed for total calcium using electron spectroscopic imaging/electron energy loss spectroscopy (ESI/EELS) approach. The preservation of the ultrastructure was excellent, with positive K/Na ratios revealed in the fibers by x-ray microanalysis. Clear, high-resolution EELS/ESI calcium signals were recorded from the lumen of terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum but not from longitudinal cisternae, as expected from previous studies carried out with different techniques. In many mitochondria, calcium was below detection whereas in others it was appreciable although at variable level. Within the motor nerve terminals, synaptic vesicles as well as some cisternae of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum yielded positive signals at variance with mitochondria, that were most often below detection. Taken as a whole, the present study reveals the potential of our experimental approach to map with high spatial resolution the total calcium within individual intracellular organelles identified by their established ultrastructure, but only where the element is present at high levels.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) is well characterized for its neurotrophic actions on peripheral sensory and sympathetic neurons and on central cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain. Recent evidence, however, has shown high levels of NGF to be present in a variety of biological fluids after inflammatory and autoimmune responses, suggesting that NGF is a mediator of immune interactions. Increased NGF serum levels have been reported in both humans and experimental animal models of psychological and physical stress, thus implicating NGF in neuroendocrine interactions as well. The possible source(s) and the regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of serum NGF levels, however, still remain to be elucidated. We now report the presence of both NGF gene transcripts and protein in the anterior pituitary. Immunofluorescence analysis indicated that hypophysial NGF is selectively localized in mammotroph cells and stored in secretory granules. NGF is cosecreted with prolactin from mammotroph cells by a neurotransmitter-dependent mechanism that can be pharmacologically regulated. Activation of the dopamine D2 receptor subtype, which physiologically controls prolactin release, resulted in a complete inhibition of vasoactive intestinal peptide-stimulated NGF secretion in vitro, whereas the specific D2 antagonist (-)-sulpiride stimulated NGF secretion in vivo, suggesting that the anterior pituitary is a possible source of circulating NGF. Given the increased NGF serum levels in stressful conditions and the newly recognized immunoregulatory function of this protein, NGF, together with prolactin, may thus be envisaged as an immunological alerting signal under neuronal control.
Immunohistochemical visualization of the rat vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) in cholinergic neurons and nerve terminals has been compared to that for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), heretofore the most specific marker for cholinergic neurons. VAChT-positive cell bodies were visualized in cerebral cortex, basal forebrain, medial habenula, striatum, brain stem, and spinal cord by using a polyclonal anti-VAChT antiserum. VAChT-immuno-reactive fibers and terminals were also visualized in these regions and in hippocampus, at neuromuscular junctions within skeletal muscle, and in sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic ganglia and target tissues. Cholinergic nerve terminals contain more VAChT than ChAT immunoreactivity after routine fixation, consistent with a concentration of VAChT within terminal neuronal arborizations in which secretory vesicles are clustered. These include VAChT-positive terminals of the median eminence or the hypothalamus, not observed with ChAT antiserum after routine fixation. Subcellular localization of VAChT in specific organelles in neuronal cells was examined by immunoelectron microscopy in a rat neuronal cell line (PC 12-c4) expressing VAChT as well as the endocrine and neuronal forms of the vesicular monoamine transporters (VMAT1 and VMAT2). VAChT is targeted to small synaptic vesicles, while VMAT1 is found mainly but not exclusively on large dense-core vesicles. VMAT2 is found on large dense-core vesicles but not on the small synaptic vesicles that contain VAChT in PC12-c4 cells, despite the presence of VMAT2 immunoreactivity in central and peripheral nerve terminals known to contain monoamines in small synaptic vesicles. Thus, VAChT and VMAT2 may be specific markers for "cholinergic" and "adrenergic" small synaptic vesicles, with the latter not expressed in nonstimulated neuronally differentiated PC12-c4 cells.
ATP has recently been identified as a fast neurotransmitter in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Several studies have suggested that ATP can also affect the release of classical neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine with which it is co-released. We have searched for ATP receptors on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal using the calyx-type synapse of the chicken ciliary ganglion. ATP was pulsed onto the terminals under voltage clamp and induced a short latency cation current that exhibited inward rectification and marked desensitization. This current was not seen with adenosine but was mimicked by several sterically restricted ATP analogs and was blocked by suramin. ATP-activated single ion channels exhibited prominent flickering and had a conductance of approximately 17 pS. Our results demonstrate a ligand-gated P2X-like purinergic receptor on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal.
Previous work has shown that the fluorescent styryl dye FM1-43 stains nerve terminals in an activity-dependent fashion. This dye appears to label the membranes of recycled synaptic vesicles by being trapped during endocytosis. Stained terminals can subsequently be destained by repeating nerve stimulation in the absence of dye; the destaining evidently reflects escape of dye into the bathing medium from membranes of exocytosing synaptic vesicles. In the present study we tested two key aspects of this interpretation of FM1-43 behavior, namely: (i) that the dye is localized in synaptic vesicles, and (ii) that it is actually released into the bathing medium during destaining. To accomplish this, we first photolyzed the internalized dye in the presence of diaminobenzidine. This created an electron-dense reaction product that could be visualized in the electron microscope. Reaction product was confined to synaptic vesicles, as predicted. Second, using spectrofluorometry, we quantified the release of dye liberated into the medium from tubocurarine-treated nerve-muscle preparations. Nerve stimulation increased the amount of FM1-43 released, and we estimate that normally a stained synaptic vesicle contains a few hundred molecules of the dye. The key to the successful detection of released FM1-43 was to add the micelle-forming detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), which increased FM1-43 quantum yield by more than two orders of magnitude.